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Ben’s Week In Review: January 11

I still can't believe it's 2009 already, but there's no stopping time. Pisses me off. 😉

So…is backwards compatibility more important NOW?

As we all know, Sony removed backwards compatibility for PS2 software in the PS3 (only the original 60GB model boasted full b/c for both PS2 and PS1 games), and it was primarily due to two reasons: 1. it was too expensive, and 2. Sony didn't believe it was a big selling point. So now that the system costs about half what it once did to manufacture, and Sony apparently believes more people want PS2 b/c in the PS3, they're supposedly pursuing PS2 emulation for their next-gen machine. At first, I didn't understand the train of thought. The further away we get from the last generation, the less important I believed b/c would become, but perhaps I was overestimating the power of nostalgia (as I may have already done ). Maybe the further we get from playing Final Fantasy X , the more we'll want to play it. Or, perhaps more PS2 owners are finally diving into the new generation, and would rather have a new system that plays all their old software. But whatever the reason, I suppose the question is: do you want to see PS2 b/c return?

When I ask that, you have to understand; I'm sure everyone would like the additional perk, but I'm wondering if people really need it. For example, I have a PS2 now that sits alongside my PS3 and everything is fine. And with games just getting more advanced, how much of a role will nostalgia really play? I assume these are questions Sony will ask themselves in their rumored pursuit of a PS2 emulator for the PS3, and to be honest, I'm not sure what the answers are…

The arrival of White Knight Chronicles will be interesting

So Level 5 has confirmed the release of WKC for North America , and although we all assumed it would happen, now we know for certain. And I will be very interested to see how Western gamers and critics receive the promising RPG; remember, it significantly boosted PS3 sales in Japan. Now, while I'm sure the game can't cause that kind of spike in this country – no JRPG without "Final Fantasy" in the title is capable of that in the U.S. – I would like to see what the avid RPG fans have to say. It seems that the low Famitsu score comes primarily from a very lackluster online component, which is fine because I won't play it online, anyway. If critics here come to the same conclusion, I'll probably buy it. But look at Valkyria Chronicles …what does it take for a JRPG to sell well in North America? You can bet that Sony probably won't advertise WKC, and as far as I'm concerned, it's the one game that would desperately need a promotion campaign. It'll be ultra-disappointing if the game is great and fails on the charts.

I'm just wondering if enough PS3 owners in North America have even heard of the game. And the only time it really made headlines was when those low Famitsu scores came in, so it won't get off to a running start. The Japanese response to this game is predictable, but I'm a little worried about how gamers 'round these parts will react to it.

Personal gaming update

Okay, so I finished Gears of War 2 today, and before I go off on my mini-rant, I must remind everyone that the game rules big time. It really does. Buuuuut…

At certain points in the game, my allies would do silly crap, like stand and stare at a wall in the midst of gunfire. One time, when my ally and Jack (robot that opens doors and seeks data) were supposed to open a door, they didn't, causing me to run around in circles until I realized I had to reload. Then, I toss a grenade and it hits a tree branch…but it just stays up there, spinning around in mid-air, blinking. Oh, and let's not forget the cheating AI; at first, I thought it was all in my head, but I tested it… See, an enemy can shoot mortars with a certain weapon, just as you can. You aim a certain distance and fire. But of course, you can't cause the mortars to change direction once they've been fired…although, the enemy apparently can. I was wondering why I kept getting hit by them and then I decided to look up while I was running back and forth. They followed my movements in mid-air. Soooo, the enemies had homing mortars. Interesting.

Then there was this boss that cut down pillars, and I had to avoid them. Same thing happened, except this was even funnier. He'd cut one, I'd run to the right, and watch in consternation as the pillar defied gravity and followed my movement to the right as it fell. …er… Last but not least, the game froze up completely twice during play, including the first time I beat the last boss. And let's just say I wasn't the biggest fan of all the vehicles; you make an awesome third-person shooter, so don't try to throw in flight and driving elements. As fun as it can be, there was just too much of it in GeoW2. Look, the game is great, but I get this sneaking suspicion that if it had been made exclusively for the PS3, we wouldn't have these glitches. Thing is, I always see similar drawbacks in 360 software, and, well…it's just not something you'd ever see in a game like MGS4, for example. I almost want to blame the 360 and not Epic for these technical glitches.

I still say it's the third best game of the year behind MGS4 and GTAIV, but I will also say I had more fun with other games (like R2 and DMC4). It was just frustrating. Who's the idiot that thought the Tickers would be a good addition? Talk about lame . Grr… Anyway, just thought I'd vent. Great game, but…jeez.

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15 years ago

Haha, Cliffy B said the tickers were one of his favorite additions.

15 years ago

They were amply named, though. Tickers tick like bombs, and they will tick you off.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, well, I've never liked that guy. …this isn't helping his cause.

15 years ago

The tickers were too weak though, even on the hardest difficulty…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

That's not the point. They're a LAME addition, IMO.

15 years ago

The tickers to me were just free grenades. The game at normal difficulty was weak. It should be played at nothing less than hardcore. It was a great game but the ending sequence was a thumbs down. The story line has gotten better though and I can't wait how it plays out in Gears3.

