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Top 5 Favorites: PS3 Exclusives

Most times, when you see editorials like this, they're for the sake of outlining the best exclusives available, but this is very different; these are your favorite PlayStation 3 exclusives. And if anybody says "favorite" and "best" are the same thing, and in so doing implies that personal effing opinion somehow dictates the inherent quality of a product, they will get smacked . I'm not even kidding.

So anyway, here are my five favorite PS3 exclusives and I fully expect y'all to reciprocate with yours. Heck, discussion is the point of such an editorial! 😉

5. Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds

I don't care what anyone says; this game is a true-blue simulator beneath that cutesy exterior, and I've been a fan since the original first game out on the first PlayStation way back when. The only part I don't like about OoB is that ridiculous Advanced mechanic: offering it as an option is fine, but giving players who use it an unfair advantage by letting them drive the ball 30-40 yards further is a colossal mistake. They're not doing anything more difficult; they shouldn't get an arbitrary reward. But even so, I still play it from time to time after completing it, and I even hop online (when the Advanced cheaters don't tick me off too much) to play a few rounds. It's just so much fun, and if you've never given this game a try, I strongly recommend it. Yes, even if you don't like golf. You might be surprised…

4. Killzone 2

While I certainly agree that KZ2 is the second-best PS3 exclusive behind MGS4, it's not necessarily my second favorite. I like FPSs just fine and Guerrilla's masterpiece is easily the most accomplished and most impressive FPS of the generation thus far, but I just enjoyed myself a bit more with the upcoming three titles. All that being said, Killzone 2 was one of the very few recent games that actually made my palms sweat, and at no point was I ever bored or unduly frustrated. The entire production is just so unbelievably polished, and the presentation and gameplay is so awesome, it's tough to ignore the appeal. I loved it from start to finish and I absolutely can't wait to hear about the third title (which I assume Guerrilla will prepare for us).

3. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

You know, this would be #2 if it weren't for the very last part of the game, because I wasn't a huge fan of how Naughty Dog handled the final confrontation. But other than that, it remains an amazing action/adventure title that was arguably the first stellar, true-blue next-gen PS3 exclusive that was worthy of everyone's attention. Uncharted 2 is going to rock even harder and I'm seriously considering going back through the first game before I play the sequel. Heck, I probably should've already played it more than once! I just can't think of one aspect of this game that wasn't beautifully implemented; my complaints are so few and so minor, that the experience was both fulfilling and even memorable. And how's about those flashy visuals, eh?

2. inFamous

Six months ago, I would never have thought this game would make my Top 5 list, let alone go all the way up to #2. But the hectic action and combination of platforming and action totally got me, and I easily put in a good 30-40 hours running around, collecting everything I could find and freeing 100% of each island. Some will complain about being shot all the time when on the ground, but there's a simple solution to that: …right, don't be on the ground. 😉 Besides, it's tons more fun to be flying around the rooftops, and it makes the game much easier and more accessible right from the start. I just loved the whole style and gameplay; even the storyline wasn't too bad. The almost ceaseless intensity of some of those later missions was just nuts , and I'd also like to add that I defeated the final boss on my first try. Okay, maybe that's not a big deal, but the bottom line is that I didn't regret one minute of my time with inFamous . Soooo want a sequel!

1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Yeah, it's cliched and expected but what can I say? This game is just in a class of its own. Everything about it, from the dynamic gameplay to the intricate and complex storyline, really hits its mark and solidified Hideo Kojima's position in this industry has a true master. Well, that's my opinion; I'm sure others believed he hit that exalted plateau before MGS4. I know I can always count on this franchise to deliver the most engaging and rewarding experiences in the game industry, and the fourth installment here didn't disappoint in any way. If you want to read a bit more about my thoughts on this singular title, feel free to read the editorial I wrote concerning the writing and storytelling . As you can see, it had a pretty heavy impact on me.

Anyway, that's my top 5. Titles that narrowly missed the list are both Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2 , Warhawk , Flower , Gran Turismo 5: Prologue , LittleBigPlanet , and Heavenly Sword . I'm also well aware that this list could change dramatically in the next year, what with Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , God of War III , Heavy Rain , Gran Turismo 5 , and Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time on the horizon. But hey, updating is half the fun.

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15 years ago

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww… that wouldve been my list except #5 would be resistance1&2..

15 years ago

oh.. and i remember i used to love hotshot golf during the ps1 gen.Me and my dad played it alot. But after that I never played it on my ps2.

15 years ago

I only have 3

ITA with you about favorite and best!

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

I really need to get inFamous , but I am so poor right now . Quick question Ben , is the game explorer friendly ? Is the art direction good enough to just keep you running around for hours ?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Well, I certainly think it is but what you're talking about is extremely subjective…

15 years ago

I certainly think so, although there is no reason to just wander out into the city to check things out like in Fallout 3, you can explore the city and its folks all you want. The fact that you can climb anything is proof enough.

The art direction is really cool with comic book style cutscenes and impressive ingame visuals. While Empire city isn't as colorful and alive as Liberty City, it is certainly better quality graphically.

15 years ago

No LBP? are you mental Ben?

