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Ben’s Week In Review: March 29

Ah, good ol' 60-degree weather. I had forgotten it. Puts me in a good mood. 🙂

Let's combine ICO and Shadow of the Colossus…whaddya say?

I can't even begin to guess how this would work, but when I heard that Team ICO's new project would be closer to ICO that it might be to Shadow of the Colossus , I began to think… At first, I was a bit disappointed because SotC remains one of the most memorable experiences of my gaming career. ICO was good and everything, but I was never quite as enamored with the gameplay (although the concept was excellent). I was just wondering what might happen if we somehow combined the two titles in question; what if we placed those Colossi into the world of ICO somehow? Maybe the Colossi could still be bosses, but as SotC really didn't have much of an environment, we could have fully realized and intricately designed levels like we had in ICO . Theoretically, I'd picture a game that featured both action and platforming – maybe those shadows could return – and the puzzle aspect would center on beating the Colossi, as it did in SotC. What do you think? Too ambitious? You'd want to play it, though, right?

Two things I don't care about: The Last Remnant and Mass Effect 2

So first, there's that embarrassing silence at the GDC when Square-Enix was asked if a PlayStation 3 version of The Last Remnant was in the works, and then, we interpreted Bioware's refusal to comment on a PS3 version of Mass Effect 2 as a good sign. But let me just clarify something: I don't give a rat's ass if either arrives on the PS3. Look, I tried Mass Effect and I desperately tried to get into it, but I found the gameplay boring and contrived. I have zero interest in the sequel; I'm sorry. And based on the reviews I've read of The Last Remnant , and the fact that it's closer to strategy than role-playing, Xbox 360 owners can just keep the damn thing. We're getting Final Fantasy XIII and that's all I really care about right now, especially because I'm knee-deep in Star Ocean: The Last Hope and I've realized my love of JRPGs isn't dead yet. I know it's like sacrilege to say I didn't like Mass Effect , but what can I tell you? It just didn't do it for me.

Personal gaming update

Well, first of all, I got my new computer this past week and I'm using it right now. Believe it or not, I was working on an old laptop with 256MB RAM for the past few years, and it had finally gotten too difficult. Duh. I don't need my PC for anything but work so I really don't need a games-ready machine; I found this Dell Optiplex 360 with 2 gigs of RAM, a bunch of other normal stuff, and a 22" LCD monitor all for only $600. Oh, and a 3-year full coverage warranty on the whole package, too. I had a friend of mine – who handles network security for a university – set it up real nice, and now I'm good to go. I know all of you are probably used to fast computers but I'm really not, and I'm likin' this. 😉

And as I just said, I'm still playing Star Ocean and you can bet it'll take me a while to finish. It's just a lot of fun. Lastly, you may remember the waitress from last week's update…and no, I didn't do anything about it. My only defense is that I was extremely busy all week (what with GDC and all). Eh. I've finally got my JRPG so I'm happy.

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15 years ago

I need a good pc too, my old one is beginning to annoy me, it has the only lag, even when its only the web browser that's open, so sad, I don't even noe how much RAM or wat kinda processor it is lol, any suggestions? I just need something simple, nothing to fancy

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

I have the worst pc in the world . That piece of sh** has almost made me pull my hair out at times . The day I upgrade , fumes of burning plastic are going to rise from my backyard .

King James
King James
15 years ago

don't inhale.

15 years ago

I agree, I don't care about either game ME sucked. I never played Last Remnent no do I want to. Still would like to see what ico/sotc would be like. Whatever they do should be great.

15 years ago

yeah i concur mass effect…doesn't stir a fire in me. And the diff between the Star Ocean on Xbox and the one on the PS2 is like night and day. congrats on your new pc.

15 years ago

Oh man…..I'm hungry for another SotC, that game was hard, but once you know the collosus' weakness then you'll have some fun.
I never played ICO, but I sure as hell would love another game by the same developer.
I couldn't care less bout the Last Remnant and Star Ocean, Last Remnant is not very rpg, Star Ocean was a frustrating one when I played Till the End of Time so I'm never a fan of Star Ocean.

