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Sony’s E3 Press Conference: Ben’s Impressions

First of all, I would just like to say that I believe Arnold and I did everything we could to bring you the fastest and most detailed coverage of Sony's press conference. Arnold's live updates were literally second-to-second and I nearly broke my fingers and roasted my eyes in turning it all into actual headlines and stories in record time. We had no less than seven updates on the main page before the conference was even over , and we just keep bringing you more. Many of the screenshots are already here, three previews are already done (with many more coming tomorrow), and the videos are right around the corner. Really, there's not much more we can do to bring E3 directly into your living rooms. 😉

Anyway, Sony really needed to step up after Microsoft's conference and I'm happy to say that it did. For me, it's always all about the games and as I've been saying right along, Sony's software lineup vastly outstrips Microsoft's. As much as I want Alan Wake , there's just no comparison to the likes of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , God of War III , MAG , Heavy Rain , Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time , etc. It's too bad we didn't see more of the last two, but I loved to see The Last Guardian ; Project ICO's mystery game that we've only recently known as "Project Trico." That was the same video we saw several weeks ago but it was still downright gorgeous in every sense of the word. Really, I've always been all about the games, which is why I focus so heavily on them in my analysis of anything, including E3 press conferences. Let's not forget the huge bolstering of the PSP lineup, what with Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker , Gran Turismo and that new exclusive Resident Evil . And not to mention that slick PSP Go! which admittedly doesn't interest me.

Something else that I didn't think would interest me is that motion sensing tech they showed off. I just never care for that type of thing, but after seeing similar technology at Microsoft's conference yesterday, I was intrigued…and what was shown at Sony's conference really blew me away. It was the first time I've ever looked at motion-sensing anything and said, "I gotta try that." I still would've rather seen Kingdom Hearts III or Twisted Metal or something, but even so, that was pretty damn special. Oh, and while I kinda sat back in my seat and frowned at the idea of a game called ModNation Racers , I quickly recalled my appreciation of LittleBigPlanet . Then I began to watch the presentation with interest and I figured I'd have to give it a try. It doesn't sit super high on my priority list, but it's just another step in the right direction for Sony, in my honest opinion. But getting back to the games for a second…

I think I watched the Uncharted 2 and the God of War III gameplay presentations in the same manner: rarely blinking, fingers clasped tightly around around the edges of my chair, whispering to myself every ten seconds, "holy fu**, this game will rule ALL!" Who didn't laugh sadistically when Kratos ripped the horn off that awesome enemy and stabbed him through the eye with it? Seriously? And although I'm really not into MMOs, MAG just looks so effing creative and innovative; I will have to give it a whirl. Unbelievable. As for that surprise announcement for Final Fantasy XIV , I believe the conversation between Arnold and I, when Tretton was speaking, went something like this:

Me: "wait…wait…"

Arnold: "what?!"

Me: "WHAT?! WHAT?!"

Arnold: "WTF!"

Me: "This can't be…"

Arnold: "WHAT?!?! WTF?!?!"

After hearing Tretton say he's revealing FFXIV footage for the first time ever, that it's coming in 2010 and that it's exclusive to the PlayStation 3-

Me: "HOLY FU***** SH**!!!!!!

Of course, this was before I realized it's going to be a MMO, but even so, it's a great announcement for Sony. I was hoping they were talking about the distant future, and the next true installment after FFXIII would once again be a PS3 exclusive. But whatever. I don't care at all that FFXIII will be a multiplat; I just know that after viewing that trailer at Sony's press conference, I was smitten …again. And I think that just about sums things up for me. Hopefully, you enjoyed our coverage and make sure to read the previews I just did for Assassin's Creed II , Tony Hawk: Ride and Heavy Rain . Much more to come! Oh yeah, and I'm pretty much in love with ACII right now. Let's not forget that.

P.S. …this is the kind of non-stop work that can make you ignore other aspects of your life, like women calling you at exactly the wrong time. That's all I'll say. LOL

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15 years ago

Lol nice impressions =| sadly I still haven't seen it, hope they post it via psn again like last year. Sites like IGN and Gamespot for some reason I can't view or freezes my comp 🙁 sigh…maybe I'll view it via home..

15 years ago
15 years ago

thanks =) that one works for me

15 years ago

Great job! Ben and Arnold, on your excellent and up to the minute updates! The best site for news and info, hands down! Keep Up the great work!