15 years ago

I have Hot Shots Golf:Open Tee 1 and 2 on my PSP, they're good time killers.

15 years ago

5)Resistance 2
4)Killzone 2
1)Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

My overall favorite game this gen is Prince of Persia.

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 7/24/2009 10:56:43 PM

Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
15 years ago

Hot Shots??! Wow, surprised to see that one at #5.

I have it too and like it a great deal, but there was WAYYYYYYYYYY too little content on the disc. There were only something like 6 f'ing courses you had to play over and over. They offered more as DLC, but they should have included AT LEAST 12 in the game off the shelf. The stat tracking also blows.

15 years ago

i thought there was way more than just 6. and it has online play. u can play against others. mic feature is also available. i havent beat the game yet. but for me, the content doesnt feel short at all. hot shots series are usually more fun to play with others than by urself. and it has its own version of ps home.

15 years ago

My list
1. Metal Gear Solid 4
2. Killzone 2
3. LittleBigPlanet
4. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
5. InFamous

15 years ago

every time i see this lad comment there is always some1 who has put a thumbs down! you must have some haters out there mate!!

15 years ago

i dont care, people are entitled to their opinions. let them hate.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Uncharted turned out to be unexpectedly awesome . When I first started the game , I thought it was fun but nothing out of the ordinary . But after about an hour and half , it hooked me in . Whenever I took a break from playing , I couldn't wait to go back and advance the story . The amazingly crafted environments and the endearing characters made Uncharted a riveting experience .

15 years ago

I feel the same about those games except my number 5 would have to be PixelJunk Monsters. Other than that I totally agree.

15 years ago

I've done some major rethinking and now my top 5 is a bit different

5. PixelJunk Monsters
4. Gran Turismo 5 Prolouge
3. Killzone 2
2. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

And that's my new list. Don't get me wrong those other games are awesome but I tend to find myself playing these more often.

P.S. My top 5 will probably change as soon as I can get inFamous.

15 years ago

2)Little Big Planet
3)Ratchet & Clank Future:Tools Of Destruction
4)Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
5)Killzone 2

Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
15 years ago

Motorstorm Pacific Rift is definitely on my top 5. Totally underrated….

15 years ago

I agree, but everyone's entitled to their opinion, don't let it get to you 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I don't think it's "underrated." The critics loved that game, and that includes us.

I think you mean "under-appreciated." 😉

15 years ago

Hey Ben: Is it just me, or are you the only one actually running and maintaining the site?
Doesn't that get hard after a while?

Anyways, my top 5 would be;
6. Little Big Planet.
5. MotorStorm: Pacific Rift.
4. Uncharted: Drakes Fortune.
3. Killzone 2
2. (Blank)
1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots.

But why did I count down from 6 and not 5?
And why did I leave 2 blank?
Because MGS4 isn't even comparable to any of the above games!
If I were to put Killzone 2 as the number 2 spot, Snake would split and Kill-Zone into 2 pieces.
And MGS4 is a category on its own.
MGS4 is a huge leap in gaming, and nothing comes close to taking its' place!


mk ultra
mk ultra
15 years ago

3)Killzone 2
4)Super Star Dust HD
5)Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
Can't wait for GT5.

15 years ago

01. 'Guns of the Patriots'
02. 'Valkyria Chronicles'
03. 'LittleBigPlanet'
04. 'inFAMOUS'
05. 'Uncharted: Drake's Fortune'

Honestly, I think only 4 & 5 would be switched if I were making a list of the best.

15 years ago

1: inFamous
2: Killzone 2
3: Folklore
4: Heavenly Sword
5: Resistance 2

15 years ago

wow worldends, you haven't played mgs4 or uncharted?

Last edited by www on 7/25/2009 6:24:17 AM

15 years ago

Stealth isn't my thing, I can asure you I think MGS4 was a masterpiece but it isn't my speed, and I've been patiently waiting for Uncharted to lower in price. I wish I could buy them all but as it is…

15 years ago

Given my current library:
4)Resistance 2
3)PixelJunk Monsters
2)Killzone 2

15 years ago

my favorites are-
1.uncharted: drakes fortune
2.ratchet and clank: ToD
4.killzone 2
5.metal gear solid 4

15 years ago

Hey, just want to point this out:

It's not really nice if someone gets a thumbs-down for putting up their list, mainly (and most likely) because their game for #5 doesn't exactly matches another person's list, when that same game in his/her list is #1. That screams bias right there, and purely unethical (I will not believe that there are people like that on this site!).

Also, since everyone's been posting up their list, mine is:

1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
2. Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
3. Killzone 2
4. Resistance 2
5. Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

How dare you come in here with reason and logic ?

15 years ago

Ironically you got a thumbs down. I've got your back though 😉

My List:
4.Little Big Planet
3.Killzone 2
2.Uncharted Drakes Fortune
1.Metal Gear Solid Four

I only selected disk-based games, and only ones that I own at that.

