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Ben’s Week In Review: July 13

Okay, I already did a whole editorial on the idea of a Final Fantasy VII remake, so I'm tackling a couple other subjects this week…

Let's not tip our hand, shall we?

A few days ago, we learned that Ubisoft may be primed to unveil a brand new next-gen title at E3, entitled I Am Alive . As you may notice in that article, we don't have any screenshots of the game (mostly 'cuz we don't even know if it's real), but we did provide one of Jade Raymond, the Ubisoft producer who is supposed to be part of the I Am Alive team. …now, I think we all know that while there are pretty girls who like games, it's not exactly a popular hobby amongst the drop-dead gorgeous. We all know this. So why make this painfully obvious to all outsiders by completely fixating on and obsessing about a game designer who just so happens to be cute? C'mon, guys. That just tells everyone that it's such a rare phenomenon, someone like Raymond is going to get into the news all the time because…well, just because. We're sure she's talented, of course, but the pics of her don't prove mental fortitude or design ability; they only appeal to adolescent, perhaps awkward gamers who don't give a rat's ass about I Am Alive .

The same thing happened when Morgan Webb exploded onto the scene. And now, the newest gamer poster girl is Raymond, and I don't really have any problem with that. But the way so many gamers and wannabe journalists idolize her, it seems less like news and more like a high school crush in literary form. We'd like to think we're professionals in this industry; please don't set us back two decades by showing everyone there are still far too many immature teens out there!

Episode 3 for PS3…not sure I care

So it seems early concept art for Half-Life 2: Episode 3 contains targeted platform listings for the final product, and it clearly shows that Episode 3 should be on the PlayStation 3 . Okay, while I liked The Orange Box plenty, the PS3 version was indeed inferior to the Xbox 360 version (it's why I own the 360 version), and recently, I've acquired an intense dislike for Valve. It could be just because of Gabe Newell, who I see as nothing but an archaic throwback to the past that has the gall to act elitist in the face of a new generation. A new generation, might I remind him, that is essentially killing his precious PC as a legitimate gaming platform (and rightfully so, at this point). Newell has cast enough disapproval on the PS3, but that's not really the issue, and neither is his obvious preference for the PC. No, it's his obvious bias against consoles I have a problem with, and I'm quite familiar with the concept.

See, the PCers have always been a little elitist. Running around with their noses in the air, because about 10 years ago, they knew all their software was technically superior to console software. Yeah, well, it ain't 1998, anymore. And there's a reason why GameStop, which used to stock a full 9 feet worth of PC software, now has most of its stores reduced to 3 feet of software jammed into the far corner. I'm not going to get into it, but let's just say that even if Episode 3 doesn't come to the PS3, I won't be heartbroken. I wasn't even that impressed with HL2 in the first place.

Personal gaming update

Okay, so it seems I've mastered Top Spin 3 . I'm only a few points from maxing out my customized character, and I've beaten everybody in the game. It won't be any problem for me to finish at #1 at the end of the season (my final goal), and then I'll be done. After playing more, I've realized that Nadal is actually the toughest of the big trio, just because he gets everything back and he hits 90% of his balls shallow, which throws me off constantly. I've beaten him 2 out of 3 times, even though I lost the last in a 11-9 super tiebreak that annoyed the crap out of me. Nobody else, Federer and Roddick included, can touch me now. So I guess it's good timing, just because Soul Calibur IV is right around the corner (July 29), and I don't have much else to play. I'm still considering getting Battlefield: Bad Company – I hear it's very good – but other than that, I guess I'll return to my MGS playing so I can get ready for MGS4.

Oh, but I will be interested in Infinite Undiscovery . Even though it irks me that Square-Enix seems to be abandoning the PS3 these days, I do have a 360. And besides, it's a promising RPG, and that's all that matters to me. Might have to check it out.

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16 years ago

That's hilarious…and so true (about the stock at Gamestop). Do you remember when Gamestop used to be called Software Etc.?

16 years ago

I cant stand Gabe Newell. He just seems like a massive prick to me.

John Shoemaker
John Shoemaker
16 years ago

I kinda disagree with you Episode 3 when it comes to being on the console. I hope it does. Orange Box was great, even though I only experienced one freeze during the games. Half-Life 2 is a great game and the episodes just build on that. Although I will agree with you about Newell, he just needs to open his eyes to what gaming will be in ten years from now. Only on consoles by the looks of it.

