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Ben’s Week In Review: July 27

For whatever reason, I can always find stuff to talk about at the end of every week. This either means I'm putting up a whole lot of content, or I just have a lot of opinions…or maybe it's both. Well, whatever. 🙂

Is one of the most depressing trends in video games reversing?

Could it be? I never thought I'd see the day when I had actual evidence that one of the worst trends in gaming might be coming around: the well known, well documented, and oft-despised fact that most every game based on a movie is either mediocre or downright awful. But in 2008 alone, we already have two examples of games that – while not stellar or instant classics – could still be classified as "good." One is Kung Fu Panda (sorry, the link is busted but we gave it a 8.1), and the other is The Bourne Conspiracy , and both served to brighten my spirits a bit. Now, there is no game for "The Dark Knight," but it seems one is most certainly on the way, as confirmed by Gary Oldman . We have almost no details on the game, but perhaps the developers (whoever they may be) are taking the extra time to produce a game worthy of such a great movie. Thing is, what annoyed us about bad games based on movies is that the movies in question normally weren't bad. You know?

I sent a quick e-mail to LuxoFlux regarding KFP, just thanking them for "kicking a stereotype in the ass." I received a very nice reply, saying they put a great deal of effort into the game, and it truly was a labor of love for them. Obviously, this is necessary for any good video game production, and I was just happy to see it happen for a game based on a movie. And while Conspiracy wasn't fantastic, it was still quite entertaining and far better than what we could've expected in the past. Furthermore, with what may be lengthy development time for The Dark Knight , we could have another "good" or even excellent title. So I ask: is this the start of a reversal? Oh, I hope so…

Can't wait for the Resistance 2 beta

I'm hardly the only one, but you have to remember, I can easily recall a time when I had no idea what a "beta" was. I knew them as Sony's failed video format (VHS killed it quick) way back when, but that was about it. In fact, I had never been involved in a beta test until last year with Warhawk , and I was a bit leery about the whole process. But I had a blast playing, and I can't imagine not having a similarly entertaining experience with the Resistance 2 beta . I suppose this is going to be another aspect of the new generation that will become more and more popular (and even anticipated); much like downloadable content. Of course, I am now well aware of the many PC betas they had available in past years – well before beta testing for console titles – but it almost seems as if every huge title may have a beta. It's a good idea, I think, and it's also a good idea to have a playable demo for the big-name games, too. Both of these are advancements in the game industry that I can really get behind, because both hold the long-term interests of the gamer at heart.

In the end, I don't really care about anything else: the developers and publishers are here to entertain us, yes? So it should, of course, be in our best interests to encourage more interaction between the guys who make 'em and the guys who play 'em. That just seems 100% logical to me.

Personal gaming update

Okay, before I take any more flak for "still" playing Top Spin 3 , let me just say right up front that I am now officially finished. I've beaten all the legends, achieved the Grand Slam, watched the credits roll, and now, my character is Retired. A friend of mine brought over Battlefield: Bad Company so I could watch a bit of it; it sure looks fun. I may still play it, but Soul Calibur IV will be in my hands in a few days time, so I'm passing temporarily. But I have succumbed to my ongoing weakness for my classic PS1 RPGs, but this time, instead of FFVII or FFT, I decided to go with Chrono Cross . It's one of the few top-notch RPGs I didn't play more than once, and I've always regretted it, so I started a new game. I had forgotten how good that game really was; it was so very ahead of its time, especially in terms of combat. We don't have that kind of depth in most RPGs even today, and even though it's a decade old, I still think it looks very pretty.

Don't worry, while I currently intend on finishing it, I'm sure the modern day will get in the way somehow. Besides, I've still got MGS4 to play, and that's a must. 🙂

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16 years ago

Omg Ben! Chrono Cross is amazing! I just started a new game with FF VII… to be honest this is only my second time going through this game… But Chrono Cross, good game.

16 years ago

All I want to say is make batman a free roaming game, sort of like Spiderman 2. Picture yourself drivin round Gotham in the batmobile or should I say the tumbler!

16 years ago

Crono cross is pretty awesome, but the soundtrack is what REALLY stands out. That composer is the same one that does the music for Xenogears ( another fantastic rpg with an equally nice soundtrack ) and the xenosaga games

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

I have the soundtrack. 🙂 I bought it right along with the game back on the day it came out; I got the strategy guide, too. I always went all out with my RPGs, so it was a given. I also have the Legend of Mana soundtrack.

But believe it or not, I DON'T own Xenogears, and it remains the only PS1 RPG I didn't play…and I regret it to this day. I think I'm just going to have to do it at some point. I'm sure I can find a copy.

15 years ago

If you find a copy, savor it. IMO, its a lot better than the xenosaga games, MUCH better

15 years ago

Crono cross is a good game, 2 bad i dont have it, but i stll play Vigilante 8 and its sequel. Get SCIV, I'm getting it cuz I'm a big Fan of Darth Vader and dark power. cant wait 4 the game!!

15 years ago

I think the reason for more open beta testing on consoles is the internet connectivity that is now a standard amongst the consoles. Without the internet connection, it makes it a chore for the companies to get the software to the testers or to gather information. Now, it's a snap.

15 years ago

i am still thinking, if i am gonna get resistance 2, its just too hard 4 me.

Ben, you still stuck on the still playing Top spin 3? lol u know i really didn't mean that when i said it, so dont worry M'Kay?

15 years ago

what was so hard about the first game?

15 years ago

aaronisbla- I wasn't able to pass the first level in the demo! So imagine me actually getting the game.

15 years ago

I never bought Chrono Cross but I did play the Chrono Trigger Snes ROM. Unfortuanlty i dl'd it in my young nieve days and never got round to completing it. I do emember though that for a game x amount of years old, it was pretty unbelieveable to have multiple paths such as the whole choosing whether to change Frog back or have Magus in your team…pure genius and if I ever wanted a game to have a sequal I'd want this one to more than FF VII (although i enjoy FF VII more 😀 )

15 years ago

Would there ever be a Final Fantasy MMO?


"aLL RoAdS LeAd ToO HoMe"

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