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Ben’s Week In Review: November 9

Okay, after a bit of a hiatus due to work craziness that probably won't stop until after Thanksgiving, I can squeeze in one of my patented Week in Reviews. Can't disappoint the fans. 😉

Hot girls okay in games, but not okay to promote games?

I'm sorry, but I'm not getting this phenomenon. Last week, we stumbled across Activision's Guitar Hero: World Tour TV ad campaign featuring the blonde bombshell, Heidi Klum . Now, first of all, too many gamers still won't acknowledge that this industry has graduated into the realm of big business, so they freak out when publishers institute this kind of marketing. But I suppose my question is, why ? I think I understand the concept of keeping gaming away from the big, oppressive hand of corporate crap – when we were kids, models wouldn't promote a video game on TV – but why are there so many negative reactions? This negativity comes specifically from gamers, and I've come to the conclusion that it's due to one of two reasons: 1. they don't like the fact that celebrities who probably aren't gamers are getting paid to promote a product they know nothing about. But if it's this reason, that's bizarre, because this happens in every industry.

So perhaps it's reason #2. Maybe it's because they don't like the fact that one of those girls who never in a million years would've spoken to us 15-20 years ago are now trying to pretend they're part of the culture. Am I in the ballpark? The weird part is, these same people apparently have no problem whatsoever with virtual hotties…so maybe if someone like Klum were in the game instead of advertising it, you wouldn't mind so much. Heh.

Pray to the Gods that it's true!

So the latest rumor is that Gran Turismo 5 might actually release some time this coming spring . Of course, we can't put much stock in the source, as it comes from an Auto magazine, but I'd loooove it if GT5 came out that early. Yamauchi has already laughed at the idea that it wouldn't come out until 2010, and if it's funny enough to laugh at, it's absurd enough to imply that a spring launch might be plausible. These days, the only racing game I always make room for is GT, and that's because I love the simulated racers. Furthermore, now that I own a sports car, I have more of a vested interest in the concept of very fast vehicles traveling at very fast speeds around a special track. I'm always tempted to do something stupid in the Z – can't do it; care too much about my baby – but the only realistic way of taking my car out onto a track to see what it can do is through GT. I suppose I could sign up for some track time up at Lime Rock, but, uh…I think it might be uber-expensive.

On top of which, think about it, PS3 fans- we had MGS4 and R2 this year, Killzone 2 is in February, and if GT5 really can make it in the first half of the year, that's the fourth PS3 exclusive in less than a year that absolutely blows away the competition. Think your purchase was worth it now ?

Personal gaming update

Yeah, it's all about Resistance 2 for me right now. Regardless of any flak I may receive, I stand by that review – as I stand by all my reviews – and I will fight you if you want to take it that far. 😉 If it weren't for MGS4 and GTAIV already blowing me away this year, R2 would be my choice for Game of the Year. Of course, I haven't had the chance to play LittleBigPlanet , Dead Space , or Gears of War 2 yet, but you gotta give me a break. I've been so swamped with reviews (and I'm still swamped), that I'm lucky I've even been able to play what I have. R2 is so kick-ass, I go out of my way to make time for that, and I'm sure I'd do the same with those other titles I listed. Oh yeah, and I really want to play Mirror's Edge next week, but at least I don't need it immediately; Arnold is handling the review.

And just so I can vent for a bit: I was supposed to go out tonight; a friend and I were going to hit up Ultra 88 – it's a nightclub in the Mohegan Sun – because, as you may have noticed , I'm a little burned out. I just wanted to relax and maybe talk to a few of those female types. Little black dresses everywhere and all that. But as we're leaving, I realize my friend is wearing tan cargo pants, and I'm thinking…"that might not fit in under the dress code." In comparison, I'm wearing dress pants, shoes, socks, belt, shirt and a black sport jacket. That's what you should wear. But he says he got in last Friday wearing those pants, so I didn't worry. Then we get there and the dude at the door says we can't get in because they have different dress standards for Saturday.

I should've known. And he was too tired to go back and change – and he drove – so I just had to go home. I was so pissed, I just had to go out and drive around to relieve some stress. But I'm still pissed. 🙁

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King James
King James
15 years ago

Hey ben, I'm all for the hot girls…no matter what they're doing.

GT5 in the Spring?! *raises hand* Yes please!

I thought R2 and Fallout3 would fight for my time, but now that I opened my R2…No competition. I've been playing R2 till my eyes hurt. I play fallout to calm me down. R2 is one of the best FPS's I've played in a while. I'll say since Halo 1. I like it more than CoD4 (Yea, I said it)! And I don't see another title taking its spot. Maybe Killzone 2. I love the beta!

Oh yea, and ben don't worry about not playing Deadspace. But you gotta play LBP! Gears2?…U can get to that after your done w/ R2. That's what I'm doing.

Last edited by King James on 11/8/2008 11:28:23 PM

15 years ago

Lol @ your night Ben… Suckzors for you :P, Ill come pick you up yes? Just give me a few days to get to Cali! lol

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

From what I can tell he lives in Connecticut not Cali

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, that'd be CT not CA. 🙂

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

Well I know I didn't like the add because she looked like an idiot. But hotties in commercials for games, I'm all for it! My game of the year is dead space. I just finished gears 2 after finishing resistance 2 and I have to say I still enjoyed Dead Space more.

15 years ago

Haha, yeah she did look like a bit of a spaz. Maybe, she was really trying to immitate Tom Cruise?

