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Top 5 Favorites: PS3 Exclusives

Most times, when you see editorials like this, they're for the sake of outlining the best exclusives available, but this is very different; these are your favorite PlayStation 3 exclusives. And if anybody says "favorite" and "best" are the same thing, and in so doing implies that personal effing opinion somehow dictates the inherent quality of a product, they will get smacked . I'm not even kidding.

So anyway, here are my five favorite PS3 exclusives and I fully expect y'all to reciprocate with yours. Heck, discussion is the point of such an editorial! 😉

5. Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds

I don't care what anyone says; this game is a true-blue simulator beneath that cutesy exterior, and I've been a fan since the original first game out on the first PlayStation way back when. The only part I don't like about OoB is that ridiculous Advanced mechanic: offering it as an option is fine, but giving players who use it an unfair advantage by letting them drive the ball 30-40 yards further is a colossal mistake. They're not doing anything more difficult; they shouldn't get an arbitrary reward. But even so, I still play it from time to time after completing it, and I even hop online (when the Advanced cheaters don't tick me off too much) to play a few rounds. It's just so much fun, and if you've never given this game a try, I strongly recommend it. Yes, even if you don't like golf. You might be surprised…

4. Killzone 2

While I certainly agree that KZ2 is the second-best PS3 exclusive behind MGS4, it's not necessarily my second favorite. I like FPSs just fine and Guerrilla's masterpiece is easily the most accomplished and most impressive FPS of the generation thus far, but I just enjoyed myself a bit more with the upcoming three titles. All that being said, Killzone 2 was one of the very few recent games that actually made my palms sweat, and at no point was I ever bored or unduly frustrated. The entire production is just so unbelievably polished, and the presentation and gameplay is so awesome, it's tough to ignore the appeal. I loved it from start to finish and I absolutely can't wait to hear about the third title (which I assume Guerrilla will prepare for us).

3. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

You know, this would be #2 if it weren't for the very last part of the game, because I wasn't a huge fan of how Naughty Dog handled the final confrontation. But other than that, it remains an amazing action/adventure title that was arguably the first stellar, true-blue next-gen PS3 exclusive that was worthy of everyone's attention. Uncharted 2 is going to rock even harder and I'm seriously considering going back through the first game before I play the sequel. Heck, I probably should've already played it more than once! I just can't think of one aspect of this game that wasn't beautifully implemented; my complaints are so few and so minor, that the experience was both fulfilling and even memorable. And how's about those flashy visuals, eh?

2. inFamous

Six months ago, I would never have thought this game would make my Top 5 list, let alone go all the way up to #2. But the hectic action and combination of platforming and action totally got me, and I easily put in a good 30-40 hours running around, collecting everything I could find and freeing 100% of each island. Some will complain about being shot all the time when on the ground, but there's a simple solution to that: …right, don't be on the ground. 😉 Besides, it's tons more fun to be flying around the rooftops, and it makes the game much easier and more accessible right from the start. I just loved the whole style and gameplay; even the storyline wasn't too bad. The almost ceaseless intensity of some of those later missions was just nuts , and I'd also like to add that I defeated the final boss on my first try. Okay, maybe that's not a big deal, but the bottom line is that I didn't regret one minute of my time with inFamous . Soooo want a sequel!

1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Yeah, it's cliched and expected but what can I say? This game is just in a class of its own. Everything about it, from the dynamic gameplay to the intricate and complex storyline, really hits its mark and solidified Hideo Kojima's position in this industry has a true master. Well, that's my opinion; I'm sure others believed he hit that exalted plateau before MGS4. I know I can always count on this franchise to deliver the most engaging and rewarding experiences in the game industry, and the fourth installment here didn't disappoint in any way. If you want to read a bit more about my thoughts on this singular title, feel free to read the editorial I wrote concerning the writing and storytelling . As you can see, it had a pretty heavy impact on me.

Anyway, that's my top 5. Titles that narrowly missed the list are both Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2 , Warhawk , Flower , Gran Turismo 5: Prologue , LittleBigPlanet , and Heavenly Sword . I'm also well aware that this list could change dramatically in the next year, what with Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , God of War III , Heavy Rain , Gran Turismo 5 , and Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time on the horizon. But hey, updating is half the fun.

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15 years ago

my list would be
1. inFamous
2. killzone 2
4.gta 4
5. rainbow 6 vegas 2 (purely for the online!)
im sorry to say i havent played or am interested in metal gear 4 or any of the series sorry!!

15 years ago

I can agree on a few,

1. MGS4
2. Killzone 2
3. LBP
4. WipEout HD
5. Uncharted

I'll be expecting future titles to match the near graphical perfection that is MGS4, KZ2, and Uncharted2.

15 years ago

1: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
2: Resistance 2
3: Killzone 2
4: inFamous
5: Uncharted: Drake`s Fortune

There`s mine:) Some really good games!

