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Ben’s Week In Review: May 31

It's the pre-E3 Week in Review, so we keep the focus pinned on the show. But I'm not going to talk about Kojima's new game; I think we've discussed that enough around here. 😉

If GT5 races into Sony's press conference…oh dear God…

It was curiously left off Sony's scheduled E3 list of software, but recent evidence says Gran Turismo 5 may make its presence felt at this year's show after all. And if that happens, not only will I be freakin' overjoyed but Sony will absolutely decimate the competition. If they're really going to show GT5, God of War III , Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , Heavy Rain , MAG , Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time , White Knight Chronicles , and whatever Kojima's and Team ICO's mystery projects are, the game is over for this show. Sony wins. And before the righteous stand up and proclaim that E3 isn't about "winning and losing," I will remind you that it's only the biggest promotion and marketing tool in the industry; it's only about winning and losing; it's only about competition. There's nothing "fanboyish" about it; it's the essence of all big business. But anyway, if GT5 shows up, a release date may come right along with it, and look the hell out if it has a 2009 launch window…

I don't know why, but GT has now become the only racing series I'll play. It may have a lot to do with a lack of time in general, but any new GT is always a first-day buy for me. It remains the closest thing to a true driving simulator we have (and don't even start with Forza claims; sorry, but it's not even close ), and I just dive in and immerse myself. We all do that with certain franchises, I suppose – I do it with FF, too – and GT is just a MUST for me. Always.

So Epic has a PS3 exclusive, huh…?

As if all the aforementioned software wasn't enough, we've just heard that Epic may unveil a PS3 exclusive at E3. Apparently, it's a horror-based game that uses an updated version of the very popular Unreal Engine 3, and I'll be very interested to see it. The genre has become highly competitive with the recent releases of Resident Evil 5 and Dead Space , and there's every indication that any horror game in the future will compete with Dead Space 2 , but I have no problem with that. I've always thought the survival/horror category needed more software and now may be the perfect time to break out a few more. Some of you may be disappointed that Epic still refuses to bring their awesome Gears of War series to the PS3, but…I mean, come on. You'd really begrudge Microsoft having this one unbelievable exclusive franchise when Sony has so many? 😉

And don't worry about Epic: they're hardly unfamiliar with the PS3. You may remember that Unreal Tournament III was one of the first games for Sony's machine, and it was a timed exclusive from the guys at Epic. We're certain they know what they're doing, so we'll keep a close eye on this supposed PS3 exclusive they're ready to announce.

Personal gaming update

So I picked up inFamous and THQ sent me Red Faction: Guerilla to review. Unfortunately, they muffed it up and sent me the 360 version, but whatever; I can still review it. However, Arnold may end up doing the review because we yelled at THQ and they're sending the PS3 version to him, so… Either way, I don't care. It's a great game and I don't want to give anything away before we post the review, but I'll just say it's like GTA on Mars. It actually reminds me a little of inFamous in that way. But even so, I prefer inFamous more for several reasons; I really love that game. I will freely admit I was wrong, too: not only did I say, prior to playing, that I thought inFamous might fall well shy of expectations, but I also said I'd probably like Red Faction more. Well, it's not true. I will say that both games are well worth playing but from my perspective, Sucker Punch's super-fun game is just more entertaining in my eyes. However, I'm well aware that many will feel differently because Guerilla really does have a lot to offer.

When I'm done, I'll head on back to FFVIII. About 20 hours in and I'm starting to remember the story (damn, it rules so hard). Lastly, while I'm certain some of you are interested in what happened last weekend when I was away, and the whole Courtney/Amy deal…that stays under wraps. At least for now. Sorry. 😉 All I can say is the past week has been………….eye-opening.

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15 years ago

This is Sony's show. E3 is all Sony. Seriously.

Although, I do wonder what Microsoft and Nintendo has been up to…
They have been silent this late 08- early 09 year.

Also, that Epic Games ps3 exclusive would ROCK! That would be such a punch in the face for the 360 fans. 😀

Last edited by Masterofallz on 5/30/2009 10:32:12 PM

15 years ago

Sony will show so much more

Mark my words.
As impressive as Sony's list is, believe me they have way more to show.

I wanna see Nintendo triump again

The Microsoft fad has to die already

Also can't wait to see what Sega, ATLUS, and other jrpg makers are up to.

We need more jrpgs

Last edited by Scarecrow on 5/30/2009 10:35:08 PM

15 years ago

Yeah! And especially that BBC reporters game. I really want to see what game pushed the ps3 to the limit and showed what the console can really do.

Actually, not even Sony knows what the PS3 can do using 99% power. Killzone 2 only uses 66%. So, it makes you wonder, right?

15 years ago

It will be very interesting to see Epic's new title. They did a fair job working for Microsoft and I am sure they will do the same or even better working for Sony. Just imagine! Gears of war Ps3 style; I see a very idyllic future 😉

Ben: Is inFAMOUS really that good as you claim? Be honest, because I have been considering picking a copy up. I played the demo, it was fun, but didn't think it was worth $60.

