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Ben’s Week In Review: April 12

Happy Easter to all; I hope you get lots of tasty candy and…I dunno, bunny rabbits or something.

We need to keep an eye on End of Eternity

I know we only have magazine scans to go on, but from what I can gather, this is one RPG that needs your attention if you're a fan of the genre. Sega may not be the dominant company they once were 15-20 years ago, but we've already seen Valkyria Chronicles and End of Eternity looks very intriguing. I can't wait to see some gameplay details for this one; the artistry and ambiance seen in those pictures has already piqued my curiosity, and in the past month or so, I've started to let my role-playing roots breathe a bit more. I really can't sit around waiting for Final Fantasy XIII and with 2-3 years of the generation gone by (depending on when you believe it started), this is right about the time the RPGs begin to surface. There's plenty of reason to believe that tri-Ace may have a definite winner with Eternity , and if they can pull it off, all RPG fans should be appreciative of their efforts. Of course, now that I've started a bit of hype, the game is going to suck hardcore and everyone will be disappointed. Heh.

I'm just hoping it's something special, and not necessarily an RPG I've played before. I always look for freshness and innovation despite my long-time love of turn-based mechanics, and if tri-Ace wants to introduce a new fighting style, I'd be more than willing to give it a chance (just don't give us a repeat of what's in Star Ocean ). It certainly has more of an "adult-looking" style than some JRPGs in the past, but I can't decide if that means we can expect a more Western-oriented approach to the gameplay. Hack 'n slash all day? No thanks.

Kitase went and started it AGAIN

He could've just said "no comment." He could've just denied any possibility of a remake. But noooooo, he had to go and say something that caused hope to spring eternal in the minds of all Final Fantasy VII fans. Oh, so a remake would require "a lot of thought and work?" How are we supposed to interpret that? When you suggest a downright ludicrous theory to a publisher, they are quick to tell you it's ludicrous. Over the past five years, Square-Enix has done nothing but scoff at any journalist who brought up the idea of a FFVII remake, and they would even provide us with many reasons as to why it's extremely unlikely. Obviously, what Kitase said doesn't imply that such a project is indeed in the works, but if you see enough responses from executives in this industry, you start to recognize trends. Publishers tend to have trends they follow when dealing with the press, and Square-Enix – while occasionally a little erratic – has remained mostly solid in the past. Not once did anybody from that company go on record with a quote that referred to this remake as a feasible concept.

And so, the world is all waiting once again to be let down. I've said in the past that I don't really want a remake; that I'm fine with the classic as is, but this is the kind of news that keeps me interested. What can I say? I love FFVII.

Personal gaming update

So I'm at the 16-hour mark in Star Ocean: The Last Hope , and while I do like it, the battles are starting to get to me. It's like I spend the vast majority of time in battle; as an indication, I had already participated in over 500 battles after 15 hours of play time. …that's just ridiculous. Thing is, I'm not really going out of my way to fight a bunch of extra enemies; I'm just going along with the story. Granted, I don't believe in running away and I always fight everything I see on the map, but then again, you have to fight most of what's there anyway . Well, you do if you want to get stronger, of course. At 16 hours, the four characters I use are all at Lv. 28 and I've got four more characters to get, so the game is obviously long. But the battles…damn. They're fun and everything but they start to get extremely irritating, especially when it takes three hours to get through a certain section. A section that, realistically, would take about half that time if the number of encounters was more normal.

And hey, I know I want to play Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 now. It's a true turn-based game that's new! Holy God. What a freakin' concept. I was playing it to do the review and it's great . I almost want to trade in Star Ocean to get it, but…'sigh' I can't. I think I'm already committed.

I think that's it. Perhaps unfortunately for the sake of drama, I'm currently in a "I really don't give a sh** about women" phase. They tend to last a few months or even a year, but it comes and goes. What can I tell you? 😉

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15 years ago

I've yet to play persona 4, but im very interested. Thankfully i have a b/c 60 gig ps3, i'll have to save a few bucks to get it… hopefully i can find more time to play it tho.

Not caring about women ben?
now thats just ludacris 🙂

15 years ago

You gotta do the little big planet thing my man, add me and check my levels when you do, PSN – SDODGE. On a women note, I was in one of my I don't care about women months about a year ago and along came this girl out of the blue, really she asked me out cause i'm so shy… been dating ever since. It's just strange how stuff works out sometimes.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I know, I know. Everyone says I need to try LBP. And I WILL, I promise. 🙂

15 years ago

Ben I'm a bit surprise you have not tried LBP yet. It's my fiances fav game, that's all she talks about( I think she needs to get her own PS3 that's what I think) plan to get her one on x mass. Been feeling the need to play some RPGs and yet there is none out that I'm dying to play like the last generation. On that same note it's all I have been playing, old RPGs.

15 years ago

15 hours = 500 battles
1 hour = 33 battles
every 2 minutes = monster encounter

anyway ben ur like the 1st guy that i know whos lifting weights and a being a true rpg gamer at the same time, u need to put up ur pic man n show it to the public, cos the media seems to associate all us gamers with fat bodies and a coke in our hand,WTH!!

