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Ben’s Week In Review: August 31

No intro. 🙂

PS3 owners can't pass on Bioshock

If you don't like Microsoft or the Xbox 360, fine. If you prefer the PlayStation 3, fine. But whatever you do, don't let those viewpoints get in the way of playing a truly fantastic game. It was quite possibly my favorite game of 2007, and I'll probably trade in my 360 version to buy the PS3 version…just so I have an excuse to play through the game again. 🙂 Plus, there's even more incentive with all the downloadable content I never got, plus the exclusive extras coming only a few days later. October 21 is the release date, and I strongly suggest you don't wait until Christmas to give 2K's amazing shooter a try. I've seen too many comments from people who say they "don't want to play a one-year-old game" or something to that effect, and that's a counterproductive train of thought. That insinuates the game has been outclassed by other titles in 2008, and therefore, you've generated a reason to miss out on an instant classic.

Well, it may be true that GTAIV and MGS4 have indeed eclipsed Bioshock – and I believe they did – but that doesn't change the fact that 2K's product is still a must-play. It should definitely be on your list if you're a PS3 owner, and I seriously doubt anyone will be disappointed.

A PS3 RPG? Wow, it's going to exist?

Considering the extreme lack of RPGs on the PS3 so far this generation, I can't help but be thoroughly psyched for White Knight Chronicles . The latest rumor says we might see Level 5's great-looking RPG at this year's Tokyo Game Show , which means perhaps it's closer to release than we expected…? I don't know, but I can hope. I still remember seeing the first gameplay video for the game at last year's TGS, and I instantly wanted it. The combat system does seem intriguing, and I really liked the transition between battle and exploring with your party members. Besides, Dragon Quest VIII was one of my favorite RPGs on the PS2, and while I know WKC won't be anything like DQVIII, it's still the same developer. Hence, I expect nothing but top-notch quality and a long and involving experience, so don't let me down, guys! The only thing I'm worried about at this point is that with all this waiting, the anticipation level is growing with every passing day. If they don't deliver…the repercussions will be bad .

If you're an RPG fan and you don't have your eyes and ears open, waiting for the next White Knight Chronicles update, than there's something wrong with you. Everyone keeps talking about FF, but nobody should overlook this one, regardless of how far off it may be.

Personal gaming update

Well, I just started Act 4 in MGS4, and Arnold tells me it's the best of the game. That's pretty impressive, considering how kick-ass the experience has been so far, but I probably shouldn't be surprised. Konami smacked this one out of the park; there's no doubt about it. However, I'm very disappointed in that when I'm done…I won't have any new games to play. I had planned to get Infinite Undiscovery even despite the average review scores, but that's only because I thought it would be a traditional turn-based RPG. I know I'll love WKC and the FFs, which won't be turn-based, but those games will also be vastly superior to titles like Infinite Undiscovery , Eternal Sonata , and Tales of Vesperia . And every once in a while, I want my turn-based fix. Sadly, I think those days are over because it seems we'll never see that gameplay mechanic again.

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15 years ago

"So I've decided to try and find a copy of Xenosaga because I never played it and I've always regretted it. "

Oooooo. Good taste.

The first one has the best music, the second one isn't all that great(the weakest by far). The third one has the best graphics, gameplay, and story.

I played the games the regular way the first time around, then with a gameshark on the many different replays I've had with them. Though it is completely understandable if you wish to use a gameshark with the second game(pesky game mechanics).

Last edited by ActionJackson on 8/30/2008 10:50:26 PM

15 years ago

LoL.. i wanted to take my time playing mgs4 too. but i just couldnt resist not playing it cause i was so hooked up to the story. so i ended up finishing it around a week

15 years ago

yeah mgs4 was awesome, i rented it at around 7 on a tuesday night, played for 13 and a half hours straight up to 8:30 the next morning with no breaks, too a 2 hour nap at 8:30 then woke up to go to the bathroom and ended up finishing the game….thats how hooked i was i am like that with every good game i get 😛 gta IV, god of war 2, assassins creed etc u get the picture 😀

15 years ago

Gotta have bioshock. I wonder if there going to give it a 10 out of 10 again even though it is a 1 year old game.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I wouldn't give the 360 version a 10, and even if the PS3 version is better (which it should be), I probably still won't give it a 10. While the story is great, I do have a few problems with it, and unless something has changed, too many of the upgrades prove to be kinda useless.

But it'll certainly get over a 9; I can almost guarantee that. 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

CRAP, major typo: I meant to type "Xenogears" not Xenosaga. I've played the latter and very much enjoyed it. But the one RPG I missed and SHOULDN'T have missed in the PS1 generation is Xenogears and it has always bugged me.

15 years ago

Yeah I was wondering about that. Xenogears was so awesome. Sprites on 3-D backgrounds! Can't beat that.

Hand-to-hand combat and Mech combat was cool.

15 years ago

i was about to say finding a copy of xenosaga wont be all that hard. Xenogears….. RUCKING FOCKS.

It does start out SLOW but more than makes up for it, trust me

Last edited by aaronisbla on 8/31/2008 12:27:34 AM

15 years ago

Kool take Ben: I was thinking of getting bioshock used for 360, or waiting for the ps3 version. Can't decide.
I finally got around to playing Gears. And although I didn't play mp, I didn't enjoy the single player campaign as much as in Uncharted, but it still rocked, and I'm eager to play the sequel. Speaking of sequels, I wonder if Uncharted 2 is on the radar. I still have to finish gta4 (great game), and have yet to play through the metal gears. Ninja Gaiden 2 is 2 much of a distraction, but I definitely regard it as underrated, and prefer it to dmc4 (and this coming from a dmc fan). But after all is said and done, I can already say I have had more fun gaming this generation than any before (partly because this one introduced me to online play).

