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Ben’s Week In Review: March 1

Well, it's finally March, and yet, it's obvious we've got a long ways to go before spring arrives. Looks like the Z stays under wraps for at least another few days. 🙁 Any ways…

Can't wait to hear more about Assassin's Creed 2

So the current rumor – which I'm calling about 95% plausible right now – is that Assassin's Creed 2 will take place in 15th/16th-century Venice , and I love that idea. One of the biggest reasons I adored the original is because of the atmosphere, which I just couldn't get enough of. It remains one of the most realistic depictions of human life I've seen on a video screen, and that's an awesome accomplishment in my eyes. And while I understand the complaints that it was too repetitive, I suppose it's all in how you look at it: firstly, all games are "repetitive" to a certain point. I'm running around shooting people in Killzone 2 all the time. I do that in all FPSs. I know it's a bit of an exaggeration and AC was somewhat repetitive, but I enjoyed every second of it. I could scale those lookout points all day long; I could perform assassinations in a bunch of different ways, and I could avoid the authorities in even more ways. It was just an amazing experience for me.

I do expect Ubisoft to build on the excellent foundation of the original, though. The combat could use a definite upgrade (really, it was just about countering) and yes, we could also use different missions. There were four or five different types of missions in AC, but each one felt a little too similar. Other than that, I just can't wait to see Assassin's in Venice. It's easily one of my most anticipated games right now.

Killzone 2 should still flourish despite…

…yet another seemingly lackluster marketing campaign. I wasn't feigning surprise when I wrote that momentous event article concerning the Killzone 2 commercial. However, I would like to say that I've seen the commercial several times since then, and the Internet certainly has plenty of KZ2 promotion. I just wish that commercial had seen frequent play time for the past three weeks; it would've made the most sense, and it's really what Sony needed. The game still managed to score a ton of pre-orders , though, and the Internet and magazine (print and online) promotions have been plentiful. The game is going to be a hit regardless, and the critical acclaim has long since been assured. And one could say that this was a step in the right direction in terms of marketing and advertising. I just think it's clear that more steps need to be taken, that's all.

Perhaps when it comes time to promote future exclusives like Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , God of War III , and Gran Turismo 5 , Sony will have finally gotten a handle on this whole ad campaign thing. I just don't want to be seeing random game commercials more often than I see ads for something like GT5…that'll annoy the crap out of me.

Personal gaming update

I'll give you two guesses as to what I'm currently playing, but you're only gonna need one. 🙂 I finally beat Prince of Persia a couple days ago so I was ready to go for the KZ2 launch, and although I didn't get every last Light Seed (994…grr…), it's over and done with. There were 5 seeds in the Vale I could see but had NO clue how to get, and there were just 2 others in another place I couldn't find. I probably would've gone online to figure it out if I knew I didn't have anything else to play, but I just had to finish it. PoP is definitely a great game, no doubt. KZ2, though…it's just a whole new level of FPS quality and brutal, breathless insanity. I sat down and played for four and a half hours without stopping, and I honestly can't remember the last time I did that. Typically, when it comes to shorter games that are awesome, I try to drag them out so I can savor the flavor. Unfortunately, I just don't think I'm going to be able to do that with this one; I'm gonna finish it quick. And maybe I'll go through it again!

But I also picked up Star Ocean: The Last Hope , so I'll start on that when I'm done with KZ2. I've read plenty of reviews and as far as I can tell, you'll really like the game if you're a JRPG fan; the gameplay is great and although the story takes a long time to get going and the voice acting is atrocious, it's still a lot of fun for the fans. And that's me, I'm pretty sure.

As for last weekend, when I brought you the waitress/age editorial , I will say I saw her again since then. She smiles more…she's super cute…she wants a ride in my car…but perhaps it really is a big, hefty faux pas. Ah well.

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15 years ago

Killzone 2 is the $%^& GoW3 is my most anticipated game of the year this has been a good week be we finally got killzone lol I'm about to pick up mlb the show 09 tuesday though.

15 years ago

@Ben – I am also playing through POP, here and there. But now with KZ2, I don't think I'll get back to it anytime soon. It also feels a bit repetitive, but all in all, I love climbing stuff in games and I love the visuals.

