Warmest day of the year so far 'round these parts. Tossed the football around and stuff (nothing too exciting). 😉
I'm really tired of the word "multiplayer"
I'm well aware that there are plenty of gamers out there who can't live without it. I know they won't buy a game unless multiplayer is included as an option. I know many won't even play the single-player campaign, which is a brand new phenomenon and not one I like. I really don't think there's anything wrong with multiplayer, per se; it's basically a 100% positive…provided developers don't start gimping single-player campaigns to put more effort into the multiplayer feature. And now that I've heard about the Uncharted 2 multiplayer beta and the fact that EA will likely add a multiplayer option to Dead Space , I can't help but worry. I'm not concerned about these two particular games – I'm fairly certain both will rule – but if multiplayer turns out to be "essential," developers may sacrifice some single-player campaign quality if they don't have a big enough budget. It could happen with other titles in the future, and that will annoy the crap out of me. I like to play some games with other people every now and then, but I will absolutely never buy a game solely for that reason.
Maybe it's just because I'm from the earliest generation of gamers that saw this as a solitary hobby. I also know that multiplayer has allowed the gaming community to break through a few boundaries, set in place by old-fashioned stereotypes. It's no longer solitary; it's social. I have no problem with that. But you absolutely can have too much of a good thing, especially when that "good thing" begins to affect the very core of the entertainment product.
We really do need Kingdom Hearts III
So Square-Enix says there's little to no chance they'll continue to ignore this popular and critically acclaimed franchise; in fact, Hasegawa said he "can't think of any reason" why another installment wouldn't happen. We all know that Final Fantasy XIII will be the cream of the crop – I promise you, it will be – but Square-Enix needs all the help they can get. They've already ostracized many of the fans they garnered during the Squaresoft days, and the announcement of a third Kingdom Hearts would heal some of the injuries those fans have sustained over the past few years. It's not my favorite series but I really liked the first two and I'd certainly try a third. But don't think for even half a second that it'll be exclusive to the PlayStation 3; clearly, that's not how Square-Enix rolls this generation.
Also, I'd like to add that I'm keeping a curious eye on NIS America's currently unannounced PS3 RPG . I really won't have the time for something crazy deep – like another Disgaea – but I'd be interested to see a next-gen entry in either the Atelier or Mana Khemia franchises. I kinda miss the cute old-school JRPGs and as Star Ocean: The Last Hope didn't do it for me, I'm hoping NIS has something that might pique my still-existent role-playing interest. I really want to hear more about End of Eternity , by the way.
Personal gaming update
Star Ocean has pissed me off for the last time. I don't mind a challenge, but I have determined that the combat system in that game is either lame or poorly constructed or both. It was fun for a while, but the erratic, spiking difficulty (and, may I add, the cheating AI) wore thin. So if I get a preemptive attack, there are no more than 2 or 3 enemies…if they surprise me, there's like an army of 8. Always. Any enemy can knock you out of any combo attack you attempt, including all special skills and even Blindsides. The delay between attacks allows the enemy to just pummel your character on the ground before he even gets up, and if he gets stuck in a corner or along the side of the battle screen, he's basically dead. Lastly, after 20 hours, the story had yet to grab my interest and I never cared about any of the characters. So, it's done. I traded it in and as many of you know, I'm currently playing LittleBigPlanet . Yes, it is indeed a chick magnet …almost even more so than my ol' 350Z (sorry Arnold, but it might be true).
LBP is an incredible game, plain and simple. There really isn't anything wrong with it; or rather, nothing significantly wrong with it. It's just so imaginative and creative; it's so wonderfully polished, and yeah, even I have to admit, SackBoy is pretty damn irresistible. I'll be playing this for a while and I think my next game will either be Resident Evil 5 or Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 , which I loved when I did the review. And because The Last Hope is toast, I kinda want to finish an RPG…
Oh yeah, and Ms. Courtney did read what I wrote. She liked it, though. Said I was a good writer. …sadly, I'm really not, but what do insurance people know, anyway? LOL
I don't like playing multiplayer games. I have tried playing on a couple of them, but I just enjoy single player more. Like Ben I hope single player doesn't get the short end of the stick by game developers.
The only online play I've liked have been from Warhawk,WipEout & Fifa. I just can't be bothered with online modes with weak single player campaigns
Does this mean you won't buy MAG?
Not me
Why buy yet another online FPS? Isn't one or two of those enough?
The mechanics of it will probably be the same as some other FPS, soooooooo why bother?
Now Killzone2 is different, you get different controls, feel, and overall combat.
i finally was allowed to get killzone 2, and to start with it was absolutely amazing. but after a while it got boring. i think it was so good that guerrilla didnt focus on making it that fun. people will disagree, i know, i just dont find it very fun
256 players is not your run-of-the-mill FPS
Yea the multiplayer crap is annoying,i love games with emphasis on single player.
