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Has The PS3 Already Won The Exclusive Battle?

Early in this generation, those who disliked Sony and had little to no faith in the PlayStation 3, derided the company for losing third-party exclusives. Along with complaints of an exorbitant price and a typically mediocre launch software lineup, this was one of those legitimate complaints that most avid PlayStation followers simply didn't want to acknowledge. It was true: Sony lost Grand Theft Auto , Devil May Cry , and most recently, Final Fantasy . …and yet, here we sit, less than two and a half years later, and it seems as if the PS3 has – by far and away – the best and most promising exclusive lineup of software.

Third-party exclusivity is just about dead and buried (even timed exclusivity will soon die out as the gap between the PS3 and 360 continues to narrow), so it really all comes down to first- and second-party projects. Now, we all have to remember that top exclusive titles often are system sellers; it's a matter of simple logic, right? If you want to play Killzone 2 , you need a PS3. If you want to play Gears of War 2 , you need a Xbox 360. When MGS4 launched, there was a huge PS3 sales spike. When Gears 2 launched, there was a huge 360 sales spike. Therefore, there's no doubt that exclusives will continue to play a very large role in the hardware sales success of both competing companies. And as far as I can tell, Sony may have this one sewn up already:

And I just took them all off the top of my head; I'm sure there are more.

As far as I can tell, the Xbox 360 has the Gears series and that's about it. There are a few IPs I'm looking forward to this year (like Alan Wake ), and I'm picking up Star Ocean: The Last Hope tomorrow, but comparing these to the exclusive lineup on the PS3 seems a little silly. Now, just to clarify, I am not saying the PS3 is the superior machine; this topic only focuses on exclusive titles. Secondly, as I do own a 360, I'd be very interested to learn of more 360 exclusives coming up that look good; I want to play good games. And I kinda like the idea of exclusives. I like the idea that I have to own a particular console to play a certain game; it may sound ridiculous, but it's true to some extent. So if anybody wants to enlighten me as to the 360 exclusives coming up that will act as competition to the PS3's lineup – games mentioned above – I'm all ears. Obviously, raving fanboy rants won't be tolerated and we'll get rid of you super crazy fast.

The point is, I just find it a little ironic that everyone was laughing at how Sony was losing exclusives left and right and two years later, it's crystal clear they now have the significant edge in the exclusive battle.

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15 years ago

Well A LOT of people just jumped into the bandwagon for the heck of it, and they did it because:

1. They were scared to face the opposition, and they abandoned their PS pride.
2. They were unfortunately a 360 fanboy and they wanted to see Sony burn.
3. They wanted to be in the "in crowd", doing what everybody's doing cuz it was fun, and it felt cool to do it.

Well, for all the PS supporters I know and see, whether in my life, or just the net, I thank you all for supporting PS through the rough times, whether it's by buying all the PS systems, playing lots of their games, or even acknowledging the PS3 that it is a capable system just like the 360 and Wii, while preferring their own system of choice.

15 years ago

nicely said. I do think that the PS3 will out do the xbox 360 later on when people figure out that the 360 was released to be popular for the moment, not for the future. It's days are counted.

15 years ago

Well put, I could NOT have put it better myself.

15 years ago

Right on.

15 years ago

amen to that! And also to the guy who said that the x box days are counted, u just have to see the capaciti of the blueray, the 360 cant put up to that

15 years ago

There more ;)..

White Knight Chronicles
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
SOCOM: Confrontation
Valkyria Chronicles
MLB 08 & 09 The Show
Motorstorm 1 & Pacific Rift
Disgaea 3

To come:

Quantum Theory
DC Universe Oline
The Agency
Syphon Filter
Twisted Metal
Team Ico Proyect
Yakuza 3
– Kingdom Hearts III??
– Final Fantasy VII??

Last edited by Murdi on 2/27/2009 9:48:32 PM

15 years ago

I dont think the FF VII remake is gonna happen 🙁 and my fingers are crossed for the Kingdom Hearts 3.

15 years ago

Add Ico 3 :3

15 years ago

Folklore was there, but I'm hearing rumors about a second. That game was more innovative than players even realize and I'd love a second journey.

15 years ago

NG Sigma isn't really an exclusive now is it?

15 years ago

gotta add all the wonderful PSN games, too!

15 years ago

The most disrespected bit of usefulness this gen they are, and far outperforming in quality those… other ones.