Gamestop doesn't have selves on PC games here. They have two displays in the middle of the store with all the PC games crammed into them. And they are not even taken care of half the time. I still call them EB, just because the one Gamestop we had in town, before the merge, was crap. Their workers were/are rude as hell and don't really care for you business.

16 years ago

have u heard any news on "lingear in the shadows" theres a very intresting trailer of it on PSN

16 years ago

Ok i guess i shall be the first to ask you ben: Who the Hell is that chick in the picture you posted? it doesnt look like Jade or morgan, so im just wondering

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

No idea, man. Just a pic of some hot chick with a controller in her hand.

I had to find something like this for my editorial about girl gamers a while back. Yeah, THAT search took a little while. LOL

16 years ago

you should certainly give Battlefield a go.. if anything to get a review going! lol

I think a lot of people put BF in the same bag as CoD, but imo if youre in to FPS game then you will realise that they are two very different games.
one thing I really like about BF is the feeling your actually on a side, rather than just not being able to kill half of the guys on the map (aka TDM). The sense of war, all fighting for a reason.. yeh, it goes quite nicely along side CoD in my collection.

you should try it! 🙂

edit: ps.. I dont think Square is leaving PS3, just that it just seems that way. years ago Square was mainly on Nintendo.. then PS, now a 'few' titles have showed up on the 360.
I dont think it will last (not saying that in a fanboy way).. but some big titles will be popping out soon. when FFXIII comes out, and Square see's the fan base go nuts over it, they may start concentrating on the PS3 again. to be honest (dont flame me).. I do wonder how many years the 360 has in it before a new model comes out., maybe Square is just getting in there before it reaches the end of the line in say a few years?

Last edited by dillonthebunny on 7/13/2008 1:25:26 AM

16 years ago

Gabe Newell 2 words-FAT MAN

16 years ago

After renting Battlefield: Bad company, and be a bit cautious about the way certain guns are unlocked, i WILL be buying that game, its absolutely incredible, multiplayer wise.

Like dillon said, if you know fps games, you will not lump that game in the same category as CoD4. Both are fun as hell, but very different. You really do feel like a part of a team on B:BC ( the fact that there is only one game mode online right now has something to do with it, but its a damn good mode if you ask me )

I know some are cautious when it comes to EA nowadays, but people, don't pass this up cuz of the name on it. Honestly, if CoD4 didn't exists, people would be saying this game is the online multiplayer to beat

16 years ago

I hate the fact that there is only 1 mode online, but overall the game is awesome.

16 years ago

Yes Ben, try Battlefield: Bad company. I just bought that online, it's being shipped to me, and I can't wait to play it from everything that I've read about it. I don't even care about the online play on it, but I've heard enough good about that aspect of it, that I might have to try that part of it too. I usually only have time for the single player in games and I'm hoping that part of Battlefield is as good as I've read.

16 years ago

only complaint ( major complaint )about B:BC is the lack of co op, this game was made for co op, from all the vehicles to use with different turrets and other stuff like that. Game makers need to realize that co op is huge, not just online deathmatches.

The story is a bit corny also, but i think its done like that on purpose, they tend to be going for humor

16 years ago

lol, i have played around 2 hours into the single player game, its good.. But i find myself playing until ive reached a checkpoint then go straight to online, every time.

Cant wait for the new online mode to come, with hopefully expanded old/ new maps!

Oh, and 4 the record it didnt line EA's pocket for the new weps! Lol, tho im a vet, so i get an extra one for free.

Photo mode is blinding too 🙂

16 years ago

I dont understand photo mode, what does it do, because online, sometimes i take a picture, but where can i find the picture?

Last edited by Bugzbunny109 on 7/13/2008 11:13:48 AM

16 years ago

i agree with you 100% dillon, play the single player till the next checkpoint, back to online for the rest of the night haha.

You are right, it didnt line their pockets with money, but i cant get my damn F2200 or whatever that weapon is that requires veteran program. But its cool that it awards long time players

16 years ago

I'm my experience, women generally like positive attention regarding their appearance. And since Jade Raymond isn't hiding from the camera, i think it's a fair assumption that she doesn't have a problem with fans admiring her. So why should anyone else have a problem with it. Beauty is no curse, so why not celebrate it?

16 years ago

I know the site is called psx extreme, and therefore one should expect a certain amount of extremism, by definition, but seriously, I had to write in on the whole valve/PC thing.

