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PSX Extreme Game Of The Year Awards 2008

We welcome you to the PSX Extreme Game of the Year Awards 2008! It was a fantastic year for gaming, especially on the PlayStation 3, and we all enjoyed the first defining experiences of the new generation. You all know who the front-runners are, so we won't waste any more of your time with preamble and intro. We've already given you a peek at the nominations , but now it's time for the Grand Finale!

Achievement Awards

Best Graphics


Winner: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Although we have to give an honorable mention to Gran Turismo 5: Prologue , nothing can top MGS4's unbelievable level of detail and overall professionalism when it comes to visuals. This is why many of us purchased the PS3 in the first place, and Kojima and Co. didn't let us down. Easily one of the most impressive graphical achievements ever, MGS4 is best seen on a fantastic HDTV…it's a jaw-dropping experience, plain and simple.

Best Sound


Winner: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Both Dead Space and Resistance 2 put up a good fight, but once again, we couldn't look past the stellar voice acting, sound effects and music in Konami's masterpiece. It was the entire package from front to back – just like the graphics – and the sound is one of the big reasons why this game feels so epic. Yeah, you need a great TV for this experience, but you also need an awesome sound system to truly appreciate it!

Best Acting


Winner: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

You may be noticing a bit of a trend, here. But this is another Achievement category where, as far as we're concerned, the winner is as clear as day. The voice acting was absolutely superb throughout the entire game, and without it, this largely cinematic production would've fallen flat on its face. These days, acting is a giant part of gaming, and when it's something like MGS4, it's crucial. They pulled it off beautifully, and nothing in 2008 can really compete. Not to take anything away from the other nominees, though; it's just that MGS4 is so good.

Best Multiplayer Game


Winner: Resistance 2

In one of the toughest categories to determine – especially in terms of nominees – Resistance 2 emerges victorious, thanks primarily to an excellent 8-player co-op online mode and an absolutely insane 60-player competitive match limit. The game is more fluid and intense than ever before, and it's certainly one of the best multiplayer experiences of the generation. It's just so much better than the first one in terms of options and depth; you won't find a superior multi experience in 2008. And trust us, that's saying something, considering the competition.

Best Artistry/Art Direction


Winner: LittleBigPlanet

Really, it didn't take us long to give Media Molecule's excellent platformer the Best Artistry award this year. There's just so much here, and it's all designed with meticulous attention and care. Everyone, regardless of their gaming preferences, should be ale to appreciate the immense amount of work that went into SackBoy and his ever-changing environment. This is the kind of work that absolutely needs to be rewarded; no ifs, ands or buts about it. We need more of this ingenuity in the industry.

Most Original/Innovative


Winner: LittleBigPlanet

We give the nod to LBP once again, just because it broke new ground this year and the entire concept survives and flourishes on originality and innovation. At its core, it's little more than a basic platformer, but due to the limitless possibilities, this becomes a gamer's best friend…especially if he or she has a penchant for control. As Arnold said, "it's anything you want it to be," and that, if we're not mistaken, is the very basis of innovation in this industry that continually focuses more and more on increased player interactivity and freedom.

Most Overlooked


Winner: Valkyria Chronicles

Sega went and made a great game…and nobody bought it. Granted, Western audiences aren't too keen on titles like this, anyway, but Valkyria Chronicles didn't even fare very well in Japan. We also want to remind you that although EA said that Dead Space and Mirror's Edge underperformed, and Sony expected bigger things from LittleBigPlanet , they all still did relatively well. "Relatively" is key, here; these are the titles that basically flopped in terms of sales, and VC should never have been overlooked. Ah well, this happens, sometimes.

Genre Awards

Best Puzzle Game


Winner: echochrome

Well, we were pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel for this genre in 2008, but that's okay: echochrome would've beaten just about anything, really. It's one of the best and most original ideas we've ever seen, and if you want to test that brain of yours, this bad boy will challenge you to the max. The idea of "perception is truth" is genius, and taking a cue from M.C. Escher's freaky optical illusion art makes this puzzle game both singular and even addicting. You've got five minutes to complete your task; can you "see" in enough perspectives to achieve your goal…?

