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Editorial: Adult Entertainment Will Invade Gaming

Here's the deal- pornography or adult entertainment (or whatever you wish to call it) remains mostly taboo in mainstream culture. But at the same time, one would have to be either blind or ignorantly dismissive if they didn't recognize the significant, yet very small, crossover attempts by certain popular pornstars. Now, considering that video games can officially be labeled as a "mainstream" form of entertainment, it's logical to assume that the aforementioned crossover will begin to rear its ugly head in the interactive entertainment world. Okay, perhaps "ugly head" is the wrong term to use in this particular scenario, but you get the gist.

But before I continue, I should probably clarify a little something. The sexual revolution began in the '60s, and there was a time in its infancy when pornography (tame compared to today, but still pornography) was considered very hip. Hollywood celebrities from the A-list were often seen attending some of the very first skin-flicks in existence, like "Deep Throat." It was part of a blossoming underground culture that America got behind and defended as a rights issue, and it made sense due to the time period. The country was breaking through the boundaries set by the so-called "stuffy" '50s generation, and "free love" was exactly the way it sounded. So it's not like adult entertainment has never been in the public eye before, but perhaps there's a small difference between then and now.

Then, it was a new form of expression designed to liberate repressed emotion and desires. Now, it's more of an excuse to be hedonistic, simply because we're about as loose as this country has ever been in regards to social morals. Hence, when Tera Patrick suddenly pops up as a "special producer" for Saints Row 2 , I'm not in the least bit surprised. Didn't I just see her on an episode of "I Love the '80s" on VH1? Yes, I think I did. Haven't they used pornstars in bit roles in big movies (just for the sake of a sex object who doesn't speak) in the recent past? Yep, I believe they did. Was a cartoon version of Jenna Jameson in a "Family Guy" episode? Yup, I'm sure she was. This is a crossover that would never have been tolerated 20 years ago, but now, it's basically inevitable. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how depraved you are), pornstars are becoming more accepted in the mainstream public light, and with this new liberal regime in place…it's only going to become more accepted with time.

I believe it's only a matter of months before a big-name pornstar has a cameo on a TV sitcom. I think we're just a tweak away from one of them putting out a solo music album. And yes, I don't think pornstars in video games is far behind, or actually, based on that news, maybe it's already here. Of course, the big question is, do consumers see this as a problem? I'm guessing that many don't, provided the products are still rated appropriately. But are we crossing an invisible line? Are there even any lines left to cross in this society? I dunno… I'd be a lying, elitist nimrod if I said I've never watched porn, and I'm in no position to lecture. But I'm not lecturing; I'm merely making a statement of fact, and then following it up with a question: adult entertainment will most certainly become a larger and larger part of the video game industry in the future, and is this a bad thing, regardless of ratings?

Maybe there are no answers. Maybe Tera Patrick is only the beginning, and well…so what? And bear in mind that as of now, pornography isn't exactly a part of gaming, but at this point, based on all other evidence, it most certainly will be . Sex sells, and everyone on earth who wants to sell something knows it. That's all I'll say on the matter.

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16 years ago

Okay then, I was a little confused by the title and the content, and I'm a little confused by what you are saying.

"Editorial: Adult Entertainment Will Invade Gaming"

By what you are saying, it seems like Adult stars are having cameos. Whatever. But what I also see is that they aren't doing their "pornstar things" in the press conferences. They are just selling how they look good. Companies have been doing this for ages. Albeit not with pornstars. I remember these two hot Japanese girls holding up a Toshiba HD-DVD player. If that is "adult entertainment invading video games" then I agree. Albeit that is still pretty tame, and not any sort of leap. They just found different hot Japanese Girls. Big deal.

if you mean, however, that actual games centered around porn will become video games, then that had already happened with Hentai Japanese video games and PC games. If you are saying that pornographic games will come to consoles, then you are seriously stupid. Pornographic games will NEVER come to a Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo game console(that's not to say that if another game console comes out by another company might allow it). Because each and every one of them completely disallow Adult Only rated games to come to their consoles. They want to sell their consoles as "family friendly", and porn games will cause controversy and they can kiss their consoles goodbye.

