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Editorial: Ladies Love LittleBigPlanet

So last week, I explained how I made a significant impact on a group of girls, all of which were business professionals between the ages of 27 and 32 and hadn't played a video game in their entire lives. …you know, the typical women that tend to gravitate towards me, for whatever reason. I described them as women you might find in "Sex in the City," which I learned later is actually "Sex and and the City," which only goes to show how little I know of the show.

But anyway, it seems I'm obligated to provide y'all with a bit of an update. Unfortunately, while I will allow our precious readers (no sarcasm) a glimpse into certain aspects of my personal life to encourage a more community-like atmosphere, I really can't go into details. Let's just say it was a fairly standard date…with one bizarre exception. As some of you who keep up with us on Twitter already know, I've finally started playing LittleBigPlanet . Yes, I'm well aware I'm behind; as Arnold said, "welcome to 2008." It's true, and I do regret not playing it back in November; it really is quite amazing on just about every possible level. I'll leave more impressions for my Week in Review tomorrow night, and for now, I'll just focus on the immense effect it had on Courtney. For the sake of the lady's privacy, that's not her real name but for the record, she said she didn't mind if she was the star of one of my little editorials.

An operations manager with a large insurance firm. May have glimpsed Donkey Kong when she was a little girl. Makes the typical associations and stereotypes when she hears the label, "gamer." Well, the latter clarification came early when I first met her and her friends last week; I simply don't "qualify" as a gamer, so says my 55 and 65lb. weights and luxury-laden M35x. And yet, I promise you all – as if you needed any further evidence based on my Final Fantasy Tactics and RPG loving – I'm one of the biggest geeks on earth. I don't go in for the comic book or Star Trek stuff, but as far as that group was concerned, I should've been a pale, glasses-wearing virgin living in his parents' basement. This idea disappeared in a flash last week and this week, Ms. Courtney learned a bit more about me (and I about her, but that remains confidential). Anyway, as her little discovery had an intriguing impact on her, she wanted to see some of these games…you can imagine how much fun that was.

If you guys ever have the opportunity to show off games like Killzone 2 , MGS4, GT5: Prologue , etc. to someone who hasn't seen a video game in several decades, don't miss the chance. Their jaws drop to the floor. It's hilarious. Then we got to LittleBigPlanet and although she had never held a PlayStation controller, she's not a spaz (women tend to have good reflexes and dexterity, anyway) and once she started toying around with SackBoy, I couldn't tear her away. We got together on some co-op fun and she was entranced . Let me try to paint the picture for you: a relatively tall, slender woman with brown, curly hair and a cute yet mature face, dressed in a professional pantsuit designed for a nice night out…….sitting cross-legged on the floor, bending over a PS3 controller held awkwardly in her hands with the finely lacquered nails, gazing intently at a TV screen and giggling like a schoolgirl every few minutes. It's difficult to sufficiently describe my feelings when watching this, but it was worthy of my rapt attention.

Will we see each other again? Yeah. I have a few issues with her but they're relatively minor and as any guy will tell you, "minor issues" aren't enough to override physical hotness. I have morals but they only stretch so far, especially considering the fact that I have no long-term/commitment intentions. But the best part? The next date has to involve LBP in some capacity.


WTF planet am I on?!?!?!?! 😉

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15 years ago

Good to see it was a nice date you had there.

Perhaps next time it will be filled with 'Huba huba' and *Sexy whistles* and topped of with a little 'Bow Chicka Bow Wow'. 😉

15 years ago

So you got her into the Sack…….boy.

15 years ago

Ben i bet you never thought when you were a kid that you can get chicks buy showin them a video game.

times are a changing – Bob dylan

15 years ago

when we were kids that was reality.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Damn straight.

15 years ago

Ben, you're my hero

I gotta tell you, I really like the way you handle life in general. At least social life, ya know.

