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Ben’s Week In Review: April 26

Warmest day of the year so far 'round these parts. Tossed the football around and stuff (nothing too exciting). 😉

I'm really tired of the word "multiplayer"

I'm well aware that there are plenty of gamers out there who can't live without it. I know they won't buy a game unless multiplayer is included as an option. I know many won't even play the single-player campaign, which is a brand new phenomenon and not one I like. I really don't think there's anything wrong with multiplayer, per se; it's basically a 100% positive…provided developers don't start gimping single-player campaigns to put more effort into the multiplayer feature. And now that I've heard about the Uncharted 2 multiplayer beta and the fact that EA will likely add a multiplayer option to Dead Space , I can't help but worry. I'm not concerned about these two particular games – I'm fairly certain both will rule – but if multiplayer turns out to be "essential," developers may sacrifice some single-player campaign quality if they don't have a big enough budget. It could happen with other titles in the future, and that will annoy the crap out of me. I like to play some games with other people every now and then, but I will absolutely never buy a game solely for that reason.

Maybe it's just because I'm from the earliest generation of gamers that saw this as a solitary hobby. I also know that multiplayer has allowed the gaming community to break through a few boundaries, set in place by old-fashioned stereotypes. It's no longer solitary; it's social. I have no problem with that. But you absolutely can have too much of a good thing, especially when that "good thing" begins to affect the very core of the entertainment product.

We really do need Kingdom Hearts III

So Square-Enix says there's little to no chance they'll continue to ignore this popular and critically acclaimed franchise; in fact, Hasegawa said he "can't think of any reason" why another installment wouldn't happen. We all know that Final Fantasy XIII will be the cream of the crop – I promise you, it will be – but Square-Enix needs all the help they can get. They've already ostracized many of the fans they garnered during the Squaresoft days, and the announcement of a third Kingdom Hearts would heal some of the injuries those fans have sustained over the past few years. It's not my favorite series but I really liked the first two and I'd certainly try a third. But don't think for even half a second that it'll be exclusive to the PlayStation 3; clearly, that's not how Square-Enix rolls this generation.

Also, I'd like to add that I'm keeping a curious eye on NIS America's currently unannounced PS3 RPG . I really won't have the time for something crazy deep – like another Disgaea – but I'd be interested to see a next-gen entry in either the Atelier or Mana Khemia franchises. I kinda miss the cute old-school JRPGs and as Star Ocean: The Last Hope didn't do it for me, I'm hoping NIS has something that might pique my still-existent role-playing interest. I really want to hear more about End of Eternity , by the way.

Personal gaming update

Star Ocean has pissed me off for the last time. I don't mind a challenge, but I have determined that the combat system in that game is either lame or poorly constructed or both. It was fun for a while, but the erratic, spiking difficulty (and, may I add, the cheating AI) wore thin. So if I get a preemptive attack, there are no more than 2 or 3 enemies…if they surprise me, there's like an army of 8. Always. Any enemy can knock you out of any combo attack you attempt, including all special skills and even Blindsides. The delay between attacks allows the enemy to just pummel your character on the ground before he even gets up, and if he gets stuck in a corner or along the side of the battle screen, he's basically dead. Lastly, after 20 hours, the story had yet to grab my interest and I never cared about any of the characters. So, it's done. I traded it in and as many of you know, I'm currently playing LittleBigPlanet . Yes, it is indeed a chick magnet …almost even more so than my ol' 350Z (sorry Arnold, but it might be true).

LBP is an incredible game, plain and simple. There really isn't anything wrong with it; or rather, nothing significantly wrong with it. It's just so imaginative and creative; it's so wonderfully polished, and yeah, even I have to admit, SackBoy is pretty damn irresistible. I'll be playing this for a while and I think my next game will either be Resident Evil 5 or Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 , which I loved when I did the review. And because The Last Hope is toast, I kinda want to finish an RPG…

Oh yeah, and Ms. Courtney did read what I wrote. She liked it, though. Said I was a good writer. …sadly, I'm really not, but what do insurance people know, anyway? LOL

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King James
King James
15 years ago

She read it?! You just wrote that. Sounds like you got a winner, Ben. No pressure (lol).

Wouldn't it be funny if she makes a profile and starts commenting all the time w/o you knowing its her? Oh damn, :-O I just gave her an idea. Sorry, Ben.

So is the Uncharted and Deadspace multi-player options confirmed? B/c Uncharted doesn't need, and multiplayer Deadspace is a oxymoron.