By the way Ben, gratz on your new PC, my PC is worse that yours.

The main problem, is that my PC can't play 3D games, well it can, but…..the lagness is killing me slowly, even games like Red Alert 2 was damn lag on my PC, not to mention while viewing videos in YouTube the lagness is there as well, I can't imagine installing a Crysis(I want that game!!) into my PC, it'll probably explode…….

15 years ago

Wow you didn't like mass effect? Well its nothing wrong with everyone not liking the same thing. I didn't like FFT. 😉 j/k

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago



15 years ago

PCs arent made for gaming, thats what consoles are for. I just dont like using a keyboard, i preffer a controller, which i like the PS's design.

I'm finally playing Bioshock, not bad once you get into it. im also getting WWE Legends of Wrestlemania, looks vinatage.

15 years ago

Oh you are so wrong mate… thats because you probably got old pc that can only run tetris.
I've got both monster pc and ps3 and spending equal time on them.
FPS games are always bettere with mouse and keyboard. Besides you can always buy a pad to pc…

15 years ago

Agreed. PCs can play games just as well as consoles. In fact I play more games on my PC than my consoles. Mouse and keyboard works fine for a lot of them, but for the more complex ones, a good gamepad is more than enough to equal the challenge.

15 years ago

Ultima is right. PC USED to be great for gaming. I'd even say it got the whole thing going. I used to be PC loyal but the PS2 and now PS3 have reeeally changed my mind.
PS3 =play latest games on your couch @ $400
PC = play latest games on office chair @ $1000
PC fails.

And Bioshock is great fun. Going to have to play through a second time for that platinum though.

Last edited by Alienange on 3/29/2009 12:52:53 PM

15 years ago

At least with my PS3 I never put the game in and just get stuck with an error message that doesn't explain why it won't play.

15 years ago

My quad core with 6GB of RAM and 1GB GeForce card cost me $80 more than my PS3 and I can play any game out there and play it on my TV as I sit on the couch as well, so these $1000+ statements is just ludicrous. If you're buying from Dell then yeah I can understand it then. They overcharge to begin with. And the only error messages I get trying to play games is when I try to play really old games. Much like the same way as not having backwards compatability. But with a little tweaking they are still playable. And not to mention a PC can play games from any console that has been released except the current generation. For now. My PC collection is more than 4x my console collection and I still own 5 different consoles that work. I like console gaming and have been there since the very beginning, but once I started PC gaming in '92 I haven't looked back. It's a personal choice for everyone and to say one is better than the other is a matter of opinion. Xboxers do it all the time lol. I love my PS3, I just love my PC more.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

PC software is mostly a waste of space.

15 years ago

Okay, PC's are not for the technologically impaired (why anyone is I'm at a loss). The thing is, you can do hundreds more things on PC than you can on your PS3. The $1800 I paid for my awesome PC was completely justified. I wouldn't be suckered into missing Diablo 3 or RTS games. Most everything I use my PC for is impossible or restrictive on my PS3.

15 years ago

Well Ben, congrats on the new rig, I hope it suits all of your needs.

I to found it impossible to get into Mass Effect, but my oldest son and my brother both loved it. I am bummed about the Star Ocean series jumping ship, not because I hate my 360, but because I would have liked the idea of being able to have the entire series playable on one console.

I have waited so long for an announcement from Team Ico, that I am starting to lose interest in any announcement they may have planned. I'm sure that will change when we hear something.

15 years ago

I just dont like the idea of it, i use my PC for comminication, Media storage, Video/Photo editing and the internet. Then i use my PS3 as a games console and DVD>Blu-ray player.

My old reason was because with the PS1/2 you could just pop the disc in and play, though with this current gen you have to install everything and get ripped off on add ons.

15 years ago

get a mac

15 years ago

Less for more money, makes perfect sense!