But if you are saying that games are sexualized, then…um…yeah. They are already. There are already sexualized video game characters. Lara Croft is being sold as a sex object. Rayne from BloodRayne was already in an issue of PlayBoy(or so I hear).

So you are either:
A) Telling us something that is already existant.
B) Telling something that will never happen.

You are going to have to be more clear.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

I was quite clear. I've noticed in recent posts of yours you're more interested in picking fights than making useful comments. Nothing of what you're saying is remotely relevant to what I wrote; you're adding random thoughts that aren't even implied. And for future reference, being purposely obtuse in a vain effort to make someone sound stupid is an adolescent and poorly constructed debate idea.

Now please step down off the pedestal and stop lecturing those that work so hard to keep this site informative and fun for the readers. You're not special, even though you seem to want people to THINK you are.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 7/25/2008 11:44:00 PM

16 years ago


16 years ago

Having people like tera patrick and jenna jameson isn't exactly a new thing. While we have not seen actual porn stars in mainstreem entertainment, we have had the next closest thing. For years we have had television shows with characters that were blatant sex symbols. Wether it was threes company or baywatch years later, these shows were popular among men who wouldn't quite cross that line into actual pornography.
The videogame industry is steadily becoming as big a part of our culture as movies and tv, and the age of the average gamer is rising. Using sexuality to appeal to consumers is in fact already existant in games. but I dont think we will never see the day when blatantly pornographic games will appear on videogame consoles, or in any other large distribution.

16 years ago

Sounds like Jackson has been missing out on "Action". You got his hopes up. Don't take offense, Ben. I think he was expecting a preview on "Wii Sex". I agree with your article. I don't think we could've imagined sex selling mainstream games like G-d of War, gtaiv, and sr2 in the wee days of Mario.

16 years ago

hey ben, ur site is awesome ive started checking in pretty much evryday, u always have the latest info and not much other sites provide that and thanks, by the way do you get paid to do this?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

It's not my site – give Val and Arnold credit! – but I do handle much of the content, and thanks for noticing. We may not be the biggest gaming site, but we take care of our readers better than anyone else!

And this is my job. If I didn't get paid…that'd be weird. 🙂

16 years ago

Word. I check this site all the time now. You guys always have the latest news and great commentary. we really appreciate it.

Lol, I said "Word"

16 years ago

@Ben: The clarity I was talking about was whether or not "The Porn Invasion of Video games" were related to actual porn video games, or just porn stars crossing over and promoting video games. To me this doesn't sound too much like an invasion. It's still pretty tame.

Selling sex is nothing new to the video game world. It's been going on for ages. I cited the Bloodrayne example from years ago. I was wondering if you thought it was just limited to pornstars coming over to promote video games. And this leaves me confused that you are calling it a "start" of an "Invasion".

Start? Isn't it already invaded by Sex? I don't see it going any farther than it already has. That's what I am saying. There is little room for the porn industry to maneuver, and I said that.

So what I was wondering if you were saying it was just porn actors or "porn" in general seeping into gaming through many ways, or just the one way that you described.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

You're splitting hairs and you know it. If you can't figure out the straightforward point that everyone else has easily grasped, it's your problem. I'm sorry.

16 years ago

Actually the "porn invasion" began a few years ago with GTA:Vice City. Jenna Jameson was one of the voice actors. I remember when she walked into the store in Scottsdale, AZ where I worked shortly after Vice City was released. She was sporting a very tight and tiny Vice City t-shirt. Wowza…

Anyway I keep the RSS feed on the site on my Firefox bookmark toolbar and it is the only other gaming news that is interesting other than the PS Blog. Keep up the great work!

16 years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if porn did somehow make its way to a console. The bigger question is which comapny will cross the threshold 1st? I wouldn't be shocked if sony added some adult movies within the video section. Maybe I'm being a lil yo liberal.