Last edited by King James on 4/25/2009 10:23:23 PM

15 years ago


Welcome Back, hope your trip went well, I am really looking forward to Dead Space 2, multiplayer would be great! Lbp, is a awesome game, i guess i might b a chick magnet, my wife says so, LOL! J/k. Let's try to play some Killzone 2 online sometime, looking forward to the expansion pack on Thursday!


15 years ago

Trading in that lousy Star Ocean for LBP was a brilliant move. Bravo.

15 years ago

Although I'm certain not the earliest generation of gamers (I'm 15) I've grown up to love single-player games and I share your beliefs.

I'm also not an only child, and I have 2 siblings that are Multi freaks.

15 years ago

She read it and she is still willing to play with your Sackboy? She's a keeper!

Oh and P4 is awesome!

15 years ago

I feel the same about multiplayer. It's fun now and then but I definitely feel there have been single player modes that have been reduced for the sake of it.

And I can't wait for kingdom hearts 3. I'm not in the camp that hates square-enix for the lask of ps3 support but I do wish they would pick up the pace for it. I own a 360 and can't bring myself to buy any games for it that I think could end up on the ps3 just in case because it is by far my preffered console.

15 years ago

Welcome back man. I'm kinda torn with multi on Dead Space…could be something nice if done right *smoke coming out of ears* but you're right with the concern with tacking on multi just because.

I've watched friends play KH and I like it, never have time to play it.

15 years ago

Dude some games need multiplayer and some don't. It's because of the masses of Xbox freaks that think everything should include multiplayer. They just dont understand how that is killing some unique titles. If it doesnt have multiplayer then it's not worth it. I have been tired of it ever since this gen started. Im like you Ben. Maybe me personally, I just dont give a damn for multiplayer all the time. It totally killed Resistance 2.

15 years ago

I don't think it's just the Xbox freaks, I think it's just more of the newer gamers that are so used to being online with everything. They assume all games should be too.

15 years ago

Of course it's the xboxers. They want to justify the yearly expense by having multi in all their games.

15 years ago

ffrulez,where have you been?

I must say then you've missed out on COD4 and GTAIV's multiplayer cause they are both lovely.

15 years ago

Well I may be the only who here who bought KZ2 on launch and have yet to go online with it same goes for cod 4.I just don't find it fun to play online it's not my thing.Single player is my thing and will remain until games become online only.

15 years ago

You are missing out my man. It took me a while to get the hang of KZ2 MP, but that mode is addicting. Every game is a new and different experience unlike the single player. Give it a try. You might even make a new friend.

15 years ago

My god, you really are missing out 😛

It's one of the biggest highlights of this generation. COD4 is awesomely fun. So much replay value. Killzone 2 is just as good [needs a tint of metal to play well, though]. Both have excellent class / perk systems, too.


COMPLETELY OFF SUBJECT FOR PASSERS BY: Talking about KZ2 [Yes, this is my moment of being an a**hole no-proud-reason-to-be-smug douche], I just restarted it online-wise since I'm using a new PSN ID, and I feel so harsh to all those beginners I put through misery… With the upper hand in experience, I decided to be a prick and play against people who are my rank only [beginners]. After a few games, I managed to reach Captain rank before they could even pass Sergeant 1st class. How I must of annoyed them with turrets and rockets & whatnot xD [which they may have never seen the likes of yet, of course]. I kept playing untill they all left me.

Just less than half a bar to level up and I could of showed them the Tactician as well =[

15 years ago

I guess I will probably give it a try but is just that I suck;).The game that killed it for me was halo2 in a friends house,I was terrible couldn't kill any one from tons of games played so I just didn't bother with MP.

15 years ago

I suck too, but my goal in any FPS multiplayer game is to kill at least one person. As long as I do that, I am fine. I'm not playing to be the greatest alive. I only want to be proficient enough to be somewhat competitive. Give it a try though. You will never get better if you quit.

15 years ago

Beware the "Noob" rooms, because the d*cks go in there and prey on you so they aren't any better. Not always but it's common.

15 years ago

Ah, but that's because Halo 2 is just difficult in the first place. I remember just playing Halo 2 splitscreen MP with my friends at his house and I used to get shattered HORRIBLY, EVERY TIME. I mean Halo 2 was difficult to the point that I actually did pretty sweet in Halo 3 xD

But with games like COD4, it's never about your abilities / skills. That's why i love it. It's like the first FPS I've played that pretty much is equal & realistic: anyone [no matter how much experience] could die easily; it's not just a game where it's left for some exalted rank to own everyone else in nearly every match. All of this just makes the COD4 experience the most enjoyable. It's plain and simple fun, and also has hilarity moments [Ah, good times].