15 years ago

It's funny actually… all my friends from back home except one have the 360 and the only other one that doesn't has a ps3. Not saying there is some correlation here but the ones with the 360 have not a clue about the differences between the systems besides price.

The one with the ps3 has somewhat of a clue… but I'm far superior to all of them in this kind of knowledge… which doesn't really say much.

15 years ago

Regarding Final Fantasy VII I think it will happen in the later years of the PS3 😉

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Okay, updated the list with VC, WKC, Folklore, MotorStorm 1 and 2, and Wipeout HD. 🙂

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Demon's Souls and Yakuza 3 .

15 years ago

Ico 3

and how could you forget Heavenly Sword? 🙁

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

…I didn't. And we don't even know if ICO 3 exists yet.

15 years ago

yeah, lets focus on games that exist at the moment, lol. No ICO 3 on that list please.

Sony pulled ahead last year with exclusives and will dominate this year. What did the 360 have in 2k8? Gears 2 and Fable 2? Everyone who played Fable 2 told me how it was a disappointment, so that leaves us with Gears, which i think is fun, but not worthy of the hype it gets.

Still hoping for a FF7 remake. I would love nothing more than to cast KotR in full hd…

15 years ago

Team Ico project ?? It can't mean ICO 3 It could be another Sotc heck who knows what they up to at the moment

15 years ago

Hey guys first time posting here!
The main reason why I got the PS3 was the exclusives, and I have to confess that it was getting a little scary in the beginning with all the exclusives being bought by MS but now it seems that I never have time to finish a exclusive and I get hit by another one 🙂
Good job Sony!!!
Now all you need to do is put Team Ico under studio arrest until they finally give us a screenshot of their next game 🙂

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Yeyah =D


15 years ago

Welcome to the big show.

15 years ago

They made the ps3 with powerfull hardware hoping to attract 3rd party developers, and games like QT are proving this strategy somewhat successful, combined with the huge 1st parties and the previously ps2 exclusive franchises, ps3 was set to dominate the exclusives list from beginning.

15 years ago

"super crasy fast" lol best phrase of the week. Ahh 360 exclusives that I hear about are splinter, AW, and too human, you can obviously exclude any racing seen as it is no competition, and there are few other medicore ones. Oh and my favorite the fire ring of mortality, lol.

Last edited by ps92117 on 2/27/2009 10:36:20 PM

15 years ago

The problem is, the PS3 is competing with not only the XBOX 360, but the Xbox 720 as well. To 'accurately compare' the numbers, we will have to include Xbox 720 numbers because it's lifespan will probably end with the PS3's. I find that a lot of people don't even care about PS3 exclusives. You say Killzone 2, and they say what's that?

15 years ago

Lol, I told my sister today about why Killzone 2 wasn`t in stock and why I was upset. She was confused and said she thought that the PS3 would have been more popular.

15 years ago

I agree that Sony is and will continue to win the exclusives battle due to their first party exclusives. This is where Sony is seriously out classing M$. Since this generation started M$ has been losing first party studios like Bungie and Bizarre while Sony has added studios under their umbrella such as Guerrilla and Evolution. Sony is smart, instead of wasting tons of cash on timed exclusive deals for third party games they've invested that cash into their first party studios that will make games that will ALWAYS be on systems named Playstation. I heard that Sony has more studios under their roof than M$ and Nintendo combined. With studios like Guerrilla, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Polyphony Digital, Team Ico, etc. making first party titles for Sony you know that their systems will always have quality games.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

PS3 has Noby Noby Boy (lol) fl0w as well.
And don't forget the next Ratchet & Clank and Resistance will probably be awesome.


And we have Home (though it's Beta and has alot to build) if that counts. The plane races beat Mii's and Avatars any day.

Last edited by Banky A on 2/27/2009 10:57:20 PM

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

The ps3 has the most versatile line up as far as I am concerned .

15 years ago

You forgot the MLB '0X: The Show series as Murdi mentions. Best baseball games around and only on Sony consoles. Also, there's going to be a sequel to Tools Of Destruction this fall, I believe. And maybe we might get lucky and see Yakuza 3.

15 years ago

Ps3 has the 360 beat exclusive wise hands down, maybe next year they'll have a lineup just as great

As a side note –


15 years ago

So, we're all agreed: the PS3 is one sexy piece of hardware, with some of the exclusives this gen!