16 years ago

um, gta vice city anyone? brianna banks as candy suxxx? pretty sure she's a pornstar, and if you doubt, go google images.(you will be pleased.)

15 years ago

I'm sure you remember that "extra" little scene from san andreas.

16 years ago

I am sure cross-over will continue to deepen. Governments worth their salt though will try and protect the younger generations from exposure to undesirable material… even with controls things will still leak through though…


"aLL RoAdS LeAd ToO HoMe"

16 years ago

Cameos and music albums? Hasn't this already happened to some extent?
Ron Jeremy. The Hedgehog has been in mainstream movies, has a single in the charts, been in a music video with Kiss and even rapped on stage with Kid Rock.
Basically, anything you've heard or seen on the Howard Stern show is what will become mainstream in the not too distant future.
Although, i'm surprised the idea of porn in video games didn't come up in Penn

16 years ago

I for one appreciate the fact that new content is posted on the site day after day. Everyday can't have Significant like "FFVII Remake Confirmed" or "God Of War III approved." It's up to Editorials like these to keep me entertained until something els significant happens.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

Yeah, I know what some of you are saying about pornstars making some form of appearance in certain games, but that's just about obtaining a license to use their likeness or voice. The fact that Tera Patrick is a "special producer," and the increased leniency of all entertainment venues when it comes to adult entertainment, means a heavier role for pornstars in games will likely follow.

Ah well, such is. 🙂

16 years ago

I think it's funny how fast societies social norms can change between generations.

16 years ago

I remember two of my favorite video games back on the PSOne was Fear Effect and Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix. Both games had sexual content, but they were still great games. But let me make something clear. Because the main focus of the Fear Effect games were not of sexual nature, I could see past it. I played Fear Effect for the stealth/action/adventure just like how someone would play Gran Turismo and Tekken 5 for racing and fighting, respectively. And let me also make it clear that there is nothing wrong with sex because it's a wonderful thing and Biblical as well. I should know because I love my wife, and sex enhances our relationship as a married couple. And I do give credit where credit is due. Just because Miss. Tera Patrick is in the pornograpy business doesn't mean she cannot make a great game. If she can, more power to the gaming industry. But I would also like to make clear that I'm AGAINST censorship because I don't want someone's law telling me that I cannot read my Bible in a a public coffee shop. So I vote with my dollar which is both capitalist as well as Biblical. So if I have to choose between two games of similar quality and genre when sexual situations are also factor, I need to weight the pros and cons of that overall purchasing decision while also taking into consideration of my intent.

16 years ago

Jordahn: I'm not Christian. But I do know, that although marriage is a sacriment, "pornei", "zina", "hentai", "fornication", as it use to be called in other languages is very unbiblical, and moreover, referred to as a cardinal sin. Contemporary mainstream culture laughs at that assertion, and instead promotes it and promotes buisness with it. I'm not about pushing personal beliefs on others, or Censorship, but I wonder what would you think if you were reading your Bible in a coffee shop right next to an underage youth reading a "girlie mag".

Last edited by Aftab on 7/26/2008 12:21:59 PM

16 years ago

I need to be brief for two reasons: 1) this is going off topic while 2) your scenario to too vague that would warrant an essay because the reaction would be based on more specifics in the situation. Let me establish that "girlie mag" is too vague while I personally placed little emphasis on legal age. There are so many factors to consider: do I know the kid, what is this "girly mag" he or she has, do I know the parents, how well and in what way do I know he parents and the kid, am I in a hurry, etc. it's near endless. The reason why all these factors are so important to consider is because if I see something I disagree with (which doesn't mean I'm always right because I'm not) only true change can come from within the the heart. Usually a noble intention can go further than a good deed performed for selfish motives. I don't live my life according to what's printed in black in white. I do what I do because action speaks louder that words because I have Christ in my life not by my efforts but through HIS Grace alone. And part of those actions are developing relationships and shepherding, not speaking down to other as some would sadly do when given the general scenario of "an underage youth reading a 'girlie mag.'"