Best Music/Rhythm Game


Winner: Tie- Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero: World Tour

We just knew this was gonna happen. We gave both Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2 the same scores, and for the most part, both musical experiences are very similar. It comes down to which soundtrack you prefer, but that's just too subjective so we had to ignore our own musical preferences. And in doing so, it was just impossible to choose between these two. They're both awesome, they're both bound to deliver what they promise, and you can't go wrong with either. Tie, and congrats to both.

Best Racing Game


Winner: Gran Turismo 5: Prologue

There were plenty of great racing games in 2008, but once we decided to qualify Prologue as a competitor, we knew who the winner had to be. It may only be a demo, but as it actually takes longer to complete than some full games on store shelves these days, it's well worth our attention. And besides, this remains the most impressive and physically realistic racing experience of the generation so far, which means we're thoroughly amped up for the final product. Hopefully, it'll release towards the end of this year, but in 2008, nothing made us go "oh, wow!" like Gran Turismo 5: Prologue . That pretty much sums it up.

Best Sports Game


Winner: MLB 08: The Show

It was a tough choice – we so do love Hot Shots – but in the end, there was no denying the amazing depth and quality of MLB 08: The Show . If you're a big-time fantasy baseball fan, and you're really into stats and micromanagement in your sports titles, look no further than The Show . A simulator of the highest order and the ability to bring you closer to the diamond than any other baseball game before, this one excels on just about every possible level. And we won't be surprised at all if 2009's iteration takes home this very same award one year from now!

Best RPG


Winner: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Surprised? Yeah, we know just about everyone is giving this to Fallout 3 , and we very nearly did the same thing. But then we started to realize just how great Crisis Core really was, and also, just how accessible it was to all gamers. It wouldn't appeal only to Final Fantasy fans, and unless you can really get into the expansive masterpiece that is Fallout 3 , you'll toss it away relatively quickly. So while we could easily make the argument for Bethesda's RPG, we have to give the nod to Square-Enix's action/RPG that coerced many a consumer into a PSP purchase early in 2008. And wasn't it worth it?

Best Fighting Game


Winner: Super Street Fighter Turbo HD Remix

In what may be another surprise, we weren't too enamored with any one fighting game this year, and although we had plenty of fun with Soul Calibur IV , we just couldn't pass on this remake. The original Street Fighter II was nearly perfect for its day, and Capcom just went and made everything better for Turbo HD Remix . Arnold calls it "the most balanced fighter" out there, and absolutely nobody will challenge SFII's timeless quality. We just didn't have a next-gen fighting title in 2008 that could compete with this wonderful overhaul of a classic.

Best FPS


Winner: Resistance 2

Although it's typically a hotly contested category, we didn't think it was much of a competition: Resistance 2 , the sequel that is bigger and better than the original title in just about every way, takes the Best FPS crown this year. The stellar online multiplayer is only part of the equation; it also comes complete with a kick-ass single-player campaign that features the biggest and most intimidating bosses you'll ever see, plus more weapons, more environmental diversity, a better story (in our opinion), better acting (hey, Hale has a voice now!), and more over-the-top encounters. This is the entire shooter package, despite what the naysayers say. Really, we don't know what you're complaining about.

Best Action/Adventure Game


Winner: Grand Theft Auto IV

An extraordinarily difficult category to choose, but considering our definition of "action/adventure," we just had to give it to Grand Theft Auto IV . MGS4 is outstanding, no doubt, but it almost defies categorization; it's tough to put the action/adventure label on it, just because it feels like an entirely new experience. But GTAIV is the perfect embodiment of this category, as Rockstar's more authentic and realistic crime drama became this generation's very first "almost-10" title. From the solidified gameplay mechanic to the excellent design of Liberty City to the great story and unlimited freedom, GTAIV is a gem. A gem of gems, in fact. Anybody want to disagree?

