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Ben’s Week In Review: January 18

It's that time of the week again. I'm in a relatively good mood so I should be able to bang this one out in record time (with no loss of quality!). 😉

To those who would boycott Final Fantasy XIII…

As most of you know by now, I've been a huge RPG fan all my life, even though I've certainly broadened my horizons over the past five years or so. Therefore, any news related to Final Fantasy XIII piques my interest, and I was certainly disappointed to learn that it won't come stateside until after April 2010 . However, after I wondered why we had to wait for the PS3 version if it was scheduled to be completed long before the 360 version, I saw an outpouring of Square-Enix hate. This isn't exactly surprising, considering the publisher's treatment of the Sony brand this generation, but I have something to add: I believe we indulge in our favorite hobby for the express purpose of entertainment, and I believe rewarding developers for quality products is essential (especially if we want to see more quality products). Now, even though we don't agree with S-E's business tactics these days, wouldn't it be counter-productive to boycott FFXIII? If it doesn't sell well on the PS3, wouldn't that give the publisher more incentive to ignore the console? Shouldn't we want to put the sales through the roof?

That's the problem with attempting to punish a company through boycotting the product, especially when your primary complaint is that this company ignores you too much. So if the game is going to be fantastic, and we want Square-Enix to pay more attention to the PS3, shouldn't we all flock to the stores? Regardless of when it comes out?

Yeah, I didn't need another GTA this year

Take-Two has just clarified rumors that said the new Grand Theft Auto would launch later this year ; obviously, this isn't going to happen. At first, I was excited to hear the rumor 'cuz I love GTA but as I was writing the story, I began to reflect a little bit. Thing is, while I've played – and loved – every installment since GTAIII, I realize that one experience satisfies me for quite a long time. I do go back and toy around in the games from time to time, but it's usually not until a few years have passed. See, as much as I gravitated towards the awesome '80s environment in Vice City , I didn't go back for more after finishing it until a good 18 months after it released. I have yet to go back to GTAIV, even though I'm relatively certain I'll want to throw it in again at some point. I just like to wander around and have fun, you know? And so, I'm suddenly not so disappointed that GTAV won't come out this year, because really…I'm all GTA-ed out. It's weird how this happens; maybe it has something to do with the length of time I spend with each installment. I dunno.

But boy, wouldn't I love to see Vice City 2 . I know it won't happen, but I can always dream. I can always dream about Tommy Vercetti's next step…which might be to expand his empire across the country!

Personal gaming update

So I've been too busy to start Prince of Persia after completing Gears of War 2 , but I've been considering a Left 4 Dead purchase. I keep hearing really good things about it, and even if it does come to the PS3, it's freakin' Valve…chances are, it'll be another crappy port like The Orange Box . If I don't get it, I'll just wait for Killzone 2 . Oh, and now that the original Suikoden is up there on the PlayStation Store, I have the urge to play through it again. I own the game, of course, but I haven't played it in a while…and just because I've gone through it at least a half-dozen times doesn't mean anything. I love it! I pride myself on being able to recruit all 108 Stars of Destiny without consulting a FAQ, although I bet I couldn't do it now… That damn Gremio will be dead 'cuz I didn't have enough recruited before Leknaat showed up to resurrect him…I just know it. LOL

Anyway, that's it. I'm back from a night out at the club, and I'd rather not repeat how much I dropped on liquor (and I don't even drink, goddamnit). But hey, entertainment – especially where girls are concerned – costs. Whatever. I used my claws, Arnold…the CLAWS! 😉

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John Shoemaker
John Shoemaker
15 years ago

And you know a two seater doesn't work with more then one girl.
Get a better car >_>

L4D was pretty good. The Zombie part wasn't all too great, kinda sucked actually. But killing zombies with three friends is damn fine. Now only we got more maps and guns…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

"And you know a two seater doesn't work with more then one girl.

Get a better car >_>"


15 years ago

In high school I had a Fiero, and let's just say I made it work for 3.

15 years ago

i actually think L4D is a rental, and i do agree with you i if it is ported over it'll be another shi**y one.
man thats getting old.
me personally i never thought that the GTA rumor was true. its way way to soon.

