A cool night pleasantly interrupted by various spikes of heat…generated on the inside, and no, I won't elaborate. 😉
Should we be focusing more on FFXIII's gameplay?
This past week, we dealt with the misinformation that said the "latest" media for Final Fantasy XIII represented a significant step backwards from what we saw earlier. But we soon found a clarification that although that media was only recently released to the Japanese public in DVD form, it's in fact almost a year old ; it came from the Tokyo Game Show 2008. Since then, we've seen other screenshots and full-motion video that proves how beautiful this game will be…but how will that surprise anyone? I think we really need to focus on that fresh, dynamic gameplay that is bound to turn a few heads. Lest we forget, Square-Enix really changed things up with FFXII, and based on everything I've read concerning the combat in FFXIII, it seems we'll get yet another wholly original mechanic. Every time I see an article about FFXIII, it seems to focus entirely on the graphics, and I think we're really missing the bigger picture, here.
First of all, we know that Square-Enix often sets a new benchmark in terms of visuals when the newest FF releases in any given generation. But maybe this time around, we'll already have benchmarks established by the likes of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , God of War III , and Gran Turismo 5 ; hence, we journalists should really examine the gameplay . It'll be pretty; no doubt. But I wanna know how it's going to feel when I sit there with a controller in my hands. Don't you?
Madden Arcade? Hmm…I just might do that
EA just announced Madden Arcade , and although the football purists will scoff at it, I'm becoming easier to please in my old age. There was a time when I wanted simulated everything if I ever decided to play a sports game, and while that remains true in terms of racing (GT is the only franchise for me), it has changed drastically for other sports. I found myself playing that demo for The Bigs 2 more than a few times (although I won't spend $60 on it), and just today, I popped in NHL '94 on my SNES. Why? So I could go through the playoffs with Boston and win all the games (6-1, 6-1, 7-1, and 11-0). There isn't anything even remotely realistic about it; it only took about an hour and a half to do, and there was no real challenge in terms of control mechanics. But so what? I'm really liking the idea of an arcade version of Madden ; maybe EA can do it better than Midway, who are responsible for the mediocre Blitz titles. I kinda liked NFL Street but the lack of a tournament mode really hurt that game, if I remember correctly.
I still want to play the best of the best when it comes to all games. I still want the most realistic and atmospheric titles out there. But these days, when it comes to sports…eh, just give me back 3D Baseball , or something.
Personal gaming update
Well, I didn't get Resident Evil 5 for my birthday, but I got something better, anyway. I have been missing the mats for my car since I got it, and after doing some research, I found out some weird crap: not only are they immensely expensive (for freakin' mats), but it seems that most used M-class Infinitis come without the mats because the owners keep them as mementos of owning the car. They're also one of the most stolen mats (who the fu** steals mats ?). I guess the reason is because, like the seats, they have the Infiniti emblem on them, and furthermore, they're very thick and custom-fit. There's one whole piece for the rear that actually covers the bump in the middle, too; my parents went to great lengths to find them. But they totally tie the car together and it's definitely a lot quieter now.
So I might just go buy RE5. But I'll have Madden NFL 10 to review and I'll need to spend time with that, and then directly afterward, there's Batman: Arkham Asylum , which I'm looking forward to. In the meantime, I continue to play FFX sporadically, and I started up a new game of Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance , too. Just because. It's good hack 'n slash fun. 🙂
Hey Ben, been wonderingâ¦. you can't play two games simultaneously? I mean, you can't play Resident evil 5 and play and review Madden 10 during the same time period? You have to finish one game before you play another one?
don't know for sure but I think Arnold should be asked that question more, as I see he does more of the reviews.
Obviously, I have no choice but to play more than one game at any given time due to reviews. I do most of the obscure PS2 reviews you guys never see, so I still have to do them. 😉
But for my part, no, I don't like to play more than one game at once. You know, I games actually WANT to play and finish. I like to stick with one until it's done, and then I'll move on.
Ben, I'd take ANY mat over bloody RE5. It's a stinker-in series terms anyway.
Well it's about sweet time someone focused on FFXIII game play. For a game that's been pending forever and is apparently due next year, we sure don't know squat about the game play. And that's a crying shame.
I downloaded ff7 for nostalgias sake. Yet another play through has me really hoping they have some variant of a pure turn-based system. It was soo much fun!
And yet another Fantasy to look forward to.
Hmm, in terms of the whole "benchmarks established thing, when it comes graphics, all the games mentioned all have one thing in common:
They're all PS3 titles.
AMEN to that brother
STILL waiting for Prototype to show up at my door, the douche probably took my 5 bucks and mailed it media mail for like 50 cents. I HATE media mail. But Oblivion is keeping me busy. Last week was one of the best in years, this week one of the worst, all the things that went right all fell apart and went horribly wrong. Life kinda blows that way, thank god for my favorite hobby.
Love Oblivion. There's nothing quite as satisfying as launching arrows into the skulls of your enemies.