15 years ago

Vertigo, have you ever used a MAC? You do know that the best laptop to run windows on is a MACBOOK PRO don't you? I don't own a MAC, but I am seriously considering the purchase. To say you get less for more money is not a 100% true statement. There are so many factors to take into consideration. If you take stability into consideration the MAC is a NO BRAINER purchase. There are so many things you can do with a MAC that you can't do well on a PC.

15 years ago

Macintosh operating system sucks. But, then again, I'm not too fond of vista either. But I take the lesser of two evils!

15 years ago

Of course the Macbook Pro runs windows better than any other laptop, its costs 3000 damn dollars, it better run it well.

Sounds like a good comp you got, Ben. I need a new one too. I am dying to get a core2quad setup. I'd like to not spend a ton on it though, so i might have to wait for the prices to drop.

15 years ago

never said they weren't expensive, I just said it wasn't a case of paying more and getting less. But this whole discussion is way off-topic anyway, so I call a truce. To each his own.

15 years ago

"There are so many things you can do with a MAC that you can't do well on a PC."

I'll call truce when you give me ONE of those "so many things."

15 years ago

well alien, for one you can run vista better on a mac, also photo video editing is better on a mac, and a mac utilizes its memory and processor resources more efficiently than windows based machines, and your system isn't bogged down with an anti-virus program. The major drawback is gaming, and I have more than enough gaming consoles to game on. So truce

15 years ago

"and your system isn't bogged down with an anti-virus program"

That is changing. MAC viruses are starting to pop up more and more and people are at greater risk because they don't have virus protection on their systems.

15 years ago

Look at it this way, You can buy a mac, or save your money and buy a small town.

15 years ago

I don't know… thepill sounds like a mac user. Better at photo/video editing? That hasn't been true in fifteen years. The mac uses it's hardware more efficiently? Good for it. It runs Vista? lol I won't even touch that one. No virus software. You don't do your banking with it do you?

15 years ago

You can't do anything on a mac. You can do everything on a PC that a mac does. You can build a custom PC with what YOU want that runs circles around any mac. If you own a PC you don't have to 'worship' Stevie boy. A properly set anti-virus program will never bog down your system. The applications are built way better on PC (none of the mac 'app' crashes) because the PC software knows that the OS could blow up at any second. I bet you if you kept booting up and pulling the plug on a mac and PC side by side the mac would become corrupted first.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I do. Stripped that piece of crap Vista off here and put XP Pro on. Far superior for my uses.

15 years ago

Lol I dual-boot XP and the Windows 7 beta.

15 years ago

Heh. I literally just bought a new computer last night. I found HP to be cheaper than DELL though since they offer pretty much the same thing but with free shipping :P. They also had a deal for a free upgrade to 3gb of RAM which is a huge leap from my current 756mb. Cost me about $500. I'll probably have to wait until mid-spring break to get it in the mail though.

15 years ago

OptipleX360 Ben?? LOLOLOLO
The funniest thing is, if you look at the old Optiplex, you can see where MS got the design of the XboX360 from. And, just as luck would have it, it's just as ugly and unreliable as the old Optiplex.
But Congrats on the new PC! I just built a new one for myself, couldn't take my single core beast anymore. Being a IT professional, I'm always fixing and building PCs for other people but never had time to get my own done.
Ico 2 Rise of the Colossis will be a great game won't it? They could have this huge world that you have to travel on to get to the castles where you would have to solve puzzles and face the shadows to get to face a Colossi as the Boss! Ah one can only dream…

15 years ago

I agree about Mass Effect. So.. so boring. The Last Remnant however I think looks interesting but I can't bring myself to buy it on my 360 when I know a superior version could be made on the ps3 so im still hoping for that one even if its a slim chance. Also you sound kind of hungry.. maybe you should go get some food.. food at a restaurant. Then when you are done go on your new computer and tell us what the secret exclusive is. Good luck!

15 years ago

New PC Ben congrats, I have had this beast of mine for 6 years now and it has not gone wrong on me once. I will need an upgrade next year as it just about runs the latest Football Manager 2009 on it. When I bought it, the woman said it was future proof for at least 5 years and I have gotten 6 out of it so im happy.
Long as your happy with what you have got and you can work on it.

