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Editorial: Who’s Playing Who?

Okay, first things first- if the majority of my readers really want me to stop posting these little personal updates on the weekends, I'll certainly stop. The only reason I do it in the first place is because my virtua-diary got a gigantic response late last year, but I know things can get old. I always focus on gaming for my Week in Review, but really, if you're all sick of my mini-dramas, I'll just stop. I'm no attention whore (never have been; hate the idea), and I don't mind letting you guys into my life here and there, but I know some people may get bored. So just let me know.

Now, moving on. You can read previous features over the past few weeks to get up to speed but as a quick refresher, we're dealing with Ms. Amy and Ms. Courtney (no, not their real names, although the first letter of each is correct); both of whom seem to have struck a friendly deal that they each "get a shot" at me, and I'm allowed to select which one gets the prize. …I try to make this sound optimistic and all bad-ass and stuff, but those who may be familiar with the situation know just how precarious it really is. Ms. Courtney was the first who showed interest, then Ms. Amy popped into the picture and the two made this completely abnormal and suspicious deal. I know everyone wants to know what they look like, but really, the best I can do is to have you picture pretty, professional ladies in their late '20s; all kinda "Sex and the City"-like. One's a broker; the other is an insurance executive (I live in CT, after all). Both have similar body types (slender, average height, etc.), but Ms. Courtney is blonde and Ms. Amy has auburn hair.

Now, just to get this out there- I've already slept with Ms. Amy (yeah, that's right…I told you I'd write it for everyone to see, "Ms. Amy!"), which I figured would be the end of the deal. I figured that despite their supposed "deal," Ms. Courtney would just snap and that'd be it. No. Actually, she wanted effing details. Then she just wanted to make sure she still "had a chance," and once again confirmed a date for the middle of this past week. I talked to Arnold and we both admit to being confused, although he's insistent on bringing up the "threesome" possibility. I refuse to go with that, but we do agree that at this point, I'm little more than a marionette and there's really no way to escape the eventual talons. However, I didn't get to see Ms. Courtney this week because I had a root canal that day and I really wasn't in the mood to do…well, anything. But she remains insistent. And now that I postponed that, both want to meet me for drinks at Ultra 88 (club at Mohegan Sun) at 11:00 p.m. tomorrow night. That's right, chickadees; this sh** is public now. If you try to kidnap me and toss me into a dungeon of torture somewhere, I gots peeps backin' me up.

…uh…you guys are backing me up, right? Anyway, I'm thinking I should just stop the insanity and tell Ms. Courtney that although every man likes the idea of sleeping with two hot chicks without either getting pissed, the risk is too great. Ms. Amy is great and we had fun. So…go with Ms. Amy? Yes? Or is it wrong, as Ms. Courtney initially asked for my number in the first place?

Scary sh**.

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Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

And just so people realize I DO have some sensitivity, I turn your attention to an excerpt from Thomas Mann's "The Magic Mountain," winner of the Nobel Prize for literature in 1927. It's one of my favorites:

"To try to make a clear-cut distinction between the passionate and the soulful – that would, no doubt, be analytical. The subject is so equivocal, the limits so fluctuating. We make bold to laugh at the idea. Is it not well done that our language has but one word for all kinds of love, from the holiest to the most lustfully fleshly? All ambiguity is therein resolved: love cannot but be physical, at its furthest stretch of holiness; it cannot be impious, in its utterest fleshliness. It is always itself, as the height of shrewd 'geniality' as in the depth of passion; it is organic sympathy, the touching sense-embrace of that which is doomed to decay. In the most raging as in the most reverent passion, there must be 'caritas.' The meaning of the word varies? In God's name, then, let it vary."

15 years ago

Very touching, but anyways- if neither one really cares then just go with your favorite-Ms. Amy? Btw, I might try to kidnap you and take your girl, lol.

15 years ago


Man, Two things to say.

1) Hang on and enjoy the ride (pun NOT intended)!

2) Allow things to unfold as they do, and don't try to shape things, women have a way of avoiding our attempts to shape anything. Which of course brings us back to 1)


Lucky devil!

15 years ago

Hey Ben. Not too good with women so didn't have much to say on this matter. Just wanted to bring your comments to 100.

15 years ago

So there ya go. Well, go for it I guess. I would.

Last edited by fatelementality on 5/17/2009 11:58:11 AM

15 years ago

It's not clear enough when we don't know them. It's purely your decision, I would say.

15 years ago

Nice photo …… is this a game?

15 years ago

Sorry, I posted before reading

15 years ago

if you all stop out to OH sometime, let me know THEN i will have your back 🙂 anyways i always enjoy keeping up with this now and then, and for those that dont, they dont have to read it. honestly i stick with one girl while dating or whatever you call it… and sleeping with girl A falls under the or whatever category. but thats just me, and everyone has their own opinions, as we shall soon see…. comments, comments, comments…

good luck in dangerous waters!