I'm also still looking to secure my copy of LBP.
Whilst LBP is "ok", i got tired of it fairly quickly; don't like the sluggish un-precise control mechanic.
"i am home"
I'm starting to wonder about the whole KHIII not being exclusive thing…because it makes me wonder. Why is FF Versus XIII an exclusive to PS3??? Isn't FF Versus XIII headed by Nomura? If that's the case…then what about KHIII won't that be headed by Nomura as well?
One would assume so, but he may not get his way as the big shots will probably pressure him to make it work on 360 because they still think that's the same thing as westernization.
I don't mind online/offline multiplayer as long as it isn't deathmatch. It gets mindnumbingly boring after a very short amount of time. There is NO point to it.
Give me a proper story anytime.
I do enjoy my multi-player action… haven't even completed the Killzone 2 single player campaign yet…
"i am home"
Online is alright, though i just cant take it seriously, its much more fun causing a ruckus in team matches, especially on MGO. FPS are all the same to me. I do like Street Fighter IV online, its still a 1on1 match so its pretty much the same as offline, but just more satifsying when you win.
Street Fighter IV is getting kinda repetitive,uppercuts,heavy kicks,ultra-combo and your done.
I put it on HARDEST,took Akuma,finished everybody with his ultra-massive-combo and even beat Seth on the first encounter,hmph!
Not forgetting the fact that,Ryu,Ken,Dan,Sakura,Sagat,Akuma have similar moves.Don't get me wrong am still enjoying it but i think the scores might be too high,am yet to see if it'll give me a long lasting appeal.
Am going back to Soul Calibur IV for a little while.
Last edited by www on 4/26/2009 4:53:33 PM
^Yup, imagine if they wanted to add cool modes or bigger areas. But they didn't have time since they focused so much on the multiplayer.
Or if instead of really polishing the storyline they instead had to focus on the multiplayer and then the storyline doesn't make sense….
Now co-op is a different story, I LOVE co-op in v-games. Hell I'd replace online multiplayer ANY DAMN DAY for co-op.
I had my PS3 for over a year before I even tried an online multiplayer game, while I like certain kinds of matches I'm pretty old school myself and I tend to enjoy my solitary experience. There's nothing like turning on the system, off the lights, on the black lights and wandering through the wastes of Fallout 3 or down the corridors of Dead Space for a few hours.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/26/2009 12:42:29 PM
Me too,i think i had my ps3 for some 6 mths before i started playing online.
Matter of fact,i never tried online on my ps2.
My ps3 smiles every time i visit this site.
uncharted 2 will be a new addition to my list
of titles.Co-op is a just what the dr. ordered
for this title.I got my 360 back the jasper board failed the gpu gave up.
I share your fears about the multiplayer thing. I am also afraid that devs making single player games might add a constant sidekick, kind of like army of two, just so they will have some sort of multiplayer. But in doing so, they destroy the single player part. Does that make sence?
I dunno.. I lovvvve multiplayer (in games I actually like).
And I lovvvvve solo experiences like RPGs and what not.
So I guess I can never get disappointed 😉
……But COD4 and GTAIV multiplayer rocks,no doubt about that.GTAIV is effing hilarious;
I remember that "Deal Breaker" mode,where we were all asked to return to the mafia headquarters,we got there and all of a sudden someone in the team went berserk and starting shooting grenade launchers at the rest of us,eventually we all started grenade-launching each other for no reason,i laughed my effing ass off!
I'd rather more work goes into the single player though,multiplayer is a cool feature to add.I guess websites like GAMESPOT that gave Uncharted 8/10(probably cause of no multiplayer),are the ones responsible for naughty dog's thought on multiplayer addition in Uncharted 2.
Off to play some GTAIV multiplayer.
In the next few days, we might see arnold trading in his 350z to buy LBP. lol.
I see I've sparked some multiplayer debate. LOL Really, I don't have anything against it, but the harsh truth is that sometimes, developers don't have all the resources they could want and/or need for a particular game. Sometimes, they have to make sacrifices. And I just don't want to get to the point where designers value the multiplayer MORE than the single player.
As for LBP, I'm pretty sure I can spend a lot of time with it, although I'm not so into the creating your own levels thing. I knew I wouldn't be; I just wanted to play what's there, and I'm glad I'm doing that. 🙂 And I really want to play Persona 4 because, quite simply, it's the only new turn-based game I can find that's NOT on a handheld!
Do it!
Hey, anyone else notice that Gamestop say's the demo is available may 8-may 20th? does that mean gamestop is giving away the demo too?
P.S. Everyone just ignore RoyBrown (if he comes back). He's the idiot that went around telling people here he worked for Team Bondi, then spends all his posts screaming at or about someone with rampant elitist negativity.
Seriously though, what motivates people like that? Pure misanthropy?
Being a gamer means never being bored.
If all games go MP only,than my gaming life is over….and that's no joke