Sorry bout the long rant, i confessed to a girl n got rejected, but i'm not giving up though, i'm now fully armoured for a long battle…
oh btw i'm saggittarius and shes scorpio, and everywhere i look at the internet seems to indicate that saggi n scorp dont match, BUT i found an article yesterday bout the story of a saggi n scorp n they made great couple!!god i'm such a girl lol!!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, it doesn't seem possible, does it? And yet, the monsters never stop.

And I know I don't fit the RPG mold. I work out 6 days a week (3 cardio, 3 weight), and it's basically a force of habit at this point. I LIKE feeling healthy. I don't know what else to say to explain it. LOL

15 years ago

WHAT?! Ben your playing SO4 but haven't played P4 yet, for shame. You've gotta play P4 it's the best rpg imo in 2008

Last edited by NightHawk17 on 4/12/2009 1:07:19 AM

15 years ago

Oh boy…would I just love to complete my RPGs. But of course I just simply can't. You see I WANT TO ADVANCE IN THE STORY. I want to realize what the story is in FFX, FFX-2, FFXII, FFVII: Crisis Core, and FF Tactics: The War of the Lions (which I just bought today from GameStop at $9.99, but can't play since I'm grounded and I can't get my PSP back until this summer). I want to advance the plot line. But how do I do that, I have to constantly get into battles and increase my lvl, increase my strength, increase my defense, increase my magic, get more gil, etc. etc. etc.

That takes time. I want to sit down and just do it all in one day, but as Junior in High School – I frankly can't. (sigh!) sorry for creating my own blog here…but I'm simply saying that I would love to have a passion for these RPG games…it's just that it takes time.

However when it came down to Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories…oh no I trained to lvl 99 and went through the whole story line – but in that you sort of like to fight. I'm not saying the gameplay is boring in FFX, FFX-2, FFXII, or FFVII: Crisis Core…it's just that Kingdom Hearts…is Kingdom Hearts.

Anyway…I'm doing great in FFVII: Crisis Core though…I just have one more boss left and then bam the end of the game.

Can't wait to get into Persona series afterwards.

RPGS rule!!! I'm interested in the End of Eternity. Wish the best!

15 years ago

Persona 4 is a superb game. I've said it before, but it was my favorite game of 2008 on any system (but then, my tastes are very RPG-centric).

Be warned, though: It's friggin long. Took me over 100 hours (gametime, not counting restarts) to finish the first time through. That's a commitment. It was worth it, though.

15 years ago

dayum man, I'm at like 10 hours.

15 years ago

Well Persona 4 is pretty awesome, but its definitely for the crowd that likes anime, or would have fun playing an anime instead of watching it. I'm having fun but it hasn't grabbed me as much as Persona 3, maybe I just liked using a gun to blow the Persona out of your head but that one was just a bit better imo.

15 years ago

Ah! Persona 4 is a great game, if you have not played Persona 3 I would suggest you do that first. P4's mechanics are much more streamlined and polished.

Playing it first will feel like P3 is a huge step down,lessen the experience of P3. It will also make P4 feel all that much better! 🙂

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Maybe you should get Demon's Souls, seeing that you are a jrpg nut . I just saw a couple of very positive reviews for it on N4G .

And any person who doesn't play LBP should be slapped around like a bitch .

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

The last person who tried that ended up in a Christmas tree. 😉

15 years ago

Hey quick final fantasy Xii question for anyone that knows. Im wondering how far ive got left to go, ive been playing for like 40 hours and the damn story just keeps going and going. I just left archadia and was told to check out feydar forest.Am i half way or close to the end. Cause i want to finish it but im getting distracted and it feels like it might never end.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

If remember correctly, you're not even close =D Maybe 3/5 way there?


15 years ago

yeah 3/5 sounds right

15 years ago

You know that ffvII is on the jap stores know it got updated last week.

But again im supposed to be the mean 360 fanboy cause i dont like every rpg that is ps3 exclusif.

15 years ago

you fail, look at the news.

15 years ago

yes it is you can go check on the store in ps1 games.

Can't find original source but this one confirm it

15 years ago

I know dude, im goofin, i mean it was announced and talked about already.

15 years ago

Star Ocean 3 was the saem way, a lot of fighting…

But still, currently I'm playing some ps1 rpgs again and I find that yeah you do fight a lot, but it "fit."

These days it just seems they throw dungeons(over or under sized dungeons) just for the heck of it.

Nothing more I hate than dungeons/places just for the heck of it. Meaningless places just to make you fight like crazy.

You ask me, I think some of these rpg companies have lost their touch.

Oh 'bout the babes thing, yeah babes are a pain most of the time. They're only really good for…..ahem jk jk. Anyway there are times I don't even care either lol

15 years ago

Ben, are you still on disc 1? Because when I was done with disc 1 my characters that I used the most were at level 40-42. I fought all the enemies too. I just don't like that almost every dungeon has only like two save points and they're spread so far apart.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Of course I'm still on Disc 1. I haven't even got to Bacchus' home planet yet! LOL

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Hey I lift weights and love RPGs more than anything =D

But I'm still young and weak so my bench press isn't over 45kgs just yet (for the sake of high reps)


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