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Ben’s Week In Review: May 17

Okay. No comment on what's going on – personally – right now. Just gaming. 🙂

You know…I don't really care what Kojima's new game is

No, I don't. I don't care. I don't give a flying fig what the game is, or what it'll be called. Know why? Because Hideo Kojima made it, so it's gonna be awesome; no ifs, ands or buts about it. I found it interesting that his project might actually be Tornado Outbreak , but I only thought about it for a fleeting moment. I sat there and went, "hmm…wonder how that might work…" for about ten seconds and then my very reasonable brain just said, "dude, this is Kojima. It's going to rule, no matter what." Now, I will freely admit that whatever he makes may not fall into my wheelhouse; i.e., if he creates a flight sim or RTS, I probably won't play it. But despite my own personal preferences, I can pretty much guarantee it'll be a quality production and one that likely takes another step up the video game innovation ladder. There's no denying this guy's drive and talent, and to waste time debating over his new project is almost an insult… Perfectionists don't screw things up. They may create something you're not interested in, but they won't screw it up. That much, I promise.

A Slim PS3, eh? Hmm…

When I first heard about the "redesigned" PS3 Sony would supposedly unveil at E3, I didn't pay much attention. Such rumors are always evident every year, and "redesigned" is incredibly vague; it could mean just about anything. Then we got those leaked photos of what appears to be the new PS3 Slim and I said to myself, "well…that should definitely work." I never really had a problem with the PS3's size, but I can see how it might be a detriment: it's super crazy heavy and yes, a bit cumbersome. Besides, after all the technological advancements they've made in the past few years, it's clear Sony doesn't need all that space inside any longer. Now, the only question is: if they do reveal this slimmer, thinner, lighter PS3, does that mean they announce a price cut at the same time? A cosmetic change is always nice but in the end, that's all it is…cosmetic. It really doesn't change the impact it has on our wallets and these days, that's what consumers care about most. I say it would make for an awesome setup. Just say, "here comes the new PS3 Slim and oh, by the way, it'll be cheaper, too!" 🙂

Personal gaming update

I'm wandering around Dollet in FFVIII, Drawing all the first-level magic out of the enemies so I can Mid-Mag RF my 100 Fires into 20 Firas and so on. And because I have a disease , I absolutely won't stop until I have 100 of each of those second-level spells, which means it takes a little while. If any of you are lost, it means you haven't played FFVIII and if that's the case…well then, shame on you. 😉 I go back to LBP every now and then but at this point, I feel like I'm just waiting on inFamous , which I'm fairly convinced I want to play now. Either that, or Red Faction: Guerilla …but I'm trying to save a little money, just because I had to drop an unexpected grand on my root canal this past week, and there are other extenuating circumstances.

Circumstances I will not get into at this juncture. Night all. 🙂

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15 years ago

Lol keep getting those spells =P kinda tedious but hey everyone plays differently. I wish I could save money with all these games and bundles. inFamous, Red Faction are both going to be day ones and the Dissidia PSP bundle are going to cost me. The Slim PS3, eehhhh….dunno, think it's too early and at this point, why? The only thing different that they CAN do to it is make smaller chips, and take away a usb port or two =| it's essentially bare bones already…maybe the wi-fi?

15 years ago

It's not tedious

It's dedication
Besides no MP! (ever think 'bout that?)

MP is such a drag in most rpgs…. :*(

15 years ago

lol yeah, MP is uber important, lol. But you gotta love those FFVIII summons ;P

15 years ago

I agree with the Kojima game assessment, whatever it is ought to be good. I just hope its close to being finished when he tells us what it is.

15 years ago

the big reveal is gonna be this year but i'd be willing to bet that the game itself isn't gonna release until june of 2010…

15 years ago

It would be awesome for Kojima's team to pick up an existing IP (sorry, I like to dream ok?) I would give anything if he could take a shot at Dragonball Z, or the Matrix, or Batman for christs sake. I know you think that it would waste his creative genius, but he would do it completely flawless and for the fans. Especially if he was one. I've seen a leaked box photo for the ps3 slim. It looked pretty authentic. Looks like they just got rid of the Spider-man lettering.

15 years ago

I'd love to see Kojima's take on the matrix. I bet he could come up with an amazing story. As for Batman, I think it is pretty good hands right now, have you seen any gameplay trailers?

