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Ben’s Week In Review: May 10

LittleBigPlanet is a little distracting going on in the background, but 'tis okay. Gotta do this. 🙂

Bye bye, Duke…or is it Hello, Duke?

When I saw the unfortunate news , I felt the most bizarre combination of sadness and mirth. The latter is just plain cruel; it's never a good thing when a long-time game developer shuts down, regardless of the reasons. We love our games and we want to see everyone involved do well. But that dark side of me – that's in all of you, too – kinda went, "well, duh ." Look, they've been teasing us with one particular game for over 12 years and that's just plain ridiculous, no matter how you slice it. But at the same time, let's look at the bright side: isn't there a good chance that Take-Two (who now has the rights to Duke Nukem Forever , I believe) might actually deliver the long-awaited game at some point? Might it actually become a reality? Might it actually cease to be called "vaporware?" I mean, isn't this what the gamers should desire? If one studio couldn't find a way to finish it, than maybe another can, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. What might be interesting is to see just how far 3D Realms got before everything went kablooey…

Don't "explore," Square-Enix, just DO

So Square-Enix says they're going to "check" on the possibility of releasing a playable demo of Final Fantasy XIII in North America and as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing to examine. It's coming here, isn't it? Japanese gamers are getting the game first, yes, but does that mean this region is meaningless? I think by now Japanese developers – and Square-Enix above all others – understands the importance of the West, and they absolutely can't leave us high and dry on this one. We don't necessarily need the 1-hour demo that came with the Blu-Ray edition of "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children" in Japan, but something is required. It just is. And besides, S-E is just annoying PS3 owners again by saying they don't want to release a Blu-Ray demo here, because that means Xbox 360 owners wouldn't be able to play it. Well, sadly, that is the current state of the tiresome situation. I just wish Square-Enix would toss us a bone, here. It can't be that difficult to take a portion of that demo and toss it up onto the PSN and XBLM, and I refuse to believe there's a whole lot to think about. Just do it, Square-Enix. Seriously.

Personal gaming update

Well, I probably should've gotten a little further in LBP before I started on FFVIII, which has already sucked up 10 hours of my time (and I haven't even embarked on my first official SeeD quest yet). I take my time and build up my party, and do everything I want to do before advancing the plot; it's just how I play RPGs. But that means I've stopped going through LBP, which means I really have to make a conscious effort to go back to it every now and then. Normally, I don't play two games at once, but I can play these two at the same time, just 'cuz they're so very different from one another. I'm remembering just how much I loved FFVIII – my only complaint is that I don't think as highly about the characters in combat – and I can't wait to get into the meat of the game. And go ahead and ask me if I care about those original PS1 graphics. Go ahead. Ask . Okay, now here's the answer: NO. Not in the slightest.

As for the current situation …well, Ms. Amy – that's Ms. Amy, isn't it? – will be retiring soon as she's tired and has to get up early for some Mother's Day thing. I'll try and play Resistance with Val and Arnold quietly… At this time, I'm not accepting any questions. 😉

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15 years ago

Do you care about those old ps1 graphics? 😛

15 years ago

BEN GOT LAID! WOO! …Sorry, had to be said.

15 years ago

I just want to throw this out there, if SE released there exclusive games on ps3 instead they would have got more sales and more support, what are they thinking???? Western expansion my foot, do they not realize hows popular the playstation brand is in north america? microsoft only has one console out!! I guess i'm just venting, but SE doesn't understand they already had western support, and they may have lost alot.

Also ben, do you have any info on a demons souls american release?

15 years ago

you should just import it. get the asian version though. Im waiting for my copy to arrive this week:)

15 years ago

The short answer is no. No they don't realize it.

15 years ago

oh yea, bens getting laid…. answer later!

King James
King James
15 years ago

10hrs of playtime and no official SeeD mission? Damn, and I thought I trained hard. You must have everybody at lvl 15 at least (if my memory serves me correctly). Fighting those T-Rex monsters, eh?

And as far as Miss Amy goes…I don't need to say much because most of it has already been said so I'll just say:

"And so it begins…"

15 years ago

Woot B5. Had to say it.

15 years ago

Why not just release the blu-ray demo of FFXIII in NA and EU? I mean, they didn't worry about leaving PS3 owners out when they released those two 360 exlcusives.

