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Ben’s Week In Review: July 5

Happy belated 4th, everyone. 🙂 I think I ate a bit too much, which means I'm gonna have to row a little extra this week, but whatever.

Are more girl gamers hardcore these days?

When I read the latest NPD study , I began to wonder: although they attribute the rise in female gamers (up to 28%) to the Nintendo Wii, I'm wondering if the Wii could act as a "gateway console" to heavier gaming. I think we all know that any studies that say females comprise half the gaming population are completely inaccurate; they're calling the chicks who play a little Flash game at work "gamers." But this latest study utilizes stricter requirements and I certainly believe that many girls out there love playing the Wii. For the most part, this doesn't really help the hardcore guy gamer, who still interacts with his favorite hobby in a very different way. The cute Wii chick isn't going to identify with the hardcore RPG fanatic. At the same time, I'm thinking that besides the fact that the Wii is essentially "gaming Lite," it's still somewhat related to stuff like MGS4 and FFXIII. Sure, it may be a distant relation, but the interactive video aspect is still there. So I ask, might this ever-increasing population of girl gamers also include a healthy portion of hardcore followers?

I've received several e-mails in the past from girls who very much love gaming and are kinda sick of guys refusing to believe that love. Now, while that does – perhaps indirectly – prove that such girls are still in the minority, at least it also proves that they exist . Therefore, there may come a day when women will enjoy the most intricate, advanced pieces of gaming technology available. You watch; when MGS5 comes out, there will be just as many girls waiting in line as guys. …okay, probably not, but I'll bet there will be more than there were in the MGS4 line!

Don't sleep on Shadow of Destiny PSP

I tried to get people interested in the recent announcement of Shadow of Destiny for the PSP (you can sense my appreciation of that game in the article), and I'm repeating my plea. For those of you who really gravitate towards fresh, unique titles, and for gamers who list designers like Team ICO amongst their favorites, you really shouldn't miss this game. It was one of my most memorable experiences of the PS2 era, and to this day, I want to put it back in and try for another ending. The concept is just fantastic: someone is hunting you, and although you don't know who or why, you know you have to stop your own death. The Homunculous (sp?) will take care of you in the world between worlds but in reality, you must find a way to keep the killer from striking. It may be one of the last true examples of an adventure game, as it requires only your noodle; success relies on solving the immediate problem (how you died, and how to stop it) and the ultimate problem (who is trying to kill you and why). It's really worth a look and when it releases later this year in handheld form, I urge you to pick it up. You won't be disappointed.

I'm just wondering what Konami might add. There's every chance in the world that they'll toss in some upgrades or enhancements of some kind, and I'd be interested to see if there are gameplay updates. Perhaps new branching storylines…? If you're one of those people who always complain about too many sequels on the market, do yourself a favor and play Shadow of Destiny .

Personal gaming update

I'm in sort of a dry spell right now after beating inFamous . I will play RE5 after getting it for my birthday and the only other game I had intended to play was Virtua Tennis 2009 , but as you can see, it turned out badly. I love Top Spin 3 but I'm bored with it now and as some of you know, I'm currently in the process of replaying Final Fantasy VIII . However, I've not surprisingly lost my momentum after stopping to play inFamous and now I have a brand new urge: replay Final Fantasy X . I always swore I'd play it again after finishing way back in 2002, but I never have and I've been kinda craving it… I'd like to think I can play and finish it before next month, and I really can't think of anything else I want to play right now. All the stuff I really want doesn't arrive until the fall or later ( Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , Assassin's Creed II , God of War III , Gran Turismo 5 , Heavy Rain , White Knight Chronicles , Modern Warfare 2 , etc.).

Nothing else, really. Oh, and as for my latest editorial , I'm really enjoying reading the responses. Good stuff. 🙂 Just please, don't think I'll ever tell you who the singer was…some files will forever remain confidentially sealed. As for my own semi-sticky situation in terms of personal stuff, that too must remain quiet. It's just too…sensitive.

