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Will The PS3/360 Combo Become The Best Ever?

I know we've done a lot in the past to help defend the PlayStation 3 against a deluge of negative press, but…well, if we don't, who will? We're not about to submit to obscenely biased views and all-out falsehoods masquerading as journalism, and we believe the consumer deserves much better from this industry's media. Therefore, we do our part to clarify the skewed point-of-views, but without blindly promoting the PlayStation brand. But how's about we play the "let's all just get along card" and look at what the combination of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 brings us this generation…?

Now, for my money, the SNES/Genesis combo still reigns supreme in game history. I suppose at one point I would've liked to say PC/PS1, but as I ended up spending the majority of my time with the PS1 (vastly preferred those RPGs), it has to come in second to the 16-bit glory days. I did think very highly of my PS2/Xbox combo last generation, but I had three times as many PS2 games as Xbox games, and I really only had Microsoft's console for a few must-have exclusives ( Halo and Ninja Gaiden ) and the fact that most multiplatform games were better played on the Xbox. This generation, I'm starting to think my PS3/360 tandem will give the SNES/Genesis – previously safe aloft a seemingly unattainable quality plateau – a run for its nostalgic money. Of course, this is looking fairly deep into the future but one has to admit, things are starting off quite well.

At this point, I have 20 PS3 games and 9 360 games but bear in mind that I have a few PS3 titles that publishers sent me for review that I might not have bought on my own, and I still want a couple more 360 titles ( Fable II , Left 4 Dead , Ninja Gaiden II ). Considering what we already have after only a little over 2 years for the PS3 and 3 years for the 360, I must say that this combo has yet to let me down. The very clear sign that you have an awesome pair of consoles? When you never have any downtime . In other words, I've always had something to play on either. From MGS4 to GTAIV to Gears to Resistance to Uncharted to Fallout 3 to Prince to DMC4 to Halo to Prologue to Katamari to Dead Space to LBP and more…we've got some great stuff, and with Killzone 2 , GoWIII, FFXIII, Uncharted 2 , Alan Wake and many more on the way, I have to think that the game list for the PS3/360 this generation is going to boggle the mind when all is said and done.

Honestly, I can't really remember a time when the software lineup looked so promising, and I think my library is already off to a running start. Sometimes, it can be difficult to maintain momentum, but I don't see any signs of slowing…do you?

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15 years ago

I dunno guys, N64 really only had a handful of must-haves like Goldeneye and Zelda, PS1 had tons of stuff but the combo of Snes and Genesis was game after game after game, but then it could just be nostalgia busting up my rhythm again.

15 years ago

Not sure why Josh would get banned in this thread. Hes been clean but wtv its your call.

Anyway, somebody said MS should never got into the console war, thats stupid. It made them money RROD not withstanding, they have exclusives(nothing i really like save for Halo but still great ones) and they carved a foothold in the market and a loyal fanbase, not talking fanboys.
So when looking at the whole picture it worked out for them.
That said, competition betters the breed, this goes for both M$ and Sony, both systems will continue to play the timeless art of one-up-manship equalling better systems for all of us.

Ideally given Wii is inferior and a different kind of system truly, the 360/PS3 pair is the perfect combo.
I still think M$ should drop the Live fee to play but thats just me.

15 years ago

Ben, I love ya like a brother, but for you to create this thread and then expect us to only comment on the games is tantamount to beginning a thread on Geo. Bush's legacy, and then later chiming in that you only want us to talk about his successes.

Mind you, I wish Gears, Fable 2, Braid, and the like were available on the PS3. But there's always been just one little hitch: I'd have to buy a 360 to play them, and that means making a sizable investment in a company that knowingly created a defective console and foisted it on the world. Beyond that, read about the 130+ lawsuits Microsoft was slapped with (and lost) for a whole host of corporate misdeeds in its software division. The evidence against Microsoft is staggering and irrefutable.

I dunno, call me crazy, but throwing down good money for a console made by a shit-bird company and then holding my breath every time I turn it on just isn't my idea of a good time!