Last edited by Gow49ers on 6/2/2009 11:46:42 PM

15 years ago

Thank you so much Ben and Arnold, you helped make this the best E3 I've had in years. I wasn't able to be there but watching it on tv and at the same time reading everything you guys were adding to the site made it the next best thing. You're hard work does not go unnoticed and I'm sure everyone else agrees.

My favorite moment was the FF13 footage, I'm a whore for FF anything and the extra footage melted my soul.

15 years ago

I must concur, being able to watch it live and being online shooting the sh*t with you guys at the same time has been quite the experience.

15 years ago

This was a grand day
A day where my laptop's been on 24/7

Gran Turismo 5

If GT PSP is gonna have 35 tracks then I'm dying to see what GT5 is gonna have.

I'm so getting a psp, psp can kick it with rich people. I'm getting me one of the current ones.

In any event that little thing is gonna have some games! Can't wait to get Ultimate Ghosts N Ghouls, being dying to get that.


*Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker starts*

Phone rings: Hey Ben I need to talk to you
Ben: Oh hell no!

PS: I'm hoping to see some jrpgs at The Tokyo Game Show.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 6/2/2009 11:58:00 PM

15 years ago

GT PSP looks amazing!
and so does GT5!!

15 years ago

GT's back

I have a feelng GT5 will be out next year

By the way:
I meant to say "psp go can kick it with rich people."

Getting me the cheaper; just as good current version.

15 years ago

I'm sorry but I have to say Forza 3 looked like Mario Kart compared to GT5.

15 years ago

FF7 took 2.5 hrs to download and now is taking 30mins to install….the wait is almost over!!!

15 years ago

while i did enjoy just about everything, (especially GOW 3!!! what what!! :D), i was disappointed that they didn't show off anything of ratchet and clank

i loved the FF13 footage, and i like how FF14 is exclusive to playstation (that's how it should be Squenix!! lol)
except it's online, so meh…. maybe worth a try
i like FF to be just straight up single player

OMG!! GOW 3 is gonna rule all!!
apart from the eye stab, did anybody notice how when kratos sliced open the centaur guy and all the guts fell out?

15 years ago

noted and appreciated sir 😉

15 years ago

It's pretty amusing how just about everyone jumped on the Square Enix hatewagon when Sony lost exclusivity for FF13 and are now acting like Square Enix have redeemed themselves with a crappy online FF. FF13 was also once touted as an exclusive, and mark my words it will be at least another 10 years for an engrossing, proper, single player FF to be released =(

*ps I'm still not buying aything from SE unless they release a sequel to FF6!…………………Oh wait, they need to release something before you can actually buy it!*

15 years ago

ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!! Ben I had the same impressions man…that Uncharted 2 helicopter battle…was FUCKING RIDICULOUS – I want that so bad. The first Uncharted seemed ok for me…but god this…I NEED TO GET MY HANDS ON!!! Then God of War III…epic as always…beautiful…too bad it had to end.

Then…motion sensing which I was glad since it showed Sony had something to counter M$' NATAL or whatever.

Oh and also…when I was hearing Tretton going to talk about another Final Fantasy…I said to myself – "OH SWEET FINAL FANTASY VERSUS XIII GAMEPLAY HERE THE FUCK WE GO WOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

"Final fantasy FOURTEEN!!!!"

"……..dude it's Versus XIII, did he just make a mistake?!?!"

"and now we have some exclusive footage of it which will be exclusive for the PS3"

"……………….oh ……………fucking………………….crap…………… JUST GOT POWNED!!!"

Then when it said online at the end…I said to myself "Well…it may not be a normal Final Fantasy…but hey THIS IS A GOOD FUCKING STEP FOR SONY!!!

Jeese I loved that conference. So many people are complaining saying that Sony failed today. But they are seriously a bunch of morons who can't look at the bigger picture. All they care about is A PRICE DROP. To be honest the price is extremely low CONSIDERING WHAT UR GETTING.

Sony won E3.

15 years ago

I believe I'm speaking on behalf of everyone here (or if not, just say so), that we really appreciate all what you guys at PSXE have done. Thanks m8s.

