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Ben’s Week In Review: October 11

Okay, so we didn't get much from the Tokyo Game Show, but that's okay. There's always plenty to talk about. 🙂

Only one concern about White Knight Chronicles…

So who loved all the new WKC details that popped up in the past week? I was most psyched for the first bit – even though I know I won't have the time to fully indulge – that said the story campaign in the game could take as long as 100 hours , which just seems nigh-on impossible. I have yet to play a RPG that took 100 hours to complete, and of course, I'm not counting side-quests or extra missions or anything. I spent about 100 hours on Dragon Quest VIII , but about 30-40 of those hours were spent doing all the optional stuff. I think the only game that took over 100 hours to legitimately complete was the original Saga Frontier ; if you went through and beat the game with each of the seven characters, it would take that long. It took me about 120 hours, and for the record, I have yet to meet anyone else who has done this… Anybody out there who can attest to this feat? I bet not! 🙂

Anyway, I liked that, but then about all this PSN co-op business and 16-player lobbies with 4-player online quests is kind of rubbing me the wrong way. Sure, you can do the whole Create-a-Combo thing – which does sound unassailably cool – but I really hope Level 5 isn't putting too much of an emphasis on the online or multiplayer aspects. I don't mind them, certainly, but I've seen far too many instances this generation where developers tend to sacrifice a bit in the way of single-player, just to cater to the multiplayer aficionados. Look, a role-playing game is a single-player, solitary experience. I can't see it any other way. I have no problem with online or multiplayer, mind you, but when it comes to something like White Knight Chronicles , I will NOT be playing that with others. I just hope Level 5 doesn't go too heavy on the multi stuff, although I probably shouldn't be worried if that 100-hour story claim is even close to true…

Dead Space suddenly hit #1 on my October priority list

Arnold will be handling the review and I have a bunch on my plate as well, which means I probably won't get a chance to play this one immediately. Even so, it's now my most anticipated game of the month, even though I would like to add that I have been touting this game's potential for months. Yeah, that's right. The initial feedback is amazing, and when I hear quotes like "world's scariest game" , I get even more psyched. I just got finished reviewing Silent Hill: Homecoming , and while fittingly frightening, it suffered a bit in the gameplay category. This doesn't seem to be the case in Dead Space , and I just can't wait to play it. Perhaps if it turns out as amazing as people say, more gamers will start to cut EA some slack. I certainly agree that PS3 owners have every right to be pissed, but as I said before, it seems the publisher is indeed working to reclaim lost trust . Look, if they're capable of delivering something great, I can forgive and forget…provided they keep it up.

And I don't intend to step on the toes of any LittleBigPlanet fans – Arnold tells me he loves the game, too – and I will try it. It's just something like Dead Space suits my palette just a bit better. That's all.

Personal gaming update

So I'd like to finish Silent Hill: Homecoming , Yakuza 2 , and Wipeout HD , but that's all on hold until I get a better handle on the reviews. There are 40+ PS3 games coming out in October alone, and we've got to scramble fast to keep up. I still have to find a way to get Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway and Fracture done, and I've also got NBA 2K9 , NBA Live 09 , Golden Axe: Beast Rider , Saints Row 2 , Far Cry 2 , and more to handle. Bear with me 'cuz it's going to take a little while, but I'll get them complete as soon as I possibly can. There's also the question of the Resistance 2 beta, which is rumored to start on October 17, and I have to be ready for that, too. 'whew' Most times, when I say there are "too many games," I'm usually bragging, but in this case, it's just frustrating. LOL

By the way, the reason you're seeing my Week in Review now is because I'm taking off for a few days this holiday weekend. I leave this afternoon and I'll be back Tuesday night, but I figured I should tell everyone. The last time I left without saying anything, some of you guys just about had a hernia and I realized it probably wasn't fair of me to just leave unannounced. So in order to avoid that, I'm telling you now; I'll be back, of course, and the many, frequent updates will continue. 🙂

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15 years ago

@Ben – So Arnold is taking care of the LBP review? I think he should 🙂

15 years ago

Thanks for the warning Ben 😛 But I disagree with you, I think the multiplayer on WKC is a decent idea, and I know you won't get to this until tuesday, so other people can converse with me about this 😀

15 years ago

Hey Ben, you should trying playing Persona 3 FES. You will not be able to beat that game in under 50 hours, you will reach about near 100 hours before you are. Care to take the challenge?

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

I have never even heard of saga frontier?

Also on a different note I agree with you on LittleBigPlanet. I have been playing the Beta, and while it is entertaining I can also say I have more fun with other games. It doesn't really stand out that much to me.