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15 years ago

I was proven wrong in regards to girl gamers. At work tonight one of the interns was a girl and she commented on my ICO shirt. Turns out she's a huge fan and still plays SOTC. Not only that but shes attractive and isn't into the wii. I still think hardcore girl gamers are in the minority but it was an eyeopener to meet a fellow gamer of the opposite sex. Oh and working on the 4th sucks, at least it rained here today.

Glad to hear you're playing FFX again, whatever happend with VIII?

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 7/4/2009 11:01:26 PM

15 years ago

Before I met my wife, I knew very few girl gamers, outside of the many crazy ones I got to know through the years of MMOs. She, and her clan of women gamers have opened my eyes, to say the least.

My wife and I are both Hardcore gamers, though of different types. On the consoles, she loves the SOCOM series (where she plays with her all female clan) Motorstorm series, as well as the Final Fantasy games. She was into COD4 for about a year but hasn't been back to twitch fps since. On the PC she loves to play the sims, especially at 1080p and max AA, heh. So she supports me in my PC hobbying, because it has really benefited her Sims2/3 experience.

15 years ago

I think that's really awesome you've found someone that not only puts up with your gaming but enjoys it just as much as you. I think a majority of us on this forum can congratulate you on living the dream, haha.

John Shoemaker
John Shoemaker
15 years ago

I just hope your situation isn't as sticky as mine.

15 years ago

Waiting in line for a game… that's just crazy.

15 years ago

I know right? I just make a mad dash for the store door too! Never been caught.

15 years ago

That's a hell of a funny avatar there hezzron73.

Mad dash for cheeseburgers?

15 years ago

in regards to the first part, I like it when the cute chick plays the Mii lol…Sorry I had to…

By the way…whenever it comes up, happy birthday Ben

15 years ago

it rained here in Indiana too. But that's not stopping me from blowing s*** up! woot woot! that's the american way.

15 years ago

What you playing on the PSP? I'm going through Megaman on hard.

15 years ago

Happy fourth of July. 😛

15 years ago

"Girl Gamers"….everybody wants one until they take over your console.

15 years ago

Hear hear

15 years ago

Thanks for bringing up Shadow Of Destiny again =) It's good to get such a great game that was underrated it seems some limelight now and then. Don't know exactly how hardcore my gf is but she's essentially obsessed with playing L4D on the 360 I ended up buying her. (Yeah = I had to, but I don't play it at all =P, I have L4D on PC if I wanna play it) But her favorite game it seems is the Fatal Frame series =) but of course she likes other games.

15 years ago

You should hit me up on steam sometime, I play L4D several times a week on the PC. Fatal Frame scared the hell out of me.

15 years ago

Turns out the girl I met tonight is a big gamer and Playstation loyalist, we talked games over drinks and I was kinda surprised. Sounded like she had mad skills on RE5, seemed hardcore to me. Was cool.

15 years ago

Good to know. I just realized RE5 appeals to just about any one who wants to pick up a straightforward,simple game and play. Seriously which girl has the time to pick up the next light seed in PoP or the next ear drop in inFamous?

15 years ago

She was really into prototype, I had to argue that inFamous was better 🙂

15 years ago

Oh and it's "Homunculus," funny i know that but as it happens lots of that old world pseudoscience comes up in the historical fiction novel I'm writing.

15 years ago

cant believe studies.
they did a study recently went for 2 years and they came out with a result saying 78% of people who are subjected to violent video games become more violent.
thats a complete load of tripe.
me and my cuz were playing duke nukem 3D before we could walk.
well mayb not that early but still.

15 years ago

"they're calling the chicks who play a little Flash game at work 'gamers'."

Couldn't agree more.

This girl took my phone,navigated to the games section and started playing something, i was like:
Me: What game is that?
She:its called 'something-something'(i don't remember the name)
Me: I've never checked out the games on my phone
She: Wow, your own phone and you don't even know the games on it?
Me: Ya cause am too busy with real game consoles
She: Oh okay, and i also prefer the games on phones.
Me: Oh so you love games.
She: Yea in a way, i just love the ones on phones or gadgets or something but not actually sitting behind consoles and playing.

SO i would not call her a gamer but like Ben said, the media would.

Personal Gaming Update:
Playing RE5 on veteran, Ben hope you get yours, am enjoying it better than i did with Gears 2 though that game ruled.