15 years ago

The rumor was debunked.


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Read Arnold's review. 🙂

15 years ago

All I can say Bugz is: BUY IT!!

15 years ago

The Demo doesn't do it any justice.It's extremely fun to play and once you start you don't want to put it down,it's that much fun.

15 years ago

Sorry Ben but the Red Faction Demo just left me with a queasy feeling and some eyeballs that were upset at the subpar graphics.

15 years ago

I agree I didnt like the demo it put me off getting it.

15 years ago

final fantasy 8 disc 4 doesn't work on my ps3- has anyone else had this problem

15 years ago

Oh well so the Epic games exclusive rumor has been debunked…that doesn't mean that Sony won't win this year's E3. I mean look at all the rumors. PSP GO! is true…and it will be exciting to some, disappointing for others. Kojima's announcement is coming up. Team ICO's project is being revealed…although it already sort of has…"Trico." We'll be able to see real-time footage of God of War III (80% chance), we might get a glimpse of Gran Turismo 5 (30% chance) and get told whether it will come this holiday season or not. AND SO MANY FREAKING OTHER STUFF. PS3 slim?!?!?! What the hell – the rumors just kept on piling up for Sony. It's insane and ridiculous.

Here's the scary part for me personally…turns out the last day of school for me is June 2nd…on June 2nd I have a final that ends at 9:50am – then I'm free. Sony's press conference starts at 11:00 am right? God it was like my destiny to watch Sony's press conference…can't wait!

15 years ago

You wanna know where I am then? On a mountain doing some project with my class, without internet:( And I`m staying there to friday! Damn school, couldn`t find a better timing:(

I really wanna know what`s Kojima`s game is, and hoping that GT5 will be out this year!!!

15 years ago

Oh god dude…and this whole project starts right on Tuesday??? Oh man…I feel sorry for you. Oh well…hey think of it this way – if this year's E3 actually blows YOU GOT LUCKY haha.

15 years ago


It starts monday and ends friday:s And yeah, if it sucks then I`m lucky:P But then again, Sony has WAY to many news and games to show this year that it`s not gonna suck!

…..hate school right now:(

15 years ago

its true Ben GT is such a especial game. i cant wait to see what PD has been doing all this time.

15 years ago

i absolutely loved infamous, only complain is the character feels a bit too light when hes jumping, and the aiming is kinda hard, but i still loved my infamous!!

15 years ago

i wanna try the red faction out but i dont like buying games im uncertain on (especially ninja guidan sigma) and i've run out of space on my harddrive 🙁

15 years ago

I did recently too. I deleted the game content of stuff that I wasnt playing no more and got almost 28gb back on my hd. I kept all the saves as they dont take hardly no space, well the majority of them dont anyway.

15 years ago

yea, problem is is that ive already done that and play all of the games i have lol. probs do it to uncharted as ive just platinumed that and cba to play it anymore

15 years ago

You really should upgrade your hdd,I got a 320 gig for $50 with free shipping off ebay,you could probably find a bigger one for about the same price.

Last edited by Hexen on 5/31/2009 3:44:20 PM

15 years ago

I dunno, I think in theory it might look like Sony will win, but this generation is so unpredictable… What if GT5 doesn't show? What if Kojima's game is also for the 360? And well the Epic game has been debunked. And also what if Trico only shows up in video form?

The Ratchet game will be awesome, but it's not something that is really gonna get anyone too excited, because we have already seen it this generation.

Uncharted 2 and GOW3 will be awesome of course, but Heavy Rain looks really boring. Sony is gonna have a really bad time selling this game. I love trying out different games, but this game just looks dull. MAG is well just another shooter in my eyes (with no single player) and White Knight is just an RPG, that doesn't really get many people excited. The 360 has had like 3 exclusive RPGs that I bet are as good as White Knight.

If anything, it could be Sony's E3 to lose.

15 years ago

just said it already dont be shy.. you hope sony gets destroyed by microsoft on the e3.

your posts always come with that type on negativity.

Last edited by Oxvial on 5/31/2009 11:30:07 AM

15 years ago

Chill dude. Unlike you, I question Sony, and not just treat them like God.

I've had every single Playstation system, and have never owned an X-Box or a Nintendo system since the NES. I've been Sony and Sega all the way.

15 years ago

I question them too. no backwards on the current ps3 models and uncharted and heavenly sword still at 59.99 aren't wise choices .

the problem is every time you post you come with those type of negative comments.

15 years ago

Well I'm sorry, I think it happens because I read all the OVERLY positive comments all the time, and it makes me think of what's wrong, because nobody else wants to bring up that side. Everyone is Sony's cheerleader on PS sites.

15 years ago

Wow, antidepressant quick!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Stickemup: Fine. But you may have to realize that you're in the minority of ALL gamers – not just PS fans – when you say MAG is "just another shooter" or WKC is "just an RPG" while citing 3 360 RPGs and failing to mention other upcoming PS3 exclusive RPGs like Demon's Souls and Last Rebellion. Furthermore, saying Heavy Rain looks "boring" isn't really casting doubt on Sony; it's merely a personal preference, and one that not many hold to.