Last edited by Kowhoho on 7/25/2009 1:04:54 AM

15 years ago

Thanks Kowhoho! =D

15 years ago

a) My fav PS3 exclusives released:

1. MGS4
2. Little Big Planet

That's right, only two!

b) My fav released games this generation:

1. MGS4
2. Lost Odyssey
3. LBP
4. Prince of Persia
5. DMC4
6. BlazBlue CT
7. Star Ocean 4
8. Assasin's Creed
9. Halo Wars
10. Tombraider Underworld

c) My 10 most wanted games in two years: (hypothetical)

1. FF13
2. FFv13
3. GOW3
4. The Last Guardian
5. Demon's Soul
6. Resonance of Fate
7. White Knight Chronicles
8. Assassin's Creed II
9. Castlevania Lords of Shadow
10. Tekken 6

not in any particular order of preferences, and you can surely see I am a JRPG and Action/Adventure gamer

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 7/24/2009 11:45:43 PM

15 years ago

forgot Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno

15 years ago

Good list.

Last edited by migabyte on 7/25/2009 3:12:14 AM

15 years ago

Hot Shots over LittleBigPlanet and Resistance? Really? And I know a lot of people enjoy it but I could not get into inFAMOUS at all. Honestly, I'm 100% sick and tired of open-world sandbox-type games.

15 years ago

I was in the same boat after GTA4 fiasco but inFAMOUS totally restored my faith (and enjoyment) on sandbox games.

My list is

2. Valkyria C
3. MGS4
4. KZ2
5. R&C:ToD

15 years ago

and sorry Ben, I only share with the MGS4 in your list, i am not FPS and open world action gamer, hence no GTA4, inFamous, KillZone2, Gears, Halos, Resistance, Fallout3, Bioshock, CoD, Alone in Dark etc

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 7/24/2009 11:31:31 PM

15 years ago

My favorites…

5. Flower – A peaceful, soothing game that somehow leaves you more relaxed after playing it.

4. Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds. Jasmine and Sophie. Silly, cute and fun, and a *really* good golf game to boot.

3. Uncharted. Amazing game, absolutely drags you in, grabs you by the scruff of the neck and doesn't let go. The moment you come face to face with the 'zombies' was chilling and terrifying. If you didn't have a little moment of panic during that first firefight with them, you shouldn't be allowed to call yourself a gamer.

2. Valyria Chronicles. I love this game. You must play it.

1. Ratchet and Clank. Stunning, fun, amazing, entertaining. The flight in this game using the robot wings and controlled by the sixaxis is THE best illusion and sensation of flight I've ever had in any game. I love the Ratchet and Clank games anyway, but the fact that this one is utterly stellar from the get go would have made it number 1 anyway.

Other games that were near the top.

Motor Storm 1 & 2 – both very, very good racers.
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue – it's not the full game, it's just a prologue. Had it been the full game, it'd probably be number 1 on the list. Ultimately, Burnout Paradise (not exclusive) is better than any of these three racers, which means they don't qualify.
Super Stardust HD – the best twin stick shooter of this generation, I think.
Wipeout HD – Another racer, and a really good one at that.
Little Big Planet – Wow, just wow. But in the end not as much fun as the other 5, although it's easily the most innovative mainstream game on the PS3.
SingStar – fun game, lots of songs, but in the end, it's karaoke.

Wow, that's a lot of great exclusives, and that's without a single mention of Resistance 1 or 2, Killzone 2, or even MGS4.

That's a hell of a list of triple A exclusive titles, and it's doesn't even come close to listing all the good exclusives.

15 years ago

A well written post as always. I regret only typing up my list without the explanations.

15 years ago

i agree R&C:TOD was really fun only the graphics still looked kind of ps2.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

You know, I'm adding Flower as a title that just missed the list. It's so damn great.

15 years ago

ive never player flower although with all the things im hearing about it i might actually get it…either way heres my top 5

5)Heavenly Sword
4)Motorstorm:Pacific Rift
2)Resistance 1( havent played 2 yet =( )
1)Killzone 2

p.s. i dont have to explain anything to you those are the games i like and you cant change that

15 years ago

Thats mine

1.Uncharted Drakes Fortune.
3.Metal Gear Solid 4
5.Ratchet and Clank FTOD

with all the next games being close to #5:
Resistance 1and 2
Heavenly Sword
Valkyria Cronicles
and "SPECIALLY" FOLKLORE as it is and will always be the most underated and underapreciated PS3 game released so far.



15 years ago

I love MLB THE FKN SHOW 09, it's the most realistic sport game i've played.

15 years ago

Ohh I cant hide my exicetement when I talk about the game. This is the definitive baseball game and its "only on Playstation" 😉

15 years ago

My top 5 PS3 exclusives
5# Ferrari Challenge
4# MGS4
3# Uncharted
2# Warhawk
1# Littlebigplanet

5# Super Stardust HD
4# Savage Moon
3# Soldner X
2# Tekken 5
1# WipEout HD

Top 5 PS2 games
5# Guilty Gear X
4# Rayman 3
3# Maximo
2# Gran Tursimo 4
1# DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 2

As you can see I'm into action/adventure and racing games especially WipEout OMG I NEED FURY!!

15 years ago

my fav PSN is Crash Commando, i am just so addicted to it since the download.

15 years ago

Its brilliant but I never get around playing Crash Commando =(

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