15 years ago

Excellent Job you two, Sony truly did win in software, the hardware (whether you want it or not) IS superior too. AND I urge you all not to just shrug FFXIV off because it's an MMO, think "First Next Gen MMO…Ever" Hell I might even pay for this one.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/3/2009 1:00:47 AM

15 years ago

It was a better than expected E3 Sony Pres Conference. The motion controller seems innovative, but I am still concerned with what developers will do with Project Natal. I guess, to some degree there is similarities, but the camera tech in Natal seems to have great facial and object recognition, including a lighting fast 3D scanner built in. It will be interesting to see what they do with it.

Good show reporting B&A, great to review everything once the show was over 🙂


"i am home"

15 years ago

I'd rather have a full on Archery warfest than flail my body about like a retard with a bad case of armpit-homunculus.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/3/2009 1:07:21 AM

15 years ago

Natal is tryiing to get the Wii crowd to buy an Xbox. The technology is impressive. But what about the practical application?? My sister has a Wii for her children, and I tell you I would much rathet sit back in my favorite chair and play a game then standing up gyrating. Had this been around with the NES, I probably would have loved it to death.

15 years ago

Anyone notice how quiet the MS crowd was? They didn't even give proper respect to Kojima-san. That loser on stage had to keep clapping to try to make everyone else make some noise.

15 years ago


It was hilarious when the Sony crowd kept cheering @ hannah montana game.

Thrill Kill
Thrill Kill
15 years ago

yeah i noticed that too, that guy was a goof.

15 years ago

If Sony does God of War 3 Special Edition with GOW 1 and 2 included, like they hinted at, its waiting at midnight outside of Gamestop for me.

15 years ago

Natal could end up being something very special, but who knows. They should have shown all those awesome things LIVE, not just a video. I still don't believe the Milo thing was 100% real.

You can probably do some of those things, but not that much. And if it is real, I seriously don't think anything will use it to that extent anytime soon. Peter Moloneux (whatever) said they had their hands on the project for a few months. It's gonna take years to get a real game out.

Can someone please answer me this… Is the MGS exclusive to the 360? I thought I had this all figuered out, but after it being a no show and no mention for Sony, I'm starting to wonder.

15 years ago

I don't think they actually worked live.

And yeah MGS Rising is multiplat:

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/3/2009 1:15:17 AM

15 years ago

I have to say so far this years E3 is the best i have ever seen

15 years ago

Highlights for me were

MGS:PW and Final Fantasy XIV.

Both intruiging, buti want to know more:

Will FFXIV charge players monthly like FFXI

Will MGS:PW be like MGS:P.O and have you control a party, id rather just control one guy.

15 years ago

Yes, XIV will charge a monthly fee.

15 years ago

i must say though, that alan wake game does look pretty cool

but i'm very happy with what sony has lined up, so its not so bad


karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

I thought the light thing was kinda boring

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

I watched it live and then went back and watched some portions of it again so that I could drool some more. I even liked all of the soundtrack music that they used during the video presentations and in-between Jack and other people going on and off the stage. Had my feet moving.

15 years ago

Thanks Ben and Arnold,

You make me have the chance to read the most-update news from E3. Actually I m in Macau, no way to visit this great EXPO.


15 years ago

The Home vid was cool they kept showing this guy that looks just like my avatar that looks just like me 🙂

15 years ago

Im scared for the future…why? These games are becoming too real. Like what Sony showed for the motion sensor gig, i was scared, like: what will "SONY" do next? How many years are we from putting our minds into the games themselves? Wow…Its kinda like we'replaying God with video games, but hey thats what their for, to push the envelope, and Sony did that, i was–for the 1st time in years, PROUD TO BE A SONY FANBOY! SONY= PARAGON OF GAMING

15 years ago

Thanks Ben and Arnold for the hard work that you did and all I can say is PSXExtreme is the best all Playstation site in the world. I rarely go anywhere else for my Playstation reads, news, and downright fix. It is the first thing that comes up everyday on my PC before I turn my PS3 or PSP on. Thanks again.

As For this years E3, all I can say is OMG!!! Hands down a big victory for Sony. All those xbots making fun of Sony's show are really just crying deep inside their mindless/heartless bodies and cannot deny that they saw Power,Greatness,Innovation,and only can dream of seeing games like that on the 360. They will need the next Xbox to possibly see that type of quality.

I was sweating and laughing and had a huge smile on my face through that whole presentation. OMG I even had some tears in my eyes. SOB can someone give me a tissue..Lol's
Many times I got off my chair in front of the computer and yelled loudly, YES YES YES.