Last edited by Jordahn on 7/26/2008 1:16:54 PM

16 years ago

Don't worry, man, I'm not attacking your faith, and I'm not asking you to explain yourself. You said you don't believe in censorship, but I'm sure if the kid, happened to be your child, your view would be a bit different. Now it's true, that's a different scenario than some goverment agency, or industrial board deciding what you should or should not see. But as you said, not everything is in black and white.

16 years ago

Ben your editorials always spark something. You've developed quite a skill there but anyways regarding the article. Like everyone else has said there has been more and more sexual scenerios in video games even games like prince of persia (the princess needs to wear a bit more). And the pornography has already invaded japanese games so it's only a matter of time before there are games where sex is the main focus. Hell look at playboy mansion and leisure suit larry.
P.S. Who's Val?

Last edited by The_Chimeran on 7/26/2008 1:47:56 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

LOL Oh man…Val is the guy who founded the site (along with Arnold).

Anyway, thanks…the aim of every editorial is to "spark something;" just ask any writer. Sometimes it sparks good, sometimes bad, but it's the SPARK itself that matters. 😉

16 years ago

Does Val right articles or is he just like God and knows everything going on with this site, which would then make you guys the angels who help him out.
Yeah your right about how editorials spark something but looking back at your ff7 ones, the ps3 controller editorial, and now this one. You have a knack for rooting out the unwanteds on this site therefore making this site increasingly better than anyother ps3 news site. also did you guys get my news tip, i just always wondered what how that works, also instead of typing "GET EU9376DEBRIEF" type in "GET EU9377DEBRIEF" on the arg site.

16 years ago

yea, ben always starts something, lets kick him off the site!, lol just kidding

16 years ago

Aftab- hentai is not marriage in another language nor does it mean sex. It means "perverted." And so what if someone wants to read a bible in a coffee shop? I dont care. Isnt that why we created America to begin with? Because we wanted freedom? Well, technically speaking, Im German, and Im actually Agnostic, so I doubt I'd be reading the bible, but you have to realize that people believe different than you. I'd love it if everyone would stop the hating on someone because of a belief. Its almost sickening. And you also said something about marriage being unbiblical? How do you figure? Or did you mean sex? Cause thats just stupid. How else would we keep the population going?

Last edited by Reccaman18 on 7/26/2008 6:54:15 PM

16 years ago

You misunderstood. Ofcourse, hentai doesn't mean marriage. And I said marriage is very much biblical. And I wasn't attacking his beliefs. Please read carefully, before "hating".

16 years ago

My bad, I made a typo in the first comment: by "as it used to be called", I'm referring to "adult entertainment", not marriage.

Last edited by Aftab on 7/26/2008 9:49:52 PM

16 years ago

Didn't Mass Effect have some controversial sex scene?

and yes sexuality exist in games already, but pure pornographic games will come one day.
Or the christian army may stand in their way.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

Chimeran: Yeah, in that analogy, Val's kinda like God. 🙂

As for the news tip, I don't know if we got it. But I do read everything sent my way; I can tell you that much.

16 years ago

pornography is actually good in other cultures, including sex of course. Many ancient chineese belived that straight sex was when nature[hevean and earth] came together to unite as one. I was just putting that out there.

16 years ago

@ aftab I really don't want to get in you guys debate and I know this is completely off topic but your right. Having sex out of wedlock is a sin. I would also like to point out , me being a christian, we're not suppose to judge others. This would pretain to your point of how a christian would feel if they were reading a bible when someone sit nexts to them with a "girlie mag". If that were to happen, we as christians aren't suppose to worry bout that. That's between that person and God. I know it doesn't always happens that way.

Sex is almost everywhere, if not everywhere! Its simply just a matter of time b4 it makes its way to consoles. They already have interactive sex dvds, so please tell me why it wouldn't make its way to a xbox or ps3 eventually? Tera patrick has her own interactive dvd company called inTERActive. Those types of movies make a whole lot of money. So a porn star tryin to be revolutionary and a "pioneer", the next logical step would be to tap into the "untainted" so to speak consoles. Everyone knows of the hot coffee scenes, hidden scenes or whatever u wanna call it. U seen the buzz it created so y wouldn't u believe someone wasn't watching that success and wouldn't try to replicate in some way, shape or form? I'm not sayin there will be a simulated sex scene but Tera Patrick's name on video game will spark a buzz, draw publicity or lead people to believe there will be one.