15 years ago

Ya know, Ben, it's funny you bring this up. Sunday at work someone told me "The ps3 has no games".

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I can't handle that level of ignorance. I just can't.

15 years ago

OMG, Ben I can't either. It baffles me how many xbox fan boys work at all the major game companies such as gamestop. It trully pisses me off every time I walk in there and time and time again I'm in there to get the latest exclusive for sony, for instance, killzone 2, and they want to always insist that sony has no games. That's the biggest load of BS I've ever heard. I guess they're trying to prolong the inevitable by dissuading people from the truth. SONY HAS THE MOST/BEST EXCLUSIVE!!! Nuff said. Oh and Victor…your comment was just B-E-A-utiful!!! Well put.

15 years ago

No kidding, I unfortunately got sucked into an argument with a Radio Shack employee (yeah! radio shack!) trying to tell me PS3 didn't have any games. I mean WTF? Even if you don't count exclusives, there are plenty good games for the PS3. Ugh, it's depressing.

15 years ago

My friend asked me what I thought of the 360 I said it has no games that appeal to me except for Ninja Gaiden 2

It's hilarious how someone at game said the PS3 is just an PS2 with an new DVD.
Who employs these twats??

15 years ago

Yea, people should really watch how they word something. There's a big difference between not having any games and not having any that appeal to them.

15 years ago



The Wii is just a Gamecube with waggle.

Last edited by Orvisman on 2/28/2009 2:32:06 PM

15 years ago

As "Wolfman Jack" used to howl out,
"And the hits just keep on coming"…….

BTW, like the way you "niced up" your…."super crazy fast" remark.

I would've been much more blunt….
"Quick, Fast, & in a MF'ing hurry"!
(guess that's just one of the reasons why my M.C. forum will never be open to the public), LOL

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, it's a whole new thing when you open the floodgates to the public. If you don't need it – and we kinda do – I would suggest keeping it private.

15 years ago

Ok I'll bring it up if no one else will, blatantly anyway, I don't see much else but halo and gears for MS. They bought all these other properties up, and almost single-handedly gimped every game put out since so much so that the attach rate for the system means little to nothing. Nobody thinks Star Ocean 4 is a truly epic advance in RPGs, nor IU, nor Tales, I mean RPG's are where I live and breath in this world. Don't suffocate the "World"!

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/28/2009 12:48:40 AM

15 years ago

epic ps3 .Hack game maybe? lol

15 years ago

Halo is a great example of the dangers of not creating new ip, MS has had success with Gears but I feel it will go down the halo path, sony on the other hand has come up with resistance, motorstorm and uncharted.

15 years ago

@WorldEndsWithMe I agree with u.

15 years ago

From the looks of things it looks like the ps3 has won but you never know microsoft has been kinda quite the just might have something up there sleves it doesnt matter to me though cuz II owned all the systems lol

15 years ago

I've never really understood the 360 fanboys' attacks about PS3 lacking games…especially exclusives. While there's more TITLES available on 360, how many of its EXCLUSIVES does anyone really care about? HALO 3, HALO:ODST, FABLE II, GEARS OF WAR, GEARS OF WAR 2, MASS EFFECT, LEFT 4 DEAD and TOO HUMAN are about the only ones I ever hear 360 owners talk about.

Doing a check online, there are currently ~587 360 games (released and known to be upcoming) and ~442 PS3 (same). Of these, 360 has 27.6% exclusives and PS3 has 24.2% exclusives. Pretty close. If you avg how many games released per year that is, 360 has an avg of 196 games/year and PS3 has 221 games/year.

Can someone tell me WHERE PS3 is lacking in games/exclusives? They NEED 3% more exclusives to be competitive? C'mon!

Last edited by xnonsuchx on 2/28/2009 1:51:23 AM

15 years ago

By my calculations (man i've always wanted to say that), this means the PS3 and 360 will have the same number of games in 5.8 years, with approximately 1,724 games apiece. (assuming, of course, continuation at the same rates)

I tried to calculate when they would have the same numbers of exclusives, but I gave up…something like 90+ years for some 5000 plus exclusives each 🙂

Sometimes 8th grade math is interesting.

15 years ago

Well the 360 does have some great exclusives and you do need to own one if you really want to play all the great games of this generation, but nah as of right now(and maybe no time soon) it can't compete with that list.

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