I'm fine with questioning. I do it all the time. But it almost sounds to me like you're LOOKING for the problems…problems that may not even be there. Sometimes, man, a cigar is just a cigar, ya know? 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 5/31/2009 9:17:37 PM

15 years ago

Yeah for sure Ben, I understand. But it was just a what if. And I dunno, I've read a lot of comments about Heavy Rain looking too dull, and nobody wanting to really play a game where all you do is press button sequences. And just going from the sales of next-gen RPGs, I don't see many people getting psyched over it. Demon Soul does look good though.

Why haven't you posted about FF7 coming to the US Ben? It's pretty much official now.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, I'll try to take care of that tomorrow.

As for Heavy Rain, I understand how people may find it boring. It relies entirely on the story and characters, and if that fails, the entire thing fails. But being a fan of Indigo Prophecy, I have a feeling Quantic Dream won't fail…

Btw, to everyone else: PLEASE stop tossing up "thumbs down"s when Stickemup disagrees with valid points. It doesn't reflect well on the community.

15 years ago

Hehe, thanks Ben I hadn't even noticed the thumbs down. I'll try not to sound so negative, but more constructive with my criticism.

15 years ago

Ben.. when you say Red Faction is like GTA, in what way? I realise its a huge sandbox adventure… but the demo basically shows everyone trying to kill you.

is the full game something like GTA as in you can walk around freely and interact with soceity? because I had no idea it would be like that if true, and may well mean a purchase for sure on Friday.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Well, kinda somewhere in between. You'll have to wait and see with the review. 🙂

15 years ago

THQ sending you the 360 version of RF. Now that's a good one.

15 years ago


I think Infamous is awesome, but am also looking forward to Red Faction, demo was very cool, Which side did u choose Ben? Good or Evil? I am playing through good, and then going to play the Evil, anyways, enjoy E3, it's Sony's this year, no one will even come close!


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Going Hero the first time (although it'll probably be the only time, due to aforementioned time restrictions).

15 years ago

Damn Tuesday is gonna be great, the release of fuel, and E3, I really can't wait for it

15 years ago

I've never been that "into" racing games…since a new one comes out like every three weeks…

Also, I'm not a photo shop expert or anything but do you think the retards that designed the PSPGO could've done something a little nicer like the link shows and if they did it with both analogs, so many more people would buy it…just a thought…

15 years ago

And as for the courtney/amy situation…not to be disrespectful or anything like that but looks like ben doesn't want to comment on rumor or speculation lol

Last edited by SarahPalinMILF on 5/31/2009 9:59:37 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago


15 years ago

Nintendo is absolutely going to disappoint, I have hopes that the 360 will have SOMETHING to announce. But I definitly am on the same boat as you guys when I say…PS3 all the way this year! Slow start but that's happened a lot in the PS_ starting off, but they are always pushing the technology first 🙂

I can't wait to see the review for Red Faction because I am planning on buying InFamous, Red Faction, Batman, Prototype, and I sorta hope and sorta don't hope that one of them sucks so I can watch my poor piggy bank :-

15 years ago

Ben, I feel ya on the whole not being able to play alot of games due to lack of time. GT has been the only racing series I've stuck with for years. I got so into it by reading the detailed driving guide that came with the second one. Ahh……those were the days.

Last edited by fatelementality on 5/31/2009 11:48:22 AM

15 years ago

The first one had the best/most comprehensive manual of them all….

But yes I'm with you guys. Though I do play some other cool racing games, mainly rally or kart games.

Motorstorm is something racing fans should definitely try out.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I've had maaaany hours of fun with GT. Plain and simple. 🙂

15 years ago


i missed last week weekend review. Im so acustommed to that that I really felt bad!!.

Anyways Im anxiously waiting for E3. If GT5 shows at the E3 it really woyld be amazing.

As for inFAMOUS…what an amazingly fun game!!. The graphics are really good for a sandbox game. I havent played Guerilla but the demo left a bad taste for my purchase of it. Not like the inFamous demo who get me vey exited for the final game. Well I must rent it first to see..


15 years ago

I feel Sony has something really amazing up their sleeves and all of these leaks are part of their master plan,I know from Sony's past that I shouldn't thought them.

15 years ago

Ahh! BEN! I think I found out the BBC reporters game! I just found out that Sony trademarked the name

"Starhawk" but no product has been offically announced. Soo, there is a chance, since the BBC reporters game hadnt been announced yet. Huh? Huh!?

Last edited by Masterofallz on 5/31/2009 2:20:35 PM

15 years ago

Starhawk is Imsoniac's sequel to Warhawk

Hope it's a good game, Warhawk's really fun

15 years ago

Starhawk, is a 2010 Playstation 3 video game by LightBox Interactive

15 years ago

@ Random_ Steve I was running out too, so I went and got a 500GB HDD (Seagate Momentus 5400.6 2.5 SATA) for about $80 depending on where you get it. The install was painless.

Last edited by THEVERDIN on 5/31/2009 3:39:49 PM

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