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Ben’s Week In Review: June 29

Okay, the two biggest games of the year are out, so let's pass on talking about them (we can move on, yes?). There are always plenty of topics to discuss that don't involve GTAIV or MGS4!

Diablo III won't be available on consoles…and I don't really care

At first, when I heard that the long-awaited third installment in the legendary Diablo franchise wouldn't be coming to consoles , I was disappointed. I had a lot of fun with Diablo II (8 damn years ago, but whatever), and I always thought of it as being a gigantic upgrade over the original. It was fantastic fun, especially for multiple players, and I remember being excited about the announcement of a third entry. Of course, that was back in 2000. Now…I honestly couldn't care less. I read the description of Diablo III , and as far as I can tell, it's exactly the same thing as Diablo II . They're adding a character class, providing co-op support, and making the environment somewhat destructible. Yay. Besides that, we all know it's going to feature the exact same gameplay, and once again, PC software proves it can't move into the new millennium. 1998 may have been one of the finest – if not the finest – years for gaming in history, and it was due in large part to the PC lineup. But ever since then, all we've had are identical clones of those games .

You know, it's not really a big mystery why the PC is a dying platform for games. It goes well beyond the fact that consoles have narrowed and basically closed the gap – in no way can it be said that all PC games are "more advanced" than console games, anymore – because it's actually quite simple- the PC has always done FPS, RTS and Western RPG…and that's it. The only "AAA" titles on the PC invariably falls into one of those three categories. And even within those categories, there's no evidence whatsoever of innovation. Diablo III is no exception. I can just as easily boot up Diablo II even on my old PC, thanks.

I wanna know what it is, Team ICO!

You guys have a new project for the PlayStation 3, and I want to know what it is. Like, right now. When the rumor popped up that the August issue of GamePro might include a secret regarding a Shadow of the Colossus sequel , it reminded me once again how great SotC really was. That, and ICO . In a generation already inundated with plenty of standard action/adventure and FPS titles, we could really use news of a truly original game, and I can almost guarantee Team ICO is going to deliver it. Even if it has nothing to do with Shadow of the Colossus 2 , those guys really strive to undertake and deliver unique projects that stand out in a crowd. I still remember working my way through SotC with a sense of awe and wonder, and when I finished, I got that good old-fashioned feeling of combined accomplishment and contentment. Each and every Colossus was different and each and every one were a joy to behold; if they really are working on SotC2, I will be the happiest of the happy.

But like I said, even if they're not, I want to know about it. I have complete faith Team ICO, and whatever they're doing, it's gonna be intriguing.

Personal gaming update

So I've abandoned my quest in the original Metal Gear Solid to work my way through Top Spin 3 , which is all kinds of fun. Once I get my fill of that, I'll keep on in my MGS training (need to play MGS2 as well), and then I'll pick up MGS4 and play. Outside of that, I can't really think of anything I want besides Soul Calibur IV at the end of next month. I hear Battlefield: Bad Company is pretty good, though, and I might like to try it; I haven't played a great FPS since The Orange Box . Then again, I'm sure we'll get the best of the best with Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 in due time, so maybe I should look for something a little different. But I imagine all this MGS stuff is going to take plenty of time, and I might end up spending a lot of time with SCIV. I suppose I might stumble upon something in the next few weeks, but I find it unlikely… Oh well, I'm never without a goodly array of games to play! 🙂

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16 years ago

Im excited for Diablo III lol… And if your bored of the games you are playing and can't find any right now Ben, you should play some of those classics, they are always good and bring back some amazing memories 🙂

16 years ago

I agree with Ben. I loved Diablo 1 and 2 back in the day but I don't think I would give a hoot for Diablo 3, today. Speaking of classics Tatsujin, I just finished DMC2 (disc 2) again this gloriously rainy Saturday. Tomorrow, DMC3 is gonna be ma b!tch.

16 years ago


although i do agree that PC gaming is on the downslide, I do believe that Diablo 3 doesn't need to be on the consoles to sell really well. There games don't have a mass following for nothing ya know. Lots of people i know often reboot it after a hiatus from the game, only to get addicted once more.

Plenty of people played this back in the day, and you can be sure it well be a blockbuster seller for Blizzard on the pc, whether you care about it or not. I do wish they could make it for the consoles, but it doesn't seem to be the case

Blizzards games are have wide mass appeal, since it doesn't take a super computer to run any of them and judging from the new game footage, this will follow in those footsteps.