The PC market is in decline, at retail. Companies put up digital distribution, so people don't need to buy from the store, and shock horror, store sales go down. It's not rocket science, it's simple market dynamics 101. Steam, Direct2Drive, EA's DaylightRobbery* service, popcap games, stardock's online distribution, all of these add up. Sure the charts are down, but then thats' for the retail stores, Who cares about them? not even the staff do, judging by the bored faces they all have. Aren't we all supposed to be buying off PSN and XBL by now? Oh, can't, not enough default HD space to install more than 4 games.. I guess I can't fit many on my two 300Gb harddrives..

* not it's real name. Just an impression…

As for Valve's PC "bias". What about Sony's PS bias? I don't see them making any games for the Xbox, iPod, iPhone, Wii, DS, only, shockingly, Sony Ericsson phones and Sony PSPs, and PS's. Funny that. What was the last Sony-made PC game? Is it correct to attack people for evangelizing their platform of choice because it's how they make their cash and sell it online for 2/3rds the price console makers fleece their users for the exact same game?

As for the "new generation", while that may be in all of Sony's marketing literature, which is really quite shiny and pretty, I'm sure it cost a lot, really the proof is in the pudding, and the pudding tastes the same across all platforms for now, until the PC takes over again, until the PS4 takes it back, and then the PC will take over, then the PS5 will take it back. All this has happened before, and will happen again.

Caveat here: I do own the PS3, 360, Wii, and a PC capable of at least installing Crysis, before anyone calls me a 360 or PC fanboy, I'm none, I just like good games.

16 years ago

SirWa11ace, this is a compelling argument no doubt…


"aLL RoAds LeAd ToO HoMe"

16 years ago

to add some numbers in, Steam alone has 10 million users. Roughly the same as the PS3 install base. Valve earns 100% of all cash from any Steam purchase of a Valve game. On the PS3 and Xbox, it would earn 25% maximum as the platform publisher keeps 75% minimum, so where's valve's incentive to work with the PS3? it needs to work 4 times as hard to capture the same amount of cash.

16 years ago

oh my oh my, where to begin..

first and foremost, PC gaming is dying. That is not to say that PC game developement will be halted acrosses the board or coming to an end, it's just that a lot of companies are getting out of using it as their exclusive platform and a lot of new companies will more than likely opt against going PC only or PC at all. Filesharing was and will continue to be a knife in the kidney of the PC platform when it comes to sales. No need to fret, you can go pet your 2 300gb harddrives (looking for your cookie), as long as there are elitists and casuals PC gaming is here for the long haul. So i suppose it is more befitting to lay claim that PC gaming is a wounded beast more than it is dead or dying.

possibly the most hilarious claim you make is this whole "i don't see Sony making any games for 360, etc".. honestly, i can see where you were trying to go with this, but it just comes out like "hurr durr durr", mildly retarded dribble. to be cont. —->

16 years ago

This is rocket science but you seem to have missed to common sense train, so i will type it nice and slowly for you. Sony produces hardware, therefore and software they produce would be published on their hardware platforms. Valve makes software only, therefore they can pick and choose what platform they would like to approach. Pardoning Valve's PC bias by using Sony's Playstation "bias" has to be the most ill concieved/down syndrome filled arguement i have seen to date. Kudos sir, i think you deserve a medal of sorts.

You also seem to have a number issue. 4 games from the PSN all that will fit on a harddrive? Understand good sir, if you want to argue your point well, no exageratting. You also seem to overlook how easy it is to upgrade your PS3's harddrive. Soooo, i think it's safe to say that point is null..

16 years ago

Sirwa11ace, you lost a tad bit of credibility witht hat whole sony doesnt make 360 games. Seriously, when did Valve make computers? just wondering…

I love valves games, but gabe can be a douche at times and he loves to retract his statements, remember his "hatred" for the 360? yeah… retracted

However, i do agree with certain points you made about PC gaming.

One thing i can say for sure is id rather deal with 360/wii/PS3 fanboys that a PC gamer elitists. Im NOT saying you are one of them, just stating an opinion.

Last edited by aaronisbla on 7/13/2008 2:47:22 PM

16 years ago

bugz.. Go to Then my soldier.. Login, and go to ur pictures, its an awesome concept, one we saw in SKATE, but this is far slicker.
Shame you cant take video, but who cares, the pics show you and the world what your war was like! 😉

Last edited by dillonthebunny on 7/13/2008 12:40:11 PM

16 years ago

k thanks

16 years ago

Good points Sir Wallace.