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I would've played Ninja Gaiden II if the original didn't feel like such a chore to me. Don't get me wrong; it was a fantastic game (I think I gave it like a 9.3 way back when), but as I'm not the greatest at such things, it was really hard for me.

I'm proud to say I beat it on Normal, though. 🙂

15 years ago

Don't like the setting in the game. 1959? Awful year, hate it Anything from 1940's (late) and just about 1980's I hate and this game was based on that. Played it on PC, not worth the buck.

15 years ago

I agree, Bioshock is going to be one helluva game.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

BioShock is not for me. I just don't like the setting and visual style of the game. It's like Tim Burton meets Pee-Wee Herman or something.

Give me Far Cry 2, Killzone 2, and Fallout 3……that's a far better looking style.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Well, I like a unique setting. Nothing unique about the games you mention there (as great as they're going to be).

15 years ago

Xenogears is a good choice of a classic RPG. What would be great is if, square managed to release these RPG classics on NA and Euro PSN stores and not only the Japanese store.

We like classic JRPG over here too you know.

15 years ago

Alundra is an amazing game. Funnily enough, I am also playing it, for lack of decent RPGs on PS3. Still have Disgaea 2 to play though.

15 years ago

I was thinking about firing up Xenogears again, but now that you mentioned Alundra…. I actually own a copy and never played it and like you with Xenogears, always regretted it. Enjoy Xenogears, it is a masterpiece.

15 years ago

I truly have no clue of the xeno-games or watever ur guys r chatting about…

Ben if i was you i would wait like a month before beating mgs4- i beat it yesterday and no way i am playing through it again(not anytime soon). gameplay is good but 2nd playthrough becomes annoying so take your time.

Bioshock sucked and we all knew it. The graphics are a 10. storyline is a 8. But gameplay didnt feel thats like a 5

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

No, Bioshock didn't suck. Please don't say that around people who really know a good deal about games.

15 years ago

I had Metal Gear Solid 4 completed within 4 and a half days Ben and I regret doing so now but the story just got me so hooked I wanted to know what happened. Each go was just one more go, just one more go and before I knew what happened it was completed. Playing online is fun but not as good as the actual single player game itself. Enjoy it while you can. Will go back to it soon and take my time doing everything on it this time round.:)

15 years ago

Ben you're right this time of the year is pretty dull,there are'nt no good games to buy,i guess the party is gonna start from october when fifa 09,lbp,pacific rift n all'em come out.
Am even lookin to get a game for my 360 since i have more games on ps3,could anyone help?Apart from gears 1,halo 3,bioshock(will buy it 4 ps3),r there any action-adven games i could buy?

15 years ago

Ghana, you could try Condemned 2, Battlefield: Bad Company, or even Mass Effect to name a few I enjoyed.

15 years ago

Okay so I have a Xbox 360 should I get bioshock or wait for the PS3 port

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

If you haven't played it yet, just wait for the PS3 version. It's by far the most fully fleshed-out version.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Unique doesn't always equal better. I have heard from more than one person that BioShock was not "all that".

This seems to be one of those games that falls under either you love it or hate it category.

15 years ago

i have also heard from various sources that say FF7 "ain't all that" Same goes for MGS4

C wat i did thar?

Point is, its always a few that wont like a popular game, be it fanboyism, trying to fit in to some elite status of being different, or an actual dislike for the game.

Hearing it from more than one person doesn't make it fact, as only your opinion matters to you. Now if you played it for awhile and came to your conclusion, then so be it. But if you came to that opinion from screen shots and actually haven't played it yourself, you are doing yourself a big disservice

As much a lot of us loved MGS series, THATS the definition of a game that you either love or hate

Last edited by aaronisbla on 8/31/2008 7:49:53 PM

15 years ago

@ben for u bro.
i just registered to this awesome site to tell that if ur missing the old fashioned Jrpgs,u should try Lost Odyssey on he 360,i dunno y but it reminds me a lot of my fav JRPG thats final fantasy viii,not 7, no one saw that one coming right???.lol

Last edited by TEG3SH on 8/31/2008 5:54:03 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

If you honestly think I haven't already played and enjoyed Lost Odyssey, you're nuts. 😉

15 years ago

ah,ok thats a

15 years ago

the shadow hearts games on the ps2 were fantastic turn based rpgs. i aint got the third one yet 🙁 what was i thinking when i passed it up??

15 years ago

third one wasnt as good imo, but you should still play it for yourself. 2 was tops

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, Covenant was one of the best RPGs of the generation, IMO. From the New World was great, too, although not quite as good. I will also say the Judgment Ring is one of the best combat systems in RPG history. 🙂

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 8/31/2008 9:07:29 PM

15 years ago

grandia 2's battle system was my favourite n i love the music when the fight starts, never played the third one though cant find it in ireland 🙁

15 years ago

Bioshock just wasn't really my thing. I find it hard to get into any FPS (save Battlefield), and the whole motif of the game was a little, eh, not my thing.

Not to insult, of course. If you love it than more power to you. I'll just sit here and kick ass in Mercs 2 until Force Unleashed comes out.

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