Anyway hear me out. 90% of the time I play LBP I play it with a girl/friend of mine :3

LBP attracts babes, it ain't a lie.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

A lot of it is just in how I write. Trust me, nothing about how I handle my life, social or otherwise, is even remotely special. LOL

15 years ago

Jesus man, if there is any advice I can give you about obsessive girls it is; run.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago


15 years ago

Might hafta try that one out. It's too bad you don't drink Ben, add a glass of red wine to that evening and sackboy wouldn't be the only one gettin some play 🙂

Umm, do you think she's reading this?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/25/2009 12:14:14 AM

15 years ago

I hope not, if so; I'm very sorry "Ms. Courtney" T_T

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I find that not drinking leads to better things, even in dating, than drinking. 😉

And no, I don't think she has read this. But who knows…?

15 years ago

Two words B Dukat–level creator. Whip up a cutetsy level for you both to play and you'll get some points.

LBP is the gamer guy's puppy or baby nephew/niece at the mall. I've introduced three women to the game and I think two of them only want to be around me to play the game. The third usually wants to play if she's had a stressful week.

Anyways, glad to hear it went well. Good luck B!

15 years ago

Good idea

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Oh, the "cutesy level" may be inevitable. LOL

15 years ago

Nice information to have. 😉 I'll have to keep it in mind this summer when I'm away from a school that has 3 guys for every girl.

15 years ago

hope you smashed man. you got her in your apartment, she obviously wanted to.

King James
King James
15 years ago

hey, hey, hey, calm down bro.

This is a grown-ass woman he had in his home. That law doesn't apply in this case.

15 years ago

Another non-believer has converted into our fold,
very nice indeed there, Ben!

15 years ago

my wife loves this game, its a totally lady magnet, no matter who they are

15 years ago

Ben, let her play FlOwer or Flow, one of those downloadable exclusives.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

That's actually next on my list. I have Flower and after she left I was like, "why the hell didn't I show THAT to her?!"

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Pics or it didn't happen . 😉

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Oh yes. I should stand over a girl I barely know with a video camera in my condo. Good plan. 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 4/25/2009 9:59:03 AM

15 years ago

Heh, that's what I tell my roommate.

This is a great story in more than just a dude getting a date. Hopefully people are beginning to realize that video games are just as legit as any other form of entertainment.

I personally find that girls like the bloodiest games we have. They're somehow attracted to it.

15 years ago

'she start toying around with sackboy' 😉 good way to put it

15 years ago

Hey man I got my last girlfriend into:

Guitar Hero/Rock Band
Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts
Sonic (GOOD Sonic)

This was a girl who had barely played a bideo game before in her life and I basically turned her into a casual gamer. I hear ya Ben, I hear ya.

15 years ago

Girls like fighting games also like Street Fighter and Tekken, but you have to let them win without letting them know.

Last edited by psxmax on 4/25/2009 11:07:24 AM

15 years ago

Lol..Yeah I found out that myself self. We were playing SC4 and I was beating her ass(in the game)she got pissed off and left:)

15 years ago

LBP looks CUTE enough to get girls to watch, but once they pick up the control and realize how horrible the jumping mechanics are, about 3/4 of them say "no, I'll just watch you play".

If only they would have made it more "mario" like, the jumping that is.

Give Mario World and a DSi to any girl, and they will be hooked.

Last edited by n/a on 4/25/2009 12:41:36 PM

15 years ago

nah, physics jumping is better

15 years ago

"Horrible jumping mechanics."

You're crazy man, it may not be perfect, but neither's life. I'm sure you've tripped walking up a few stairs more than once in your life. Doesn't always go the way you planned, does?

Probably one of the people who had issues with Killzone 2's controls too. bah!

King James
King James
15 years ago

Ah…the LBP technique, huh? Good to see that it works across other age demographics, Ben. I found this out back in January with this chick I use to talk to.

Once I let her play LBP, that was the only game she wanted to play. It got to the point where she would call and say,

"So, you ready to get beat on MY game? I get off work at 6…?"

I would laugh because that was the 1st time a chick ever used a game as a excuse to spend time with me. I think see liked LBP more than I did. She even made a PSN ID and bought some LBP add-ons!

She sucked at it at 1st. But after like 2-3 sessions, she got the hang of it.