Playing Community Levels on LBP, wow i thought i was a creative person but i've not really had a time to create a good level. Sometimes you see other people's levels and you give up.

Looking to squeeze more trophies on inFamous.

GTAIV Online is still great, its so so hilarious. GTAIV Online always makes my day.I was in this GTA Race mode when the last/loser in the race got outta his car, stood at the check flag and gunned down the rest of us busy racing cause he had lost hope LOL. Not forgetting those accents the mobsters have in the 'Deal Breaker','Hangman's Noose' keep me laughing.

15 years ago

I understand your point-of-view but I will have to oppose on this one. I say that she is a gamer because, regardless of what she plays, she still plays video games. But I wouldn't call her an avid gamer; none the less, a "hardcore gamer". In summary: If you play video games you are a gamer; if you play video games sometimes, and you don't surround your self with video game oriented things, you are a casual gamer; lastly, if you play video games avidly and you are constantly inundated with video game related things, you are a hardcore gamer. If you notice, all the titles have the word 'gamer' in it. In the end we are all gamers.

15 years ago

Well….well said 🙂

15 years ago

Not that it matters to anyone but Ive been looking at that picture of the girl for nearly 4 hours and I'm ALMOST certain that its an xbox controller in her hand. Thy not a PlayStation website I ponder for countless century's or is it .

15 years ago

Dunno what controller it is but its not xbox 360 or ps3, maybe original xbox, still no big deal.

15 years ago

Yeah it's Xbox 1.

15 years ago

Ben: What could we do that would be detrimental to your image in any way, by you telling us who the singer is? We are not going to call her saying, "Do you remember the guy that interviewed you a looooooooong time ago; and stood you up (in a way) because he was playing a video game?" We might have an incentive to do that 😉 SO WHO IS IT? SAY IT! SAY IT NOW!! 🙂

15 years ago

Journalistic integrity, few have it these days. It's one of the reasons Ben can continue to consider himself a professional. If I were him I'd do the same, there is nothing to gain from name dropping or questions of salaciousness.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/5/2009 3:12:43 PM

15 years ago

True, but SAY IT BEN! SAY IT! OR ELSE…..

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

No, World is right. I always swore I'd keep all such information confidential when I was doing that job, and while some of my friends and family know, that's not public.

This, however, very much would be. And I won't do that. It's enough to know I effed up, isn't it? 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 7/5/2009 9:39:28 PM

15 years ago

Well said, I guess 🙂

15 years ago

Ben is on my wavelength, even though I ran through FFX in 2008 for the millionth time I feel like playing again too (which you can tell by my avatar) I thought it would be appropriate since I just bleached out my hair and did it like my friend here. Chicks dig it 😉

15 years ago

I love playing FF12 over and over…for both the soundtrack and gameplay.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, well, your damn avatar doesn't help my urge to play FFX again. I almost want it to go AWAY. LOL

15 years ago

Bleached hair? Me thinks it's time for a new ninja avatar pic.

15 years ago

haha, u guys want the bleached ninja? Sorry Ben, but this is my av for a few weeks (identity crises force me to change it every once in awhile.)

15 years ago

Hear hear Ben! I loved everything about FFX…

… Except Tidus…

15 years ago

I've been looking for Shadow Of Destiny now, I might have to buy it off Amazon. Darn my collecting habits.

Disc only? nothankyou.jpg

15 years ago

"I'm in sort of a dry spell right now after beating inFamous."

I feel you Ben(No Homo :P)After beating inFAMOUS I've had nothing to play. I have thought about buying BlazBlue, however the lack of characters(only 12) is preventing me from doing so, if they add around8 more through DLC I might consider it. Anyways, I would really like to get back and play FF X-2 and get to level 99(it's the only one I didn't get to 99 in) but I have the newer model 80 GB PS3 without BC.

I can only hope that Sony does implement BC via a firmware update.

15 years ago

Ebay + Used PS2 = Yummy

15 years ago

Firmware Update + already paid for ps3 = yummier (free)

15 years ago

Mixing Bowl + Fruity Pebbles – Metal Spoon + Wooden Spoon + SOTC Ending = Yummiest

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