I couldn't understand how the team at Ubisoft could do such a good job doing their homework when it came to the environments and getting the details down, but couldn't give the citizens different things to say. They all seem to say the exact same thing! It got so annoying, did you feel the same way Ben? (Talking about Assassin's Creed)

I know sometimes game companies focus too much on certain things and come up short somewhere else, but it just seemed so easy to have the people say different things. I'm glad they focused more on the things that matter, but still 🙂

Last edited by Fabi on 2/28/2009 10:49:13 PM

15 years ago

i say, forget advertising, sony just needs to come with another STRONG exclusive within the next 5 months. the hype for kz2 was 4 months of build up, and it delivered. now the hype for a NEW game needs to start… perhaps uncharted? either way, i generally hate fps, and have been blown away by kz2. truly a classic. very atmospheric, dark, and realistic. caught myself playing level 1 three times just to see that building collapse. hope there are more scenes like that on the way!

15 years ago

Ben… Be sure to tell us how Star Ocean is. I loved the older ones so I am kinda interested. I just am kinda sore at SE is all. Let us know. Another question about it… Can you switch the voices to the original japanese? Anyway you should play KZ2 online.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Will do. I'll fill everyone in when I finally get to it.

15 years ago

I totally disagree, Sony needs to really stepping up & promote all these quality games & it's console too.

They do that & PS3 sales should really start flying off the charts.

15 years ago

You are one of the people who liked Assassin's Creed. The game is either loved or hated depending on who you talk to. I have yet to try it, myself. Maybe if there's a drought this summer, I'll try Jade Raymond's creation.

15 years ago

The advertisements though existent were rather few and too far apart and definitely pale in comparison to MS's ads. This is not good, if the same happens with GOW3 or more importantly GT5 then things don't look so attractive for Sony. In other news I think ps3 out sold wii and 360 in Japan this month.

15 years ago

man my grammar does not improve

15 years ago

EVERYTHING outsells 360 in Japan.

15 years ago

the real highlight is it outsold the wii

15 years ago


15 years ago

Assassins Creed was OK, I beat it. There was no doubt it was repetitive though. A big flaw. they stretched like 2 hours of game play into a game. Even riding the horse was repetitive. It had nice graphics though. I will never revisit it.

15 years ago

Advertising for KZ2 was lacking. One thing that Sony should do with games that are exclusive is offer demo's for free. A game as hyped as KZ2 was, could of benefited from this. I did what most people did and created an U.K acct to get it free, but having to pre-order it just to play a demo thats not even that long, was not a smart move imo.

15 years ago

I'd love to play Star Ocean 4 but i'm only gonna buy it if it comes to the ps3(which it will) to show support for Jrpg's on the ps3….I really need my rpg fix:(

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

I just can't get enough of ancient settings . Maybe they will have Rome in the new AC as well .

As for POP , it is one of the most beautiful games I have ever played . The Vale , in my opinion, is as aesthetically pleasing as a game level can be . The Royal Palace wasn't far behind either .

15 years ago

I'm looking foward to the DLC, which has stopped me from trading it in.

15 years ago

I can't believe you guys like PoP,when it's one of my most dissapointing games and wrong purchases of all time.
Iv'e still not beat it,cause i can't even play it.
PoP is the most REPETITIVE,I haven't played AC but i can tell it'll be far better.

What makes me hate the game so much is the fact that i got PoP instead of Lbp due to some ordering problems.

Last edited by www on 3/1/2009 5:08:27 AM

15 years ago

man its not so much liking POP… its liking elika.

15 years ago

OMG Sonic & knuckles is the most repetitive game ever

15 years ago

I really enjoyed the "repetitive" action, and the "repetitively" clever puzzles, and the "repetitively" enthralling scale and beauty of the visuals, and even the "repetitive" banter between characters. Things that you really enjoy are what you want to repeat, and if you don't enjoy it, well then it's just "repetitive". So either way, I think we can agree that the use of the word "repetitive" is just redundant, and more over, doesn't elucidate what you found weak or ineffective about the game.

Last edited by Aftab on 3/1/2009 10:03:51 AM

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

" Oh look , it's Ahriman's lapdog . "

15 years ago

I actually enjoyed Assassin's Creed more so than MGS4, although ofcourse MGS4 blew it away in terms of overall quality (I guess). And I fully concur this has to with how emmersive and atmospheric the game felt. Similarily, KZ2, despite it's voice-acting that didn't always translate so well ("What took you so long? Did you stop and make lunch?.."), KZ2 exudes atmosphere like no other FPS.

15 years ago

I'm enjoying KZ2 at the moment… hoping for a patch in the near term to fix some niggley issues I have with it, like the laggy controls… otherwise, with regards to multi-player online; the COD series seem richer; with the ability to lay down and limited vehicular game play mechanics… I guess you can't have it all…


"i am home"

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Just chage the aim sensitivity and you'll be fine .

15 years ago

Meh, if you want multiplayer without the limitations play something on a PC. If you want the best single player experience outside of a 1st person or RTS enjoy a game on a console.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Fair warning: if you're here on a PC vendetta, don't bother to keep posting. In no way does the PC need to be in this thread or this discussion.