Platform Awards

Best PS2 Game


Winner: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

You may not have noticed, but Atlus produced one hell of a PS2 RPG this year, and it's the next installment in the critically acclaimed Shin Megami Tensei franchise. Persaon 4 takes the foundation from earlier entries and improves on it in just about every way, giving the player a more complete and fully realized role-playing adventure. You may not be a fan of the art style, but that doesn't stop the concept from being most original and the gameplay from being both deep and engaging. Just because we've moved on to the PlayStation 3 doesn't mean companies have stopped making games for the PS2, and RPG fans really can't ignore this bad boy.

Best PSP Game


Winner: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Obviously, this was going to come down to two titles, and you should've known what the other was: Ready at Dawn's unbelievable God of War: Chains of Olympus . But after some deliberation, we just had to hand the award to Square-Enix's prequel that captured the hearts of handheld owners the world over. Nearly unparalleled visuals and a new action-oriented combat mechanic that just never seemed to get old, Crisis Core may be the finest PSP title to date. If you have a PSP and you don't own this game, you need to check your pulse…'cuz you may be dead. It may not be the FFVII remake we've all been hoping for, but it's the next best thing and there's nothing wrong with that!

Best PS3 Game


Winner: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Let's face it: the PS3 was made for MGS4. This is not only the current generation's landmark achievement in our humble opinion, but it's also the defining title of the PlayStation 3's library. It redefined how we look at video games, expanded our minds, and raised the bar for the future, which is exactly what we expected it to do. A deep and captivating storyline, told by one of the industry's true masters, combined with a mesmerizing gameplay mechanic makes MGS4 a true-blue masterpiece. You can't take your eyes off the screen, and the PS3's capabilities are well used, here. It also makes us think: if the lifespan of this machine really is around 10 years, as Sony continues to claim, what might we be able to expect 5 or 6 years from now…? We got MGS4 in only the second year of the console's reign! Oh, dear Lord…the possibilities…

Special: The PSXE Favorite


Winner: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Just to clarify: this is the staff "favorite;" it's not necessarily the "best" (that's coming up next). See, we just wanted to give you the list of games we personally had the most fun with in 2008, and as you can see it includes a couple titles that wouldn't be included in any Game of the Year Nominee list. We just adored the likes of Hot Shots and Devil May Cry 4 , and if you try to deny the fun factor in those games, we will fight you! Really, though, the memorable experience of playing MGS4 stands out most in our minds, and we would never say another title stands taller in our estimation. We just can't get over how great that game was, and when we played it, we were ceaselessly amazed. Our favorite, MGS4 is. Big thanks to Konami and Kojima.

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for…

Game of the Year


Winner: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Was there ever any doubt? What can we say about this game that hasn't been said already? We've been heaping praises upon this masterpiece throughout our Game of the Year Awards so far, and there was never any question in our minds. You have to try to understand just how incredible that is, given the competition. Grand Theft Auto IV was MGS4's closest competition (as you can see, it's a 10.0 versus a 9.9), but all the difference in the world is included in that .1 gap. It's not even definable or explainable, really. It's that one extra element that MGS4 had that no other title of 2008 had; it's that one "X factor" that continually blew us away with every passing minute played. Hideo Kojima has given us some memorable games over the years, but this is most certainly his crowning achievement. As great as all the nominees were, this really wasn't even close…and that is just how fantastic MGS4 really is. We know it; you know it.

And so there you have it. We've done our best to reward the games that deserved the recognition, but as you can see, it was the year of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots . Congratulations, MGS4…every gamer out there owes you a tremendous debt of gratitude. And here's to another great 2009, where even more memorable titles will come down the pike! 🙂

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15 years ago

i would only agree with the metal gear solid 4 placement because it is a good game but if i had to chose it would be Resistance 2 all the way just bc i'm a huge resistance fan!!!!

Papa Burgundy
Papa Burgundy
15 years ago

Totally agree with the pics psx.
The best games truly won

15 years ago

I personally disagree, but only because I have no patience for stealth games. Though I do agree that MGS4 had the best graphics.

