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Editorial: Gamers Replace Boasting With Hostility

This may be another one of those "it's just me" scenarios, so I'm wondering if others have noticed a disturbing – and relatively new – trend in the video game world.

Look, there have always been fanboys. Back in the day, when consoles were more expensive than they are now (taking inflation into account), and our parents were reluctant to buy more than one platform, we had to choose between the Colecovision and Intellivision or the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Rarely did I know anyone in school who had more than one system, which is what initially bred the very first generation of fanboys. Now, as everyone here well knows, I despise the word and I despise the type of person who assumes such a label; they're bad for the industry in general, and I typically want to jam a shrimp fork in their eye. Refusing to play certain games due to brand-name loyalty has got to the most irrational and idiotic sentiment in the entertainment world today. However, back then, it was kinda like, "yeah, I have the SNES and it's better than your Genesis." Then the two would argue as kids tend to do.

The problem is, those kids have grown up (well, that's debatable), and they're still arguing…except the difference is that instead of the aforementioned statement, it's "the Genesis sucks." It's about bashing, not boasting. It's about attacking. It's about hostility. It's about "you're an idiot because you bought that," not "I'm awesome because I have this." Some may not see the obvious distinction, but I sure as hell do. The bottom line is that I remember a lot of loyalists and debate in the old days, but I don't recall so much in the way of nastiness or ugliness, which seems to infest every message board on earth (except ours, of course ;)). Why is it now hip to hate? All the crap floating around about system wars and all that is not only ignorant – it has always been ignorant – but now it's so disgusting, no normal human can handle it for more than ten consecutive seconds. It just seems to me that these people are so unhappy ; it's as if they're secretly pissed that they voluntarily restrict themselves, and they need to take it out on someone.

Rather than explaining just how great Gears of War 2 is, Xbox 360 fans only want to bash the PS3. Rather than talking about great MGS4 is, PS3 fans only want to bash the 360. Why ? Perhaps it's a reflection of the times; perhaps everyone really is more unhappy than they were 20 years ago, and maybe the Internet simply breeds and even cultivates hostile behavior. But while I'm quite certain we'll never get rid of the fanboys, I would much rather have the kind who love to boast rather than the kind who toss sh** at the opposition. Even here, where we attentively regulate the Comments – thereby creating an intelligent, informed community that typically debates and doesn't feature flame wars – those who sign up just to cause problems only use hate as their weapon of choice. No Xbox 360 fan has ever signed up to post something like, "LAMLAMLAM; the 360 has Gears 2, way better online, and at least it's affordable!" No, they sign up to post, "LAMLAMLAM, PS3 sales suck and nobody cares about Blu-Ray!" Both individuals will get the insta-ban treatment, of course, but one I despise far more than the other.

And sadly, all I see is the same type. The haters. What is causing this horrid streak of unbelievably rude behavior? I'd like to believe the theory I mentioned before; that the fanboys are starting to realize just how mocked and derided their lot is, and just how much they're missing by limiting themselves. You can't experience everything great this industry has to offer if you're a fanboy; plain and simple, and maybe they're starting to recognize this. Maybe they can't do anything about it, so they take their frustration out on others. Who knows? All I know is that I miss the days when taking pride in your choice vastly superseded bashing on another's. That's all. 'shrugs'

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15 years ago

It used to be fun to argue about which console was better, but now it's at the point where it's disgusting.

That's why I only play my Dreamcast… the greatest console of all time.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Wrong. God, you SUCK for having such a CRAPPY system.


15 years ago

Was the Dreamcast that bad? I think my Commodore Amiga CD32 and Amiga 1200 are the greatest gaming machines ever… who wants to argue? 🙂


"i aM hOme"

King James
King James
15 years ago

I'll argue b/c I'm a fanboy and "MINE'S BETTER! AND URS SUCKS!"…

That's how you be a fanboy, right? lol

15 years ago

i bash the xbox360 cuz my xbox360 broke and microsoft refuses to repair for free.
i never bash xbox360 games though.

But at least i gave xbox360 a fair try b4 going around bashing it.

xbox lovers generally don't have a ps3 but they choose to bash it anyways.

I'm a fanboy of video games in general. I am a little bias against the wii though.

i own all game consoles except for the sega dreamcast. i lost my original nintendo and sega genesis. but i got SNES, Sega Saturn,ps1,ps2,ps3, original xbox, N64, and gamecube. i sold my DS but i still have my psp.

15 years ago

They refuse to pay for free? Whats going on with that?