15 years ago

Yes. I even saw a kid playing a demo of it on a PS3 kiosk at a Wal-Mart (we're talking a hicktown U.S.A. Wal-Mart here). I guess they have some kind of exclusive deal on this one. I wanted to try it out, but the bastard wouldn't leave. Couldn't blame him though. The fighting system looked very well put together. I just want a free roaming Batman game. You could go all over Gotham and fight crime much like New York in Web of Shadows. You could grapple instead of swing. You could use the batmobile, the bike, the batwing, or the jetpack to get around as well. With Kojima's touch, every time he spread his cape to leap off of a building would be dramatic as hell. The music would rock because he would get the best composer for the job. The cutscenes and graphics would be of MGS4 caliber. The whole game would be an epic masterpiece through and through. His team could even use their mastery of cell shading and do it in the style of the animated series. What kills me is that they've gotten most of the voice actors from the series but are going with a realistic look. Not saying the game is gonna be crappy, but it can be better. I want Prototype all kindza crazy!!!!!! That looks F'in goooood.

15 years ago

nah gamestop has it to, but it's never what's on. Ours here has SF4 full game, LBP demo, Batman Demo, Skate 2 demo, and i think motorstorm demo.

15 years ago

A Kojima DBZ game would leave me drooling for days but I am sure that's not his type of thing.A matrix game is not too far off,it could even surpass the movie in the story department if he develops it.

15 years ago

Hey Ben who's your favorite FFVIII GF? I always saw FFVIII as having the best Summons out of any FF. Well maybe save for FFVI.

I want to play the game again, such an awesome cast and story. Really fun moments in that game. You always feel like you're truly doing something that MATTERS.

H Kojima, yeah I just want Metal Gear Sunny. I know some of you support my idea.

Aaaaand ps3 "redesigned" sounds like crap to me. Meh whatever

15 years ago

My favorite is always Ifrit
But Siren is a close second!

Diablos a MEMORABLE mention! Why isn't he in more FFs anymore :*(

Last edited by Scarecrow on 5/17/2009 1:14:02 AM

15 years ago

Diablo was indeed awsome, I like Quezacotl but my favorite is FFIX's Bahamut =P

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Well, to be honest, I don't remember them all. I'll tell you when I get 'em again. 😉 I do remember Eden being crazy weird, though.

And I think my fav Summon of all time just has to be Knights of the Round in FFVII. It was just too insane. LOL

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Ok , I was about to comment in the other article but I was in a hurry .

For the sake of mankind , you have to go with possibility of a threesome . Maybe not for yourself , but to provide solace to all men around the world . We will draw hope from the fact that another brother has entered the sacred land of abundance . 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

…we'll see.

15 years ago

Mash that square button! MASH it!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

LMAO Boost, baby!

15 years ago

I don't see why the internet is going crazy with the rumor that MGS4 might (read NOT) coming to Xbox. When NG2 went to PS3 it was hardly news. I don't think it will, but it would be smart if it did. These companies want to make money, this is why they exist. They want as many people to play their games as possible. Kojima seems a bit different though, so that's why it probably won't.

15 years ago

If he don't make the port and the next Metal Gear 5 on the 360 that would just hype more his legendary status of perfectionist .

Last edited by Oxvial on 5/17/2009 3:11:18 AM

15 years ago

i agree but ng2 is coming to ps3

15 years ago

I wouldn't want a slim PS3.
Slim Ps2 was something that warned me not to get a slim version of PS3.
Majority of my friends who got a PS2 in 2007 and after that all get their Slim Ps2 overheat less than 10 hours into gaming, though some however lasted for years(those who got theirs earlier of course but not all).
One of my friend had his overheated 2 hours into gaming after he bought it!!!
My fat PS2 is 7 years old and it's still good and going(though I had some scare sometimes……….).

No offence here, but the slim version really is not so good, but who cares bout my opinion, I'm just an idiot who's going to get 20 thumbs down on this comment.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 5/17/2009 5:39:03 AM

15 years ago

I have never ever had a console on or played a game for over 10 hours…let alone 5…probably 2 at the most…and that's rare…

Maybe for the people who do play them for that long, they should have a warning on the box…VIRGINS BEWARE: WILL ONLY LAST 10 HOURS…

15 years ago

lol yeah thats funny
but seriously the most i have played a game is about 3 hours and this only happened with prince of persia and that wolverine game that just came out

15 years ago

also i happen to know that you can be the most hardcore gamer in the world and there will always be one thing that can will keep you from getting to that next checkpoint (a girlfriend) and i have yet to meet a hardcore gaming chick, not that there arent any around

and not trying to piss anyone off

Last edited by kratos17 on 5/17/2009 9:49:51 AM

15 years ago

I've met a few hardcore gamer girls. Awkward and ugly just like most of the guys 🙂

15 years ago

PS3 slim might be a bit better since I like to take my PS3 down my dad's when I go visit him and sometimes over a friends house and talk about a weight on your back! Would also be nice if there was a propper PS3 caddy case :(.