15 years ago

1. MGS4
2. LBP
3. Disgaea 3 AOJ
4. Heavenly Sword
5. Killzone 2
not in any particular order of perference cept #1 in the list.

15 years ago


1) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
2) Little Big Planet
3) Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
4) Resistance: Fall of Man
5) Siren Blood Curse

To be honest they are the only exclusives i enjoyed, very excited for Heavy Rain though.

15 years ago

Ultima i know why your Blu-Ray drive died.
You've been playing too many of your old scratched ps1 and ps2 games on your ps3,init?

Last edited by www on 7/25/2009 2:04:32 PM

15 years ago

I admit out of preference i enjoy PS1/2 games more than PS3 games. I was alright with my PS3 when the B;u-ray drive died, as i could still play dvds and PS1/2 games upscaled, but when that died it was traumatic, got it fixed now though, had a rampant reunion with MGS2 🙂

15 years ago

Your gonna destroy it again man,cause those old discs are still scratched,maybe you should get a ps2 for the ps1/ps2 games like Ben.
You know heavily scratched cds stress up the lens and make it weaker.

15 years ago

i got a list!
top 3 OVERRATED games:
3.) resistance 2- campaign was a utter letdown.
2.) littlebigplanet- wanted to luv it… got boring quick
1.) killzone 2- it has NOTHING tht cod4 or any other shooter for tht matter didnt have. just straight up overrated.
just so u know. i like all those games.. but they were not as gud as they were cracked up to be…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

"1.) killzone 2- it has NOTHING tht cod4 or any other shooter for tht matter didnt have. just straight up overrated."

…dead flat wrong.

Edit: Didn't Arnold ban you for some reason? I wouldn't ban you because you know jack about games, but you know…whatever.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 7/25/2009 1:24:30 PM

15 years ago

guess what i smell.

15 years ago

That's funny cause I thought KZ2 was way underrated.

15 years ago

Isn't being bored with LBP kinda like being bored with Lego? If you're boring then it's boring kinda thing?

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

I got a bone to pick with you booze ^_^

15 years ago

While I love Call of Duty 4 and think it is the best FPS of this console generation so far, Killzone 2 is an amazing game in it's own right too. In no way was it overrated.

15 years ago

This list thing is relly tough to do, but here goes!

1. MGS4
2. Resistance 2
3. Uncharted
4. Littlebigplanet
5. Killzone 2

15 years ago

To each his own, but Flower??? People are choosing Flower in their top 5??? TOP 5!?? Really??? I find that hard to believe.

15 years ago

Same here, Flower should fit in a top 5 arcade list but not overall ps3 games?

15 years ago

To each his own right?

15 years ago

Speaking of PS3 exclusives you guys might want to go to X-play page because their award show has a lot of PS3 exclusives up for awards.

Anyway my list(no order the five i liked the most thus far)
1. MLB 09 the show
2. Metal Gear Solid 4
3. Killzone 2
4. Heavenly Sword
5. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (collecting trophies never been that fun)

Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
15 years ago

Flower was one of those that left me scratching my head. I didn't quite get what the fuss was about.

BTW Ben, Motorstorm PR wasn't really highly rated by critics. I think it was something like 81 overall on MetaCritic. That's sorta in the "faint praise range".

Can you explain what the difference is between underrated and under-appreciated? I would think those 2 terms map pretty well to one another.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Well, for one, I think Pacific Rift was appropriately rated, although I'd agree with a slightly higher 8.5 than the critical average of 8.2.

And I'm just being literal, I guess. When I see "underrated," I equate that to "ratings," and in that case, I don't think the review scores were lower than they should be for Pacific Rift. "Under-appreciated" I equate with popularity and sales; i.e., how well it sold and how well gamers speak of the game in their individual circles.

Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
15 years ago

1) MGS4
2) LBP
3) Motorstorm PR
4) Killzone 2
5) Uncharted

I also agree re Resistance games being disappointing. I wanted to like them, but they just never did it for me. Graphics looks like highly polished PS2 game.

15 years ago

i dnt think i was wrong… ill explain myself. im not really a resistance fan, its cod4 4 me. i never really cared 4 side scrollers… so LBP didnt interest me tht much( although it had sum halarious moments!) and killzone… it was just another shooter, not the EPIC ps3 exclusive it was said to be… and ben, ill take tht as a compliment tht i know jack about games. soo…. thanks!

15 years ago

Well i agree with you on Killzone 2, that was overrated, though not a disapointment like the first. I personally find Resistance very enjoyable, it had a strong vision, though i do agree R2's story seemed it was unpolished.

As for LPB, I sold it ages ago, i did get bored, but that was when it was new and there werent so may brilliant created levels on it, I bought it again recently and was amazed by some of them. I was also bitter that they band my level about a Ladyboy destroying all the females in the worlds, it was great.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Ok so I see you love COD4 and games like that, sweet.