15 years ago

So did the Saturday dress code just not let your friend in or was it you too? Can't imagine what they'd find wrong with dress pants. At any rate there is something I forgot to mention about your last editorial, at the very least Ben, if a girl gets on your case for gaming too much you can say "Hey, I'm just doing my job!"

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

No, I was fine; I could've gotten in no problem. But instead, we had to turn around and leave.


And as for the last bit, don't think I haven't used THAT before. 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 11/9/2008 12:20:38 AM

15 years ago

Gears 2 is more of the same, but i still love it. Saying its more of the same isn't a bash of any type to it. Multiplayer is a lot better this time around though.

R2 and Gears 2 do what they do extremely well and really shouldn't be compared.

My friend got into that killzone 2 beta…… that game is one of the best looking console games i have seen, first person shooter wise and maybe then some. Really impressive and for those who arent used to its control scheme, i believe you can change it to something similar to other popular FPS games, like CoD4, something i might do next time i get a chance to try it out

Last edited by aaronisbla on 11/9/2008 12:15:32 AM

15 years ago

man if someone could just read my post …

I got R2, Valkyria Chronicles, MotorStorm, LBP, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm … and then I get Killzone 2 BETA. I have been spending hours and hours in K2 BETA. That game is so realistic and its so fun. I'm just in love with it.

15 years ago

give me hot girls anywhere. i know they're using me to buy a game. that's ok. I'm using them in the bathroom later…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Man, aren't you married? LOL

15 years ago

yeah, but there's a simple rule: look but don't touch. What I do in the privacy of a bathroom stall during E3 is none of her business…or yours.

15 years ago

Hmm…don't know about anyone else here, but that sounded to me like a magazine was involved somewhere, LOL.

I think you were meant to say "What I wish I did in the privacy of a bathroom stall is none of her business…or yours."


15 years ago

@ Joe
Hilarious. Everyone is guilty! : ) My wife seconds the "Look…but don't touch" rule so…its all good. The wife is Prego so ya can't blame me for my Sex Camel burden.

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 11/9/2008 6:39:49 AM

15 years ago

I say the more girls the better!
they…enlighten my gaming experience lol.
as for GT5, I WANT IT NOW! but i suppose that the longer it takes the better, in terms of development that is.

15 years ago

i'm totally with Luan on all of this.

15 years ago

My wife is a gamer she loves the R & C serious, Kingdome Hearts and Hot Shots Golf and her PSP. This is fine, she is playing her PSP and I'm on the PS3 with R2 (just need to try it online. Like Ben said GT is the only driving game, tried Forza and I hated it and I do not care for arcade racers, but Burnout Paradise is a good game.

15 years ago

Ben, I would love to know what you think of Dead Space when you get around to finally playing it. The 3 games you mentioned, (Dead Space, Little Big Planet and Gears Of War 2) I have them all but seeing how R2 is not out here till 28th Nov, that is giving me more time with Gears 2 Dead space and LBP.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I can't wait to try Dead Space, certainly. And when I do, I'll put it in one of my updates. 🙂

15 years ago

Resistance 2 looks like gud fun but to be honest, i wasn't really fond of the first one

ps. been refferiing to this website for the past 2-3 years an now i finally joined 😀

15 years ago

Love Resistance2 to death!
No review will take away from me the fun I'm having blowing up ALL KINDS of Chimeras!

The story is overwhelming!

It really is a beautiful game.

And I respect PSXE, their reviews are true to the bone. No propaganda sh*t, they tell it like it is.

15 years ago

I don't care if 'hot girls' promote games. I just think guitar hero wt is not as good as rock band so activision are trying to sell their game by getting models to promote the game (which everyone would like).

Ben are you one of those nerdy gamers that got beat up by jocks because it reads like you've exprienced it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

No, I thought I made it clear that I wasn't much more than a normal kid.

…and if anyone wants to try to beat me up now, they're MORE than welcome to try.

15 years ago

Meh it's all good, but sometimes I do wonder if the hotties on G4 actually have the slightest idea what they are reading on their teleprompters.

15 years ago

Bring on the girls, I loved that ad. I'm still freaking out over resistance 2, and I just got gears 2, they are both amazing.

Dont listen to James, dead space is just great.

@ Pushman- What the fu** is your problem?

15 years ago

whoops, sorry

15 years ago

@ worldends

of course they don't.
It's like this:
There's a scale of 1-10 for both beauty and intelligence.

However, the total of any one person's beauty and intelligence can only equal 10…maybe 11 tops.

the perfect ratio is about 7/3 b/i. more b and it's not going to work out because she's too cute for you. less that 6 b, it's not going to work out because it's she's too smart for you.

You, being everyone who plays real vgs more than 3 hours a week.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Joe, beauty and intellegence are not mutually exclusive (but what is antagonistic to intellegence is vanity). I've met girls who are 9/9's. I admit, when you meet them, you're like, "damn, she's to be good to be true!", or like, "damn, did I die and go to Heaven?" I also have met ones who unfortunately happen to be 3/3's. Out of pity, you wanna tell yourself, "Aw, maybe she's got something else going for her." But in some cases, that doesn't happen to be the case. Regarding your comment about those who play more than 3 hours a week, I have to agree with Bugz on this: that was uncalled for. I think it is a bit presumptious to evaluate a person's intellegence based on their hobby.

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

I may not be the best looking man but I turned down invitations to go to both Harvard and Yale due to my pre-undergraduate work in science research and my SAT scores.

15 years ago

The science research didn't happen to involve investigating mysterious activity and missing personel aboard the space-mining facility, Ishimura?

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

HAHA!!! It did not, but it did involve local ecology in the Estuary in my area.

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