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Ben’s Week In Review: June 14

Maybe it won't rain tomorrow – for once – and I can vacuum my car and clean up a bit. It has just be soooo dreary.

I don't know what to think about Metal Gear Solid: Rising

I really don't. On the one hand, I'm disappointed that Hideo Kojima doesn't have more of a role in this particular production, and I'm further disappointed that it won't revolve around stealth. In my eyes, this is a franchise that should always stay within the realm of "stealth/action," and while I know Rising may still be considered as such, I have difficult believing Raiden will play the same as Snake. In fact, it would make little sense if he did. But on the flip side, I never have any problem with awesome action titles; two of my favorite game series are God of War and Devil May Cry . On top of which, the team won't be trying to alter the MGS4 engine to work with Rising ; they're creating a new engine from scratch , so it can better be implemented on multiple platforms. Last but not least, I have tremendous faith in the team in question, and if Kojima isn't writing or directing it, it's still "Kojima Productions." When's the last time they let you down? Sure, the game is a long ways off so my views could easily move in one direction or another, but for now, I just have faith in the developers.

As for my personal opinion, it still wavers. I guess there's no way of forming a reliable perspective until I actually see some media; screens and a debut trailer would be helpful. It's kinda tough when all you have to go on is verbal and written information, you know?

Can't wait for Mirror's Edge 2

Yeah, I know all about the complaints. It's too short. It's all trial-and-error. You do the same thing over and over. To all of this, I say- "don't care." I had a tremendous amount of fun with the original Mirror's Edge , and I'm the kind of person who has never had a problem with trial-and-error gameplay. I guess I'm a perfectionist in that way; I like doing something over and over until I get it exactly correct. This might be the reason I enjoy the Splinter Cell franchise so much… But anyway, now that this sequel has been confirmed , I'm definitely looking forward to the new DICE effort. That is one studio that shouldn't go overlooked; the Battlefield games are all pretty damn good, for example. Besides, I consider Mirror's Edge to be the start of something special, as it introduced a series of new concepts and ideas that simply need to be expanded upon. I put Assassin's Creed in much the same category. While I will defend its quality to the death, I know there's much to be improved upon.

Maybe they'll come out with Mirror's Edge 2 and Dead Space 2 at about the same time. Both will be Day 1 purchases for me (provided I have the time), and yes, EA has their names on both. They've really come up over the past couple of years, and we should probably acknowledge that.

Personal gaming update

Well, I'm still in the middle of inFamous , and I'm certainly not complaining. That game is bad-ass and I'm very happy that it has sold exceedingly well . It's a well-deserved reward. I just recently attained Hero status and I think the Warren (second island) is somewhere around 70% complete. I just finished that ridiculously crazy mission where you had to repel invaders at the police station. At the end, you had to kill off a bunch of those huge Conduits and about a million other enemies; I still can't believe I survived that mess. But what a rush! And now, I hear Prototype is supposed to be pretty good, too…maybe I'll wait on Arnold's review to see what he says. We just got it from Activision a few days ago so the review will hopefully come soon. Other than that, the only other game I might want is Batman: Arkham Asylum , which doesn't arrive until late August.

I do however, want "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete;" I can't wait to own it on Blu-Ray! And even though I don't want any other games right now, it's fine, because inFamous really is taking a while (and I still want to go back to FFVIII). In regards to circumstances outside gaming, all I have to say is that I got shot down by the dental hygienist I mentioned previously. Eh, it happens. I got the standard, "oh, I'm seeing someone" reply, but I'm man enough to admit it was likely a lie, and is often the default response for an intended rejection.

Well, there's always Ms. Amy, I guess. Frickin' psycho, but whatever. 'shrugs'

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15 years ago

Man I still don't have a copy of infamous I've mastered the demo in about a million playthroughs now lol and yeah Arnold hurry up with that prototype review, love todays word Ben keep it up

15 years ago

i loved MGS4 and i am worried about the cinematics and cutscenes in MGS Rising. In MGS4 Raiden didn't speak english and i really don't feel like reading for 20 minutes during cutscenes. I don't know about you but i love those cinematic moments, it's what makes the MGS series the best ever. It also has the best music composition, or, game score. They better not skimp on the story either, it propably has the best storyline ever. Please don't fail us Kojima.

King James
King James
15 years ago

What do you mean "Raiden didn't speak English"?