15 years ago

I'm not saying that one should judge others (whoever "others" happens to be). But on the opposite extreme end is the unrealistic idea that all forms of judgement, such as censorship in all forms is wrong and unnecessary.

Last edited by Aftab on 7/27/2008 1:43:58 PM

15 years ago

Porno and adultery are two completely different things. These days adultery is just bad business ethics in the marriage game….

15 years ago

Haha, well that's secularist thought. Porno or "Porneia" first meant sexual immorality, or "fornication", in the same way zinah means in hebrew and arabic. Both Christ and Mohammed spoke against even "zinah" of the eyes. Adultery is only one form of "fornication". However, over time, in secular usage, these words have lost their original meaning, yet not totally forgotten as evident by the dichotomy of social norms/taboos, legality, and true morality.

15 years ago

@kj 313
the reason it wouldnt make it to the consoles is because none of the console makers would ever liscence a pornographic game. Sony wants to even keep porn off of blu ray. The question is about pornographic characters and themes being brought into mainstream games.

15 years ago

Keeping porn off Blu-Ray? That'd be a stupid move and bad for business. It's also been on Blu-Ray for while now. Porn sells, and if it weren't for the moral crusaders that would attack the companies with frivolous lawsuits, there would be porn on consoles too.

15 years ago

@jed Porn is on blu ray. Guess who has the 1st one? You guessed it the "special producer" of Saints Row 2. That's y I said what I said. She has her foot in the door, and soon many will follow. Not only that more will try to push the envelope further!

15 years ago

Wow, Ben, Congrats…your hopes for a spark led to a nice roaring fire of controvesy…good job.

As for porn stars being in video's nothing new, I remember one of the original Resident Evil's on PS1 having a porn star as a voice actor. Jenny or Jenna Valentine or something like that. I can even remember a few atari games that weren't too popular with parents because it looked like Naked people walking around…And if someone thinks that Sony won't allow a porno game? Come on! Porno and Video games are a couple of the largest entertainment industries in the world…you put the two together and people will buy it (Six-Axis Sex anyone?) The truth is that they've been dipping their feet into this for years to see when people would except it…Did anyone play the Playboy mansion game on the last system? Well me neither, but hey someone must have..Sure they might not have been x-rated..but they're getting there. The whole ad campaign for these game were based on selling sex. You might not see them on these consoles, but it is coming and it's going to come down to the consumer deciding what is a good game. My only worry is that when they do start coming (no pun intended), there will be a lot of games out there that are going to be a lot like a porno movie…lots of eye-candy…no plot…And if that's what you look for in a be it…but I like a little substance myself.

15 years ago

Ok…so is this a bad thing? I don't think it is. Since when was porn not legitimate entertainment? Oh that's right, ever since the USA became a theocracy, where, like all religious governments, gratuitous violence is far more acceptable than any sort of sexual content. What a twisted world we live in where the destruction of life is more acceptable than the creation of it.

15 years ago

sex does sells,LOL

15 years ago

We are sexual beings, to be honest, we need sex. And that's why sex sells well in all forms of entertainment, be it games, movies, or just a plain advertisement. So, while I cannot comment on whether pornstars appearing in video games will be a good thing or a bad thing, one thing is certain: we will see more and more pornstars becoming accepted into areas that we thought they would never be accepted, like video games genres that have nothing to do with pornography at all. They will mostly likely be making camouflaged appearances in the least expected genres of games, just to surprise and make people in awe. I do not mind really, as long as they don't overdo it and put obscene pictures of pornstars engaging in you-know-what. This is just how the world is going. In Japan, it is pretty loose as well. A lot of people lose their virginities in their late teens. I mean, who still keeps him or herself as a virgin until the wedding night? Not that many people.

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