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Ben’s Week In Review: January 4

It's a brand new year, and there's already stuff I'm willing to talk about. Maybe I should just learn to shut it every once in a while. LOL

I need GT5, and I'd love to see Yamauchi do something new…

Okay, first of all, I find myself going back to Prologue because I'm starting to get that racing simulator itch. It happens every once in a great while, and a new Gran Turismo usually isn't far off to scratch that itch, but I've probably got almost a year to wait. I really can't get into the arcade style too much, although I do have the occasional good time with games like Burnout . It has been quite a while since I indulged in GT4, and it doesn't help that it's winter and my Z basically sits in one place for extended periods of time. So I just have to rely on Prologue , although I'm very excited about Yamauchi's idea for undertaking a "new, distinctly different" game. As much as I love GT, Yamauchi is one of those rare breed of designers who won't settle for anything less than the best effort humanly possible. I've often said that he's very much like the racing version of Hideo Kojima, and I have all the faith in the world in Polyphony.

I really have no idea what they might do, but perhaps it'll be a top-notch action extravaganza, or even a FPS. I suppose it's too much to hope for a project that's basically on the opposite end of the spectrum…RPG. I always hope for new RPGs from fantastic developers, regardless of the chances, but that's just me. In the end, though, after my thirst has been quenched with GT5, I will pay close attention to the next step Polyphony and Yamauchi takes. We should all pay close attention.

I'm SO on the fence in regards to Street Fighter…

And I'm talking about both Street Fighter IV and the movie, "Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li." As for the game, I've never been a fan of fighters – always got entertainment out of the Soul Calibur series, though – but it's tough to ignore all the positive hype surrounding SFIV. Everyone tells me how great it's going to be, and although I always have difficulty getting into the genre, I'd be a moron to pass on this one. Well…I'll think about it, I guess. As for the movie, I recently saw the Legend of Chun-Li trailer and it looks like it could be a decent action flick. I'm typically not a fan of over-the-top action but it's okay every once in a while…provided it's obscenely over-the-top. I just watched "Shoot 'Em Up," for example, and even though it's a terrible movie, it made me laugh at its insanity. That's fine. If the movie for SFIV does that, I suppose I'm good to go and the trailer makes me think some of the fighting might actually be worth seeing. I'm not holding my breath for a good movie, but I'm hoping for an entertaining movie.

By the way, on the subject of movies, I haven't bought one in quite a while, but I really can't wait for the Blu-Ray "Advent Children." I don't care what anyone says; I loved that movie. I liked "Spirits Within," too, so shut it, haters. 😉

Personal gaming update

Well, I'd probably be done with Gears of War 2 by now if it weren't for that busy holiday schedule of mine (which only concluded just a few hours ago), but I'm only about halfway through. That's fine by me, though; this is the type of game you hope lasts a long time, because it really is that good. When I'm done, I'll start on Prince of Persia and I'll seriously consider picking up Valkyria Chronicles this week. Thing is, I have nearly two full months before Killzone 2 – the next title I'm positive I will buy – and it shouldn't take me too long to finish GeoW2 and Prince. Therefore, I'll have some time for an RPG of some kind, and with all this talk about VC, I just might have to give it a try. I was going to download the playable demo, but I've heard that it's nowhere near as good as the full game, so I'm reluctant to do it…

As for the personal stuff, things continue on much the way they were. It's the "friends with benefits" program, which both of us agree upon, although I can still detect an underlying current of…something else within her. It's too bad, because if she thinks the relationship can be resurrected, she's dead wrong. Heh.

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15 years ago

Unless I've misread everything you've written regarding how you feel about RPGs, you would be doing yourself a disservice if you didn't at least give VC a chance.

15 years ago

as I said before.. im a self confessed martial arts snob, and I really hate the look of this Chun Li film, they could of done so much with it, but it looks like the same calibre as street fighter the movie to me, I guess if people liked that sort of churn they will like this. Does no favours for the new game imo.

I will probably end up buying SF4, but I too am on the fence, it seems that people have forgotten the point of fighting games, and are trying to squeeze every type of gameplay in to them, I say leave em alone.. make a pure fighting game and people will buy it over anything flashy.

KZ2 is around the corner!! will we EU people get it before you guys across the pond? lol.. I wonder! i just hope we can keep our ranks from the Beta!

15 years ago

Well, now that I have finished VC, I too will be playing PoP. It should be fun. I do feel bad about the fact that I have only played 30 hours on Fallout 3, it deserves so much more.

15 years ago

I really need GT5 too. I'm hoping for a 2009 release and
looking forward for what Yamauchi San has up his sleeve.

PoP is a good game but a little bit repetitive just like Assassins Creed.