15 years ago

I hear the theme from Jaws everytime I see Amy's name mentioned
(maybe it's because I see think of her as a land-shark)

(Cue music in background)

15 years ago

OMG hahahaha

15 years ago

I too am looking forward to Mirror's Edge 2. I liked the first one and hopefully they improve upon some aspects for the sequel. Combat was the biggest problem for me in ME, the main character is fast and agile but weak when it comes to combat which is fine but then they throw waves of heavily armed and armored swat teams at you which makes the game frustrating at times.

As for MGS Rising I'm not really into combat intensive games like DMC and GOW, sorry they're just not my cup of tea. So this game will be a rental for me.

15 years ago

W00! I just got platinum on inFamous.
That 350th shard took me a while…
I've heard that Prototype was actually a big let down and, when compared to inFamous, inferior. But I haven't played it so I don't really know for sure. Either way I'm short on cash so I'll have to pass on it.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Wow! Platinum status!

15 years ago

Sounds like a typical bachlor story 🙂
Maybe you should give Amy another chance- NOT!

15 years ago

I'm playing through ff7, I have never played it before, I like it alot!

15 years ago

Yeah! I love hearing about people playing FFVII for the first time. Its such a good game. Have fun!

15 years ago

Same here.

As for Ben, I cannot understand how you can keep replaying FF7. I love it, but that's a game that I would only like to experience once or twice. So I could keep it intact in my mind. Because now I have a lot to compare it to.

15 years ago

I'm like ben. Ive played through FFVII dozens and dozens of time over the years. Same with VIII and IX. I've even beat the ruby and emerald Weapons in VII a bunch of times.. Those suckers are tough! I'm playing through it again right now. It's been awhile. It's exciting!

15 years ago

Ben's replaying FFVIII.


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, I'm replaying FFVIII for the first time, actually.

I've played FFVII three or four times, but I've started countless other games that I never got to finish. It just never gets old for me. 🙂

15 years ago

I'm waiting for the review of Prototype myself, hopefully it's as good as inFamous. If it scores well, I may end up getting it.

I've passed on Assassin's Creed because everyone I've spoken to about it says the same thing regarding the repetitive gameplay, but AC2 shown at E3 looks pretty damn good to me. Maybe they've done something to change the repetitiveness, if so I'm probably going to buy it.

King James
King James
15 years ago

plz rent it 1st. The 1st AC looked good b4 it came out.

15 years ago

You can get AC for 20 bux. It's worth every cent. Super Stardust HD is repetitive, but it kicks all kinds of ass.

15 years ago

@ Alienange

I think I'll probably go ahead and get the first one if I can find it for $20. The last time I looked it was $30, but it's been awhile since I've scoped out prices on it.

I agree about the Super Stardust HD, it's repetitive, but I do like it.

Last edited by tes37 on 6/14/2009 1:49:47 PM

15 years ago

Why would you want to play the 2nd w/o playing the 1st? I mean if they do a recap on the story of the 1st one it would be okay…or I guess you could just look up the overall story on the internet.

15 years ago

@ JackKnifeZero

The storyline isn't necessary to pick up on a game's sequel, especially with a new main character. I didn't play every metal gear, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the mule piss out of MGS4.

I will probably get AC1 though.

Last edited by tes37 on 6/14/2009 3:46:01 PM

King James
King James
15 years ago


Thats a bad analogy and you know it. Those two game not related at all.

I'm telling u…Rent it 1st. $30 bucks wasted, is still wasted money. Ubisoft got many complaints AC1 and how the game got dull FAST. Don't you wonder why that is?

Last edited by King James on 6/14/2009 4:02:47 PM

15 years ago

@ King James

I won't give $30 for it, maybe $20. I'll keep the other $10 for my bad habit fund.

King James
King James
15 years ago


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Everyone needs to stop bashing on AC around here. I LOVE that game and anyone who doubts me can read my review.

Everyone whined a lot about a fairly insignificant drawback, as far as I'm concerned.

15 years ago

Cool cool

I think I'm on the "I don't care" crowd with MGS: Rising. It's Raiden so I don't really care 'bout that game. It's just a spin-off

And 'bout the babes, you'll be fine. I think Miss Amy is cool, I like girls who are full of energy and all happy like that, you'll be fine. (But she might be too crazy, dunno…)

15 years ago

I think they should do the MGS:Rising using the MGS4 engine since it's already there and ready and make the game and release it and just give the 360 the new engine they're making and release it whenever they finish 😉

King James
King James
15 years ago

MGS: Rising will own. Why? Kojima. Nuff said.

I'll buy Mirror's Edge 2 if it's longer. I had to rent the 1st one because it was too short.

