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Who Am I? – Ben Dutka

Arnold thought it’d be a good idea to formally introduce ourselves to our loyal readers. It’s a darn good plan, too, especially considering the increased number of Comments we receive on a daily basis. So, who are the two main guys responsible for the content you’ve come to expect and – hopefully – appreciate? Well, he’ll handle his intro and it’s time for mine.

Some of you already know a little about me due to my interaction with a lot of readers over the past year or so, but here’s more of my profile. First, the boring stuff- I graduated from the University of Connecticut in 2000 with a BA and my degree in Psychology. After trying standard office work for a few years, I realized I couldn’t handle such work for the remainder of my days. …of course, this realization came after I got laid off, but nevertheless. 😉 Anyway, I decided I wanted to be a writer, which, at the time, was the equivalent of saying I wanted to be poor. As I didn’t have a degree in Journalism and zero publishing credits to my name, I wasn’t entirely sure how to begin, so I started submitting ideas and articles to several local newspapers. Thankfully, they thought I had some skill and hired me on as a freelance reporter, which really didn’t keep me out of the poorhouse but still provided some excellent experience. In other words, my wallet didn’t benefit, but my résumé did.

I started reporting on local news but eventually wound up producing front-page feature articles revolving around entertainment. In my time, I interviewed more than a few major music artists and comedians – a few names include Kelly Clarkson, Jamey Jasta, Scott Ian, Coldplay, Celtic Woman, Carlos Mencia, Colin Mochrie, and Lewis Black – and I got around a bit. But after yet another high-profile interview and feature piece for which I received the measly $50 a freelancer gets, and then finding out any number of magazines would’ve bought the same piece for $1500, I decided I’d had enough. I started looking online and thanks to the 80+ published pieces I had, I got accepted to write for, where I handled more entertainment features. The name I wrote under will remain a mystery, because I’m not about to take a thousand questions about whether or not I’m that character in real life. Then, I stumbled on a part-time gig here at PSX Extreme, just before Aaron left for GameSpot. When he did, Val had liked what I produced in my few months and wanted to know if I would like a full-time spot.

Of course, I did, and here I am. I’ve been Editor-in-Chief for over two years now, and Val and Arnold are absolutely awesome to work for/with. I plan on staying for as long as I’m welcome, and that’s all I need to say on that. As for my current life, I turned 30 last year and while a wee bit of depression accompanied that momentous event, I have to say I’m relatively satisfied with where I am. I bought a 2007 Nissan 350Z back in March thanks to Arnold’s recommendation; I’m sure he will mention his car in his profile as well…we mention ‘em because we love our cars! It’s a joy to drive, and mine is a slick silver with Burnt Orange and black interior while Arnold’s is a lovely Daytona Blue. If any competing site would like to challenge our Zs to a battle, we’ll be more than willing to smoke them off the road, as the only cars that we’d really worry about are Porsches, Corvettes, M-series BMWs, that crazy 450HP new Mercedes, and maybe a Lancer Evolution. Arnold knows more about cars than I do, but my father has been a mechanic all his life, and between the two of them, I get all kinds of good tips. Heh.

I’ve lifted weights for 6 years and I continue to do so three times per week. I also use my rowing machine three times per week to add the all-important cardio; it’s necessary because while I love tennis, you can’t really play year-round in Connecticut. I’m 6’3, about 225 lbs. and if you’re not up to the road race, you can always challenge me to a simple arm-wrestling contest. I’ve focused on my arms for so long that I haven’t lost in a while. 😉 I rent a condo in a quiet location that’s just a little too far away from everything, one of my lifelong goals is to read as many of the literary classics as I can get my hands on (currently reading a collection of Tennessee Williams plays), I enjoy sports and fine eating (not that I get the chance all the time), and I’m currently single. My ex isn’t worth mentioning, just because it’s not an interesting story…(LOL) For the time being, I’m far too busy to even concern myself with women, although Arnold will tell you that’s little more than a dodge. He may have a point, but I’ve grown accustomed to being independent a long time ago, and many times, I take a great deal of solace and satisfaction in that independence. As far as I’m concerned, women can wait.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly for my audience, my gaming history and tastes- my first game was Pong on my father’s Atari 2600, which I played in 1982 when I was only 4 years old. Then I played the heck out of the family IBM/Tandy, where I spent almost all my time with Ms. Pac-Man (try that with a keyboard; I was a master!), Hero’s Quest , and Earl Weaver’s Baseball . Then I got the NES and a whole new world opened up. From then on, I was pretty well hooked. I’ve never signed on for the whole brand loyalty or fanboy mess; I just always wanted to play the games I wanted to play. My favorite game of all time is Final Fantasy Tactics , followed closely by Super Mario Bros. , Final Fantasy VII , Super Mario Kart , and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night . Obviously, you can guess that my two favorite systems (so far) are the SNES and PS1, although my personal gaming tastes have changed over the years. Back in college, I would only play RPGs. I’ve played most of them on the PS1 and I still own about 30. But these days, I’ll play anything that’s great. A good story always gets me, as does finely honed action and of course, fun factor. I’m a gamer for life, plain and simple.