15 years ago

Man, I've had a friend that had his 360 lost by M$. And he was left high and dry. It wasn't his or any other consumers fault for this. No one should have to pay for someone else's shoddy work. Would someone pay for ours?

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 12/12/2008 11:42:41 PM

15 years ago

Yeah who would join to do that?=p

Honestly tho ill be fair. I give respect where its needed. Plus I know the 360 isn't perfect. They all have there ups and downs.

I cant tell you how many times im attacked for owning a 360. Some people will be like "loser! you couldn't afford a PS3!"(even tho my Elite is the same price..)"your gonna get RROD because it sucks!"(I haven't..Knock on wood=p)

I see what you mean. Its always been us against you. Never a mutual understanding. I guess thats why I joined being so hostile.

15 years ago

I venerate you for joining a playstation oriented website regardless your ownage of only an xbox 360 for a gaming consel. Your quiet dauntless:)

15 years ago

the only real reason that i dont have a 360 is because its reliability is far to flimsy. some of the games ever since day 1 have cought my attention but i cant bring myself to spend that much money on something thats got a bigger chance of breaking than working. maybe someday ill pick one up used or FREE lol. oh and i just personally dont see microsoft pushing it for as long as sony is pushing the ps3. sony game out and told everybody what their plans for the future were and they still do but i dont remember a single instance where bill gates or amyone came out and briefed anyone on what their plans for the future were. if microsoft wants to do like 4 year life spans for their systems then they can keep them.

Last edited by MetalHead09 on 12/13/2008 9:46:53 AM

15 years ago

Among people who have chosen to own one next gen system, I see more fanboys on the side of console "A" versus on the side of console "B" I'll let you all figure out which system to place under which moniker.

15 years ago

In the US regards I believe that your console "A" has a larger userbase, and considering that the price for that console "B" is pretty steep in regards to the 18 and under group, I'd say the age group is 18 and under. If a survey or research group went out to see what is the primary age of trolling with the love of their system, then I would guess that it would be 18 and under. Afterall who 18+ has the time or the ability to give enough fark to confess their love to a system. This all adds to your theory of console A having more "fanboys" (I hate that damn word) than console "B." Before I get flamed for my comment I will add that there are exceptions to this theory, and let me remind all of you that this is a theory and just that…

Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 12/13/2008 6:55:48 AM

15 years ago

I'll admit that the 360 has it's fair share of good exclusives and features. It's just not as technically capable as the PS3 partially due to the fact that it was released 1 year earlier. I don't mind people praising their system. But I'm with you on the people who only have negative things to say. I believe these people feel superior if they can make another system (or purchaser) look inferior to their console (or themself).

Can't we all be friends on the basis that we LOVE games?

15 years ago

15 years ago

I would have liked Fable II on the PS3… what a shame we don't have it!


"i aM HoMe"

Last edited by Qubex on 12/13/2008 6:07:34 AM

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

i prefer just sitting back and enjoying those absurd fanboy wars and the redundant use of words like 'epic fail' and 'owned'.
i don't know about you guys but i find violent stupidity and the inability to put together coherent sentences downright hilarious .

15 years ago

All this hate is really encouraged by M$. Look at all the crap they sling. Sony makes indirect comments about strides in advancement THEY undertake. I was looking at and M$ is at it again sayin "It feels like 2005 tech in 2008," and "Home is outdated." They seem like that little scrony kid back in High School that wants to fight everyone (chihuahuas-I call 'em). There was always a little competition with fanboys but NEVER the likes of which we see today.

15 years ago

i saw that comment too. what's up with microsoft bashing HOME and sony?

sony even praised the xbox in japan and encouraged japanese ppl to buy xbox in japan.

y can't microsoft say that for the ps3 in america?

15 years ago

I have to say though, I was shocked at the latest NDP figures… what's going on lads… I thought Sony would be surging ahead now…

I think the next 3 heavy hitters will tip the scales… Killzone 2, God Of War III and Heavy Rain… bring em on!


"i aM hOMe"

– Ops, that reminds me, I need to order my PSP now… I have to use up Emirate miles I have stored up… hehe, getting a free PSP for Christmas… thanks Emirates!

15 years ago

I dont know. Sony just suits my personal style. If you show me up, good job you and If I own you then I just laugh. Sony has the right mind when it comes to the gamers first. They've even said that PS3 development will end in better quality 360 titles. How the HELL is that harsh?! We tend to gravitate, I believe, to the flock that suits us. PS2 owners NEVER defended that PS2 was more powerful than the XBOX. Why is it the other way when PS3 is ahead of the curve?