Pity you didn't like Mass Effect, but then every game is not gonna appeal to everyone.

Ico Rise Of The Colissis will be good, infact anything they do will be good.

15 years ago

By the way Ben… If you keep thinking about her, it means she kind of made a strong impression on you. I say go for it! Don't waste anymore time.
Life starts moving really fast after you're 30 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Eh. She's cute, but I'm not obsessing.

15 years ago

I definitly would play a Shadows of the Ico or Ico-lossus or whatever you wanna combine lol. I definitly liked the gameplay more in SotC but Ico definitly had a nice environment as you say.

ASS effect, yes that was on purpose. I tried it, i tried to get into it…it didn't hold my interest…I dunno even tho its supposed to have a lesbian alien scene…I didn't even make it to that part so that tells ya even lesbians can't keep me interested! I read the reviews for the Last STAGNANT, that one didnt work out as well, anyway from what some of the people i work with told me, its like you're watching 85% of the time and playing 5%..the other %? Loading? Anyway I could really careless about either of the 2 games either. I'm honestly more impressed with Disgaea and Valkyria Chronicles!

As far as PC gaming goes, my gf uses it for WoW and I use it to download stuff and for my classes other than that, it hardly is ever used for gaming. What's the point of buying a new PC? It'll be obsolete as soon as I walk out the door, I'm happy with consoles considering I don't have to keep upgrading my graphics card,ram,etc.

P.S. I am a bit jealous of STEAM only being PC ;-P

15 years ago

I love RPGs, but the battle systems in Star Ocean and the Tales series have got to be the worst. How you can enjoy that is beyond me. I'd much prefer a Fallout 4 or Elder Scrolls 5. Both of which will be on the PS3.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Talk about boring. There are only so many times I can hack my way across an endlessly drab landscape.

At least Star Ocean and other JRPGs TRY to do something new. At least there's about a zillion times more depth to the actual combat mechanic.

15 years ago

Other jrpgs like Eternal Sonata, FFXII (and XIII) and Persona all have battle systems I like and they're nothing like SO and Tales. That real-time-combo-only-one-character-mumbo-jumbo is not for me.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

"Only one character?" …I'm sorry, I don't get it. You can control whoever you want.

15 years ago

I just find the AI lacking in those games. When I'm controlling "one character" while the AI makes my other 3 characters jump around like fools, I'm not having fun. For me, these games would have been better is the battles played out like Eternal Sonata.

Last edited by Alienange on 3/30/2009 6:16:39 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Er…the AI in The Last Hope is excellent. I don't think you've given these games enough time.

15 years ago

You could be right. I just remember being so mad at the time. Like they had "actioned up" my good turn based rpgs to lure the fishbox users. Now with the latest one being 360 only, well…

15 years ago

meh the battle system on fallout/oblivion is pretty much like an action game…. Star Ocean has a pretty good battle system, well ive only played SO3 but i enjoyed it very much.

15 years ago

Well am playing through Fallout 3 again.
This time am a rude,obnoxious guy except i still spared the lives of the MEGATON settlers.

Does anybody know how to whack that dog heart Mr. Burke?
And i can't find the dog that follows you everywhere?

Ben,your missing out on Fallout 3,i mean,you liked Bioshock right? Fallout 3 has some Bioshock feel to it,those old school songs playing in the background,the bots etc….GO PLAY IT!!!!

Last edited by www on 3/29/2009 2:53:08 PM

15 years ago

I decide to go through Fallout 3 again but as an evil person so naturally I decided to go with a female this time 😉

15 years ago

LOL….are females that evil?
Well yea,in a way,maybe in relationship or dating kind of way but not blasting a whole town? I've had problems with women cheating on my ass,probably cause i was stupid to date club-going-gold-digging-pants-sagging-bad-ass kinda women back in the day.

Sometimes i felt it was karma,cause honestly i also cheated on them,but i think their level of cheating was worse though.Anyway thanks to games and music……i still have a smile on my face.

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