15 years ago

lol, then go rambo snake xD

15 years ago

i dont think mgs should win because i dont think it is fair to put it with everything else obviously its the best because its godly i think that it kinda cheating since its so good

15 years ago

lol icawatudidthere

15 years ago


15 years ago

i knew it! a near mgs4 sweep xD!

15 years ago

i dont think MGS4 deserved best sound, the soundtack for MGS4 unlike MGS1-3 is really forgettable. I thought Dead Space made the best use of sound if im honest. but over all a good sum up of a very good year.

King James
King James
15 years ago

didn't MGS4 use music from MSG1-3?

15 years ago

MGS4's music was sick!
Better than all of them 'xcept MAYBE the original.

And even then, I think MGS4 surpassed even the original in terms of soundtrack.

So much so that I just HAD to put some of those songs on my mp3 player.

15 years ago

False. Playing through shadow Moses with the Ipod playing MGS1 Nuke warhead storage facility was godly gaming.

15 years ago

I thought echochrome was a little more original.

King James
King James
15 years ago

I'm SOOOOOOO glad MGS4 won best acting. GTA4 wasn't close to what MGS4 did. I don't care how good Niko's accent was.

Thank you for giving Best Racing to GT5. Burnout & Motorstorm wasn't that good.

Last edited by King James on 1/2/2009 1:53:11 AM

15 years ago

Deadspace is legenedary! PERIOD! especially that last Boss Fight, You have a huge Asteroid falling towards you and you fight this shadow of colossus wannabee monster, that is just even crazier/humongous. I mean i would of gave Deadspace best graphics and sound, and just tell me that the sound of Deadspace wasnt atmospheric and it scares the living S—T out of you! but I played Metal Gear Solid 4 and was bored with it, I have never been a fan of Metal Gear, so i gave it a try, but Deadspace is just better!

15 years ago

But you made the right decision Ben, for Metal Gear Solid 4 sold way more than my Deadspace! lol!

15 years ago

i pretty much agree with all i think GOW coo shouldve taken best psp though.

15 years ago

Yeah same here

15 years ago

I disagree with just about all your picks. Nice. Anyway that tie is a total cop out and you know it. lol.

15 years ago

Agree with the choice of game wins!


"i aM hOMe"

15 years ago

Lol personally i got more hours out of resistance 2, and second is Mgs4 I dunno why just happened like that, third is a tie between fallout 3 and little big plannet. And I own those 4. Also Grand Theft Auto has been played more than fallout or little big planet but i'm getting very bored of it. also i just got resistance fall of man this year and i loved it just as much as 2.

15 years ago

I agree with all the winners PSXE gave to each category, an Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots cleary deseveres overall game of the year as imo its an incredible experience from start to finish, an to whoever said mgs4 didn't deserve the award for best sound, play the game through 5.1/7.1 decoder an you will amazed at the sound level, the explosions, gun fire, noise of explosions in the back ground etc, etc, i could go an on, playing valkyria chronicles at the moment another amazing game, can't understand why its been widely overlooked, goes down to personal taste for consumers i suppose 🙁

15 years ago

Oh yeah who was the voters.

15 years ago

I totally agree with you guys PSXE.

With a masterpiece like MGS4 it would seem like your work was cut out for you. However with all the incredible games we were blessed with this year it must be hard to give recognition to every game that deserved it.

I have not played Valkyria Chronicles yet, but once I can climb out from under all the great 2008 games I will definitely give it a try.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Never played a MGS game. But I hear good things about them.

15 years ago


15 years ago

rofl nice picture…..rofl jk

15 years ago

Sell your 360 and get a PS3 so you can play MGS4… damn shame it is an exclusive 🙂 Lol!


"i aM hOMe"

15 years ago

Or better yet like most of us on here get both machines. Wii next for me then I shall have all 3 consoles. Whatever you do don't sell your 360! I got the 360 for what few exclusives there are now Halo's Gears, Mass Effect etc Same as I did with my PS3 I bought for MSG4!