15 years ago

I too have a itch for GT5P, cause my stang is parked for the winter so all i got is GT5p 🙂

15 years ago

Ben you might not want to just try Valkyrie Chronicles, you want to own it. I love the game and have had it since it released. So beautiful and it's like watching a damn good anime series.

15 years ago

GT5 and SFIV, too of my all most waited games for the ps3.

SFIV will literally revive the fighting genre to its fuormer glory. It has been revived somewhat but SuperSmashBrosBrawl and Soul Calibur. But SFIV is going to really bring back fighting as a serious and respectable genre.

I can't believe it's almost here…

15 years ago

If Yamauchi puts as much work into another type of game as he does the Gran Turismo series…whoa! I believe that something truly awesome would emerge.

15 years ago

Happy to hear about the gaming update, Ben. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. VC that is… Gears was a great game, gameplay-wise. I think the whole love story was crap, but people are entitled to their opinion. What do you think of it? If you are looking for a story driven game then you will for sure enjoy VC.

15 years ago

I thought GT5 was supposed to come out the end of 2008? Well, here it is Jan 09 and still no confirmed date? How could they have put out such a great "demo" 8 months ago and still not have given us the finished product?
Any news on your end Ben as to a firm release date for GT5?

15 years ago

There's always Skate 2 in the end of this month. I'm anticipating it more than I should, I guess. But it's the next must-buy for me before Killzone 2.

And I'm actually also on the fence for SFIV, for the same reasons you mentioned here. Plus, I gotta buy Prince of Persia, but it'll have to wait since I got the new Call of Duty and LittleBigPlanet yesterday. Okay game and fantastic game, respectively. Now I'm going back to the Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3, so see you.

15 years ago

Im on teh fence about SFIV too, i loved the original SF2 that games a classic, but after that it just got kind of silly, i hated all those alpha games and that 3d ps1 games was weak. but if itsanything simple like SF2 ill deffiantly get it.

15 years ago

And if im honest im still really waiting for Tekken 6……… Tekkens controls are just more fleuent in my opinion.

15 years ago

Of course they are…


Seriously though I hate predefined combos. And don't get me started with the ridiculous juggling.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 1/4/2009 2:53:18 PM

15 years ago

Although I have long since drifted away from the fighting genre, what I remember from playing T5:DR, is that although they did have the 10/12-hitter combos from before, in real competition, no one used them, because just as they were easy to use, they were easy to block or counter. Besides preset combos, discovering what sequence of moves that what do optimal damage in succession off of a juggle or stun move is in every fight game, including Streetfighter.

15 years ago

Fine but the game being dominated by predefined combos is the worst thing you could ask for in a fighting.

excessive combos + predefined combos = crap fighting game.

15 years ago

The cool thing about the combos is getting to know them. One combo sequence might could end with a low hit, or instead with a mid hit, or with a throw. So if you try to duck to dodge the throw, or block the low hit, you might get hit by the mid hit. And if you try to block the mid hit, you might get caught by the throw, instead. So what you learn is to counter before the move. A really good player might even expect your counter and try to reverse you, and you might try to reverse his reversal. It's that kind of level of thought that shows the game is much more than just dialing a combo, and far more engaging than just button mashing.

Last edited by Aftab on 1/4/2009 11:11:58 PM

15 years ago

Killzone 2 n SFIV will kick Feb's ass.
Still waiting on Tekken 6 though but SFIV for the time being.

15 years ago

Polyphonys next game better not be a FPS There's already a lack of sword based platforms so…. make an epic Ninja or samurai game or a title based of Norse Mythology lol

15 years ago

Come to Prologue my man. For you, we have Suzuka, Fuji, Daytona Oval and Roadcourse and the Amuse/GT/PD 350Z and the OEM Z. With the tuning available after you beat the C-A class races, they can run with some of the best 😉

15 years ago

GT5P isnt that good- burnouts much better

15 years ago

Hahaha yea ok…. Thats why i played the Demo of Burnout for 60 seconds and then quited it. You can't even pick a manual transmission, how gay is that?

Secondly GT5P actually lets you feel like your driving the car, has better physics, better graphics, better sound, better cars, better tracks and last but not least a TRUE to every damn detail cockpit view that lets you look left and right. Keep dreaming Steve.

15 years ago

Xanavi Burnout isnt realistic the only thing that is are the physics and overexxagerated awesome damage none of which is in the GT5P. Criterion have spent ages on Burnout and now give free DLC its got bikes nice new addition to GT5 wouldnt it. BURNOUT has fake made up 400MPH cars so they cant have real ones!!! Burnout graphics are immense GT5P is easily better than real life to me. GT5 is 4X full HD(

Yeah i buy both. haha i gt BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15 years ago

Im not a fan of bikes but i wouldn't mind some bikes for people who like it but im not sure its needed. I see PD making a SICK Tourist Trophy sequal. Think GT4/5 but with bikes.