15 years ago

I'm still not getting this game. Well not new anyways. Finding a good deal on a it used or receiving it as a gift is another matter. It's insulting the way SE is treating it's Playstation fans. It's like receiving bad customer service at a store or restaurant folks. Why would want fork over your hard earned cash to someone that treats you like crap?

15 years ago


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Where? Suikoden?

15 years ago

yeah:( doesn't matter though as it's fun(my first time)

Last edited by NightHawk17 on 1/18/2009 3:33:29 AM

15 years ago

Beknownst to him or not, Ben has a policy about spoiling stuff you should already know.

15 years ago

im still one for boycotting S-E but there is still time for them to rectify themselves.

ben your a huge ff tactics fan and i have the game. ive never beaten it. its really cool but i get my a$$ handed to me like at the third battle or something so i just gave up a long time ago. similar to my experience with final fantasy 8, i made it to the end SIX!!!! times and nothing i did made me strong enough to beat that stupid witch of a final boss.

so my question to you concerning tactics is, am i missing something? is the game really that hard or do i just suck? ive bin thinking about running through an rpg lately and tactics comes to mind but it always kicked my a$$ so i just never thought about trying again till now.

i could do shadow hearts again. that rpg is one of my all time favorites, right up there with final fantasy 7. outstanding story and really neat graphics. covenant was good but it lost a lot of the originals charm i thought. i never got around to getting the third one.

Last edited by MetalHead09 on 1/18/2009 12:58:25 AM

15 years ago

Dude, it sounds like you would do best in a regular RPG, not a strategy one. Problem is you can just follow the story and wind up weak because you never just walked around fighting baddies on side quests. Do yourself a favor and find a copy of Suikoden V for PS2, the story is robust and it prepares you for the final battle.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Well said World


Look bro. With FFs, u gotta train. And more specifically with FF8, u gotta pick 3 characters and try to max them out. U have to come in hitting Edea? (I think that was her name) with the best of the best attacks. I'm talking limit breaks that have to hit for 9999hp (use Aura to activate ur limit breaks early)!

FF8 was my 1st RPG. It all started there for me. And I loved it. It's my favorite FF. I chose to use Rinoa, Irvine, and Squall. They have the best limit breaks IMO.

Anyways, train train train. There was a small hidden island somewhere on that world map, that had some strong monsters to fight. Find it and MAX out Squall and 2 other characters of ur choice. U should own Ultima…it that her name?

15 years ago

i know all about training and stuff. im not a strnnger to strategy rpgs either, i beat the first 4 of the arc the lad games and those games rocked!! long but sweet. thanks for the tips king, and world. maybe ill try ff8 then. outstanding game.

Last edited by MetalHead09 on 1/18/2009 8:06:48 AM

15 years ago

You never beat 8? I had problems beating that game as well. The Junction and Draw system were annoying as hell. I did beat it eventually though.

15 years ago

Still importing FFXIII
They won't screw their Japanese fans(99% of them who will buy it for the ps3).

Besides learning the language is a double plus!

Don't know why people are so hesitant 😀

15 years ago

Don't think I could manage to get a firm enough grasp of the language by the time the game was out. Even though I've got a little bit of an ear for the Japanese language as I prefer to watch the animes I enjoy in the original language with english subs.

Still my fiance would kill me if I went and learned Japanese before Spanish, since her whole family all speaks Spanish.

15 years ago

One other thing. I don't think I'd feel right in paying the absorbent costs of getting a Japanese import. While I don't imagine SE gets any of that extra money, I'd still feel it would be like I was bending over and asking for another.

15 years ago

I might not get it initially, might wait a month so I don't get sacked with the overpricing.

But yes an extra $20 or #30 is worth it(if the game's good).

A year earlier and all.

15 years ago

Keep us dummies posted on how good it is Scarecrow.

15 years ago

I certainly would not… no… could not boycott FFXIII. It is one of the reasons I bought a PS3. However I will refuse to purchase the FF:Advent Children blu-ray if it comes without the demo. I'd rather find a HD torrent rip of it than pay full price for something that should have included content that was removed for my region.

15 years ago

As I said to Arvis on the FFXII article, SE "wins" by getting my money.
I don't want to give someone who screws me around my money.
If I go to any type of store and get treated badly I dont go back there – they lose my business. I dont keep going back there and giving them more of my money in the hope I start getting treated better.
Its the principle of treating your loyal customers better that SE need to learn.
For that reason, I am boycotting.

