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Ben’s Week In Review: June 22

Two of the biggest games of the generation are already here, but I'm all about looking down the road this week. Stagnation sets in if we don't continue to advance!

I wanna know when FFXIII is coming

No, seriously. I have no problems giving Square-Enix as much time as necessary to make the game as amazing as humanly possible, but I'm just annoyed that we don't even have at least an estimated release date straight from the publisher. The latest rumor says Final Fantasy XIII will be available in Japan by this December, and we do know that the biggest RPG of the generation will be in attendance at E3 . So couldn't we at least have a vague release date from S-E? Even if that rumor from the EA employee about launching in December is untrue, I don't understand why we have virtually no estimate whatsoever. I mean, this game could quite literally hit store shelves somewhere in this world between December 2008 and probably early 2010. I'm not a release date goon, who absolutely requires exact dates, but the complete lack of any feedback from S-E on the issue of FFXIII's release concerns me.

It's my favorite franchise in the video game industry, it will probably continue to remain my favorite franchise, and I have no doubt that FFXIII will be an incredible experience. But I really want some sense from S-E that they're alive over there in Japan, and maybe that evidence will come at E3. No more random trailers; some actual news , please!

Bioshock a year late, but still worth it for PS3 owners

Okay, so Microsoft pulled a fast one and nailed down 2K's masterpiece for timed exclusivity, thereby robbing PS3 owners of one of the best games of the generation. However, 2K is doing absolutely the right thing by revamping the game for what can be considered a re-release on the PS3. It will be a year late, after all, and with another year comes a lot more competition. Plus, it'd be a nice gesture to have a few extra bonuses for taking Microsoft's cash and making PS3 users wait. Now, I have no idea if the latest rumored details are true, but I'm hoping they are. We do know for a fact that the game will boast plenty of new additions, and wouldn't it be great to have other enhancements, like those two new levels and a 6-minute movie intro? I wouldn't mind seeing what Rapture looked like before everything went to hell.

There is the distinct possibility that I will trade in my Xbox 360 version of Bioshock to get the PS3 version later this year, for two simple reasons: 1. the PS3 version will, quite obviously (I hope), be the best version, and 2. it'd give me an excuse to play through it again. I did this before, when I traded in the original Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox and picked up Ninja Gaiden Sigma for the PS3. I mean…why wouldn't I do that? Makes sense, yes? And once again, yes, Bioshock really is that good.

Personal gaming update

So now that my last trio of fun is complete ( Grand Theft Auto IV , Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds and Gran Turismo 5: Prologue ), I have to move on. I do plan on picking up Top Spin 3 this week – I have to check on one little detail before I do, though – and yes, I do plan on playing MGS4 at some point, here. But Arnold has informed me that most of the storyline will go right over my head if I didn't play MGS and MGS2. I played the third (and I loved it to pieces), but as that is a prequel to the original MGS and MGS4 is more like a sequel to the first two, it's not doing me much good. Therefore, I picked up The Essential Collection this past week so I can play through the first two entries in the franchise; I'll probably just set them to easy and fly through them so I can see the story. Then I'll get MGS4. Other than that, I can't really think of a game I'll absolutely need until the fall…

Unless, of course, some of our loyal readers out there could give me some suggestions for the summer. 🙂

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16 years ago

Ben, I am looking forward to Bioshock really. I expect 2K will do a good job on it. Let's hope it is not an identical port, i.e. the engine is refined and optimised for the PS3. The PS3 has so much to offer, and so far, we are only seeing glimpses of that through some of the dedicated AAA developers for the platform.

Reminds me, I need to try and track down a decent "game trading" store here in Singapore. It is a small place and does not have the wide variety of stores the USA and UK have, eventhough it does stock everything, and cheaply at that.

Haven't touched Motorstorm, DiRT or Ridge Race for many months now. My two most active plays are CODIII and CODIV. I am still enjoying CODIII alot actually. Looking forward to CODV too, and the other raft of AAA games to come… I am sure E3 will boost some lovely eye candy for all of us to enjoy…


"aLL RoAdS LeAd ToO HoMe"

Last edited by Qubex on 6/21/2008 10:49:40 PM

16 years ago

just play the game on the 360 and after you beat it, it's not a big deal

16 years ago

what's funny is Microsoft literally paid for the PS3 improvements in Bioshock

16 years ago

Whats funny is this poor "ben" sap thinks "catching-up" is necessary to play a 20 hour game like MGS4. Aside from the Flash backs and re-occuring characters there is really no reward besides closure for long time fans of MGS. Might as well go backwards starting from the best game in the series; Guns of the Patriots. There is a reason for the Metal Gear Solid 4 Database…

16 years ago

"But Arnold has informed me that most of the storyline will go right over my head if I didn't play MGS and MGS2."

