Many years ago, well before even I was born, color was on the verge of changing television and movies forever. According to what you will find in the history books, many artists of the time didn't take too kindly to the idea, although it sounds like a perfectly logical and appreciated step forward from our viewpoint. Obviously, there was something in the black-and-white portrayal that may have forced the creators to rely on substance rather than flash. When Orson Welles heard that a certain someone wanted to colorize Welles' classic film, "Citizen Kane," his response was, "Just keep Ted Turner and his damn Crayolas away from my movie."
For the longest time, I was all gung-ho for a Final Fantasy VII remake. You will probably be able to find an editorial where I say it's a great idea, and that I would really love to see a revamped and enhanced version of what I still consider to be the greatest RPG of all time. This new viewpoint came about thanks to "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children;" after seeing Cloud in that brilliant CGI, I just got the immediate craving for a remake. However, now that I've thought about it more – and now that it seems as if the possibility is non-existent – I think I'm taking the position of Welles in this matter. FFVII is a masterpiece as is, and I really don't think they can make it better with superior technicals. Sure, it'd be more appealing to a new generation of gamers, which is indeed important and exciting, but how would the original fans feel…?
A lot of people I speak to these days are starting to feel the same way. I've even heard some people say, "if I had the choice of playing a FFVII remake, or just popping in the original FFVII again, I'd go with the latter." It seems like an absurd sentiment on the surface but surprisingly, I found myself agreeing. Yes, I'm well aware that nostalgia rules such an idea, but so what ? A fair portion of what makes classics "classic" is nostalgia; the mere fact that people who fell in love with it still love it, and will always love it. I'm not saying I don't want to see a remake – that wouldn't be true – but I am saying that it really isn't necessary, and that in my experience, the true fans don't need it. Perhaps Square-Enix wouldn't care about this, and all they want to do is bring the legendary RPG to a whole new audience. But either way, I think it just comes down to this:
If they kept everything exactly the same and merely issued a technical overhaul, which made the game shine as bright as humanly possible, one would have to conclude they made a better game. All things being equal + enhanced graphics and CGI = "better." However, what the fans value is the experience , and a huge part of that experience relies on the game being the same way it was when we first played it and adored it. Wouldn't you agree?
I played Resident Evil Remake and it was perfect experience. Thats why I want FFVII remake…
I've been thinking the same thing, even if they remake the game, It's not going to be the same experience as when I first played FFVII on the PS1, That will be a hard experience to duplicate even with new graphics. I'm still leaning more on doing more FFVII spin-off's, (And not like they did with Vincent…that one sucked) They need to make more huge RPG's but with Sephiroth's story…what made him such a bad ass…who wouldn't want to play that one?
remake ff vii please. and stop these pointless articles.
…..We already know why Sephiroth was brought to madness…. that was fully explained in FF7.
As for the FFIII remake thats a good use of a remake, it gave us a chance to finally play it. but there was no need for the FFIV remake.
I think you missed the point, even though we already knows how he ended up that way, You wouldn't want play a game on Sephiroth? kind of the prequel to FFVII?
not really, because theres no need. And anyway hes the villian, it would ruin his reputation if he were so accessible.
I know what you mean… but I definitely could handle PS1 graphics… I did buy Chrono Cross like 4 months ago and played it – I LOVED it! A good game will always be a good game even with crap graphics… but then again if possible good graphics >>>>> bad graphics for the same game anything and I am willing to wait for that too!
I personally hate the entire Final Fantasy franchise. To me, they're the most over-rated franchise out there. Just another crappy JRPG to me. I realize everybody else on this site prefers JRPGs to the original Western RPGs, but that's my opinion.
Most people who say what you say haven't played more than 10 minutes of any FF title…
knowing Square as of late they would make a FFVII remake and then make it exclusive to the 360 🙁
Yeah scorned over Star Ocean 🙁
I swear if Kingdom Hearts is exclusive or a timed exclusive to the 360 well I will probably just whine about it on message boards 🙁
It is getting dangerously close to April 1st.. anyone else worried?