15 years ago

Refuse a threesome?! Give em both the prize…bang the hell out of both like its nobodies secret! Oh yeah,…I LOVE the image! Double Lollipop Twins!!! Yummy!

15 years ago

We got your back, but well you seem like a reasonable guy and even though I hate it to death: I am too. As much as my good friend in my pants tries to get me to do scandalous things I always find myself doing the right thing anyway. The right thing here is, despite anything that happened before, to go exclusively with the woman you see any kind of future with. It doesn't have to be marriage, but just a future. If it's neither, then just pick the one that best suits your type, or pick niether.

On a sidenote: I've never heard of this kind of "deal" and it worries me, usually a girl gets dibs, just like we get dibs and then everyone has to back off. Something here is twisted and all you can do is play it like a game: try to survive.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

That crappy movie with Ice T, "Surviving The Game" was on TV earlier today.

…that was a more agreeable situation.

15 years ago

Wow this is pickle. If it was me i would do it like this. Which one makes you smile when you see her ( whether really smile or just in your head) and which one makes you think " oh s**t oh s**t oh s**t!"

15 years ago

Did you just refer to yourself as "the prize"?

Note to self: the prize could be a very cool new nickname.

15 years ago

Having two girls fighting for the opportunity to date you definitely makes you the prize.

15 years ago

Insert clever Highlander reference here.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Of course we have your back. Figuratively speaking, that is 😉

Last edited by Reccaman18 on 5/15/2009 11:04:41 PM

15 years ago

We got your back, babes can be a lot of trouble :X

You know, I'm actually trying to decide which babe to go far at the moment too…No neither knows I like 'em, but both hint at liking me. One is super hot….and has a way of mesmerizing me. The other one is really cool and friendly, but not sure she can be more than a friend…

The problem is that the "hotter" one would take more maintenance and more pressure to "keep happy" than the "simpler" one. It's weird though, generally I'd go for the friendlier one…but I don't know what's wrong with me.

On your story bit:
Man it's pure win, I don't know why, but unlike most I really like this situation or the drama of it. These two girls are wild/interesting. If it was me I don't know…I might "try out" both lol. But yeah, just be careful man, these two are "friends"……

15 years ago

By the way, that image is godly!

15 years ago

Hmm this is a very very strange situation, but i agree with world which one do u see any kinda of future with. BTW i look forward to this every weekend 🙂 i'm a stay at home mom trust me i don't get out much, and my conversations are between me and a 5 month old .

15 years ago

I agree. I look forward to these also, can't wait for the next one.

15 years ago

Pick whatever one you like the best, If it's not Ms. Courtney its her fault for hooking you both up in the first place. You could also just sleep with them both then pick whatever one that's better in the sack. who knows they might of planned this from the beginning so they could get in a threesome. Just a little heads up the sex and the City chicks are kinda ugly.

Also, I don't mind if you post stuff like this it's a nice little bonus. And I got your back if/when the kidnap you, unless its like a sex dungeon and you don't wont to be found.

15 years ago

Check this out: I take my dog to this vet's office regularly right, and the vet must be a pervy cuz ALL his vet techs are cute young girls. And they all seem to act strangely around me and I'm trying to decide which one to go for. All different types and I know they all talk like hens in a henhouse to each other but I very much need to make a decision of which one to hit on because if I do it to all of em (besides the basic flirting I always do) they will probably all just forget about me as a sleaze.

Theres shy-not-as-hot-but-very cute girl, theres young-inexperienced-willing-to-please girl, tall-popular-girl, and athletic-perky-all around sexy girl. That's my pickle, really grinds my gears that I have exactly 1 shot at this.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/15/2009 11:27:58 PM

15 years ago


Ya'lls copy-cats…
I feel your pain….same situation with me at school…

Two cute babes….one I'm more "attracted" to. The other one is more honest and smiles more…

Dammit dammit dammit
The sad thing is the one shot crap….the other one will really throw me under the bus if she sees me with the other one….(I try to hide from one or the other when talking to one lol)

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Who says you have only one shot?

Maybe you should ask out the one who won't blab to the rest of the staff, thereby giving you another chance. 😉

15 years ago

I guess it just seems like a 1 shot deal, I mean if I get shot down and then move down the list, I won't come off too good, haha. But I think I'll go for the shy girl, she seems like a nervous wreck around me and for god knows what reason I like it 🙂

15 years ago

Shy is always good. Hides a raging sex goddess!

15 years ago

Do NOT go for tall-popular-girl.

15 years ago

@WEWM take the athletic perky all round sexy. She sounds hot to me.

15 years ago

she is dude, but I can't read her, I dunno if she's so nice and talkative because I'm a customer or she's just that way or whatever, anyway when I do whatever it is I do maybe I'll post it here under one of Ben's weekly reports 🙂

15 years ago

haha, I wonder if Ben remembered I too live here in Connecticut…

Good thing I don't have plans!
So, Mohegan Sun tomorrow night?
ahhhahahahahaha! nah, just kidding Ben, I'm not a fan of the casinos; less a fan of huge crowds, and chain smoking old ladies.