Arnold is wrong.

John Shoemaker
John Shoemaker
16 years ago

Arnold is right. There are some aspects about MGS4 that will go right over his head if he doesn't play the first two.

16 years ago

It won't go over your head Ben. You would just appreciate the game so much more if u played the other games. Playing the previous games gives u such an emotional attachment to the characters.

P.S. Ben MGS 1 & 2 doesn't have a difficulty setting u can change.

16 years ago

they throw in hints to help explain a lot of the stuff… u can also look at the data base but they probably wont help.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

No offense Zubra, but I think I'm going to take Arnold's word over yours. And besides, I'm not viewing it as a chore. I've always wanted to play the first two MGS titles, and this is a perfect excuse to do so.

Qubex: Bioshock PS3 is definitely not an identical port on the PS3. Even though we're not clear on all the new features, we DO know it's an enhanced and upgraded version. 🙂

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 6/21/2008 11:46:23 PM

16 years ago

Lmfao, Zubra in arabic means "Dick"… What a dick! Haha, You'll find the first two MGS's a blast Ben…

And yea, Bioshock PS3 is very diffrent from the first ones with all the extras and enhancements and what-not… Why must you say things that arn't true people!!!

Last edited by Tatsujin on 6/22/2008 5:54:46 PM

16 years ago

I think arnold is right. If you have never played the first 2 Solid games ( MGS 1 and 2 ) some of that stuff will go over your head. The flashback scenes are no enough to clue newcomers in on whats going on imho.

Ben, DO DOWNLOAD that database, its a great freebie that they have given, explains quite a bit of things i didnt know about, it clears up things also. This database was like kojima's answer to years upon years of debates on things in the mgs universe that spanned pver various forums, i love it

It even has a spoiler filter, if you havent beaten MGS4 and there is no save data showing a cleared file, its locks the MGS4 info

As for beating MGS1 and 2, lets just say on easy, they can and will be short games, but since you our in it for the story also, it might take a bit of time.

16 years ago

Yea that database really cleared many things up, but I suggest looking over it only after youve played the first two… Youll be surprised what you find out right after you thought you knew everything… 😛

16 years ago

Who the hell is Arnold anyways?

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
16 years ago

The guy who found this site. I hear he's an A-hole, though.

Last edited by ArnoldK PSXE on 6/22/2008 11:42:17 AM

16 years ago

Lmfao, We love you Arnold :P, Well atleast for the people that know who you are =.=

16 years ago


16 years ago

He is the guy that reviewed the game for this site…

16 years ago

Moving on…

I just beat crying wolf. The camera angles of the butts of the B

16 years ago

zub..wait, you havent finished it, yet your comments sound like you have! Lol.

Anyway ben, i havent played mgs1, so those bits of the game did go over my head.. But i just went and found out about them in faqs, was fine.

Completed it this morning, great great game, going in for seconds later! Just wish the euro database would flipping hurry up.

16 years ago

MGS is still (imo) the best story of them all (character content and interaction, bosses, hidden morales and themes, and NO in-game advertising crap!). Yes, I have beaten MGS4, for me it's a second place tie between MGS3 and MGS4 (for story; MGS4 obviously takes the cake for gameplay). If you want to do it right Ben, pick up The Twin Snakes on GC which combines the vastly updated gameplay/graphics/mechanics of MGS2 with the retelling of MGS. Each cutscene is also greatly extended and especially impacts the confrontation with Grey Fox, Metal Gear, and other bosses. Insane choreography anyone? I'll always be emotionally attached to that story… *reminiscing*

16 years ago

Ofcourse MGS is the best out of them, it's the one that drags you into the entire series 😛

But, MGS4 was a more fun, innovative and exciting experiance than any other in the series… Kojima really "overdid it" haha

Last edited by Tatsujin on 6/22/2008 5:58:37 PM

16 years ago

thats a great idea, might do that too!

Great excuse to blow the dust off the Wii anyhow!

16 years ago

Doctor Who top trumps on ps2.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
16 years ago

Anyways, yeah…if you didn't play MGS1 and 2 (especially 2), I would not recommend playing MGS4. A lot of the plot will fly right over your head.

16 years ago

Agreed all the way… Yes MGS4 has many flash backs but even so, when you see the flash backs all you'll think is "What the fu** is this" or "When did this happen." Besides, Playing through all the MGS's would be an amazing experiance I think, one after another… but -shrug- I already played them all, wont be too exciting for me 🙁