For the most part, I’m a laid back, not easily excitable individual that believes in ambition and motivation, a simple sense of civility and common sense, and an inherent drive to better oneself. Guess that’s about it. So…hi. 🙂

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15 years ago

Thanks for all the info, and thanks for your continued effort on this site. The efforts of the PSX staff have changed my entire online experience and the way I view gaming.

On a side note, I envy you for being able to interview Colin Mochrie.

Last edited by GoldenShadow on 1/18/2009 10:54:59 PM

15 years ago

I'm so glad you guys talk about FF7. Not to be on the biggest bandwagon in history, but FF7 is what opened me up to RPGs and I can never let that down as my greatest gaming experience ever.

Also, interesting back story with the freelancing stuff. Think you'll ever really use that BA you got in Psych again?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Eh…unlikely. 😉

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

ben uses it to embarass the fanboys .

15 years ago

The Sims 2!?!?!?!?

King James
King James
15 years ago


U won't get ANYTHING done in 14 days. Trust.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Oh it's not crappy AT ALL. Its just a true MMO and it takes u forever to get anything done.

Last edited by King James on 1/19/2009 11:37:46 AM

King James
King James
15 years ago

How can I put this?…I deliberately didn't play WoW (at launch) because it looked like (in terms of depth) FF11 on protein supplements!

15 years ago

Cool you interviewed Jamey Jasta! That makes sense being that Hatebreed is a CT band. I had "satisfaction is the death of desire” blaring in my car on the way to work today. PSXEXTREME is my home page and will continue to be.

15 years ago

I've been pondering a leap from fiction to journalism myself, what kind of stuff did you write for your local paper to get started?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I think the first step would be to see if any local papers hire freelancers. If they do, you just have to submit a writing sample and a resume and you might get a few assignments. It all depends on what the paper needs, although it's usually local news for freelancers.

I just stuck around long enough and proved myself to be a capable journalist. So, they started moving me up until eventually, I was doing the big stuff.

15 years ago

Ben is so Peter Parker.

15 years ago

LOL, lets hope he doesnt go dancing in the street though eh?

Last edited by Random_Steve on 1/19/2009 10:38:08 AM

15 years ago

AWESOME…Ben Dutka is a cool guy. Thanks for doing this stuff man – we really really appreciate it…seriously!!

15 years ago

Hey Ben, finally get to read the person behind the articles. Nice with the 350z, and probably got phat 19's on those two hehehehe. I like speed to, but mines on two wheels.

Although had to chill on that recently and gotten married and bought a civic si. I guess when you thrash too many bikes its time to stop and take a long break. I guess you can say gaming saved my ass as it was the only thing to calm me down; and my wife.

Pease /

15 years ago

BTW, ever thought of pumping some NOS into those 350z? Yeeeeeeah; ahhhh just playin.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

LOL It's plenty fast enough, thanks.

15 years ago

LoL. and join drag races while he's at it :D. Use your gaming skills to win xD

15 years ago

The one thing I learned that I didn't know already: The color of the 350z!

15 years ago

Oh, and the AskMen thing…

15 years ago

Love connecticut I did my entire middle school and freshman high school year there. And as for this story when ever xbots question your unbiased, you can just give them the link. And wow you seem to have some great experience at writing so that is why all your topic score so high. Oh and are you shy of publicity cause if i were you I would defenetly reveal my askmen id.

Last edited by ps92117 on 1/19/2009 1:10:12 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

No, those files are confidentially sealed to the public. 😉

15 years ago

LOL, at lease you can smoke them off the line. Just messing around Ben. Hope you drivin stick instead of auto; if not you're killing me man. 😉

On a diferent note. I started on a pong ( late 70's i think) too but it wasnt on atari 2600. It was on a solo console to a tv. And from there I was hooked. My wish, when i go, bury me with all my consoles; God, I hate sharing.

15 years ago

Greetings from MA, Ben. Move to Boston, or New York (for some reason I don't think Hartford counts)! So many hunnies, you won't be able to "dodge" them. Then again, certain townships are loaded. Brandford, CT has plently of nice scenery!

15 years ago

New London had more.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Heh. The girls I met on Friday at the club were visiting from Boston. Plenty cute, but…uh…no offense, driving into and out of Boston is worse than just about anything else on earth, IMO. LOL

15 years ago

I hear that, Ben, especially during this weather. And did I hear "girls", as in more than one? Big Ben's got 2 in each arm!

To ps92117, what happened to them? Did Ben take them?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Actually…there were about 6. 😉

15 years ago

I Love games.Lucky enough to be born in an African country where you dont have to be a gazillionere to get a console. i live in South Africa gaming its still inaccsesable to 80 percent of black people. I played 8 bit games 4 about 7 years before i got a Sega master system and quickly got a playstation its all thanks to a BBC program they called Cybernet where they reviewed games does not play anymore.