As for Killzone 2, well, it's a way more destructive & epic, gritty, cut-to-the-chase COD4. Metal + Killzone 2 = GOOD TIMES.

15 years ago

I also come from the NES/SNES/ps1 era. I think companies are paying too much attention to "multiplayer."

That's my opinion of course, but for me a true adventure game should not have any kind of multiplayer.

15 years ago

imo go for Persona 4

15 years ago

Dude that game is so good. Don't wanna spoil anything, but Im at the point where the killer was revealed and you have to go after a certain someone. It's an amazing game.

15 years ago

yea i know, i beat the game last december. i played everyday straight since i got and it was a ball, just wish it was longer or was for the PS3.

Playing P4 reminded me that i'm dying for a good jrpg

15 years ago

I honestly love everything multiplayer, if it's done right. I don't think it gets better then playing with your buddies online.

15 years ago

See you can't trust the 360 B Dukat. They have to gimp the game to keep the system from RRODing. How can I trust you for my PS3 news if you are sleeping with the enemy?

15 years ago

Oh snap!

15 years ago

I am thinking about Persona 4 as well. As for the multiplayer thing I have my concerns as well. Uncharted multiplayer will probably be awesome but I will probably still play it only for the campaign. Besides Uncharted's situation is starting to sound more and more like Metal gear's situation at this point. I am hoping that is how the multiplayer is going to play out cause no one can say MGO took away from MGS4.

Multiplayer in regards to Dead Space is scary to me though. That game was scary as hell and I think co-op would kill it. But just like every game, it can be done and if done well it could come out to be one of them most enjoyable parts. The problem is that IF is a big IF.

It seems you enjoyed your time off Ben. I am guessing you are attracted to Ms. Courtney so I don't think I am alone when I say that I am cheering you on from here. Anyway it's always cool to hear what's going on in your mind. Let us know if you play any awesome LBP levels online.

Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 4/26/2009 12:14:36 AM

15 years ago

Welcome back Big Ben!
I should try LBP on this new chick i'm going out with, if as good as everyone says it is.
I have yet to play KZ2 online and still think it was worth every penny!!
I'm also not big on the whole multiplayer thing, I just want to enjoy a great game, want to feel good about completing it and not have to compete all the time against other players. Now Co-op play is cool and I would love more games to have it, even RPGs…
I'm really worried about the inclusion of MP in Uncharted 2, this could become a irreversible trend and I fear that your misgivings about it might just prove prophetic… Well, lets hope for the best.
If in the next generation all games become MP only, that might just be the end of my gaming life 🙁

15 years ago

Multiplayer was ruined for me by a crappy internet connection. I never seem to have the desire to play online anymore.

15 years ago

Same here, can't wait for Infamous and Prototype for some singleplayer awesomeness

15 years ago

Now there's something I've been doing more on the PS3 than the 360: playing more single player / non-online games. I'm glad I am, too.

It's mostly the multiplayer option in FPS games that reels me away from completing the storymode. It happened with Halo 3, COD4, Resistance 2 and even Killzone 2.

Multiplayer is good, but is also dangerous. Slowly through this generation, console gaming is turning into computer gaming. And yet Japanese devs want to target the "western audience" more… "MOAR. MOAR MULTIPLAYER. MOAR ONLINE!" Pssh…

15 years ago

Ya, it seems alot of Xbox players think online play is the only thing that matters. From what I read on posts anyways. Kind of a shame, it's neat and all but the single player component is more important to me, but I like to have the MP option, but It not as important when I am thinking about buying a game.

15 years ago

There's a handful of games that I play online but, for the most part, give me a game with a nice long and deep solo experience and I'll be happier than I would be playing against immature flamers and Chuck Norris lovers. Though teabagging them is always fun 😀

15 years ago

Persona 4! Where else do you get to save a guy from his gay self, enjoy silly anime humor, and pretend you're back in highschool?

15 years ago

But it's so awesome. I have never laughed so much while playing a video game before, an RPG no less in a long long time. It's brilliant.

15 years ago

Yup, Ive changed my opinion, at first I thought P3 was better, but now I think I like 4 more.

15 years ago

The Dell website has the Playstaion 3 for $299 after a hundred bucks off.

Off topic, but I figure no one would mind.

15 years ago

This is not off topic, because it is under Ben's week in review section. Covers just about all topics this week. I wonder how Dell can sell the ps3 for 299.00, and not be losing money. I don't think anyone is losing money on the ps3, including Sony. Business is not in business to lose money. I think Sony claiming they are losing money on each ps3 is B.S. so they can keep the price up. No business is beyond feeding the public a line of crap for their own benefits. It happens everyday!

