It's an ongoing topic of conversation amongst all avid gamers, and of course, the ebb and flow of the retail tides tends to dictate which console has the lead. But that's hardly what everyone argues about – how does one argue over cold, hard sales stats? – so let's examine where the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii stand at this point in time.
The disclaimer we always add to our editorials shouldn't be required by now, but I'll drop it in anyway- just because we focus on the PlayStation brand at this site does not mean we're a "fansite;" we're a legitimate site and always will be. Therefore, when I tell you the PS3 appears to be in the best current position, it has nothing whatsoever to do with bias. I was one of the few who said the Intellivision was better than the Atari 2600, but in the end, everyone remembers Atari for blazing the trail (and they did, of course). And when someone started trying to compare the SNES and Genesis, I always remember walking away…they were both so great; both had so many great games, so why even bother to argue about it? But these days, with online, many more genres of games, high-definition, all sorts of extra media content, and all that, there's a lot more to consider.
And about a year and a half ago, nobody in their right mind would say the PS3 was in the best position. The Xbox 360 had already been available for over a year, and had already provided us with some fantastic software (despite the miserable reliability that still continues today), and the Wii had sprinted out to a huge lead. But man, how times have changed. Let's hit the highlights to make it easier for the reader:
First and foremost, the games: Everyone freaked out when Sony lost exclusive rights to Final Fantasy XIII , but in my view, the PS3 still has by far the most impressive list of exclusives. Regardless of what the 360 and Wii may boast – and there are several big ones – neither can compare to the likes of Gran Turismo , Resistance , LittleBigPlanet , Ratchet and Clank , God of War , SOCOM , and perhaps whatever Team ICO has prepared for us. Yes, I realize the latter is just a guess, but I'm sure you get my point. On top of which, I do believe the PS3 versions of multiplatform titles will start getting an edge on 360 games, what with so many developers beginning to use the PS3 as the lead platform.
Blu-Ray: As much as Microsoft wants to discount this as a big deal, it does indeed remain a big deal for consumers. The fact that the PS3 is the only video game console that can also be a high-definition movie player is significant, and will become more significant as Blu-Ray begins its admittedly slow overtaking of DVD. In 2007, over 80% of all TVs purchased during the holiday season where HD-capable, and most analysts believe it'll be around 90% this year. Furthermore, Sony's machine remains by far the cheapest option that will allow consumers to play both Blu-Ray and DVD. This is huge, considering the giant DVD libraries many people have, and their adverse reaction to having two separate movie players hooked up. Do they even have another player that can play both Blu-Ray and DVD yet?
The rise of the PlayStation Network: While it remains true that Xbox Live still has more bells and whistles, the Network and Store are much better than they used to be. The newly revamped Store is excellent, the reliability of most Sony servers is excellent, and it seems that with every new firmware update, more is added. It remains free while Live is not, and with the coming of PlayStation Home (which, by all rights, could have it's own bullet, here), this means the Network should be more and more competitive with Live. In fact, for many casual gamers, it's simply a better option right now.
Where did the Wii games go? I applauded Nintendo for coming out strong with an innovative machine that cast such a huge net over all consumer demographics. It really was an excellent move. But now, all I see is another GameCube…where are the games ? What happened? Think of all the big-name games over the past year, and for the next few months. Name as many as you can…go ahead, take your time. How many are on the Wii, and how many are on the PS3 and Xbox 360? The discrepancy is pretty gigantic, isn't it? MGS4, DMC4, GTAIV, GT5: Prologue, Resistance 2, LittleBigPlanet, Gears of War 2, Killzone 2, Too Human, etc, etc, etc. The biggest of the big, and ain't none on the Wii. I'm sorry, but I don't care how innovative your interaction gimmick is; without the software, no video game system on earth can win a console war.
Surprising PS3 reliability: I say "surprising" because I honestly didn't believe this system would be as unbelievably solid as it is. Most all retailers continually report a less than 1% defective:sold ratio, and while this doesn't necessarily separate it from the Wii (another remarkably reliable machine, but that's typical from Nintendo), it certainly separates it from the Xbox 360. That thing is a disaster, plain and simple, and there's no amount of PR twisting-of-words that can change that fact. Plus, with the prices of the consoles being the same and the games all over the place, what's really stopping someone from getting a PS3 over the 360 right now?
I'm not making any long-term predictions; this is only a look at the current state of the console war. Currently, no matter which way I turn or which angle I examine this from, I always end up putting the PS3 on top. Early in 2007, I would never have imagined such a massive turnaround, and I certainly wouldn't have expected it to happen so quickly. If this momentum continues, and unless I see something that spurs either the 360 or the Wii forward in my mind, I will continue to believe the PS3 has the current edge. Of course, I do have both the PS3 and 360, just 'cuz I really like those RPGs like Lost Odyssey and the upcoming Infinite Undiscovery , and of course, I need some way to play Gears of War 2 . The Wii? …I don't think so. Anywho, that's the way I see it; take it or leave it. 🙂
Ben you're the best. Seriously you have valid points and no need to defend any of what you say cuz out of all the systems…the PS3 is the only one that can improve over the years. I don't see the 360 being able to keep up and the Wii…well, its nice for the kids XD
Games, hell yeah PS3 has the greatest lineup! Even for just PSN games they are better than alot of the 360 exclusives. They don't have Pixeljunk Eden/Monster! That company is awesome!
Blu-ray, lol M$ had nothing better to defend themselves with than the whole downloading is the future so they're not worried about bluray…stupid!