Well keep it playa, Ben. As long as she not crazy, it sounds like you got yourself one. Next game you could put her on would be…um…FFT??

Last edited by King James on 4/25/2009 1:51:09 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yep. FFT is next. …she'll probably back slowly out the door with a petrified look on her face.

15 years ago

ahhhh… small steps ben, small steps. I'd break out Ratchet & Clank before taking on FFX …. although she might like FFX-2? I could see that happening if she doesn't get frustrated with all that's involved with an RPG.

15 years ago

Hell yeah Little Big Planet is a lady magnet, this coming from a guy who's girlfriend detested the very word "videogame". Well look who's laughing now, I got her into video games thanks to the guys at Q games, Pixel Junk Monsters has turned into an addiction to my girlfriend. She is actually better then me at PJM aint that crazy?
Another funny thing is that my homeboy actually gets schooled on rock band by his girlfriend, and this is a guy that dominates on COD4 and UnrealTournament 3.

Well we all know what the secret weapons are for scoring points with chicks: LBP, PJM, PJE, MusicRythmGames,Flower,Flow, and Fighting games as long as you let them win. Use the wisely young padawans.

15 years ago

"I have no long-term/commitment intentions"

Way of the playa……i know you Ben….lol.

15 years ago

That rocks man. I figured when I saw LBP for the first time that it would be a chick magnet. In my experience 1 out of every 10 girls that I would meet would like at least one game that I showed them.

Back when MKII first came out I was dating a girl that had almost no experience with video games, with the Atari being the only system that she had been exposed to. There was a span of a few months that I was going to a local bowling alley that had a couple of MKII machines that me and my friends would spend a few hours on, bowl, etc., a basic night out when I wasn't with her.

One week she asked if we could do something because she didn't have to work that weekend. Me and a few friends were going to bowl and play MKII and some of the guys were going to bring along their girls so I figured why not.

We paid for several games and after a bit of getting-to-know-you the guys decided it was time to play some MKII. We left the girls and did our thing. When I was up playing Scorpion my girl came to get some cash for drinks and started watching me play. And after I did the 'happy fire dance of death' fatality, my girl was hooked and told me 'You have to teach me how to play this'. I was shocked and happy.

After about 3 months of training she was very good with using Katana, Sub Zero, Scorpion, and Raiden…she even entered a few tournements. We're friends now but we still do a game night with her husband. She got LBP the day it came out.

OK enough rambling, good luck Ben.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Good story. We're slowly beginning to build the ranks of the gamer crowd, aren't we? 😉

15 years ago

Come on Ben you know the ladies love this game. I'm sure you have seen me post about how "my fiance always plays it and she needs to get her own ps3." her sister also plays it man what can i say the game is very good. about time you play it.ENJOY!

15 years ago

hey whats up with the double post?

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

You clicked it twice?

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

My information I game to Ben is recognized at the end of introduction =D

And the 4th paragraph was good


15 years ago

Obviously they do. Look at the main character, sockboy no? Little Mo-fo is admittedly cute.

15 years ago

Hey you all I know this if off topic but, sigh ma ps3 is not working. it turns on then turn back off. Ben any help on this! i got the 60gb version

Last edited by shindelion on 4/25/2009 7:09:54 PM

15 years ago

sign up for the forums with this kind of stuff. we often help each other out when things like this happen.

15 years ago

I feel so lost right now.

15 years ago

Haha, Ben. I am a college student and I play my PS3 rather regularly. My roommates girlfriend is here a lot and she saw me playing LBP once. Lets just say she wants to play it every time she is here now. Before LBP she HATED videogames and the addiction my roommate(her boyfriend) had for them.

PSN: MorskiJX

15 years ago

Great to hear Ben of you're date, defently show her KH even show here Flock if you have it, it's cute and funny.
When i first met my husband he was rather shocked that he started dating a female gamer that was more addicted than him. To this day i still fight him for the PS3.

15 years ago

i have said in the forums myself about my wife who plays rainbow 6 vegas 2 on the ps3 that much that i had to get her her own ps3 so i could get a go!! and i have to say sometimes she is better than me online lol, some girls are taking over the gaming world!!

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