15 years ago

I initially tried it on hc, but i found myself repeating sequences too often, which took away from the pacing of the story. Maybe on the second go. The glitches do get funny the more you play it, though!

15 years ago

Final Fantasy X is the best in the series under Final Fantasy 7. The fact that we're getting White Knight is icing on the RPG-cake that is the Playstation line of consoles.

15 years ago

in my opinion, itd be fantastic to hav PS2 b/c and upscaled to at least 720p, but i agree with Ben and i feel that if sony doesnt add b/c again, ill be fine and move on in life.


15 years ago

Well as you may kno now B/C 60gb ps3, price has skyrocketted turns out the system became rare, im wondering how much i can sell mine for? as matter fact naw my baby is rare and i intend to keep it.

15 years ago

B/c just felt good to have because it added to one of the reasons of appeal of the ps3: having everything at your disposal in one tidy place. But after having it, I can honestly say for myself that it's a non-essential.

15 years ago

B/C would be an excellent add-on and I would be very happy to have it, but it really isn't a need for me. I can have it or not have it and I would still play my PS3.
As for WKC, I will wait for the review here because I am a bit skeptical about the game.

15 years ago

I enjoy having the backwards compatibility, it is much more convenient to have only one system to play games on, especially when I am going over to my friends houses to game.

15 years ago

well to much emphasis on vehicle can be boring but no vehicle in my opinion is worse I am refering to r2 of course that is the only complaint i had bout r2 well an i thought the story sucked but it is an fps anyway. As for wkc i think it be a good idea if they released a home trailer. that would probably help a lot.I wonder if they released any ads for wkc in japan besides the trailers in the home theaters.

I have the original 60gb model so it realy does not matter to me if they go either way on b/c.

15 years ago

I somewhat agree. Halo does vehicles well. I HATE vehicles in COD W@W. The noobs stay put in those tanks and make up for their terrible skill and wreck on other noobs. You find yourself trying to protect your teammates from them and that is not fun.

15 years ago

I just hope they don't let WKC sit around Japan too long, I don't like to go too long without having an RPG going.

15 years ago

My thoughts exactly
The ps3 needs a GOOD rpg badly

Trusty Bell/Eternal Sonata was just a port.

15 years ago

fallout 3 was the start hopefuly.

15 years ago

"Maybe the further we get from playing Final Fantasy X, the more we'll want to play it."

ahhh.. i sooooo agree with that

15 years ago

:O. I remember the "dodging 200 consecutive lightning bolts" quest. that was so frustrating 🙂

King James
King James
15 years ago

I totally forgot about that.

15 years ago

I love FFX/X-2…

Man I wanna play it again lmfao
I also want to play FFXII again…dammit

FFX: 115 or so hours
FFX-2: 210(with new game plus)
FFXII: 245 or so

Last edited by Scarecrow on 1/11/2009 1:55:53 AM

15 years ago


its possible to play X-2 for 210 hours?!?!?!

ive logged 130 hours for X.
that was mostly getting ultimate items and leveling.

STILL havnt played XII.
as i was very sceptical about the gameplay.

15 years ago

I love FFX-2

And I condemn the "it's too girly bullsh*t" statements.

It's like saying "God of War is too manly"
Seriously since when is a game "too girly?"

Heck then all rpgs which have romance are girly, owned.

Excuse the rant, just a general statement.

15 years ago

ahh.. i remember going down the 100 floors of bevelle.. lol.

King James
King James
15 years ago

FFXII's gameplay is solid.

15 years ago

too bad, i never fininshed ffxII. i remeber i was stuck on a boss battle. i think it was giant ochu's.. 😛 i didnt get too far 🙁

15 years ago

yeah. nothing personal against FFXII.
its just a daring venture for me. buying an FF game that isnt like any of the ones ive played before 4-10/2

yeah nah, i liked X-2. i thought the battle system was perfect, that was my favourite bit about the game. the ATS should be used in every FF game!!
i just dont remember there being enough side quests to keep oneself busy for 210 hours =D

if FFXIII battle system isnt anything like X-2 then i will be somewhat dissapointed. although ill still love the game either way.

15 years ago

Ben No comment on the ending? or even the last boss?.Gears 1.5 was a epic failure to me.I've played alot of gears 1 and gears 1.5 was just fail.Texture load was never fixed and in some cases worse.A.I is the worst I've seen in this gen.The game over all slowed down because tighting(sharping) of the textures.Thats just the graphics.

Stun gernades is the stupidist thing Cliffy B ever did to the multiplayer.Maps are too small for that IMO.Too many load screens in MP as well.Lag is worse because of random the 1st gears you could atleast see your connection before you enter a room.

I could go on and on about this game.But I do have to say this…They took everything fun and fast about gears and threw it out the window and made it more like Halo 3.Epic just dont know how to make a match making service.The only game I'll ever play on the X360 and gears 1.5 was a letdown.EPIC=Fail
bring back Id!

15 years ago

"…made it more like Halo3."