Personally, I think you should go with whoever seems the most sane. A persistant girl might seem like she's into you and all, but you gotta remember, women are actually viciously competitive with each other, especially when they both want the same thing… Either for practical reasons or just spite and jealously. Nice, sane, good women are hard to come by, if the "amy" persona is that, go with it.

Remember a situation like this can be delicate. So proceed with caution, and medical insurance! LOL Or hell, get that suit of armor seen in our lottery commercials.

Lastly, I know this perhaps seems silly, but you could let things pan out to a Mass Effect finale. Mrs. Evil Alien Hating Bitch Williams vs Sweet Loving Squidy Head Liara. Course then, you're either left to decide, or suggest a threesome as Arnold has, and watch the evil of the two walk away. Then again, it could pan out and you lose both.

Again… Proceed with caution. Especially with women here in CT… They're cold blooded imo.

btw, nothing wrong with personal life stuff. Some people will read, others won't. Sure, it's a gaming website, but we know who the guy behind the name is because of it.

Last edited by Zapix on 5/16/2009 12:11:42 AM

15 years ago

btw… They do know you're a… …. GAMER? right… LOL
Ben: no no, I'm not a gamer, I just um… I write about games, so I'm forced to play them. Yeah, that's it! I don't play games willingly, no no, not me! This bully from high school, Arnold threatens to make me commit seppuku if I don't write about his games!


had to say it 😛

Last edited by Zapix on 5/16/2009 12:24:56 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, of course they know. Remember the first feature that started all this; "Gamer Stuns Gal Crowd"? I'm like an exotic or some sh**. Big gamer who doesn't look or act like a gamer (if gamers "act" and "look" a certain way).

So you've never been down to the club at the Sun? Ultra 88 is pretty cool. RIDICULOUSLY hot chicks in there sometimes, but as you say, CT chicks can be ruthless. As for which one seems the most sane…I really have no idea. Both are loopy as far as I'm concerned.

15 years ago

I still think they're doing this for the attention and are reading this. C'mon now. I wear a cape and punch my fist sideways to my chest. NNNGH!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

You know, I never thought about that.

But these two don't need extra attention from a gaming website. LOL

15 years ago

Ms. Courtney

15 years ago

Ben oh Ben, I feel your pain, nice pic btw.

I shouldn't have been drinking Guinness because it came out of my nose. Damn man you have to have nerves of steel to deal with this soap opera. And I have your back.

15 years ago

I've slept with two chicks at the same time…it's pretty fun.

Last edited by migabyte on 5/16/2009 12:53:16 AM

15 years ago

Ben, I admire your position. Two women interested in you is a brain tease of the century. To answer you question, It comes down to your morales. I believe you already know the answer and have made the right choice. The key to happiness is no drama with the added drama how can you really have fun. When your with the other girl can you honestly say your having a goodtime or are you thinking how the other women is thinking about it. The key topic in your post was wen the other wanted details of your sexual encounter with the other. This in my opinion is either a setup for the 3 some that you tossed out because of moral issues or she is interested in you a a friend. You already chose when you decided to be with Ms Amy. Morality is the answer to this drama.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Morality? …if so, then I'm not sure where to turn. It seems I've flown right past morality into sin and vice; not entirely sure I can backtrack. LOL

15 years ago

I can hear the soundtrack for this whole mess right now…NIN 'Sin' from 'Pretty Hate Machine' lol.

15 years ago

Remember if you do the orgy you'll have to start smoking marlboro reds, grow a mustache, get silk sheets, red furniture, get orgy friends, etc and so forth until you're calling yourself "Benjamin Dukati" or some sh*t!

15 years ago

ROFL stop it! Guinness isn't made to come out of one's nose.

15 years ago

I dunno World, I'm picturing "Giggity giggity, aaaaaaaaaaaaaalright!"

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, I'm no orgy guy. I hate crazy weirdo lighting. LOL

15 years ago

I don't think that they feel the "need" for attention but I bet they love attention and this soap opera sounds like it will have a happy ending… or two. 😛

15 years ago

You are turning into quite the role model for all of us. I say at this point just go with the flow.

15 years ago

@Ben, I got your back,
I'll just put the losing gal on the back of my Harley.

BTW, You've gotta take a ride down to the Trump Taj Mahal's Casino in Atlantic City, they're giving away a white 370Z soon.
Just got to sign up for a players card, play the slots or table games for little bit, & then be there that day & time when they're giving it away(Just gave away a Mercedes & a nice Beemer in the last month or so).
If it peaks your interest, let me know & I'll be glad to get all the info/date/time for you.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Sorry, I just can't bring myself to gamble. Love the idea of the 370Z, though.

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