15 years ago

Meh well i didnt find MGS4's Soundtrack interesting at all, i have it, i got it with my UK Litimed Edition version of MGS4,but the tracks just didnt have any impact likethe previous 3. i though dead space's use of sound was far more effect, it was quite intimidating. if there wasnt a catorgory for voice acting, MGS4 would deserve it, becuase the voice acting is as always phenominal, but as there was a seperate award for that i think Dead Space deserved to win.

15 years ago

I disagree with the best racing game. It should have been midnight club hands down. GT5 only had 2 tracks or whaterever and it was just boring.

15 years ago

GT5P had 7 tracks actually and it's anything but boring. You can't call it boring just cause its not your cup of tea. Us GT players love it and have been playing it for over a year.

15 years ago

The awards went to the ryte games,everything is true!
Big ups PSX.

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

I think best artistry should have gone to Valkyria Chronicles, but who am I to judge?

15 years ago

I agree~

15 years ago

Ditto, brother.

I also would have given it "Best RPG" just barely over Crisis Core.


15 years ago

I think GT5 was best graphics n not the best driving game. its slow no sense of speed. 150MPH head on crash. BUMP!! drive away. pathetic.

15 years ago

Its a real sense of speed. When you're going 180mph in a Viper…you FEEL it. What do you want? The fake visuals of NFS and Burnout ? No…that's not realistic.

PS: Damage is coming but when it does come it won't be the lame-duck that Forzas was. PD is going for PERFECTION even in damage.

Last edited by Xanavi23 on 1/2/2009 10:01:11 AM

15 years ago

gran tourismo has great graphics, but it is a lot harder to make human characters look as good as they did in MGS4 than it is to make cars look good.

15 years ago

You think crashing is more realistic in GT5 Prologue than Burnout Paradise?!?!?! No, I'm not necessarily talking about damage, but it could be more realistic than just bouncing on collisions.

15 years ago

I dnt think MGS4 should have won all of those. Maybe its Bcoz Ben loves the game abd is just bigging it up other than that and some others perfect list.

15 years ago

In da best gfx sec u guys nominated R2 but not deadspace???U didn't even give fallout3 a single nomination???Watz da prob with you guys???
U guys r simply insane……..i can't expect dis frm psxe……..really can't expect

15 years ago

This may be off topic, but when playing competitive online in r2, i get XP in the match, but when I look at my stats and what rank I am, it says that I havent gained any XP. Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong. Thanks

15 years ago

ha.ha.ha.ha…….psxe guys juz selecting sony's gamez as winner…….cheatin…..cheatin
1.Best racing:burnout paradise is way better than gt5:pro,
2.Best rpg:i'll never choose ff7:c.c. prior 2 fallout3
3.Best acting:GTA-4 n MGS4 tie……can't forget Brucie,Roman's words…..

15 years ago

Burnout is better than GT5P HAHAHAHAHA….yea sure…that barely qualifies as a real racing game. It for 5 year olds for crying outloud lol.

15 years ago

*Edit* i can't say its for 5 year olds but it surely isn't the type of game many who seek a game that requires skill, patience and time would want to play.

15 years ago

Xanavi, Burnout is just as deserving as GT5:p. It is a complete expirience, no it's not realistic but it doesn't pretend to be. It is IMO the only game to ever do the whole "open world" thing right and it was their first try at it. Then when you add that to the fact that Criterion implemented the most original online component a racing game has EVER seen, it makes everything else look more like a joke. If you don't like Burnout that's cool, but to call it, not a real racing game is absolutely wrong.

15 years ago

Have you ever played Burnout? It takes a shitload more skill than GT. Your going about twice as fast with traffic everywhere. You don't simply bounce off of things, you crash. You can't afford to hit anything or you'll lose. Plus Burnout is actual fun! You are not always cursing at the a$$hole who knocked you out of the race(like in GT). You can do awesome things called jumps. Heard of 'em? It's not a cakewalk like GT.

15 years ago

I so agree with MGS4- best game of all time easily. The only thing that i disagreed with is the racer as i preffered wipeout to gran turismo, but that's just me =]

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