Now, moving on… so if she's just leaving does that mean you typed the Week in Review while she was at your crib? Do these girls read what you write? I'd have to assume that if they know the site they're reading everything you write and all the comments as well.

King James
King James
15 years ago

they do read it. Well at least the 1st one does.

Stay transparent.

15 years ago

He didn't really say she was "leaving." He said "retiring." I for one know the difference.

15 years ago

I for one read this: "Ms. Amy – that's Ms. Amy, isn't it? – will be retiring soon."

Which gave me the impression that he was looking at her and slipped in a joke about being able to tell them apart. Also, why the f*** else would he need to play Resistance quietly? No need to get high and mighty Mr. Alien.

Last edited by GuernicaReborn on 5/10/2009 6:58:57 PM

15 years ago

I hope you like nice boats Ben…I hope you like nice boats… 🙂

15 years ago

Might want to put on some sort of body armor and steel neck brace Ben.

15 years ago

Final fantasy 8 is to me the greatest game of all time-

My brother is playing through it right now–just passed fisherman's horizon

15 years ago

Well, with Take Two now having the Duke Nukem' rights, there is actually a chance that DNF – or another new Duke Nukem' game will surface. In fact I would go so far as to say that now the chances are two or three times what they were a year ago.

Of course the smart folks out there will point out that 3 times zero is still zero…. 😉

15 years ago

As well you shouldn't care about the PS1 graphics, there great.My PS1 games get as much playing time as my PS3 games.I just wished they added a widescreen solution.

15 years ago

play them on a psp and you will get widescreen mode 😉

15 years ago

So agree with you on that….


It's not the same…psp is just something you carry around.

There's nothing like playing a game on your tv. Really personal experience.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

I just thought it was really funny that 3D Realms closed down .

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Hey, I'm learning the FFVIII Battle Theme on guitar.

Ben, do you still find triggering Squall's gun blade shot (critical damage FTW) and Renzokuken still super awesome?


Wait until you play as Seifer again, he has the best slash-trail colour lol.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, but I always hate any and all luck in RPGs. I don't like the fact that "maybe" Squall will toss in the finishing blow after the Renzokuken (regardless of whether or not you got a Perfect). It's why I never use characters like Cait Sith in VII and Selphie in VIII; I hate the Slot crap. I don't work hard with my characters to leave results up to chance. Heh. 🙂

15 years ago

ben why must you torcher me?
its time to chew buble gum and im all out of gum, this game HAS to come out 2K would be stupid not to finish this and release it.
i mean 3D realms were working on it for what 12 years?
you would think its atleast 70% finished, if this game came out no matter when its sales would go through the roof.
i mean how many DN 3D remakes have there been done now with the XBLA copy.
DNF would be the best selling game and mayb even go onto trouncing halo 3, never know
2K give me a early birthday pressy and confirm at E3 that this is still comming out.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

+10 for the classic quote. 🙂

15 years ago

Just saw some DNF "leaked" footage. Compilation of model structures and some gameplay footage. After seeing that I have to say I am really pulling for this game to get completed. Come on 2K!

15 years ago

Isn't The Demo Supposedly 5Gigs? Put That On Psn Or XBLA = Days Of Downloading?

15 years ago

FFVIII is THE best ff i have ever played, like you ben im playing it also, i just came back from my SeeD test. i think ffvii was overrated

15 years ago

One of the bests that's for sure!

15 years ago

I think I'll just import the FFXIII demo with FFVII Advent Children Complete – it really wouldn't matter that much considering that I do like Japanese voice actors better, although I can't understand that much Japanese and definitely can't read kanji/katakana/etc. I'll still have fun with the game.

15 years ago

SE won't deliver PS3 owners a demo they can't gve to the 360-it won't happen. They caved in in their homeland because Wada, as well as being two faced, is also a coward and didn't want the heat in his own country. If the FF13 demo hadn't been round the corner people out there would have been on his back over the likes of SO4 not coming to PS3 anyway and that's why they got the demo AND why it remains a PS exclusive out there. SE really don't like PS3 owners outside of Japan-wait til E3 when FF13Vs goes exactly the same way as FF13 did last year and don't hold your breath for a demo that you'll not see til the smaller 360 demo is sorted(which is the one we'll also get and not the long Japanese one).

