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Ben’s Week In Review: July 12

If this is summer, you coulda fooled me. It was down to almost 50 degrees last night…WTF?

The Last Guardian will be SO magical

You know, I've never been a graphics whore. I've never really cared if there was a slight clipping problem during such-and-such stage in my favorite games. However, as the industry advances, we all have to admit that the visual presentation is crucial, and it's required to draw us into a virtual world. I have every confidence that Team ICO will succeed in this endeavor in regards to The Last Guardian ; this past week's story about how they value aesthetic appeal proves their dedication to immersion. It's not just about dazzling pictures; it's about bypassing any technical limitations by providing the player with such an engaging world that he or she won't notice those limitations. This is a group of developers that really know what they're doing, and I refer you all to previous productions like Shadow of the Colossus . Granted, the environment was a little bland but as the game centered entirely on the Colossi, the team put most all their effort into designing those unbelievable mammoths. And to this day, what do we remember? Just how awesome they looked, and we almost forget the bland and lifeless landscape.

Based on what we've seen of The Last Guardian thus far, I have no doubt that it'll once again grab my interest right from the start. It also won't let go until I'm done, and it will likely stick with me for quite some time; that's the mark of a fantastic gaming experience. And it doesn't rely entirely on the cleanest or most technologically advanced graphics…no, it simply relies on a world that we become a part of.

The 360 exclusive that's coming to the PS3 is…

Yeah, sorry, I have no idea. 😉 I just wanted to clarify that whatever it is, it isn't the secret PS3 exclusive we at PSXE know about, and no, we can't talk about it yet. I can tell you it isn't an IP and it's still a ways off, but that's about as far as I go; I made a promise and I intend to keep it. Anyway, I was thinking that the 360 exclusive coming our way might be Left 4 Dead , as Valve has recently told everyone they'd like to hire some "PS3 guys" so they can work with Sony's machine. We've also heard countless rumors of the critically acclaimed shooter coming to the PS3, although none of the evidence has panned out. Perhaps it'll arrive with all new content and special features, thereby enticing PS3 owners to pick up a year-old title in the midst of other promising games. If it isn't L4D, I'd like to think it might be Lost Odyssey for all you RPG fans out there; it's still one of my favorite games of the generation and well worth your time. However, it's too old now and probably not worthy of a port (oh, what I wouldn't give for a sequel, though). Everyone wants to say Mass Effect , but while the sequel might show up, the original probably won't.

I really want Splinter Cell: Conviction to come to the PS3, but Ubisoft has already explained why that won't happen, and the rumor seems to specify a title that's already in existence. If it's "popular," it has to be out already, right? Unless they're referring to a franchise and not one particular title…

Personal gaming update

I'm definitely in a bit of a dry spell, but I've been so busy lately I haven't really noticed. This tends to happen during the summer: a lot more things seem to go on during the warmer months of the year, and a week seldom goes by where I don't have something to do or somewhere to go. They're not always things I want to do, but hey, that's life. I'll be ready to play Resident Evil 5 when I get it and no, I haven't gotten the chance to start Final Fantasy X (an idea I toyed with last weekend). I just keep destroying the competition in Top Spin 3 if I get an hour to sit down and play, and in between, I work and you know…do other things. I'd like to get out and play tennis myself, if the weather would ever cooperate long enough.

I don't have much else to add, besides the fact that my formerly mentioned sensitive romantic situation has kinda evened out…it's not as frightening anymore. It's just unique. I only find it surprising that it has gone so well thus far, which can only lead to the inevitable revealing at some point…and friends and family may be a touch surprised when that happens. The reception oughta be interesting.

…huh, I just re-read that. No, I'm not gay. LOL

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15 years ago

Microsoft doesn't own Mass Effect, BioWare does. And I'm confused about your "secret exclusive". If it's not an IP as you say, are you saying it's not a game? I'm confused.

King James
King James
15 years ago

I thought EA owned Mass Effect.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I'm actually not sure who owns it…anyway, edited that out.

And it's not an IP, which means it's part of a series. In other words, it's a name you've heard of.

N a S a H
N a S a H
15 years ago

Jak & Daxter!?!? O M G…. If Naughty Dog weren't so busy with Uncharted…. 🙁

15 years ago

Ben meant a new IP; all games are IPs, of course, sometimes owned by the developer and sometimes by the publisher.

IP = intellectual property, for those who don't know.

p.s. Buckeye may have been being sarcastic, but his point is valid.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 7/12/2009 2:16:46 AM

15 years ago

cough twisted metal cough- remember that interview with that guy??

15 years ago

I was not being sarcastic, I wanted to know what was meant by "not an IP". Apparently what was meant was "not a sequel", since all games are an IP.

15 years ago

I hope The Last Guardian drops early next year. When the team finishes, I hope they consider remaking Ico and SotC with HD upgrades for the PSN. Whatever game you are not allowed to talk about Ben, I got a feeling it has to do with David Jaffe; dont know why I just do. As for your personal life, sounds like you might be implying something with the word reception lol.