Bought a lot of outdated VideoGame mags(stuff u did not buy was sent to us) one was
called PSXetreme I thought this was a online version of the mag and kept all my favourate games reviews,previews,posters in a scrap book.

My all time favourate game is The King of Fighters Series thats one game i can live on 4 life and the series is coming back in a big way.
KOF XII check out the vids in youtube and info at Cyberfanatix.

All other games are memorable but cant replay them.I need to play a JRPG that would turn my life upside down but im lazy but i will give it a shot.

King James
King James
15 years ago

What it is, Ben!

U sound like a older version of me. I swear I told this girl I'm currently dating something similar to that "I'm too busy for woman" line, yesterday. lol. I'm pretty laid back myself.

You and Arnold seem to have no respect for the Hondas and Mazdas. What's up with that? Eurocars aren't the only cars that can beat 350Z's. :O We race everything down here in Houston.

Anyways, thanks u Ben, Arnold, John (where's John bio anyway?), and everyone else at PSXE for keep me informed on my PS news. I appreciate what u folks are doing over there and I pray that it only gets better and better for y'all.


Last edited by King James on 1/19/2009 3:22:38 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I don't know…John's a mystery…

Anyway, when I say I'm "just too busy" for women, EVERYONE thinks it's a dodge. I'm glad you don't. Or do you? 😉

King James
King James
15 years ago

Naw. I believe that I really am to busy for woman. I'm a senior in my last year of college and I plan to work 2 jobs on the side. I really am too busy. Or at least I will be. Skool starts tomorrow.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

I'm a big fan of Euro cars. But Hondas and Mazdas I don't like because A) They're fail-wheel drive. B) Gutless torque. I think the MX5 Miata is a great platform, but not nearly quick enough. I like the MazdaSpeed 3, but prefer the AWD MazdaSpeed 6.

As far as Hondas, my friend has an S2000 – it's a nice car, but barren in amenities and doesn't feel nearly as powerful as my Z. I do love me an NSX, though.

15 years ago

Jamey Jasta!!!

I must say Ben I love your down to earth presentation here on the site but you can certainly kick most of PSX members asses. 6'3 225 lbs. Your a big boy! Maybe its just me…Im 5'6 155 lbs but Im feisty!

15 years ago

Yea,the women can't wait,that's wat i keep saying until i get horny and jump right back at'em again.

So i guess the 350Z is Arnold's avatar,all i long i was thinking the BMW 3z or something.
Yea it's cool to drive,i think games like GTA have enhanced my driving skills.

My fave games in no particular order would be

Streets of Rage 2
Golden Axe
Zelda Ocarina of time
Mario 64
Donkey Kong 64
Vice city
San Andreas
Def Jam FFNY
Fifa 09
NBA street homecourt
Tekken 5
Soul Calibur IV
Gears of War 2
Gran turismo 4
The Getaway

Neva had psone,i had N64 and defended it always,i hated the psone at first but N64 lost the battle anyway,then i got the ps2 and learnt to love playstation.Thus,if MS is getting in,i see no reason why i should hate,i might start loving them for all u know.

One more thing,Ben i already know ur ass,have been on this site from like the middle of last year,that's enough time to get to know you. I know you luv Bioshock a lot!

Last edited by www on 1/19/2009 6:13:42 AM

15 years ago

Gimme-5 ben ….u n me drive da same car….but ma 1 is pearl white with aqua vinyl,aqua aeromax spoiler n a cool rollin aqua neon……

15 years ago

you guy's run a kick a** site.this is the one place you can alwas get a good dose of truth.this is the only site to get unbised info. on any games!!!!

Last edited by chip on 1/19/2009 7:38:38 AM

15 years ago

This is definetly the best site in gaming journalism.

Each time I'm having an argument with my friends about whether gaming journalists can be taken seriously or not – I point them to this site.

Keep doing what your doing Ben! 😉

15 years ago

Out of curiosity, what does the "S" stand for in Ben S. Dutka?

15 years ago

Simon is my guess

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago


15 years ago

Think I'm going to have to start hatin' on you now Ben. You've got it too good.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

LOL Trust me, I don't have anything "too good."

15 years ago

Hey Ben what games are you currently playing and which ones do you recommend?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I'm just starting Prince of Persia, and I'd be here all week if I had to list all the games I recommend playing. 😉

15 years ago

PoP's not really doing it for me,am kinda disappointed.

Last edited by www on 1/19/2009 10:46:30 AM

15 years ago

Hey Ben how about the GTR 480HP to much for you?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Um, yeah. I don't have $85k, unfortunately. LOL

15 years ago

i will have to forward this to my wife, who thinks that i am an oddity in the gaming world. someone who loves to read and enjoys outdoor sports, and plays video games. cheers to you and you stellar site Ben.

15 years ago

You just described me too.

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