I was truly worried after seeing Microsofts Project Natal yesterday at how Sony could equal that. Well what I saw at Sony's conference just shot the ball right back in Microsofts court. Yes Natal is very very cool, but like WorldEndsWithMe said that he would rather have something in his hands than move around like a freakin loser and have his neighbor catch him looking gay through the window out of shock..Lol's.

To Sony thanks very much for the amazing ride and thank you for this E3. You are the champions!!!

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Uncharted 2 was like watching a movie . it was so seamless .

15 years ago

Yea i also want to see more of the Last Guardian.

Yea and i was a little bit down when i heard FFXIV was an MMO.

Yea i haven't also really been interested in that controller-motion-sensing thing but after hearing of project natal and ps eye am kinda interested.

No ps3 slim,no?

No price cut,no?

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

"I am excited about this next game not for one reason , but for 256 reasons "

Best quote from E3 .

15 years ago

Great coverage! thx!

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

nice job on the up to date info guy's,it sounds like you had a good time 🙂
Whats this about a new Resident evil on PSP????
The last guardian is gonna make alot of grown men cry like babies !!!
New MGS on PSP! i wonder if this is why big boss gets super pissed off with zero & co,having to work with 3 clones of himself ???
it would rule if the whole game was 4 player co op and at the end the four snakes(naked snake = big boss)had to fight to the death and the last snake standing is big boss(from all the players POV),at the start your just snake and if player 3 wins the 4 way duel he's big boss in the ending cut scene,i'm allowed to dream!!


Last edited by Lord carlos on 6/3/2009 6:17:05 AM

15 years ago

Guys!!!! Am I the only one who noticed the PS3 slim in the intro of Sony's Press Conference?
Ben please take a look and tell me I'm not crazy or that I'm crazy 🙂

Last edited by Karosso on 6/3/2009 6:44:40 AM

15 years ago

Uncharted 2 looked phenomenal that's what I call next gen and it's only possible on PS3

15 years ago

Not sure why my comment got stuck in the limbo of "pending moderator approval" but again.
Is that the PS3 Slim on the intro of Sony's Press Conference??
Tell me I'm not dreaming…

15 years ago

It think it was the PS2 sitting next to the PS3 and later, allduring the time they showed all the X, O, triangle, &Square buttons going around.

BTW, anytime you add a "link" in your post, it always goes into moderator approval mode automatically. Then there's a waiting period until a mod's free to check it out & then it posts. They're usually quick with it & I've found that it's usually less than 1/2 hour tops(unless they're all extremely busy like during this E3, LOL)

Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/3/2009 11:17:56 PM

15 years ago

Uncharted2 blew everything else away,those are the most impressive graphics I've seen and has the action to back it up;Last guardian had the same effect on me.Sadly I have to say that the only thing that was underwhelming to me was GOW3 🙁

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
15 years ago

Downloaded FF VII and the FF Dissidia wallpaper last night. Downloading the Uncharted 2 beta as I type. 🙂

15 years ago

Stay strong, Ben, women can wait!!!!

15 years ago

The Uncharted 2 beta is sweet. I played it last night and I didn't know the co-op was going to be that good. I like that fact that it makes you work together.

Last edited by vicious54 on 6/3/2009 8:38:36 AM

15 years ago

The "rather have a controller than flail arms around" argument doesn't work.
I'm sorry, it just doesn't.
Regardless if you have a tiny bit of plastic in your hands or no plastic at all, you're still flailing and if that makes you feel stupid, motion control isn't for you.

What IS, however, a valid point is that I do not believe the Archery scene from Sony's presentation can be re-created in Natal.
Everything else (beyond not using controllers, obviously) can be re-created using Sony's PlayStation Eye.

The PS Eye already has a camera sensitive enough (obviously) and a microphone with enough noise cancelling to support voice commands. Source:

Facial recognition is all software-based and thus if Sony partners up with a firm similar to what Microsoft did, Sony can re-create the remaining features of Natal with no problems (beyond getting developers interested, obviously, though MS shares the same problem).

Returning to my original point; while I don't know much about the physics involved, I still think that in order for the game to know that you have tilted your bow in the horizontal position, gyroscopes like what is found in the PS Motion Controller are required.

Therefore, one could conclude that Microsoft have sacrificed some functionality for the "wow"-factor of controller-less motion sensing.

Whether that is good or bad, that would be down to the individual person to decide.
Me personally, I don't mind the controllers, so long as they do come with wrist straps so that I don't have to fear dropping them.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x