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Ben’s Week In Review: July 6

I'm in a pretty good mood, so I'll rip through some of my favorite topics real quick.

Kratos won't be in SCIV, but that's okay

I figured it was too good to be true; according to 1Up, Kratos definitely isn't in Soul Calibur IV . Honestly, I think he would be a fine addition to the SC roster, just because he seems almost custom fit for a game that features characters with kick-ass weapons. Those blades on Kratos' wrist would be just plain awesome, as I see them as something similar to Ivy's blade that slings out and can be long range. However, I suppose I can live with a Kratos-less SCIV, and the reason why is simple: this is the first time since the original SC came out that I'm actually excited about the launch of a fighting game. They've never been my bag, but the original SC is still one of my favorite games ever (not really sure why), and while I never got around to playing either of the last two installments, I'm primed and ready for the fourth. I'm sure I'll be terrible at it, but at the very least, I love the concept and the look.

If it weren't for the massive games that have already dropped this year, SCIV would be my most anticipated of 2008 thus far. It's not every year we get the likes of GTAIV and MGS4 in the first six months, and I have never taken my eye off Namco's impending gem. I really can't wait to lay my hands on it!

The Network will stay free, and I LIKE it that way

Sony has revealed that they're quite content with keeping the PlayStation Network free of charge , and that's great news for me. It was one of the biggest selling points of the PS3 as far as I'm concerned, and while I realize Live is still slightly more robust, the Network has definitely closed the gap. Besides, I couldn't care less about the little extra bells and whistles Live may still have over the Network; I'm just not online enough to matter. I'm a casual online player and I probably always will be. Hence, if I can just jump online whenever I want for free, just to play for an hour or two, I'm not about to even notice the frills. Just let me play, and I certainly don't want to pay. I don't even have a Gold membership for Live because, like I just said, I'm not online enough to matter and I don't have the incentive. On top of which, I've heard about Live somehow being more reliable, but in my experience, that's not true at all. Most everyone I know will say the Network is just as, if not more, reliable.

I'll tell you this- if Sony ever does decide to charge for the Network, I might seriously consider not signing up. It's low on the priority list, but provided it stays free…sure, I'll hop on and toy around every now and then. FREE works perfectly for my gaming habits.

Personal gaming update

So I'm still working my through Top Spin 3 , and when I finish, it's back to playing through MGS and MGS2 to prepare for MGS4. I've made Pro in TS3 and I've worked my character up to the point where he has an overall rating of 63. As a frame of reference, the best players in the game (Federer, Roddick, Nadal, etc.) all are between 70 and 75. Surprisingly, I was able to beat Federer – 4-3 (7-3), 3-0 – on my first try, and I also easily beat the likes of Andy Murray, Gael Monfiis, and David Nalbandian. I haven't played Nadal yet, but for some reason, Roddick just completely ran me off the court. I lost, 4-2, 3-1, and I realized at that time just how important power is in this game. But why is Roddick – evidently – the best player in the game? How is he better than Federer? What sense does that make? It's only a small complaint because the rest of the game is excellent and you can't expect 100% realism, but… I mean, it's weird. Anyway, once I finish the season at #1 (which I think I can do now), that'll be it, and I can move on.

Then, to interrupt my MGS time again, it'll be Soul Calibur IV at the end of the month. 🙂

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16 years ago

Good luck with Nadal…

16 years ago

Ben, I can not stress out enough how much I agree with you on that PSN Free stuff, very nice points… It reminds me of me 🙂 lol

16 years ago

Same here Tatsujin. There is no way I would pay for online.

16 years ago

@Ben maybe just roddick's style of play is just difficult for u. He is a power player. If u think bout Nadal, federer, monfils. They all are just great all around players.

16 years ago

I totally agree with the article. I feel the same way about Soul Calibur. I dont usually play fighting games, but when I saw the first SC game on Dreamcast (it sems soo long ago) I fell in love with it.

Xbox Live is beter than the PSN, but you cant beat free.I really hate how Microsoft makes developers put online content into EVERY game. Most of the time they have to spend extra time developing something that is really stupid or useless.
I just heard that Nadal beat federer at Wimbledon

Last edited by Jed on 7/6/2008 7:58:54 PM

16 years ago

i agree big time with the free online. i mean your paying already for the internet connection so why pay again to play online. keep it up Sony. as for soul calibur, i can't wait to get my hands on that.

16 years ago

I think PSN should remain free under all circumstances. As stated by Ben, it was one of the reason I bought into the "next gen" hype.

It was a major component of my decision making process. If they did decide to charge I would most definately not sign up, and rather begin investing in a decent PC gaming rig over time whereby I will have the freedom to do as I please on most occasions.

If my online gaming is crimped due to having to pay for PSN I will use my PS3 more as a media hubstation, with the purchase of the odd "next gen" game here and there that warrants the investment for a decent single player experience, like Killzone2 for example.

So here is hoping PSN stays free…

I have a very very uncomfortable feeling though Ben, I think Sony may charge for "HOME".
I suspect though that if they tried there would be a massive outcry.

Unless they simply and masterfully lure fans into purchasing upgrades for their apartments and pay for access/credits for mini-games in the arcade room.

Maybe "HOME", as a "free" virtual world to walk around in (with "basic" chat-based interaction functionality) will remain free, however I fear to do anything significant in "HOME", or enjoy some of the real entertainment features/options within "HOME", it is likely we would have to pay for the priviledge… Is it not true, there is no free lunch ^-^


"aLL RoAds LeAd ToO HoMe"

Last edited by Qubex on 7/6/2008 9:56:09 PM

16 years ago

I'm pretty primed for Soul Calibur IV myself.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

Yep, Nadal just topped Federer in an epic match. Too bad I missed it. 🙁

I have yet to try Nadal…maybe later, but I'm busy tonight. Thanks for the support on the PSN viewpoint; I know a lot of avid onliners still cast many aspersions on the service and say that Live is worth the money. But it's good to know there are people out there that aren't online 24-7, and just like the idea of jumping on to play with friends every once in a while. 🙂

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