15 years ago

I need a Grand Theft Auto every year….

15 years ago

Tough tits, to create a GTA game in a year is no easy task.

I'm still getting FFXIII, its been my most anticipated title for this gen, even though SE has been screwing around with PS3 fans (no one can deny that), im not going to be stubborn (For once) & not get it. the UK release of Silent Hill: Homecoming is a different matter……..

15 years ago


15 years ago

left 4 dead is sweet, i've been rocking it on pc. I see no reason to boycott xiii. I just hope it doesn't suck why cant they just give us the VII remake that they know we all want, or some badass remake of VI.

King James
King James
15 years ago

The same reason why u don't remake classic movies like Godfather 2.

15 years ago

Id rather have a fantastic new FF game than a remake. FF7 is perfect how it is, theres just no need.

15 years ago

Yeh. I'd not want Square remaking FFVII, unless it was created by the original team; something that *can't remember his name* also stated.

15 years ago

You know Ben I presented that same argument when people were wanting to boycott Dead Space because EA was developing it and people felt betrayed by EA for making all those crappy ports on the PS3. The way I feel about it if you want to boycott publisher because you disagree with what they do or how they do it, then don't complain when they stop supporting your machine.

15 years ago

ben have you made the psx home club house yet? boycotting se, will be pointless either to few or se just does not give a damn about their fans. If ff goes down the toilet from now on then too bad if it does well then great but for now it has lost all is ties to playstation brand making it another multiplat game that will either take too long to make or one consel will hold the other back, meaning exclusives will have greater quality, plus it will complete with other multiplats and unless they have ffs with the epicness of 7 it will slowly die because it sure won't compete with gta, gh or rb popularity. either way gaming continues and i guarantee you that there will come another rpg that will beat ff.

@john oh i prefere a van you have enough space for more than one girl and are not limited to just putting your right arm on her shoulder, though that is all I do anyway 🙁

Last edited by ps92117 on 1/18/2009 3:26:37 AM

15 years ago

ignore this comment the darn thing wont delete. lol completely changed my mind oh well & completely aware of orthographic errors.

Last edited by ps92117 on 1/18/2009 4:02:35 AM

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

i was thinking about getting bioshock . is the game worth getting only for the story ?

Last edited by Sir Shak on 1/18/2009 3:46:38 AM

15 years ago

The story was great, the game is a whole nother matter…

15 years ago

not sure what the above poster meant, but its worth a playthrough. Story is alright, gameplay is fun

King James
King James
15 years ago

The game is A1.

15 years ago

i loved bioshock i thinks its the best game 360 ever had.
O if another GTA come out i would like it to be in the MID WEST, states of IN. IL. TN. IA. MI. OH. maybe just a thought
seems R* n hip-hop has that in common they both forgot about the MIDDLE.

15 years ago

No doubt Ben, GTA isn't like Final Fantasy, I don't want another right when the damn thing is over, they can take all the time they need to make that spinoff…

15 years ago

With FFXIII, boycotting is a bad idea, but if we all buy it & let us be their bitches, they can still hit us around, and they'll KNOW we'll still buy their products.

Best way is to boycott FFXIII and help higher the sales of FF Versus XIII. Then again, if 360 fans don't buy FFXIII either, that means S-E will only believe that FFXIII wasn't appealing enough in general.


BUT, best way is to forget about the business side. Don't think about Square-Enix when playing the game. Think about FFXIII 😉 Buy it for FFXIII.

I just hope the game is actually decent. I hope it's not filled with shit. I hope there was a good motive behind that game, & i'm sure there is.

King James
King James
15 years ago

I knock Square-Enix all the time for their recent behavior, but I WILL NOT…I repeat…WILL NOT boycott Final Fantasy. Square can come pick up my Final Fantasy money right now! For all 3 FF games! I love Final Fantasy and this time Square's dropping 3 FF's to take back the top spot (Japanese top spot that is…I think Capcom has it right now).

I concur with ur GTA statements, Ben. I don't think I could appreciate a brand new GTA to the fullest, if it comes out this year. I would feel like I didn't master old GTA yet.

Sidenote: I recently finished PoP. It's a relatively quick game(9-12hrs) and is pretty damn fun. It kinda lacks on replayability though (unless u're a trophy ho). U should try to squeeze in PoP b4 Killzone 2 drops. Its a platforming gem. 🙂

15 years ago

Am getting Ff Xiii regardless.