15 years ago

Ben, I know you probably won't give it out due to the amount of 'add as friend' messages you'll get if you do, but what is your PSN account name?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I don't give that out to the public (which is what I'd be doing if I posted it here). I'm also not online very often at all.

But if people really want it for some reason, they can e-mail me directly and ask for it.

15 years ago

as for AC2, i never had the first so i don't know, i'll wait for the psxe review
as for kz2, most defo, on play there was a guy reviewing it who clearly stated al he played was the demo and loved it. yeah so what u say, he also clearly stated that we a 360 diehard fanboy.

Last edited by Zorigo on 3/1/2009 5:45:19 AM

15 years ago

ben, whats your psn?

15 years ago

I didn't get every last Light Seed (994…grr..)

I saw the 994 and I thought you were taking a shot at me! lol

15 years ago

@994 – Hehe.

I don't think you can compare the repetitive nature of AC to the repetition of killing in shooters, because while you are shooting the whole time, you're doing it with different weapons, in different environments, and with different goals in each level.

It's not like every goal of every Killzone 2 level is the same. If it was, it would get repetitive, like AC felt.

15 years ago

Ben have you heard of Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood?? new game or something, ubisoft sent me an email about it. sequel of the first. Hope it's good, not alot of western games

15 years ago

Yes it's a sequel. It better be better than the first. As it stands, you're better off playing GUN instead of the first Call of Juarez.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, I've heard of it. …my hopes aren't high.

15 years ago

AC was painfully repetitive, once i completed it i sold it. i just had no aurge to play it again.

This week i bought 2 new games 😐

Street Fighter IV and Silent Hill: Homecoming, i love SF4, just wish i was better at it lol. Survival Mode is keeping me occupied as usual.

SH:H, Oh dear what went wrong, the game feels like a PS2 game! sounds dont fade out they just stop, the so cold eveolved comat really isnt, in fact its worse,i died against a creature becuase the dodge function doesnt even get Alex out of the way of the firing range, whats the point then. also how useless is Melee combat in this game. i'm in th sewers now and most of the enemies slaughter you if you're close to them. i'll have to build up alot of determination to continue this again.

15 years ago

Dude, I love K2, and I also picked up Star Ocean 4, LOVING IT. I like it more than Lost Oddysey and I don't regret NOT buying Last Remnant. Good job on the editorials BD.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Nice week you had Ben, mine was pretty ok. I wonder, when will the comments be out of beta? =0

15 years ago

Yo Ben! Could you post the Guinness 50 games of all time here on psx,just to clarify things.

We know psone was better than N64 cause of the CD n more games but N64 had INSTANT CLASSICS.3 of them made it in the top 10 ie.(1)Mario Kart 64,(5)Zelda:OoT,(10) Goldeneye…in the 11th position was Mario64.

No psone game made it in the top 10,am proud to have owned the N64 n played those 4 classics.
BTW…..Gta San Andreas is waaaayyy above Vice City(am not surprised)…..and…..FFXII is actually above FFVII?

Bioshock made it in there at no.40,am picking my copy up real quick!

I wish Ben will post it up so we can all comment!

Last edited by www on 3/1/2009 4:59:07 PM

15 years ago

No PS1 game in the top 10 games, Boulderdash!

15 years ago

This list is rubbish. I love Super Mario Kart just as much as the next person, heck it was my favorite back in the day, but to say it is the top game, very highly debatable. Reads more like somebodys "favorites" list than a true top 50 list. And if it was a true list, there would be some older stuff up there. Just about everything up there is more or less recent to some extent.

I'd argue that Contra is not listed. Or how about Smash TV? Or how about Dune 2, since it's the title that really began the RTS genre. Warcraft? Street Fighter? Fallout? Mega Man? Battletoads? Super Mario All Stars? Dragon Quest? Gauntlet? There's just so many important titles that influenced the industry that's missing. And don't even try to tell me that Lego Star Wars is better than KOTOR!!!

Last edited by Geobaldi on 3/1/2009 7:59:32 PM

15 years ago

Oops. Hit reply by mistake.

15 years ago

Still no LBP Ben?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Heh, no. I really do need it, though. Maybe a summer birthday present. 🙂

15 years ago

I'm playing Kz2 a lot too with my clan. I am ranked under 1500th place for score.

15 years ago

I got mega-F***ed this weekend because none of the stores in my area had KZ2. I'm super pissed… It's all caused by the XBOX fanboys who run the stores too. I'm gonna have to go on a fanboy killin' rampage this week.

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