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Ben’s Week In Review: February 8

It's the first week since the middle of December where we didn't have any snow, so that's a bonus. Doesn't mean the Z can move much because the warm weather has melted the snow, turning the roads into water and mud pits, but…whatever. Onwards.

It's the "RE5 feels like RE" argument…

Oddly enough, the debate concerning the return of the traditional "tank controls" in Resident Evil 5 doesn't seem to center on quality or accessibility. It seems to revolve around the concept of whether or not we want RE5 to "feel like" all the other REs. The logical school of thought says that regardless of tradition, this is a new generation, and Capcom can do better if they choose to. Hence, there's no excuse for the continuance of those old-fashioned controls. But then there are the survival/horror purists, who remain stoic in the belief that they don't want RE5 to feel like a regular ol' third-person action game. If they implemented those mechanics, wouldn't the "survival/horror" genre basically cease to exist? Or, at the very least, wouldn't we have to say that RE5 is no longer survival/horror? Personally, after going through the demo a few times, I'm on the fence.

I really would've preferred the fluid movement of Dead Space for RE5, and that's because the atmosphere and speed of the game is different from RE4. Regular action controls simply would've worked better. On the other hand, I do understand the other argument, because it really does feel like RE…and that's not necessarily a bad thing. So I'm torn on the issue.

You know what, Valve? Don't bother with a L4D port

So the latest update is Valve's sarcastic reply to the idea that a PS3 version of Left 4 Dead is in the works. But at this point, I gotta say…I really don't care one way or the other. If I'm going to play this game – and I fully intend to at some point – I'm going to play it on the Xbox 360. Valve's continued aversion to Sony's machine means we're going to get another inferior port, and PS3 owners aren't interested in that level of mediocrity these days. We put up with it in the first year because developers still had a lot to learn, but these days, there's really no such thing as a bad 360-to-PS3 port. Most all developers simply create a game simultaneously on both platforms, so in turn, most all multiplat titles are mostly identical to each other. But L4D would not only be very late, I get the feeling it will also suck…after all, we're talking about Valve. Didn't they turn over the port duties of The Orange Box to EA? Oh yes, that worked well. And I doubt Valve could do any better.

So really, Valve, we don't care. Just don't bother. We've got more than enough games to play on the PS3, thank you very much. I'm not saying L4D is a bad game (like I said, I want to play it), but we can make do without.

Personal gaming update

So I'm still hunting Light Seeds in Prince of Persia , just because that completionist mentality has kicked in and there's no way to kill it. I've been gaming long enough to know I really can't kill it once it solidifies itself in my brain. I'm passing on Street Fighter IV and just waiting on Killzone 2 , and then I will play Resident Evil 5 …despite any reservations I may have about the old-school controls. Beyond that, there isn't much going on, although Sony should send me the redeem code for the PSN game Flower , which releases this week. I like those little downloadable titles; they represent pleasant diversions. I've also finally completed the Valkyria Chronicles review, and yes, I'm sorry it took so long. Major swampage at the end of last year. VC is really fantastic and while I probably won't finish it, it most certainly deserves any critical acclaim it received in 2008. Really, even if it's not quite my thing, I get it. 🙂

In other news…well, there really isn't other news. I didn't go out tonight 'cuz I didn't feel like it, and I won't go out next week because it's Valentine's Day. Sure, there are plenty of tipsy, "I feel sorry for myself for not having a boyfriend today" chicks at the clubs on that day, but I can't take advantage of it. I haven't sunk quite that low. Not yet, anyway.

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15 years ago

Is it really a low point to be doing that? I feel terrible now =( lol jk. anywayz. Agreed on L4D, it seems like a really fun game, but most of my friends, who almost all have 360 but have slowly but surely either buying a ps3 or selling their 360's to get one, have told me it gets boring after awhile. so I dunno. Also I think RE5 shouldn't let you run and gun, but at least let you move some amount, like a slow walk or something, I mean hell the Machette is useless unless the enemy essentially runs INTO IT.
Edit: PS wanna send me a Flower redeem code =) lol

Last edited by LegendaryWolfeh on 2/7/2009 11:53:20 PM

15 years ago

yeah that's right Ben, we ps3 owners really don't care about valve's inferior ports, let Gabe Newell AKA Gigantor stick to his "pth and xboth 360". We have alot of great ps3 exclusive games down the line.

btw love the site, it's good to see a site that is not biased against the ps3 for a change, keep up the good job 🙂
and i can't wait for KZ2

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Thanks. 🙂

15 years ago

Trouble Maker, you refer to Gabe Newell as Gigantor…so…do you listen to the PSnation podcast?

15 years ago

yes, Luan i listen to the psnation podcast, and i saw the 100'th live show, but i am addicted to PSXextreme, it's really one of the best gaming sites out there.

King James
King James
15 years ago

guess ur name id appropriate, Troblemaker. 10 posts? Where's Shadow?

