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Ben’s Week In Review: April 5

I still can't believe I'm actually playing a JRPG again. The last one was Lost Odyssey and before that it was Final Fantasy XII ; feels good to play my age-old favorite genre again. 🙂

Will Bayonetta be the hardcore action title of the year?

So director Hideki Kamiya said on the Platinum Games blog that he hopes Bayonetta will be "sadistically difficult." This worries me simply because I'm not an immensely skilled action gamer – as I've said before, the mere fact that I beat games like Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry 3 on the Normal difficulty settings is amazing – but I'm still intrigued. Heck, after I saw Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 , I went on this long rant about how I don't want gaming to feel like a chore. It's why I adore the God of War franchise and couldn't give a crap about the so-called action purists who maintain that a game has to be tear-out-your-hair challenging in order to be considered "great." But I still find myself wanting to at least try Sigma 2 , and I feel the same way about Bayonetta . First of all, I don't have this weird hang-up some guys have about playing as a female; that's just adolescent insecurity and if I have to take to the battlefield with a scantily-clad hottie, so what? What…if guys do that, we're delusional and distorted enough to try to date the fictional image on screen? Right. I'm that far gone.

Look, if the game in question is basically a mix of DMC and NG only with a female main character, I want to give it a shot. I love beautifully orchestrated action titles and if it's good enough, maybe I'll suffer through the difficulty.

A tri-Ace multiplatform title is big news

It seems that tri-Ace is teasing a new RPG; their site features a big ol' countdown clock, so we're all anxiously awaiting the announcement. But remember: this is a multiplatform release that will likely be published by Square-Enix , and I don't think enough people are giving this its due attention. Look, we all know that Square-Enix hasn't exactly gotten on the good side of PlayStation 3 owners; I'm playing a game right now that, by all rights, should absolutely be on Sony's console. But this is another tri-Ace game and it's not going to be a 360 exclusive, which basically means that the days of Square-Enix siding with Microsoft are gone. It only seems logical- the publisher didn't see a whole lot of sales potential in a system that had only sold a few million units early on. But even so, they lost a whole lot of Sony fans in the process, and now they're going to try to win them back…? Who knows? All we know is that this game is multiplatform, and The Last Hope , the last tri-Ace game, most certainly isn't. Therefore, I consider this to be a major step forward, and one that might eventually redeem Square-Enix in the eyes of many gamers out there.

Personal gaming update

I had a busy week so I didn't get much more time with Star Ocean , but things are going well. I don't have much of anything new to report, besides the fact that I still like it. 🙂 I also forgot that Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena just recently came out, and that's basically the only new game I'm interested in; I might pick it up to play after I'm done with The Last Hope . Then again, I've also resolved that I need to play LittleBigPlanet as soon as humanly possible – I've ignored it for too long – so I might just have to spring for that, instead… I dunno, we'll see.

The only other piece of news is this- the Z is gone. It actually has been gone for several weeks and the only reason I didn't say anything is because I didn't want Arnold to know. LOL But he knows now and even though I'm a "traitor" – heh, it's true, I am – he understands the decision and even likes my new car. Unfortunately, we can no longer say that the PSXE boys both have 350Zs, but I suppose I can live with that. It wasn't a matter of money or preference (I loved the Z; you all know that); it was basically more of a favor to the family. My brother needed a car for college next year, and I didn't feel right about having my parents pay a bunch of money for a car, when my old Maxima would be perfect. So when my father asked about it and I realized how much of a help it would be, I started to consider doing it. I've had the Max for over 8 years now and it's in fantastic condition, but if I got rid of it, I couldn't very well keep the Z year-round…not here in CT. So, it went away in exchange for a crazy deal I got on a…

2007 Infiniti M35x . If you're not familiar, it's Infiniti's top luxury car; the upper model above the G class. It basically goes for a whole LOT of luxury and doesn't sacrifice much in the way of performance; as Arnold noted, it's really built on an extended Z chassis. I drove similar cars – Lexus GS350, BMW 535i, etc. – that offered AWD and everything else I wanted, but the M35x seemed to offer the best overall package. And as I'm 6'3, I ADORE the amount of room I have. It's just an amazing vehicle, and it comes with the full tech/Nav setup, too. Back-up camera, air-conditioned/heated seats, a cockpit like an airplane, and wonderful comfort. The price was unbelievable and with only 23k miles on one of the most reliable vehicles on earth, I had to do it. Midnight blue with black leather interior. No pics yet, but you can go look one up. 😉

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15 years ago

What games have Tri-ace made? I want to try them before moving onto PS3. Have to make sure i dont waste money on current gen games. 60 bucks is a big investment

15 years ago

Tri Ace made the Star Ocean series, if you want a taste and don't have an 360 for SO: The Last Hope, you can get SO: Till The End of Time on PS2 for like 15 bucks. I did, including a bunch of extras that were originally only released in Japan, and it was an awesome RPG.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/5/2009 11:45:26 AM

15 years ago

ZOMG I still would've kept the Z. ahhhh nooo..

15 years ago

you should do an article just profiling the new car ben…i love love to see the interior too…btw was it used?

15 years ago

"with only 23k miles"

read the whole article.