I just hope Final Fantasy XIII has a well written story with interesting characters, The graphics seem very good from what i've seen i'm not really worried about that, as for gameplay, it looks pretty solid from what i saw from the demo.
I bought 3 games this week for 5 pounds each, Kane & Lynch, Unreal Tournament 3 & Condemened 2, im really enjoying K&A, U3 is fun with a friend around, and to be honest my first go at C2 i didnt really like it very much.
Look me up. I'm always in the mood for a little UT3.
the games I bought in the past month or so:
BlazBlue Ltd Edition
Star Ocean: Last Hope
Silent Hill Homecoming
Rise of the Argonauts
Heavenly Sword
They will keep me busy for a while, and next round will be: Demon's souls, Dissidia, Persona PSP, AC2 and Bayonetta.
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 8/9/2009 2:37:55 AM
Heavenly Sword ftw.
It's all 'bout Kai <3
Welcome, you no doubt will become a Heavenly Sword fan.
That game's amazing!
yea, i know it is too late, but i did not want to pay 59.99 for a game ending in only 7-8 hours, so i waited for 2 years to buy it at 29.99 finally. (obviously still lots of places selling it at full price)
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 8/9/2009 7:27:28 PM
Nice Blazblue iz the shiznick add me Neighber n e way regardless of ff13 graphics im still gonna get it. cus im pretty sure the story will be good. i also tryied to by silent hill homecoming today but was sold out at Gamestop so i got Final Frame lll instead.this is actually a good scary game.
Last edited by neighber on 8/9/2009 2:51:49 AM
I want a Zen pinball mat for some reason?!
Go buy the RE5 then!
if you want a good hack n' slash game, try Drakengard(the first not the 2nd) it was a obscure but very fun game where i remember killing 1000s of enemies in a couple mins…it was awesome…ahh the good ol days
DW: Gundam 2 is better IMO
I get sick and tired of hearing peeps say, "It should be about the gameplay and not the graphics". Well Ben, YOU ARE WRONG! It should always be about BOTH and in this day and time there is NO EXCUSE not to have wonderful graphics and great gameplay. What is the fraking point of playing an ugly game on a high powered system? I mean why even fraking move to next gen games with your arguement?
End of Line.
Hey douchebag, Ben never said it's about the gameplay and not the graphics. He clearly stated that we already know the graphics will be awesome as they are in every FF game. He's simply saying that journalists are not giving us enough information about the story and gameplay. They keep saying "graphics will be great" and Ben is saying "yeah, we already know that! How does it play??"
Tell that to everyone enjoying Fat Princess, it is all about the gameplay there.
It about the gaimz
How old are you?
Have you even played Nintendo/Super Nintendo games?
Yes, graphics allow us to do more things, but in the end it should be 'bout either/or gameplay/story depending on the genre.
And not 'bout the graphics (graphics is part of it, but not even close to being the important part)
Whoa whoa guys ease up a little on the guy. I understand both points. I agree that it should be about graphics as well as gameplay. It's kind of become a staple of gaming these days, if the graphics suck, the game no matter how great the story is will not be appreciated. FF13 is in limbo for me, as I am one of those that was dissapointed by it going multi-plat, but at the end of the day, Im just glad i will be playing another FF. If you've played the DEMO for 13 as I have, then you know the gameplay will be solid, and they just need to add to it. Graphics are what is next. They better be good, because I spent a fortune for my HDTV and my PS3. I expect no less, especially from Square-Enix.
@ DIsmael85 – Drithe is yelling about Ben not seeing both sides of what makes a game great. The graphics and the gameplay/story. Well I for one think Drithe is wrong and has completely missed the point of what Ben was saying. So no, I WON'T ease up on this ignoramus.
Fat Princess is a different type of game. Yes the game is fun. You play that. I will play Metal Gear. Graphics are just as important and telling everyone to focus just on gameplay alone is not logical or even practical, imo. Final Fantasy has always had great gameplay anyways.
End of Line.
If the mats are thick, heavy, and expensive, it may be because they're made out of sound proofing material. Sound proofing materials are advanced and hard to manufacture kind of stuff. Covering a single room with the stuff is shockingly expensive. And then add auto dealership markup on top of that.
so ure sayin there r ppl out there stealin car mats just to make a sound proof room? pretty weird. if i had some i would sell on ebay instead lol.
WTF ! I thourght this was a video game site.
anyway happy late b-day ben.
Graphic is everything……..tell that to those who are enjoying Braid, inFamous etc.
Graphic is not everything though if a graphic sucks real bad not even a great gameplay can make up for it but inFamous' gameplay certainly did make it for the not-so-great graphic.
The gameplay of FFXIII will definitely be great because FF series is one of only few RPG I enjoy although I'm not a fan of RPG.(I didn't enjoy games like Xenosaga or Dragon Quest or .Hack series)
But well this is an RPG so great graphic is definitely a must but hey, this is Square Enix and they still are, graphic ain't no problem.