The reviews for Prototype have been mixed. Seems like I'm gonna have to rent it and form my own opinion about it.

I'm VERY excited about the Batman game. I don't think I've played a good Batman game since the NES game.

I never seen Advent Children so I'll have to surf the web for some blu-ray deals on it. I loved the FF7 world, and Square's CGI is always top-notch so I'll buy it. I need another good Blu-ray movie to add to my collection anyway.

15 years ago

But Kojima's not really working on it, just being a backseat driver for this one.

15 years ago

A friend of mine told me Advent Children was pretty good. When I found out it was based on the games and not some weird crap like Spirits Within, I decided to get it myself. I'm gonna do the same as you and surf the net for the cheapest price I can find.

15 years ago

So what if kojima isn't really gonna work with it. At least he's a part of it. What about GoW3? Jaffe doesn't have ANY part on producing the game but everyone or at least most of the people are still expecting alot from it.

Just because MGS Rising is a new experience doesn't mean that it won't be less entertaining than the other MGS's. We'll just have to wait and see what kojima production gives us. It's probably gonna be like FFX-2. Some people like it some people don't. And the majority of people who liked or were at least satisfied with it were the ones who loved FFX the most.

King James
King James
15 years ago

U do realize that MGS4 was made by the Kojima team not Kojima-san himself?

15 years ago

Indeed, but he also wasn't just watching over it, he was an important part wanting to be involved in every detail, Rising, like he even stated himself, he's only worried about the PSP version really.

King James
King James
15 years ago

But Wolf your are implying that Kojima Productions is incapable of making a great game without Kojima's hands on the project. Which i find weird:

You trust any Kojima game that is put out as long as he works directly on it. BUT you don't trust Kojima's managerial skills. If Kojima has faith in his team, and u trust Kojima…then why can't u trust judgement (e.g. his team).

That's like trusting a president but not trusting in the ppl that same president put in his own cabinet (or Judiciary system or legislative system).

Have lil' faith in Kojima, not just as a great game director/writer, but also as a producer/manager 😉

Last edited by King James on 6/14/2009 5:33:46 PM

15 years ago

If Kojima doesn't have his hands on the project how can he be a part of it? Lol, also not making this political but that is indeed how I feel about the government (though I can't say I completely trust the president either).

But yeah you're right, if Kojima trusts his team enough then there must be something there worth trusting. I hope they finish the PSP game fast ._. I want ZOE3..

15 years ago

Rising gets the "meh" treatment from me for now, I mean good lord we aren't going to hear anything about it for another year and a lot can happen. My backlog of games needing beating is still too long to justify an infamous purchase but I loved the demo and I'll be able to get a reduced price when I get it so that's cool. No ME2 for me but bring on Dead Space 2! I saw Pelham 123 today and it was good, there was also a preview for that movie "Gamer" which looked pretty awesome to my surprise.

God I'm so tired tonight I don't think I can even game, I think I'll just make a big ol sandwich and lay in bed watchin TV. *YAWN* Been a long week, long drives, long playtimes, company comin over, cancer scare. Enough to drive me nuts.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/14/2009 1:42:45 AM

15 years ago

cancer scare ?! WTF?

15 years ago

yeah, its been a crappy couple of weeks for world, the good news is I saw a specialist and he says its just a part of my bone that is dead, "Its not a tumor" 😉 So yeah, I'm not gonna die so you'll have to put up with me a bit longer.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Your bone died?

15 years ago

Part of it did.

King James
King James
15 years ago

I'm no orthopedic doctor. Do u mind if I ask how? Its okay if you don't wanna explain.

15 years ago

I didn't know bones where alive XD so I'm more confused than the average bear…person

15 years ago

@ WEWM – You're one guy I don't mind putting up with around here lol. Sorry to hear the bad news but glad you're ok.

15 years ago

Sry to hear this news TheWorldEndsWithMe… I hope you will be ok mate!


"i am home"

15 years ago

Uhh, better if I don't explain, but yeah they are alive and supplied by blood, but anyhow thanks for the support and I'll be fine aside from some pain for the rest of my life but at least I'll be alive 🙂

King James
King James
15 years ago


Ever hear of bone marrow?

15 years ago

METAL GEAR SOLID 4 was the best!!!!!!!

nothing will ever surpass MGS4

15 years ago


King James
King James
15 years ago

nothing?! tunnel vision.

15 years ago

I suspect he's just recently played MGS4 and is still reeling from it's awesomeness. His vision will clear soon…

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