I personally don't understand this hatred towards Valve, people trashing EA, or even systemwise PC or 360 hating, etc.

Who CARES??!!?!? I just like good games. If a game is good and made by EA or Valve, it makes no difference to me. If it's bad, I think the game should get trashed, not the company.

If a company keeps putting out bad games, then I wouldn't even waste my time bad mouthing them, I'd just laugh at them.

And I only own a PS3 and PSP. I love them but if I felt the need to get a 360, then I would. I love the PS3, but I see no need to dog the 360.

16 years ago

i agree with you. Although EA does make me worried with all of the purchases thaey have made, and witht he exception ofm that horrid crap called Madden ( forgive me, i dont like sports games too much ) i rather enjoy me some EA games, Battlefield: Bad Company being one of the main ones this gen.

But who makes that game, EA or DICE?

16 years ago

its DICE. the main reason why I brought Bad Company.

I dont like EA, mainly because they ram advertising down your throats. Its unfair to advertise to a minor through a game. its unethical.
theres other reasons, why I dont like the money grabbing EA, but thats not important right now.

DICE made this game, and it shows that DICE are rather quality, looking forward to Mirors edge!

ps.. why is my last post being held back for Mods? I was just replying to Bugz!!!

You guys should join the forum next door… 🙂

16 years ago

I didn't do anything wrong- or did I? ~Evil smile~

16 years ago

The Madden's on the PS3 have been crappy at least from what I've heard, but we'll see about Madden 09.
As far as sports games though, MLB 08: The Show though is AWESOME! Probably the best baseball games I've played in my life (and I've played a bunch going back to Atari).

I look forward to Madden 09 as Madden for the PSP has always been great and I expect them to eventually get a good one for the PS3.

16 years ago

Gabe Newell FTL. Good read, Ben.

16 years ago

Man, i'm sorry but i'm just gonna go ahead and say that sirwilliams is at least a bit of a pc extremist. I mean it's one thing to prove your point but than when you're gonna go and talk trash about the other side of an arguement that's not even true, then well you=fanboy/extremist. Ben you have a knack for starting arguements.

16 years ago

lol, he is right though Ben

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

SirWallace is making some unfair comparisons between the console and PC industry; I'll just leave it at that. In terms of available software, year in and year out, console titles have been toasting the PC in terms of sheer frequency and innovation. If you want something even remotely fresh, gamers haven't been able to turn to PC for over a decade. That's all I have to say.

As for Poet: I know what you mean, and I don't have any problem with Raymond in front of the camera or the media taking advantage of it; you kinda missed my point. My problem lies with everyone fixating on her and making it VERY plain that someone like that is quite rare in this industry. That's what I meant.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 7/13/2008 10:30:37 PM

16 years ago

you know there are alot of hot gamer girls, they aren't rear. I went on a forum and i saw alot of gamer girls! They aren't rear!

16 years ago

Firstly, I must thank Ben, for voicing the quiet concern that some of us have against Valve's "fatman". Secondly, I must point out to SirWallace's argument, that it has become clear that hardware is exponentially advancing in a way, that software development kits and know-how have yet to keep up with. What does that mean? The bottle-neck of development is no longer the limitations of hardware (console nor pc), also since consoles have gone online. Soon, it will just be more profitable to develop for consoles for everyone. No doubt, pc's will continue to have exhibition titles to market new technology. But exhibition is all it will be. Although, I must say, pc is the platform that is "free for all". Meaning, as far as I know, there are no corporate standards, stipulations, or hoops that a hobbyist developer, who wishes to turn professional, must deal with. That being said, I have never bothered with PC.

16 years ago

nah bugz.. I think it was because I said a web site, and it automatically went in to spam alert.

either that or Ben set up an Anti Dillon program that every now and again puts me in check 😉

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

LOL No, you're right. Putting in a web address activates the filter and one of the admins (or Shadow, our new Mod, in case you didn't know) has to approve it before it gets posted.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 7/14/2008 12:01:47 PM

16 years ago


16 years ago

i gotta say olivia munn is my favorite video game related lady but shes more of a host n not like morgan web. anyway…
i hate fatass, i give him no respect cuz he thinks disliking consoles or maybe just the ps3…he admitted it awhile back.
i hate to say it but what seemed to be THE console for rpgs to having barely any… i am looking into getting a 360. i got both handhelds so that rpg on the go is covered.
sorry if im am repeating what anyone said…hard to keep track commenting w a psp

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