15 years ago

@King James
i already apologized for that, i did not intentionally do it.

15 years ago

PSnation is a GREAT podcast…but PSXextreme is definately the best NEWS site…

King James
King James
15 years ago

I no u didn't. Just messing wit ya.

15 years ago

re5 control are somewhat irritating for someone new to the game I also had trouble with the aming. As for valve rather annoying company, right up there with SE(though everybody hates SE vs. only us hate valve), but we got a huge party of developers and supporters so we realy don't need Gabe's face on our ps3. I am really excited bout kz2 and all the demo though short was amazingly looking. Lol I somehow stumble by a bunch of kids in home made me there friend and now they are fighting with each other and using me as a medium for message, rather funy how they get so pist at each other but damn they think I am there personal psychologist who cares bout there feelings and they won't stop talking to me.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Tough being the village elder to the village idiots 🙂

15 years ago

RE5 should offer a patch for the "tank controls" & the purist could play as is. This is next-gen & it should feel like it! Id rate this game an 8/10!
* "Tank Controls"
* machete is useless/ not even one slash & dash combo
* Chris is built like an ox but you cant use your hands for weapons/only when your partner needs help?!

As for L4D……..I havent even thought about it! Theres too much greatness coming!

Last edited by SPS3 on 2/8/2009 12:34:33 AM

15 years ago

Well, I tried RE5 for the first time this week… meaning it is the first time I have actually played an RE5 game period… I found it difficult… I also found the angle odd… it felt the camera was to close the characters… I wanted to zoom out to make the game scene a little more comfortable for my eye… strange, but that is how I felt…

I think I will stick to Killzone 2 for now, and see what comes out later… such as Dirt 2 and the like… Looking forward to the online play on that one… GoW III and Unchartered 2 look very promising, so does Heavy Rain… so there is enough to look forward too…


"i aM HoMe"

15 years ago

Damn those unchartered flights 😉

15 years ago



"i aM hOmE"

15 years ago

Off topic: I think I'm gonna have to limit the gaming intake this year lol. Don't quite have the cash this time around. It's kinda hard havin' a car when your 16 cuz insurance prices are crazy. $3000/yr for pl&pd, or $8000/yr for collision (I could buy a good used car every year for the price of collision). Kinda pisses me off that the price is basically halved for chicks.

Sorry, just need to vent sometimes 🙂

15 years ago

i feel you man. im 16 also. only im trying to get a car!

15 years ago

I just got mine on Thursday. I'm not insuring it until I can get a job (hard in this economy). So, basically I have a car, but can't yet afford to drive it.

Last edited by somethingrandom on 2/8/2009 12:47:47 AM

15 years ago

Thats wierd young ones, I am in my 30's and have never had my own car… though I have the money to buy a 2 door Mercedes sports cash… issue is, in the cities where I have lived; I have never needed a car… always public transport and much cheaper!


"i aM hOMe"

King James
King James
15 years ago

Welcome to that vicious Real World somethingrandom. Get ur hustle up. And work smart not hard.

@ Q
Wow, can't do that here in Texas, bro…Dallas or Houston.

Last edited by King James on 2/8/2009 2:30:21 AM

15 years ago

I got my first car when I was 17. Insurance always sucks for young drivers. I had to work and pay for it all myself. I was always so pissed off that the rich kids got cool cars that their parents payed for, but I digress…

In a couple years I will be 25 and I think that is when the price of insurance goes down.

King James, I know what you mean, I am from midland and they JUST started the public busses around here.

I doubt I could afford insurance on a Z, at least not at my age. How do you do it Arold!!

Last edited by Jed on 2/8/2009 9:02:28 PM

15 years ago

Lol, I live 10 miles from the closest town…

15 years ago

lol this is the only ps3 site ive come where i can call the xbox 'shoddy' and not get warned. yes, that actually did happen to me. i bet you can guess what website did it though.

15 years ago

kotaku maybe.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Up until a couple days ago there was a guy on here who would have given you trouble

15 years ago

nah psu mate

15 years ago

really wow I don't comment there much but never thought they would be like that.

15 years ago

They are douchehats, I got banned from their forums for ragging on the fake mods, lolz. They even said they would hunt me down and murder me in my sleep. I say bring it, I got the swordz.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/8/2009 11:48:05 AM

15 years ago

there was a thread hammering on the ps3, and i pointed out the xbox with its rrod and how 'shoddy' the hardware is. i got a warning for 'flamebaiting'. seriously they act more like a general games forum than a ps3 only forum as their name suggests.

15 years ago

Playstation Underground? or the PS3 Forums?
Same thing happened to me lol

15 years ago

Off Topic:- Don't know if anyone has seen/read about the ability now to run PS2 backups on the PS3 using SwapMagic. Seems they managed to launch PS2 games from HDD and BackUp DVD's. Nice for people who want to back up their collections. As far as I can see, this can only be done on original PS3 with the PS2 hardware in it… launch units only 🙂


"i aM hOMe"

King James
King James
15 years ago

Sweet!!!! Thanks Q. I'll check it out.