For those of you who already own one, I highly recommend you track the recent California-led class action lawsuit–you may be entitled to remuneration if Microsoft loses. That could buy a lot of new PS3 games, and in Josh's case, perhaps a shiny new PS3 itself. Think of the possibilities…

Last edited by opsdaddy on 2/8/2009 8:56:23 AM

15 years ago

But lawsuits aren't always necessarily about what is right and just; sometimes people just want to make a buck off a rich company's expense. Not to say that it's this way this time, but it certainly is often.

And the failure rate is lower now than it was. Although I think both of my friends with Boxes had the ring at one point.

15 years ago

McDonalds gets sued all the time. Heaven forbid the Coffee they handed me was hot.

15 years ago

Sorry Ben, had to get that off my chest. Getting back on topic, I'd say I loved my PS2/GameCube combo best. Unlike many, I thought the GameCube was a solid little system, and some of its exclusives, such as Metroid Prime, SSB Melee, Tales of Symphonia, Eternal Darkness, Pikmin 2, and of course Zelda made for some good times–good times, indeed.

Sadly, I got rid of my GameCube… sniff… think I'll have to buy another!

Last edited by opsdaddy on 2/8/2009 10:30:11 AM

15 years ago

If you do, pick up Skies of Arcadia, I have it on Dreamcast but I heard they ironed out some of the annoying parts for the GC version. Great RPG.

15 years ago

I share the same feeling and view as Ben. I have both consoles and I basically buy big games on both consoles and I just enjoy great games on both consoles.

So far, I bought 9 PS3 games and 7 360 games. The list goes like this:

MGS4, DMC4, Assassin's Creed, Soul Calibur4, Disgaea 3, Ninja Gaiden sigma, Star Wars Force Unleased, Price of Persia, TombRaider Underworld

Lost Odyssey, Enchanted Arms, Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery, Last Remnant, DOA4, Katamari

and I am very happy with the games on both consoles.

(sorry, FPS fans, you noticed my list does not have any FPS but have lots of RPGs, I realize the greatness of FPS but I am not FPS fan or any first person games, cuz it just makes me dizzy)

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 2/8/2009 2:35:21 PM

15 years ago

HAHAHAHA I will just stick w/ my PSP/PS3 combo.

off topic: Which processor do you guys think is stronger? The Xenon processor (in Xbox 360) or the Cell processor (in PS3)? I went to wikipedia the other day and read articles on both and it said that the Xenon is a modified version of the Cell. But the PS3 has 8 cores and the Xbox 360 has 3 cores. Which one is stronger?

Last edited by Dingodial on 2/9/2009 12:55:32 PM

15 years ago

The Xenon has 3 cores that are dual threaded, and the ps3's have 8 single threaded SPU's, one of which seems to be a spare, and another one for running the OS. Dual threaded doesn't mean 2x, but what it means is that it can pause one process, and run another. So as far as running basic floating point calculations, the Cell has a significant edge. However, the 360's graphics ATI card is more instruction rich, but 50Mhz slower, than the ps3's Nvidia card, allowing it to do AA natively, while the ps3 must rely on postprocessing. The 360's card also uses shared memory architecture (512MB from two 700Mhz 256MB GGDR3 RAMs), allowing it more RAM for textures, while the ps3s has a split RAM architecture, one 256MB XDR 3.2GHz RAM for video and one one 256MB 700 Mhz GGDR3 RAM for CPU, that are unsharable but much faster. Aside from that, 360's graphics card is said to produce brigher whites, while the ps3's is said to do darker blacks. What does this mean? The ps3 has the potential for more on-screen objects, and draw distance, and more sophisticated behavior or physics, while the 360 has the potential for more textures and brighter colors. However, at the end of the day, it's up to developers to tap in to the architectures' potentials. Developers have complained about the ps3's complicated architecture, and they have complained about the restrictions of the 360's DVD-9 size limitation and the significantly increased royalties paid to MS for having more than one disc per game.

15 years ago

Thanks for the info 🙂