Yeah it's darn too early for a nou Gta!

Am yet to beat Gears 2,i keep spending much time on Fifa 09,Gears kicks ass but was with this larger than life characters,everyone in it is a body-builder,hell even real life ones don't have such huge legs.

I already started Prince of Persia and its getting repetitive,go to this land heal it,jump this and that,the healing thing,was it stolen from OKAMI??? I must say am liking it not loving it.

It's sad i still don't have my LBP copy,am i really missing out???

Last edited by www on 1/18/2009 5:41:40 AM

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

Actually, SE has ps3 owners by the balls,boycott ff 13 and they'll simply make ff v 13 multiplat. Im boycotting this game hard but i'll still play it as a rental. Bioshock started this,the infection has spread fo Rockstar,eidos and SE,how many devs must be infected before enough is enough? Valve ignored the ps3 and we're still here ( better off as a matter of fact ). Just dont be surprised when ffv 13 goes multiplat or when bioshock 2 (360 version) gets special treatment.

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

scratch that, i wont even rent it.(There seems to be no edit button at the moment )

15 years ago

I'm not going to boycott FFXIII so let me just put that out there for yall to know, but even if we were to boycott it wouldn't you think it would have some kind of effect I mean say we do boycott and they decide to go pro xbox, if the rpg fans are on the playstation brand and sells the most rpgs would they really take a chance of going to the other side where rpgs dont sell for crap, its not like playstation isn't getting any rpgs and I dont believe anyone will jump ship to xbox for one game, YES I KNOW ITS FINAL FANTASY, but still just one game out of how many other rpgs and games thats going to grace the playstation, thats why I dont think they would totally ignore the playstation fanbase sure they went multiplat to reach a broader audience with IU and LR and look how that turned out xbox just dont sell rpgs thats why SE kept it exclusive in JP. IMO I do believe a boycott would effect them I just wouldn't because I really want to play that game I love FF.

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

Last edited by isaya85 on 1/18/2009 6:21:31 AM

15 years ago

I need a new Elder Scrolls in 2010 so GTA is out of the question but Left 4 dead damn it will last for 5 days if I purchased it.

15 years ago

I suck at FFT too. :{

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Talk to ME. I can help. 😉

15 years ago

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely hate S-E for pulling all this ****. But there is no way in hell I'd boycott FF XIII over it, no way, we all know it's going to be awesome. Maybe that's why S-E can do this, everyone is still going to buy the game even if S-E keeps on taking there feet and shoving them up their buyers a**es.

15 years ago

OK, Ben, You know how I feel about S-E, but I'm willing to rescind my decision to boycott them and purchase FFXIII. Your argument, sir, is airtight. But I will continue to put pressure on them to grow up and re-embrace the PlayStation community. I think multiplatform titles are the BEST we can expect from them, as the writing's on the wall. I'd just be happy if we could get them to cease making so many PC/Xbox exclusives!

15 years ago

Maybe Square don't wanna be psfanboys anymore,maybe there also all grown up n sh**,it's a free world there not married to playstation,we don't see no ps wedding ring on square's finger.

Like everybody is saying, exclusives are rare these days,it might just die out entirely.Am not backing square fully for treating ps3 like this…….but like Scarface,the world is theirs,u don't tell somebody howta think or make moves.

Honestly it hurts to see Square treat ps3 lika biatch but i mean…….wat can u do????

15 years ago

@ www_dot_com You say "it hurts to see Square treat PS3 like biatch but i mean………wat can u do???? Its always something you can do I dont understand how folks can sit back and tolerate certain things like with some of these developers that put out crappy games just to make a quick buck folks go out and buy the game and complain about how bad or glitchy it was but dont do nothin about, we as gamers have a voice but are afraid to use it, I've done it before and I'll do it again I would take the game back to the store get my money back and write the developer and tell em how crappy the game was and they needed to fix that s**t I wont pay my hard earned $60 for that crap, Its always something that can be done we just need to speak up, we can be heard we can't just sit back and throw our hands up otherwise nothings gonna change, at the end of the day we pay them they dont pay us, thats why I dont get why folks say can't nothin be done about SE or any other developer for that matter. but hey what do I know?

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