This and starcraft2 are probably the only things i will look forward to on the pc. And, they will be one of those rare games that proves the pc can still move software like crazy. Only time will tell…

16 years ago

Ben when you get SCIV, i wanna play you online if you ever get some time.

16 years ago

Also Ben let me ask you this: If you couldn't care less about Diablo 3 now, would you care if it was released on home consoles? I sense that you wouldn't

I think another reason why they may have just stuck with the pc base is its battlenet scene. They might not wanna split the install base down in 3s. If they were to release it on the home consoles along with the pc version, i still think the pc version would outsell the other 2 versions.

16 years ago

I personally am waiting anxiously for SCIV… FINALLY some online play, i have yearned for this for a very long time, it's hard to imagine how many hours i logged into SC3…

My PSN ID is Yogidestro2, i play a lot of MGO, Battlefield and CoD4 and of course i won't get off of SCIV for a couple of weeks, feel free to add me if you want to throw down.. too many people on my friends list as of late don't do anything anymore…

as far as the whole Diablo 3 thing goes.. i believe we are getting screwed as console gamers and Blizzard needs to see that they are screwing themselves as far as sales go… we live in an age of torrents, piracy is the norm and not many people will go out and purchase something they can just get by clicking a link.

isn't it Activision/Blizzard now anyway? i would imagine that Activision would milk that cow (yes, that is a cow) as far as they could.. coming next holiday season, Diablo 3: on tour, exclusively for the Nintendo DS!


16 years ago

I for one still believe that some PC games can offer a lot. For those who think that the PC can't provide anything good…Look at Crysis!!! (an amazing game with a great story I might add). While it is a shame that Diablo 3 won't come out for the consoles…was anyone honestly expecting it? It Blizzard for crying out loud. And call me old fashioned, but I relish the thought of being able to play a new game in a franchise I basically grew up with.

16 years ago

Maybe we should set up some sort of PSX Extreme SoulCal ladder, because based just on the comments here, it looks like we'd have enough people to get some decent competition going.

Now I just need to find a way to convince my wife that the $150 for the customer arcade stick is a reasonable purchase…

16 years ago

aaron is on the money when it comes to Blizzards positioning on Diablo 3's platform release. Since the Lost Vikings(and Diablo 1 on PSX lest we forget) era Blizzard strayed away from the console market.

It may seem "ho-hum" to you but Diablo 3 is going to be HUGE when it hits…

btw Soul Calibur 4 next month is too much!

16 years ago

12 to 15 blocks of memory being used on a card that only has 15 blocks of space? yeah that was painful

16 years ago

2.4 tommorrow?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

aaron: No, you're right. It's not an anti-PC thing just for the sake of being loyal to consoles; I wouldn't care about Diablo III even if it were released for the PS3 or 360. I just can't see spending $60 to take a 10-year step backwards in gaming. As far as I can tell, it's just Diablo II with the standard PC-like upgrades that don't really change anything.

And I'm certain it will sell plenty of copies just for the PC; I don't question Blizzard's decision on that. …but then again, I think that's only because most PC gamers are also still living in 1998 and can't accept certain facts. AscientDire mentioned Crysis, but again, that's a FPS. In all honesty, everyone, can ANYONE name even a single solitary GREAT PC game in the past give years that ISN'T a FPS, RPG, or Strategy game…? That's kinda my point.

As for Soul Calibur IV, I should be getting it from Namco to review, but I can pretty much guarantee that everyone here would kick my ass. I'm downright terrible at fighting games. LOL I'm qualified to review SCIV because I've PLAYED just about every fighter there has ever been, but I was never any good at them. I grew up loving RPGs and I completely ignored the fighters for the most part, which is why that even now, after gaming since the early '80s, I basically suck at them. I suppose I can try, though. Heh.

I WAS pretty damn good at the original SC, which is the only fighter outside of DoA3 and MK: Trilogy that I've ever owned. 🙂

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 6/29/2008 10:52:54 PM

16 years ago

i can agree with you about pc gaming kinda being stuck in the past.

So…. when the hell are they gonna announce Kratos in SCIV? i wanna know if that rumor is true…

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