15 years ago

Sounds like a sweet deal. I'm sure your brother is pretty happy too. If you are 6'3 I don't know how you ever got your ass into a Z. I'm 6'4 and The only cars I've ever been comfortable in are my 95 F-150 and my cousin's H2. I spent half of high school in my friend's mustang, which is probably why I have bad hips.

I just looked at some pics. Sweet lookin ride.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

The Z fit me very nicely. Like I said, Nissan does interior room better than anyone. It's the only sports car I can say I would be comfortable in.

15 years ago

Lol Ben find awd of much use especially in CT and around this time a year? or has CT changed

15 years ago

The Infiniti is cool but i like that 2008 BMW 535i.Yea and Cadillac CTS 2008 is very cool.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I drove the BMW 535i…nowhere near as good as the M in certain respects, IMO.

15 years ago

Had me at Midnight Blue dude. Could have been a Ford Pinto, or a FIAT. LMAO. Glad you enjoyed Star Ocean, I gave mine a lil rest to beat Gears 2, the FIRST Xbox game I have beaten…which is sad considering I have a few. LMAO. I was looking at what's coming up for Sony, and I liked Bayonetta's possibility but what do you think about Damnation??? Yes, no, maybe so???

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I don't really know much about Damnation, really.

And yeah, my two favorite colors are green and blue, so… 🙂

15 years ago

meh i love the mustang espeshialy the back man thats like anjoina jolies ass.
sad that there impossiable to find here and cost a bomb to import otherwise id b driving one now. 🙁

15 years ago

bayonetta looks good.
damnation im going to give a miss to many delays first november than december than march than may now june and 50 bucks says it will get another delay stuff it.
one game im realy interested in is duntes inferno that is looking realy dark.

15 years ago

my personal favorite is the Dodge Challenger…

15 years ago

^^^^^^^^^^ at last a sane person in
i bought it 4 months ago the srt8(black with 2 white straps)
and let me tell u it is the best car ever .
vroom vroom

15 years ago

how much did it run you…im saving up for one and ive been given estimates of 50,000

Last edited by SarahPalinMILF on 4/5/2009 10:32:36 AM

15 years ago

also…did u get it from a dealer or straight from the factory…?

15 years ago

Congrats on the new car Ben. I dunno first a new pc now a new car.

I like the look of Bayonetta lets just hope its good as it promises to be.

15 years ago

Hey I actually prefer to game as a hot female lead or just a female in general but generally in video games…they tend to be well unrealistically hot! That being said…the lead in Bayonetta…her outfit kinda throws me off, maybe if they let you have her hair down and straight it might be different…I'm sure different outfits will be possible via unlocks or dlc if we know the history of female leads such as Bulletwitch for example.

I'm also curious about what tri-ace has done before and I'm actually over the whole squeenix doing ffxiii multiplat so i'm not pissed about that thing anymore(since I got a 360 i guess), I just bought a copy of Valkyria Chronicles for $30 dollars at my local gamestop, a gamer day sale thingy which is awesome…HALF PRICE FOR THAT?!? INSAAANE! Best Sega game since dare I say sega genesis?!? Anyway, I do have high hopes for RPGS…but I've realized i'm more of the srpg or action rpg ala Monster Hunter…and yes I am asian 😛

Oh and Ben that Riddick game I dunno if you tried the demo, I'd assume so. It's definitly better than the other Riddick game just cuz they added the stealth portion of the game 🙂

15 years ago

Her outfit is MADE of her hair! Wacky huh? If your into the hot femininas then you'll be happy to know that based on which hair attack she uses it strips off certain bits of her hair-outfit. Interesting idea, but I'm with you on the default outfit, it kinda sucks.

15 years ago

Awesome Ben, Now you and I both drive Infiniti's. Though mine's an SUV; it's close enough 🙂

I got sick of no JRPG action too and picked up Persona 4 and I'm enjoying that.

Shout out: DillonTheBunny? You out there man? How you diggin it?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/5/2009 11:41:22 AM

15 years ago

Worldends,which Infiniti suv do you drive?

15 years ago

QX4 Black

15 years ago

She looks kinda weird, hopefully the game is good.

15 years ago

The only reason I prefer to play as a male character is because I like to get lost in the game, by taking on the part of the character in my mind. I grew up playing RPGs, and my favorite aspect of RPG games was the actual ROLE PLAYING, not so much the customizing and leveling up.

But if it's good, I can get over it. I just don't think I can get lost in a RPG where I have to control a girl.

15 years ago

visualizing yourself as a girl can be a new experience… haha jk jk..

15 years ago

For some of the people on this site, visualizing yourself with a girl can be a new experience lmao…you all know who I'm talking about…

15 years ago

dude, the z looked so much better…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

…I believe I'm past the age now where the only thing I'd consider about a new vehicle is looks.

15 years ago

haha. i dunno, i stil consider it a pretty important thing that the car is good lookin, but im still young… i guess those things dont matter as much when u get older…

15 years ago

yeah driving it costed me a 52 grand but let me tell u it is worth every penny .lol
and yeah right ben no matter how old a person will get , the looks comes first , performance a close second
or is it just me i love my cars like my

15 years ago

Makes me wish I still had my 1990 300zx baby blue with blue interior, 2 seater. Actual color name is Azure Blue Pearl, limited color option for 1990 and 1991.

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