PSN, yeah I still agree that the XBL has a better layout and its I guess quicker/smoother. But compared to how the PSN was the first year…its improved! Whats going to happen in another year or 2? HOME! The little 360 avatars are just pathetic and a ripoff of Mii's
Wii games, besides for trying to keep their consoles alive by bringing back the similar faces time and time again…they got NOTHING!
Reliability, lol despite what people say…that RRoD thing the 360 has had for oh what is it now? 2-4years?…just horrible. They should have fixed it by now! Come on!
Thats my 2 cents, as always guys. KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK W/ YOUR SITE!
Fable II Microsoft Games Studios 21-Oct-08
Gears of War 2 Microsoft Games Studios 7-Nov-08
Tales of Vesperia Namco Bandai 26-Aug-08
Infinite Undiscovery Square Enix 1-Sep-08
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise Microsoft Games Studios 2-Sep-08
Too Human Microsoft Games Studios 19-Jul-08
That is what I expected you to come up with.Above I have pasted from the link games that will truly make a good profit. If your a good gamer you would have to admit many of those games on that list wont fare to well because all hype is going twoard these games above.
You're in the Movies Codemasters TBA 2008
RACE Pro Atari TBA 2008
Youâre in the Movies Codemasters TBA 2008
Onechanbara: vorteX D3 Publisher TBA 2008
Spectrial Diario Idea Factory TBA 2008
Dance Dance Revolution Universe 3 Konami TBA 2008
Lips Microsoft Games Studios TBA 2008
Scene it? Box Office Smash Microsoft Games Studios TBA 2008
Naruto: The Broken Bond Ubisoft TBA 2008
As for these games here they have also no Definative date so they are subject to delays.But really do you think these games will boom as being Exclusives?Naruto is on everyones platform so really dosnt count.Im sorry to say but Lips is a rip off of Sing Star and Scene it is basically a Buzz! Quiz with better known lable. Fable, Gears,and Too Human are what Microsoft is really banking on this year cause if any one of those three tank it will be a massive loss.As for your PS3 list there was many more you could off added just as you did your 360 which I know you had to search for a good minute to find a site that had those "No Name" games.Games such as NBA 09 The Insider and others "Many others that are also japanese like you second post had" Could be pulled up and used as PS3 Exclusives but you didnt care to find the, Why is that? Why is it that you choose to put only the main titles that you know everyone has heard of and not inclued the many people havent for PS3 like you did for your 360 list?
Last edited by MirrorSoul on 8/18/2008 4:12:19 PM
P.S Banjo and Viva Pinata are basically Familly freindly oriented (I bought Viva 1 and It was a masterpiece of a game but didnt get much attention at all and didnt fare at all to well on the market)
Last edited by MirrorSoul on 8/18/2008 4:17:19 PM
Oooh don't forget about the network games coming out! Ratchet and Clank! That one looks awesome, despite the length but still an expansion to probably one of my favorite platformers. Apparently, Braid for XBLA is pretty awesome too. Pixeljunk Eden was awesome as well. Don't count out network games… especially with the new ideas that people are coming up with.
Um Ben he told me to list the games that are coming out this year to see who had an edge, that's why I didn't include 2009 because this year is 2008!
And I didn't discard or throw away any games nor did I search very long. I just copied the exclusive games from that first link I posted that hadn't already came out yet (no point including the first half of this year) and that's all I did.
Fable 2, Too Human, Gears Of War 2 and Banjo and Kazooie are what really interest me in that list and say what you will about Banjo and Kazooie but I don't see it as any less of a mature title than LittleBigPlanet.
So Microsoft has 3-4 solid games in 2008, and PS3 has 3 titles I would say are gauaranteed to be solid. Resistance 2, Socom and LittleBigPlanet. So really I don't even see how Sony fairs better exclusively in any regard, if anything it's pretty damn close. Read the first link and look at the Wii games, even the Wii has decent exclusives, much improved from previous years.
People should really read the second link about fanboyism, it's not too bad right now. At least Mirrorsoul has started to have a decent discussion with me and has refrained from using insults. Others can't seem to do that but oh well.
Don't get me wrong the PS3 is a great system and I have every intention to buy one probably by the end of 2009 once more games that interest me are out and the variety is all there, but I'm also showing how the other consoles this generation are doing well and in my mind Sony has decisively won anything. People should read the first link I posted in the post with all the games I listed for the PS3/360, it's a good read as well as the second link.
Do you notice the difference in tone between your last post and your first…? Perhaps you should admit you came on too strong and didn't really refute points in the article, because that's really the only problem. If you had started with this last post, I'm willing to bet you wouldn't have had too many people getting upset.
True I have tired to have a decient disscusion with you but Ben is right, you came on way too strong on the first post and didnt elaborate on the problems you find in the Artical. BTW I have seen the first few review of Too Human and it isn't faring too well. It looks like it might not live up too its hype as many games do, I will rent it to see how it is. : )
neways, PS3 WILL ROCK YOUR PANTS GUYS! Disaega 3 coming very soon, less than a week! And … and, … LITTLE BIG PLANENLTKWEJLTKJL21K1J5LKJ%!
Actually Ben "The Cheat" was right most(if not all) blu-ray players have always played dvds also. just thought you should know. check amazon if you need further proof. Oh yeah even the pioneer ones. The BDA all agreed it should be a staple in blu-ray players and 90-95%(maybe 100) of them do play dvd's. it's ok to admit you're wrong sometimes man. But i guess first you have to realize that you are right?
Last edited by n/a on 8/19/2008 11:15:23 PM