King James
King James
15 years ago

If u want some summer Ben, come down here to Texas. It's 87 degrees right now and its 11pm.

I never played ICO and I just recently play SotC earlier this year. MAN…did I miss out! That game is SSSSOOOOOO engaging. I haven't seen anything like that since Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I can't wait for The Last Guardian. This time, I won't sleep on Team ICO.

As I said b4, I'm hoping for Mass Effect but I think its one of those successful XBLA titles like Braid. Although I must admit…Halo ODST has peaked my interest. An open-world Halo shooter, multiple story lines, a mystery?…I love Halo with an ACTUAL story; which is why I loved the 1st one. If Sony got something like that, I'd be happy with that 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

"If u want some summer Ben, come down here to Texas. It's 87 degrees right now and its 11pm."

Hell no, you can keep that sh**. LOL

15 years ago

Haha, I can't help but agree with Ben. I'm enjoying my cool summer up here in New England way too much. 🙂

King James
King James
15 years ago

lol you sure Ben? We got PLENTY of summer to go around 😉

15 years ago

sh*t, its 99 degrees right now in AZ… 5 til 11pm here.

i think it was at 101 this time last night…
funny thing is i was rolling with my windows down in the car on my way home. i thought it was great. =D it's better than the regular 115-120 range i get here during the day.

did i mention i lifeguard at a community pool all day? ha.

Last edited by Swim_Irr on 7/12/2009 1:01:14 AM

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

Too many games. LOL. I'm seriously thinking that I may need to upgrade my 250GB to 500GB before 2010 is over.

15 years ago

Ben, you forgot to mention ICO -_-

Why do people not acknowledge ICO? wtf?

Anyway, not really interested in any of 360's exclusives, not even that jrpg, doesn't look like one I'd like. Though I'd definitely rent it and see if I'm right/wrong

And yes the Northeast has been in a weird spell lately. It almost feels like we're living in England…

PS: Great to hear everything's going good with Amy. I imagine that's who you ended up with 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

No. Both those girls are long gone.

15 years ago

Again I second that
I hate to sound repetitive and always post a reply when I see a post of you getting pissed that ICO is being ignored but, I can't take either.
ICO is just as good if not better than SotC… There I said it!
The puzzles, the fighting the huge castle as one whole environment without any loading time from beginning to end. The puzzles to this day, remains the best I have ever seem in any game.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

No, I hate MMOs. Sorry.

15 years ago

I really want Mass Effect, and i'd wouldn't need a 360 anymore…not that i use it now

15 years ago

I didn't think the landscape in SotC was bland, barren is maybe a better word, and I thought that being lifeless helped the immersion into the world. It contributed to the feeling of loneliness and solitude.

In a way it gave the character more depth because it showed how dedicated he was to save the girl.

I guess it's all opinion and interpretation though. When I played it I thought it was a choice not a limitation but either way it didn't hurt the experience.

Just my two cents worth…

15 years ago

Couldn't have said it better myself.

15 years ago

so its a ps3 exclusive its part of a series.
what genre is it?
is it a FPS?
if so im going to guess syphon filter 5.
its to early for any exclusives from last year so doubt it would be any of those.
the 2 exclsuives that hit in 2007 uncharted and R&C are comming this year.
if its not a FPS 50 bucks says its david jaffes game if not twisted metal something similar.

15 years ago

Hey "Nameless one",
Syphon filter keeps popping in my head every time this whole talk about the secret exclusive comes back, I think we might be right on the money there.
They have not release a SF game for the PS3 yet and it only makes sense.
I really hope its not LD4 🙁

15 years ago

Personally, I don't really care about games coming to systems I own from other systems I own, hah. If they're guaranteed, though, of course I'd rather wait and play them on my preferred system.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

"…huh, I just re-read that. No, I'm not gay. LOL"

Ben are you sure? You seem pretty happy and carefree to me.

I think you might be hoBosexual.


15 years ago


15 years ago

I agree Last Guardian will be great.
I believe its L4D coming to the PS3.

15 years ago

I really hope it isnt Left4Dead, had that on my 360 for a couple of weeks b4 i ended up trading it in, it was ok at first but got bored stiff of it, really hope its Mass Effect, a game i adore loads.

15 years ago

Hey, longtime lurker, first time poster.

Hows it going everyone. Names Alan.

Ico is very greatly underappreciated. I cant deciede which one I like more as both that and SotC are great.

As for the exclusive game, I havent heard alot of people mention this but they should:

Star Ocean 4

I can see Star Ocean or Left4Dead coming.

It would be cool if they packaged Left4Dead parts I and II together. That would be a day one purchase from me.

Anyways, hope to post more here.

15 years ago

Hey Starchild welocme to psxe

Say it loud and said proud dammit! ICO was a beautiful masterpiece. A great experience all around

In fact there are things 'bout ICO I like more than SOTC, though both are great in their own ways.

15 years ago

I will never forget that bearded colossi. That was completely awesome. If The Last Guardian can bring home another gaming experience like that I'll be very happy.