As for FF8 I absolutely love the game, first time I played through I just wanted to finish the story (and a very long one at that), second time around I wanted to explore everywhere and level my characters up as much as possible, it takes time but it's worth it in the end 🙂

15 years ago

I took a big steaming crap today and it was the most disgusting thing ever…then some guy took a picture of it, uploaded it…claimed it was the new slim PS3 and people believed it…what are the odds…

15 years ago

aslong as Kojimas new game is not another MGS, im happy. I really don't want that to be milked and ruined!

He hinted at a vampire themed game in mgs3 and that would be interesting!

Either way, Koj needs to venture out of MGS before he becomes known as the george lucas of video games.

15 years ago

you should be ashamed of your avatar…prince is awful…

15 years ago

You shut your mouth! Prince is tha freakin man!

15 years ago

maybe prince would be cool if i was doubting my sexual orientation and race…maybe even if i belonged in a psychiatric hospital…but no…i'm normal and prince sucks…thats just the world we live in people…

15 years ago

Well maybe they doubt their orientation and gender and such, so that makes you a discriminator =O but personally i don't care for prince…

15 years ago

call me whatever you want…just don't call me a prince fan…

15 years ago

When you can play 27 instruments, write, produce all your own music spannin from rock to funk, all the way to classical, frequently have multiple albums of yours hailed as some of the best of all time, play guitar and part the sea with it, be hailed as the greatest live act on the planet and outsmart the powers that be (industry)….then i will listen to your unintelligible words.

Nice welcome by the way.

15 years ago

@ lotusflow, great avatar. Tell Sarah to show his/her taste in avatar.

15 years ago

Man, I'm all for expressing one's opinion but to bash Prince isn't cool. I don't listen to his music lately, but I would never bash the man; he's an artist. These days that's very hard to find, so I have nothing but respect for him. You don't have to like his music, but show some respect.

Back on topic. Anyways, someone mentioned the reliability of slim consoles. I don't know if that could apply to a slim PS3, and why that happened with slim PS2s I have no idea. I'm sure Sony wouldn't want that kind of reputation for PS3 considering how epic RROD is.

15 years ago

why must we judge what we do not understand or what is different from the norm

15 years ago

Kratos17, fantastic quote.

I'm glad to see some people here not as ignorant lol. That was my first post! Byakko, spot on!

I'm glad to be aboard btw and ive been reading for years. Bens articles always enlighten me.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 5/17/2009 3:06:17 PM

15 years ago

All I know is that Prince's house is nothing but a huge studio. The whole thing is wired for sound. He could be taking a crap and be like "wait I gotta song idea" then start singing. They way I see it is if you don't like something, don't go bashing it. Just do your own thing and be happy 🙂 Oh, and welcome Lotusflow3r. I joined this forum because I felt it was filled with alot of intelligent people. I think we mostly try to get along here. His guard's down, ATAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by fatelementality on 5/17/2009 4:49:34 PM

15 years ago

Prince walked right by me once at another band's concert, the guy is minuscule!

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/17/2009 5:45:30 PM

15 years ago

Dude is in his 50s too! He still looks like he's friggin 19.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

No more of this in here, please. Take it to the forums if you must.

15 years ago

Sorry if I egged this guy on, and for getting way off subject. Prince wasn't here to defend himself so I had to say something 🙂

15 years ago

I still stand on the grounds that slim ps3 isn't coming out this early.

Heck,if it's released i wouldn't be surprised if it has a whole number of issues,like over-heating and blu-ray drive problems.After all MS still making money outta that faulty 360,why shouldn't we SONY do the same. This is where fat ps3 owners will have the upper hand for being early adopters.

15 years ago

true true true and true

Exactly how I feel 'bout it all

15 years ago

Dude, my roomate believes that if Microsoft released a new console this year, it would sell like hotcakes. Really now?

15 years ago

i think a slim ps3 is ok but im not sure it will be a reliable system
so they should try it out by having a fat and slim ps3 out just in case things dont work out

15 years ago

You'd figure that the price drop would be for the regular PS3. Making smaller tech usually increases manufacturing costs. Well, unless they strip the slim of a couple ports here and there.

Last edited by fatelementality on 5/17/2009 9:51:09 AM

15 years ago

I can't see a slimmer PS3 coming it makes no sense and is a stupid move, I also stand my ground that a Price cut is not needed at all.
I honestly hope they make an announcement on a sony harddrive.

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