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 12/12/2008 11:37:40 PM

15 years ago

Well back then it was a obvious difference in graphics, loading, ext.

Nowadays its a bit more complicated then that.

15 years ago

What is soo complicated about it? If you have eyes and any attention to detail I believe that soon we will see the true potential of the PS3. It will be obvious. Bigger/prettier games. Period.

15 years ago

My eyes see alot of Xbox games simply playing better. Its not a hardware thing. Its a developer problem.

The Xbox is alot easier to make games for. But the PS3 hardware when applied properly will be better. Just not alot of developers til now bothered to do it.

15 years ago

Am I having deja vu or did we have an article almost exactly like this a couple of months ago? At any rate, I don't know how new it is really, I knew a guy who was a hardcore sega fan right up until they crumbled in the hardware game. Ironically, after being very hostile to Nintendo he became quite the Gamecube fan.

I think the internet has just made it easier to feel like you're in an "in group" combining with the Greater Internet F**kwad Theory.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I think you're talking about the article I did on elitism…

15 years ago

There are Cowboys fans, there are Broncos fans, and then, yes, there are even a couple Chiefs fans left (me and a hobo down the street =D), and then there are those who just love the game of football.

I like to think of myself as one who just loves video games. People with enough spare energy to engage in flame wars over which system you choose OBVIOUSLY need to redirect their energies into something more constructive, like furniture building, perhaps.

15 years ago

Im a die hard greenbay fan. Im also I die hard Xbox fan. Whats wrong with supporting your favorite?

The people I laugh at are the ones who take them selves to serious.

15 years ago

@ Joshua

You support them with your wallet. That's all that's needed, not a "soccer hooligan" mentality.

Also, from previous comments, you seem to have become "die hard" overnight, just because you happened to have chosen to get a 360. They call that "bandwagon jumping".

Finally, your comments would have more weight if your grammar and spelling were better.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 12/13/2008 1:24:55 AM

15 years ago

No Fane I support them because I feel they make the best.

You make think it was "overnight" but it wasn't. I played nothing but Sony for YEARS. Then one day at the mall I seen a used Xbox for $60. Im like what the hell and bought it. Lil did I know it was VASTLY superior to my PS2. MS has the games this generation that I like. From Halo to GTA.

Make w/e claims you want. But iv played em all and I know what im talking about.

15 years ago

You may "feel like they make the best" but rrod has no excuse. Therefore dismissing it as "the best" and making it the most unreliable.

@Light Show

You also have those crazy Raiders fans that shank people in the stands Lol…ahem..Joshua

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 12/13/2008 7:16:22 AM

King James
King James
15 years ago

Josh, I think u just have a love for green logos. GO COWBOYS!

And u should've known the original XBOX was better than the PS2. The hardware was more powerful, but the software was lacking. That's why started saying buy an xbox if u like shooters and sports games. PS2 had the better library though.

oh yea, and GO COWBOYS!

Last edited by King James on 12/13/2008 11:07:34 AM

15 years ago

Yeah I see where your coming from. The reason I dident know about the Xbox was because all I did was play PS. It never crossed my mind till I bought one.

And for the guy above. Reliability is an issue. But we shall see how the new CPU's sort out. Im hearing good things.

Papa Burgundy
Papa Burgundy
15 years ago

Totally agree with the editorial, all my buds have 360's, as do I but whenever I talk about the ps3 they just become such a**holes towards the ps3. Don't matter though, they can miss out on the fantastic games like lbp, R2, GoW 3, K2, and MGS4.

15 years ago

…and they are fantastic… no arguments there… most would agree with that here!


"i aM hOMe"

15 years ago

I'll say that a lot (not all) of the animosity is owed to the internets. It's easy to hide behind a machine and hurl epithets. I wouldn't tell the 360 fans I know that their system blows chocolate donkey balls, at least not unless they start a verbal flame war (a very rare thing since most people are decent in real life if for no other reason than fear of being drop kicked across the street for being a shameless dick). It called Internet bullying and a girl just killed herself over it if you've been watching the news. That's what I think.

15 years ago

Damn, donkey chocolate balls!


"i aM hOme"

15 years ago

What happened with the girl?

15 years ago

I think the author forgets it is a console-WAR out there. The PS3 and XBOX360 are targeting the same markets and audience. Microsoft started with the constant smear-campaign, copycat software and buying out the third parties, and made this into a dirty WAR.

And looking to all their past "victories" on OS, Browsers, Office software,etc it frightens me have them rule the scepter in game land.