15 years ago

I agree with you on the multiplayer part. Some of my friends don't actually playthe solo campaigns anymore. Someone recently asked me if Fallout 3 (yes) had MP. When I told them no they merely dismissed the game without a thought. WTF!!! It's an epic RPG that will keep you occupied for a lot longer than playing a bunch of screaming down the mic 12 year olds on COD. This is a bad trend and I hope it won't continue, as great solo games are harder to find now. Roll on Heavy Rain though!!!

15 years ago

Ya, fallout is worth the money cause it is so long, although I enjoy it, it's not great for me, I still haven't beat the game yet. Just turn your mic off man. I only use mine if I play with my bro/friends. Never really enjoyed chatting with the people, It could be fine, but the people are always wankers. They are so rude. I mean swearing is fine and stuff, but they just aren't nice people generally.

15 years ago

'Said I was a good writer. …sadly, I'm really not, but what do insurance people know, anyway? LOL'

How can you say that?! You an excelent writer! 🙂

Last edited by GamerKid123 on 4/26/2009 2:58:11 AM

15 years ago

I believe its only a matter of time until this multiplayer on every game thing ends. We just need a couple of studios to make excellent sp games that have no mp option for a while to make people aware gaming is not about team deathmatch.
I am still waiting for an epic mp game that is not going to be an fps, i believe that both uncharted2 & deadspace2 have brilliant potential in being epic mp co-op games but i doubt that the developers can achieve that. This two games could just change the perception of what mp games should be when the game is not a fps. I like what the developers of Demons Souls have done in terms of online play brilliant idea.

15 years ago

You know for me it's like this. I have a lot more money than I did when I was younger. But I also lived with my 2 brothers and we would all play through a game once and then maybe in a few months again. I had no prob dropping 600$ for my PS3 (everything, a couple games a controller, etc) but I can't really justify dropping 60$ on a single player only that lasts 10-15 hours unless it is REALLY good. RPG's OK, they last like 30-60 hours. Also with the PSN there are good games to grab fro under 20$. So that is where I stand on it. You won't get my 60$ unless your game is amazing. For example I got Dead Space for Christmas. Good game, but I wouldn't have bought it with my own money, and I won't buy a sequel unless it offers something more. That's my 2 cents.

15 years ago

What's sad is the games that dominate the best selling lists are all games with MP..cod, gta, halo, gears etc… So I don't see this trend reversing anytime soon

15 years ago

What's Uncharted like? I mean the gameplay, is it a shooter like Gears of War? Or a puzzle game with shooter and jumping around(Indiana Jones I guess).

15 years ago

Ive heard it compared to Gears in relation to the way you use cover in the battles but its got puzzles and such too. If you havent played it definetly try it is worth a rent at least.

15 years ago

its pretty much a shooter, but there are a few puzzles here and there, particularly in the first, and the best, chapter

King James
King James
15 years ago

Its a 3rd person shooter, platformer, puzzle, hand-2-hand fighter action-adventure fiasco that you can't put down easily. It takes elements from other games that can usually make the gamer frustrated, brings them together, makes them simple (yet challenging), and puts it in the gamers' hands. Uncharted is the 1st PS3 exclusive to kick serious ass and actually show off what a $500-600 machine can do.

Find the original (when you get your PS3) for cheap and I guarantee that you won't leave your TV for at least 3hrs straight.

In short, Uncharted=Must-Play

Last edited by King James on 4/26/2009 7:26:30 PM

15 years ago

yeah it like u have 2 work stuff out and and u like climb around well its a puzzle/adventure game.okay back 2 the article i have bought 1 game 4 online only that was warhawk which is a must buy the graphics are excelent the dlc is awesome and its fun 2 play with m8s or/and random u should know warhawk is only online game so u have 2 play online but still very very gd.

15 years ago

Ben, just to warn you – I don't believe you can ever "finish" a game like LBP. You might find that even if you are playing another game, you can always turn on LBP for 30 minutes and see what new user created levels are up. Have fun! If or when you create a level, be sure to tell us what it's called when you post it!

15 years ago

Bring on the KH3! I've been dying for this since the end of KH2 lol which I've played through probably 3 times, but I had to give my copy back to the guy I borrowed it from and my KH1 is currently in the possesion of my ex-girlfriend… Yeah, not fun lol.

Last edited by Riku994 on 4/26/2009 8:36:09 AM

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