As for a 360 exclusive coming to PS3, well I'm a little confused for sure. Lost Odyssey? Isn't that a Microsoft studios game? GeoW, Halo and Mass Effect are all sequels. They're bringing a sequel to the PS3? Why? Would Valve have the balls to throw L4D at the PS3 when L4D2 is coming out? I just don't see it.

15 years ago

There is no exclusive, Sony's just teasing everyone to build up the hype for the announcement of Gran Turismo 5 being released…solely to me, on Monday.

15 years ago

Maybe the 360 exclusive that is coming to PS3 is GTA IV: Lost and Damned

15 years ago

I wish it was Crackdown. To bad Microsoft owns it.

15 years ago

eewwww crackdown…hope that game never comes to my ps3.

15 years ago

It never hurts to have more games, you don't need to buy it but some other people might. If crackdown came to ps3 i woudn't get it but i'm sure lot's of people will, And that means sony will get more money and that means we will get better games. So more games is never bad!

15 years ago

So we have an upcoming PS3 exclusive and a 360 that was exclusive which is now coming to the PS3 too. So 2 good potential things to look forward to then besides all the other goodies we got coming our way.

*Sigh* so many games so little time lol 🙂

15 years ago

It'd be cool if it did turn out to be Left 4 Dead coming to the PS3, but I would be really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really super ultra mega insanely happy if Ubisoft changed their minds about having Splinter Cell: Conviction being only for the Xbox 360 and PC

15 years ago


15 years ago

There gonna port two worlds just to be jerks. Plus it might be off topic but timesplitters should come on as a ps3 exclusive.

15 years ago

if your talkin the first timesplitters then hells yeah!

15 years ago

Ben, why do you say you don't have much time? But yet you're always talking about how you're starting on some random RPG from the PS1/2 era? You must have a LOT of time on your hands to be able to play through RPGs multiple amount of times.

15 years ago

If I'm right, he's an adventurer

He's not the kind of gamer who goes from point A to B, finishes the game and moves on.

Instead he explores towns, landscapes/environments, mini-games, side-quests, and anything/everything the game has to offer

I can sincerely relate to that. jrpgs are an experience which one wants to enjoy. It's not like action/adventure games where is all 'bout a linear event for the most part.

Anyway, a good rpg-er takes around 50+ hours to complete the game.

Ah, I remember FFXII (244 hours) <3

15 years ago

@Scare – I'm the same way, I love exploring games. BUT he's completely going against what he said in his BS post about the 360 not having games.

He said, "I can't really waste a huge chunk of time on long RPGs."

Yet he's always talking about how he's about to pick up an RPG that he has already passed like 10 times.

Doesn't make sense.

Ben, please explain.

I dunno if you've read the comments myself and Aaron posted, but that 360 post was uncalled for and a blatant attempt at getting replies.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Stickemup: Grow the fu** up. I asked a legitimate question. It is NOT my fault that fankids can't handle it and have to twist my words to suit their hostile needs. Editorials exist for a reason, and it's NOT to load them all with disclaimers so I don't continually have to ward off people like you.

If you want to read everything into every editorial I write, and want to assume there's some ridiculous ulterior motive to it, that's your business. DON'T make it mine. Understood?

And no, I don't have time. I don't know if you've noticed, but I may start replaying an RPG but I never finish. Didn't finish FFVIII. Didn't finish FFT. Probably won't finish FFX if I try. I've always done this; it's a failing of mine. Now, if you're quite finished dissecting what I do in a self-righteous attempt to be the "bigger man" and stand up for all the unbiased out there, I'd suggest not commenting unless it's a direct response to the article. "OMG, you did this because…!" doesn't count, either.

You've been a thorn in PSXE's side for quite a while, you know that? I let you stick around because I fell for your "I'm just here to be a gamer and not be biased" crap. And yet, all you DO is take the first opportunity to point out anything you deem "biased." Right. Take a gander at yourself, CHIEF.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 7/12/2009 8:40:01 PM

15 years ago

If anything that happens to me with a lot of long games.

In between my 244 hours of FFXII I had to take some monthly breaks…

15 years ago

And if Ben doesn't have time to finish FFVIII or FFT or FFX, then no, he certainly doesn't have time to take on a cruddy 360 rpg. Well… except Lost Odyssey apparently.

I'm still on the fence over that one.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

LO was awesome. Dropped 60 hours into that even when I DIDN'T have time (took like 3 months).

But of course, because I don't care about the 360 or any games to play, and all I want to do is drum up comments, that can't be true.

'rolling eyes'

15 years ago

"If u want some summer Ben, come down here to Texas. It's 87 degrees right now and its 11pm"

Ya that's the truth, it was 107 degrees yesterday. ONE HOUNDRED AND SEVEN!!!!

The streets were melting. Literally.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Back on topic, I don't mean to discredit ICO by not mentioning it. I just always assume that when I say "Team ICO," everyone KNOWS what game they made. So I go out of my way to mention SotC. You know? 😉

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