I wanna know what you're smoking because Gears2 is not like Halo3 at all from any perspective. Talk about 2 totally different types of single player campaigns, multiplayer experience and extras. The only thing these 2 games have in common is their hype and popularity, that's all.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, the last boss and ending felt tacked-on and lame, but all in all, I can't say GeoW2 was a "fail." It's one of the best games of 2008, no question. I just have a lot of little problems with it, that's all; it doesn't stand up to either MGS4 or GTAIV, IMO.

15 years ago

i want bc om my 40 gig BADLY, cuz my ps2 is dead and i want to play some of my old games again

15 years ago

Look over your shoulder, its coming!


"i aM hOMe"

15 years ago

for me its a good thing to have B/C maybe sony will bring all the PS2 game to store who know andit will be good to have all the PS2 classic at ur disposal…

15 years ago

Well the only games on ps2 i'd luv to play now might be Resident Evil 4 and San Andreas,am not really into b/c…heck that's the reason for the upgrade to ps3.

BEN!!!… should talk about Fallout 3 too after beating GeoW2,it's a role-playing game for goodness sake!

Last edited by www on 1/11/2009 4:21:58 AM

15 years ago

I don't miss b/c.. The ONLY reason I have to pick a ps2 game in my console is Shadow of the collossus..

15 years ago

B/C; is not too important, they need to focus on the ps3 more, why go backwards?, but if they slipped it in for a bit, it would satisfy me and others. maybe as a software update, becoz my sis's at the mo have no games for ps3, and the ps2 has a collection of kids titles so it would satisfy them, ut eventuallly fade ut out again, for good, becoz the ps3 is the future, not the ps2. done and dusted i say.
WKC; as long as it's good, fine by me.

15 years ago

b/c is sooooo important cause my ps2 died on me last year ,and there were alot of games that i could just die wanting to play but i can't cause i won't buy another ps2,
@ben i know that gears is miles away from perfect,but it is one of the funest(not sure if it's a game ever, also R2 & GTA4 sucks monkey balls,sorry but i had to say it

15 years ago

funnest —>> not a word

most fun!

15 years ago

Yes i would love it. PS2 looks crap on my sony bravia and i bought a component cable that didn't work from GAME so yeah i was annoyed 🙁

15 years ago

i'm not a coder, but i'm not sure what kind of limitations exist preventing machines from having software emulation uploaded to their PS3s. I mean its SOFTWARE, correct? whats stopping sony from putting it up in a firmware update?

And i hope that the average gamer is a little deeper than the frat boy who only ever plays FIFA and COD4. WKC will succeed.

15 years ago

Having or not having BC is a matter of personal choice and has no bearing on whether or not it hampered or helped the PS3.

The PS2 had Nv with the PS1 and as far as I can recall that didn't hamper the sales of the PS2 or PS2 games.

If anything it adds a dimension as many people hold on to some of their fav games from the previous console and having BC in the newer console means you can still play those old games.

For me BC is a must simply because I still have a few PS2 games that I enjoy and that hasn't stopped me from buying PS3 games as well.

It gives me more choices of games to play and it saves me from having to spend another $100 bucks on a system that's about to become shelfware.

I think Sony confused so many people early on when the launch models had BC so people who later on bought a PS3 just automatically assumed the had a PS3 that had BC.

People are still asking which PS3's will or won't play PS2 games which tells me that there's people who still actively play their PS2 games.

I know I continued playing PS1 games on my PS2 even after the PS2 had been out for awhile simply because I liked playing games like Tomba, Odd World, Battle Arena Toshinden, Tobal, Jumping Flash and countless other games that were orginal PS1 games.

Since the Odd World series was moved to the Xbox, I can still play my old PS1 games whenever I have that urge to guide Munch

15 years ago

My personal gaming update is i'm not getting killzone 2 (f**king sucks). I moved my ps3 to the living room (long story)and the wifi doesn't work, so online is out of the question. That is why i'm hoping for splitscreen but i found out kz2 only has bots which is pointless without splitscreen. I will rent the game and complete the game twice to get all the trophies.

Once again sony are still lacking a AAA game that everyone will want to buy. I'm also really sorry for having real life friends that i would like to play with. SONY SORT YOUR SHIT OUT!

15 years ago

Just get an N+ router. Its expensive, but that should fix the problem! lol

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

Either you live in a mansion (and a big one at that) ,or your ISP sucks

15 years ago

Ape hates something that's going to be big… what else is new?

15 years ago

I must concur with the flying mammal on this point – "That is why i'm hoping for splitscreen … having real life friends that i would like to play with"

I am desperate to replace Halo 2 with a new game at our 'Father's Group' nights. Halo 2 rocks on the 60 inch plasma and a beer fridge nearby… but if I could show up with the PS3 and 4 controllers we'd be able to take it to a whole new level, and no-one would know the maps!

Bring on split-screen offline play!

15 years ago

R2 has split screen offline =]

15 years ago

Or he can't work a router…

15 years ago

I've got an Apple time capsule and that sucker provides great wifi. Lay off the reefer Ape before you mess with the tech.

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 1/12/2009 2:01:49 AM

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