Fracture I just got in the mail. It was entertaining but also kinda jarring and I beat it in one sitting. I mean it was only 5-6 hours long. I remember them touting that they were going for an amazing storytelling in a video game. It just wasn't there as much as I had hoped.

And by they way if you get this. Have fun.

Last edited by Advent Child on 10/11/2008 3:34:26 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

@Fabi: Yeah, Arnold's doing LBP.

DIsmael85: I didn't play that one, but I believe I reviewed the one that came before it… Great game, just not my favorite thing. I'll take your word for it if FES is 100 hours. 🙂

I leave this afternoon guys. Arnold should have some stuff to put up while I'm gone, too, so no worries. 🙂

15 years ago

why havent you reported Tekken 6 going to the 360?

It was announced at TGS!

15 years ago

Because the only point of that would be to cause a massive amount of "f*** Tekken" and "f*** microsoft" comments. The news has NO baring on the PS3 release and no other real details were announced (besides the name change). If they were to release a news story about that the only thing they would accomplish would be baiting the fanboys, that's completely unnecessary.

15 years ago

Dead Space didn't stand out to me before I read some of the impressions on this site, but it's something I'm also looking out for this month now.

15 years ago

Dead Space don't look good to me after watchin some videos.It's like a resistance/gears wanna-be.Wat totally puts me off is the player's costume,if there is any other costume i should hate more than Halo costumes is this one's.Costumes dat don't even show ur character's head,MGSIV's octocamo was sophisticated but at least we could see Snake's head.

Splattering of nasty aliens has been done already by gears/resistance,we don't want more.Dead Space is a no-buy for me.

15 years ago

I doubt very much that it will be a rip-off of Resistance or Gears of War. It seems to be described in the vein of an Alien Trilogy type game – more suspense and tension than bullets and explosions but a healthy enough mix, which I think I'd enjoy a lot and which isn't really like a bog-standard FPS.

15 years ago

Yeah, he looks like a love child between R2D2, and C3P0. Not like a hero, but like a level-one baddie you could dispatch with a hit or two.

15 years ago

Damn, I know what you mean ben. I will be so strapped for cash the next two months with all these games coming out, then I have to find time to play them.

Last edited by Jed on 10/11/2008 11:55:39 AM

15 years ago

good read ben. and thanks for telling us your not here i remember last time.
I have to admit Ben i'm a little jealous that you "have" to play these amazing games and therefore can't console with you but then again that's a lot of work. Anyways jealousy aside good luck with the reviews and have a good break.

Last edited by The_Chimeran on 10/11/2008 1:16:01 PM

15 years ago

And so he was gone… LOL, j/k The Benster takes good care of us and that man needs a break. I don't plan on doing WKC multiplayer either, not least because I'm the only RPG lover I know, but it doesn't appeal to my sensibilities. I WILL buy it straight away though when its announced for NA. Dead space is a lock for me too, @Ghana: I don't think its an alien-busting game, closer to something like we saw in the movie Event Horizon. Have a good rest Ben, there is much yet to be done on your return.

15 years ago

"Where we are going, you won't need eyes…"

15 years ago

I wonder if what they're doing is having just the sidequests be multiplayer…

Like you've leveled up your mans, you've done plenty in the storyline, but you wanna take a breather (so to speak) and do a sidequest. You pick one, and get the option of going multiplayer on it, and if you want just friends or choose globally the 3 other people who want to do that quest that are closest in skill level. you play it, get some cool equipment, some EXP, and some cold, hard cash.

now i would be psyched for that, if the multiplayer was isolated intentionally to sidequests, and it was optional even then.

15 years ago

Ben, Lol, "hernia"! Sh1 'ing bricks! Thanks for the kind consideration! But seriously, enjoy the vacation.

15 years ago

@ shadow.


Due to the 360 version of Tekken 6, it has been delayed to FALL 2009!

how does that NOT effect the ps3 release?

15 years ago

TEKKEN NEVER HAD A DEFINITE RELEASE DATE! People were actually wondering whether or not this game was still in production because it had disappeared off the face of the planet. You have no idea whether or not this game has been delayed because of the 360 (and if you do provide a link). This game was originally supposed to release A YEAR AGO. Did the 360 version delay then too?

On a semi related topic… Please thread your comments correctly. If you had hit the reply button to Ben's original post it would have coveniently placed you comment below mine so I wouldn't have to look for it. It drives me crazy when people don't use the very simple nesting tools provided by the site.

15 years ago

I though White Knight Chronicles looked quite rubbish, the combat is very slow

15 years ago

I'll be interested to see if Golden Axe can make such a giant leap over the generations it missed. I useda love that game.

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