DNF is a real shame. Some of the CV footage from former 3Drealms employees is pretty sweet but still doesn't explain why this all went so badly wrong.If T2 can make something out of it(isn't it meant to be 90% completed?)I really believe it will be a breath of fresh air for shooters away from the realism and back to being mental! PC/360 only though as I don't imagine, for a minute, that anyone EVER started a PS3 version, does anyone?

As for Ms Amy and Courtney-run Benny boy, run. This isn't going to end well esp if you're dipping your writers wick in two pools already!

Last edited by mastiffchild on 5/10/2009 9:06:40 AM

15 years ago

I thought the FF13 demo took up like 5gb on that blu-ray disc for the movie?
That would be horrendous download time, they need to find a shorter but better part of the game and use that. and only include the models/textures/sounds that they absolutely have to.
this IS something that square-enix needs to "check into"

15 years ago

I played FFVIII on my PSP the other day, lovely stuff,i beat Diablos and did the timber Train mission. In Langunas Dream with Julia, He feel asleep from talking to much, does this usually happen i cant remember seeing that before.

15 years ago

i think you need to make like ben and get laid…

15 years ago

Not sure what Sarah's problem is, but yeah that usually happens. A lot of people fall asleep in this game before the transitions. You also reminded me that I gotta get that sucker on my psp as well.

15 years ago

I looooove FFVIII.
Just make sure you're at a good level before finding the diablos item. Cause he's a hardcore b*tch if you don't.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Beat him with Squall, Zell and Selphie as soon as I got the Magic Lamp from Cid.

You forget who you're talking to…an RPG king of kings. 😉 It DID take me a few tries, though. 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 5/10/2009 9:10:25 PM

15 years ago

Personal gaming update:

This is difficult but am contemplating selling my 60GB x360 so i can have only one console[PS3]in order to get more games on one system.Spreading out the purchases of multi-plats for both systems can sometimes be a headache.I feel i want to concentrate all the games on one platform.At the same time am scared 360 will have some exclusive coming out later that will have me regret it's sale.
Help me?

15 years ago

I don't know buddy, I don't think you will get enough money for a used 360 to buy THAT many games… If you're lucky you'll get two games out of it. I'd keep my 360 if I were you.

N a S a H
N a S a H
15 years ago

I sold my 360(60GB) just last week for 260 euro with 3 games and 2 controllers. If you ask me, that's an awesome deal.

15 years ago

I honestly don' see why gamers would want more than one system.Don't you basically have to buy double or triple the games you supposed to rather than just buying for 1 system.If you have lost of games for your 360 than it would be better just to keep it.

15 years ago

i might keep it after all.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Well, I almost never recommend getting rid of a system. I just think it's almost inevitable that at some point, you'll want to play a particular game on that console and you'll be sorry you got rid of it…

15 years ago

Okay Ben,i don't think i'll be getting rid of it,i'll manage.

15 years ago

I personally don't need a FFXIII demo, from what I've seen of the game's cast I think I'll pass on this FF.

By the way Ben, that's exactly how I play all my games, specially rpgs.

There's something so nice 'bout exploring and really enjoying the towns/mini-games rpgs offer. Always good getting all the good weapons too.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Hellz yeah, man. The only way to play RPGs, IMO.

15 years ago

Square is gettin' me pissed. I feel like they have my emotions hostage. I can't just turn my back on FF13 but ooooh do I want to!

F-U Square!

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 5/10/2009 8:56:18 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Guys, for the record, I don't know what I'm going to do about either Ms. Amy or Ms. Courtney. I could be callous and horrible and say something like, "Ms. Amy passed the test," but I really can't. …or did I just do it?

Well, anyway, I really like both a lot. …I have yet to do anything with Ms. Courtney besides a kiss or two here and there, but wonder of wonders, when she found out Amy and I spent last night together, she didn't care too much. She only wanted to re-confirm that she still has a shot. Um…I guess…?

The landmines are all around me. I know it. But at least I'll have some fun before I explode and die. Arnold as much as read me my obituary last night before I went out. LOL

King James
King James
15 years ago

Whoa…tread lightly Ben…tread lightly.

And stay transparent. That seems to be working so far.

15 years ago

I see ya interest in Amy is rising above that of Courtney?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Only because I've BEEN with Ms. Amy. It's not a fair comparison right now.

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