15 years ago

Howd they get the PS2 games onto the HDD? Linux?

15 years ago

No, but there is a tutorial that is up on the web showing how to launch your legal backups. It seems the latest firmware, v2.60 does not interfere with it… amazing. I am sure more homebrew will use this method.


"i aM hOMe"

15 years ago

RE5=RE4 w/shinier textures,
slightly faster and more plentiful "zombies,"
and steroids for Chris. Not to say it's bad, tho.

I wouldn't be on the fence on the "tank" controls at all. They either give you it so you can run around like a 3rd person shooter or they don't where it's (likely) more strategic and practically the same system as RE4.

And I'd go as far as saying RE isn't survival horror anyway; that's what fans say, and it makes sense because there is no survival aspect to the "horror" (constant item and ammo dropping, for example),which has turned into slaughtering masses of these zombies rather than being afraid of them in the least bit. The tension just isn't there for me in RE4, at least, and neither in the RE5 demo.

15 years ago

I get tense when I'm down to 2 bullets and a dozen zombies. 🙂

King James
King James
15 years ago

I personally don't care about the RE5 controls. I think they did it to encourage more tactical cooperative gameplay. U don't wanna be in the middle some T-virus infectees (I think that's what they're called…?), and the only way to get out of this jam is to stick together, BUT u got paired up with a "Rambo" wannabe and now u lose because of somebody else's mistakes.
Seriously, do u think u could beat Deadspace if it was co-op with a "Rambo" on ur hands????

And Valve can lick up on some Windows/xbox booty hairs for all I care. I can't stand ignorant companies. Ignoring a 21 million install base??? Smart business plan Value. *thumbs up*

My personal gaming update: I found Shadow of the Colossus in a Gamestop for $10 and I NEVER played it. So I was like "What the hell. Its suppose to be good and its only $10." So I just started it and although I gotta read subtitles (which I'm not too happy about)…its pretty sweet! Who know killing giant creatures with only a sword and some wit, could be so satisfying?
One colossus down, only…wait…how many to go????

15 years ago

Oh, man! I love that game–Shadow of the Colossus, I mean.

Not a fan of subtitles, though? That's all right.

Team Ico apparently created their own languages and cultures for SotC and ICO to kind of extend the mystical aura around the games. And I bet it saved them some money, too! They didn't have to do voiceovers for Japan and Voiceovers for America, and voiceovers for a bunch of countries in Europe, too! Just one fake language–it works for everyone! Haha

King James
King James
15 years ago

5 Colossi down.

15 years ago

King James you got a looong way to go yet. Great game.

As for the RE5 controls,i dont like em. For some reason dude felt kinda klunky. It looks like he wants to run faster but feels so slow. I dunno. I was just annoyed of how often I had to reposition myself so I wouldnt get axed. Also its kinda annoying to swap weapons/ammo/health during a swarm of enemies.
But the graphics are ill!

15 years ago

I was watching a video earlier today on my xbox that talked about the controls for resident evil and it talked about the final version having 2 sets of controls. one set of controls was called action controls the other set was called traditional i think. it was a pr rep that stated this. so maybe the final version you are allowed to move and shoot.

15 years ago

Nope, that was the reps F-up, there will be no run and gun.

15 years ago

thats really funny about the snow because here in europe,we are being hit with snow blizzards and such.
plus i hate valves childish crap,why not just say you are been pay'd off,it would be so much easier.

15 years ago

RE5 game is going to be sweet as is. I doubt they will change the control system so GET OVER IT.

L4D meh I have it on pc and yeah who cares but why not port it.

How can you skip street fighter? I guess you don't have any friends.
I just got to chapter 8 on Valkyria CH and this game is sweet.

Every weekly update you try to come off as a would be ladies man…………well

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

…if you think I ever once sounded like a "ladies man" in any update ever, you've REALLY misinterpreted the words.

15 years ago

I got a feelin' ppl who wanna skip Re5 are just SCARED and blamin' it on the tank controls.

PoP,i still can't finish cause my mentality says its boring.I've started Gears 2 again.

Yea am skippin' SFIV fo sho',why?
I realised i just brought in SCIV n got in a way borin' quickly though i do play it once in a while.
There's just somethin' about fightin' games…….they get borin' pretty quick.

Killzone2,errrrrr…….the demo didn't give me enough reason to pick it up like Re5 did,but i'll see.

Another Reason why digital download is annoyin':I downloaded Re5 demo on XBL first,now
i downloaded it on ps3 to compare graphics,i tried to install it but got an error message,so i deleted it, downloaded the second time n guess what? another error.

Last edited by www on 2/8/2009 5:17:40 AM

15 years ago

I can't see much of a difference between the 360 and PS3 versions of ResEvil5.

15 years ago

oh really?
I still wanna see it for myself though.

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