But I totally think KillZone 2 was not overrated 😉

I'm pretty sure it wasn't just another shooter (Call of Duties are another shooter) and it did feel epic (most times).

Sorry if I sounded pissed ^_^

15 years ago

When are people gonna learn that if you play a game and hate it you don't label it as overrated just cause you didn't like it.

*resumes Heretic play*

15 years ago

I've heard people say KZ2 was over-rated before. With as much hype and expectation that game had for the past 3 years how could it possibley live up to it.

If you played the campaign and had a foray with the multiplayer, in a new unit of time, you will see how polished that game really is.

I recently booted it up after not playing it for 2 months and I was mesmerized at the detail in the trailer, just the trailer!

Xbots have every reason to be jealous of that game.

15 years ago

Mine is :

1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
2. Uncharted Drakes Fortune.
3. Infamous.
4. Little Big Planet.
5. Killzone 2.

15 years ago

Man I only have MGS4 and Killzone 2, guess I cant come out with a top 5 list(sigh)

15 years ago

1.Metal Gear Solid 4:Guns Of The Patriots-Frankly the most polished game to date

2.KillZone 2-A top notch shooter that is innovative and smooth

3.LittleBig Planet-A game that in my mind will never end or be recreated

4.WarHawk-A game that personifies shooters as casual and hardcore all at once

5.SOCOM:Confrontation-A little biased because of my SOCOM backround but I love the strategy in this one

6.Resistance 2-A fast paced multiplayer and unforgettable single player

7.Uncharted Drake's Fortune-Honestly the best single player only game I have played that wasn't an RPG

8.inFAMOUS-Fun,Gritty,Karma Storylines, and Smacking Prototype in the mouth put this one on my list

9.MLB 09:The Show-The greatest baseball game I have played to date,polish,smooth gameplay, and realistic…..EVERYTHING!!

10.MotorStorm Pacific Rift-Stepping up every aspect of MotorStorm 1 in a way only Sony Exclusives can

Sorry To Many Great Games For A Top Five Only

Last edited by Shellshock92 on 7/25/2009 8:50:58 PM

15 years ago

Everything you said matches the game 100% and all those games are fire(excluding No 5).

15 years ago

Sony year for gaming is 2010!!
Starting with these lines of Kick As* exclusives.
FF Ver 13
The Last Guardian
FF 14
and many more coming!

Last edited by Strker777 on 7/25/2009 9:47:50 PM

15 years ago

i cannot agree with u more 😛

15 years ago

1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
2. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
3. Killzone 2
4. Heavenly Sword
5. Valkyria Chronicles

So many more that just missed out on my Top 5 though.

Last edited by KilloWertz on 7/25/2009 10:32:39 PM

15 years ago

No one throw a fit but:

1. Killzone 2
2.Resistance 2
4 Ratchet ToD
5.Gears of War 2 oh wait..

Jk about Gears thing but the reason i put KZ2 number one is cuz im a total FPS fanatic. Its the game i have been playing since the beta and i just love it. And im pretty sure many of you will(should) agree, ALL our lists will change from now on through MARCH 2010??? =]

15 years ago

1. Metal Gear Solid 4.
2. inFAMOUS.
3. Killzone 2.
4. Uncharted Drake's Fortune.
5. LittleBigPlanet.

15 years ago

based on what I have so far

1.Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
2.Heavenly Sword
3.Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
4.Valkyria Chronicles

15 years ago

Sorry for the multiple posts. Its my first time posting here. =(

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago


That's sweeet man!

*No sarcasm*

15 years ago

Well, seeing how I buy used & wait till they've dropped to my own price point, I don't own any current games, and none from Ben's top five either just yet.

I do own 35 semi-older PS3 games, so I can only cull my own list from them(BTW, since I don't own a 360 yet, I'm not sure if any of these listed below, are also multi-plats or not).

1. Farcry 2.
2. The Darkness
3. Overlord:Raising Hell
4. Resistance 1
5. Fear

BTW, "Farcry2" is also "my #1 game pick" out of around 1000 games I have in 12 different console collections too(so far).

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/27/2009 12:16:33 AM

15 years ago

The object was to pick PS3 exclusives, of which Resistance is the only one in your list.

Given the circumstances of your comment, not a bad list.

15 years ago

With all the games (and no time to play sometimes) it was hard to make this list but here it goes.

5. Resistance 2
3. Killzone 2
1. MGS4:GotP

Just missed the cut: Resistance FoM, WipeoutHD, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, LittleBigPlanet.

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
15 years ago

1. MGS 4!
2. Little Big PLanet
3. Uncharted
4. Valkyria Chonicels
5. Resistance

… I think. It's really hard to say. I also loved KZ2, WipeOut, Ratchet, Resistance 2 also.

Really looking forward to (in no order)

-Uncharted 2
-Demon's Souls
-The Last Guardian
-White Knight

15 years ago

Antone who liked infamous should try prototype (unless you need an excellent story or something) because they're similar and I think prototype was a great game.