15 years ago

Money talks.

15 years ago

Smear campaign and copycat software??? I'm not going to even go into how incredibly ridiculous the rest of your post is.

15 years ago

I guess since it is a console war between the PS3 and the 360 then that means I must be a double agent. But seriously neither console is without its faults. With the PS3 you get much greater reliability free online. While with the 360 has a far superior XBox Live Market Place and sadly most of the multi-platform games look slightly better on the 360 because most developers still use it as their lead platform. And to address the perception that many people have that claims that the online is better on the 360 compared to the PS3 I have to disagree. I personally feel the PS3's online is on par with the 360's.

15 years ago

Crap doesn't though JoshuaAdam360!


"i aM hOme"

15 years ago

And who makes the crap exactly?

King James
King James
15 years ago

85% of nintendo's Wii titles?

15 years ago


15 years ago

Personally, I'm sick to death of the flame wars ON BOTH SIDES. I'm a Sony partisan, but only because I have such disdain for Microsoft and their business practices. Which in no way means I can't acknowledge the (few) things they do right (e.g., including a hard drive in the Xbox, pushing online services MUCH more agressively than Sony (or Nintendo–LOL), … I honestly can't think of anything else). I prefer Sony's open platform philosophy to the way Microsoft tries to control everything, but Bungie/Microsoft have definitely introduced a lot of good features in Live.

Likewise, I don't apply my well-earned bias against Microsoft toward every game released on the Xbox or 360. To say that Gears or Fable suck because they're Xbox exclusives is stupid. If those games were on the PS3, I'd eat them up.

I AM tired of the way games like Halo 3 seem to be scored higher than, say, Uncharted because of the hype and "teh bias", despite reviews which describe a less-than-superb game.

I'm even more tired of how Sony seems to get criticized for every misstep while Microsoft and Nintendo seem to get a pass. I mean, "DelayStation"; compared to Nintendo, Sony has produced things in a much more timely fashion (except Home). And at the height of the RRoD, game sites kept recommending that people should choose the 360 over the PS3. THEY DON'T WORK. What does Microsoft have to do to suffer some consequences? Start killing babies? Games or no games, no one should reward a company for consciously producing broken products. /rant

I'm proud that I had the patience to wait for the superior product. On paper, the 360 is a fine product; in reality, it's a dud.

Correction: I never would have bought it anyway, but my point holds.

I don't think all 360 owners are Xbots or idiots, but I do believe they made the wrong choice.

I would have bought a Wii by now (planned to), but am off-put by the fad aspect. I've detailed other reasons elsewhere on the site.

I just wish the ACTUAL Xbots would stick to "their" sites (like Xbox Nerds) and stop trolling. What they get from it confounds me. It's why I originally came here (PS-only site) about four years ago and go to similar places, to get PlayStation-only news and discussion, without the stuff I don't need.

And as I stated at the top, it infuriates me equally when PS Fanboys (not the website) hurl back insults. It's not interesting to read; it's not productive; it doesn't mean you won the fight.

Can't we all just get along?

Last edited by Fane1024 on 12/13/2008 1:18:04 AM

15 years ago

"Games or no games, no one should reward a company for consciously producing broken products"

But if M$ didn't create the RRoD fiasco, then they wouldn't have the sales lead from all the folks whose warranty ended or who didn't want a refurbished product and bought another one.

15 years ago

/agree with you completely.
except for the whole wrong choice with xBox. I'd have to say "To each, their own."

Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 12/13/2008 7:04:15 AM

15 years ago

oh my god i just lost my entire 15 paragraph post thanks to a motherfucking touchpad.

Here is cliff notes.
It's always happened. But it's happening more and more these days thanks to the hippies and the internet.

15 years ago

Oh man, someone finally noticed. Thank you Ben. I have been a regular gamer since the days of Atari and Pong; yes, thats how old I am. And played most of the systems including long hrs in coin arcades. I believe its not really the gaming as much as it is about pure agressive competition. It has premeated itself into everything.

It seems we all want to simply win at everything at all cost to the point of obsessive behaviour. One of the reasons I stopped online gaming; xcept with close friends.

With the fast growth of the net and accelerating advanced gaming technologies coupled with constant unrest around the glode will only fuel more xtreme negetive behaviours. It doesnt help that our favorite brands are constantly at each others throats.

I will always be gaming till the day I die. All we freakin need to do is chill, smoke some, sit back and enjoy some GTA and Fallout; yeeaaaah!!!!!


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