I dunno man, i used to love burnout 2, so much and then it really disappointed me after i bought 3 and 4…i spent the new game price and i got a medioocre game…with no MANUAL…lol that really cheesed me.

15 years ago

Advent Children was pretty cool, Spirits Within was bleh! That Streetfighter Chun Li trailer was not exciting at all in my opinion. February can't come soon enough because SF4 and Killzone2 are gonna be huuuuge. I hope people here are playing the Gears2 campaign at hardcore difficulty because the normal default setting is pathetic with a capital P.

15 years ago

I think as far as perfection I'd put Yamauchi ahead of Kojima only because he doesn't have to answer to a huge company like Konomi. He takes his sweet friggin time…but in the end it always satisfies.

15 years ago

That is true about Yamauchi though i'm a fan of GT but im not sure i would say hes more "perfection" than Kojima. Its too tight for me, don't worry not saying you're wrong 😉

15 years ago

After only playing MGS1,2, and 4, and granted, without playing ZOE, and Policenauts, I have the suspicion that Kojima has been more about cinematic vision than revolutionizing gameplay, or perfecting it, where as Kazanori has been all about gameplay, and making it as close as possible to the "real thing". So I'd say Kazanori has been more about perfection, where as Kojima has been more about artistic creativity.

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

Oh man I need another ZOE! ZOE 2 was one of my favorite games of the PS2 generation!

15 years ago

This week I'm just out there in the wastes man, gettin' lost in Post-apocolyptia.

15 years ago


15 years ago

@Ultimadream: What about Street Fighter 3 : 3rd srtike? quite possible the best damned street fighter on the market, not counting spin off games like marvel vs capcom and others.

You think they made SF4 because of the success of SF2? wrong, credit goes to SF3 3rd strike.Seriously, do they not have this game over there?

Last edited by aaronisbla on 1/4/2009 3:39:14 PM

15 years ago

No SFIII was got buried SF for over 10 years.

SFII is actually what brought SF back. Look at the cast of characters and the fact that there are no SFIII characters in it.

Capcom lost a lot of money with SFIII(fact).

One of the things which ruined SFIII for a long time was the parry system which dominated more than 50% of the game's gameplay. Also people really hated the new cast, specially the "freak" charactersr like Urien, Gill, Twelve, Necro, etc.

The game's kinda big NOW, but that's after a long time of not being liked/played.

15 years ago

I wonder if they are done making GT5 yet? GT always has future cars. in GT4 I remember it came out in 2004 but some of the concepts didn't start coming out until a few years later. I just hope they include certain cars in GT5 like Lamborghini, Ferrari Enzo, Ford GT (as they did in GT4 and GT5p), Shelby Cobra concept, Bugatti Veyron, Mclaren F1, 2010 Mustang, and a wider selection from BMW and Mercedes Benz.

15 years ago

There are 2 Ford GTs available in GT5P already. The OEM version and the GT LM Spec II. Its a bare Carbon Fibre race car; 600hp and 1189lbs. Pretty fast. Kazunori Yamauchi owns a Ford GT so he wants GTs to be in GT5 10x more than you do ;0

15 years ago

The Ford GT and the Nissan GT-R are Kazunori's 2 favorite cars. But I wonder which one he likes the most? If you look at one of the videos for the TGS 2008 you will discover that He likes the GT-R the most and he also helped design it with Nissan. But I did see a YouTube video where Kazunori compares the 2 cars and, according to that video, Kazunori likes the Ford GT the most. So which car will it be???

15 years ago

Its hard to say. One the one hand im sure a great driver like him loves the grip/handling of god ability of the GT-R. On the other hand im sure a race addict like him loves the classic race car styling of the GT and its raw power. I don't know which he likes most but its definitely a close call. If i had to choose, i would say Ford GT by the skin of its front bumper. Barely a win. Its a guess and i could be wrong.

They did completely design the R35s multi-meter gauge that records Gs, Boost, acceleration and other interesting stuff. PD is really moving up. They also did the introduction video for Ferraris California which was essentially the first time any body saw the car. Thats huge honors 🙂

15 years ago

I'm one of the few with Ben that like Spirits Within. I guess you really had to understand the original FF to understand what that movie was about and trying to get across.

15 years ago

I'd say you need to have at least a passing glance at philosophy to get the better points of that movie. So I understand why people don't like it. Mainly people were just expecting a basic FF type plot, and it didn't really deliver that.

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

I also love Spirits Within I only have 5 Blu Ray movies and that is one of them, and I can't wait for Advent Children Complete, I mean just look at my user name!

15 years ago

Hell ya, spirits within was pretty sick. It wasn't supposed to be an RPG movie lol. It was great. Great visuals especially for its time.

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