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Editorial: Why Do I Prefer Sony?

For my part, I have never understood the concept of brand loyalty. Well, that's not true- I understand it insofar as it's little more than adolescent "mine is better than yours" and "I know more than you" posturing. But in terms of entertainment, it has never made much sense. Ever since I first put my hands on an Atari 2600 controller and tried to block this little white square (supposed to be a ball, of course), all I've ever wanted to do was play games I enjoyed. I didn't care that I played Tecmo Bowl on my GameBoy, Earl Weaver's Baseball on my Tandy PC (with 640k RAM!), or Contra on my NES. When I had both the SNES and Genesis, I couldn't comprehend why someone would only want one and not the other. I certainly understand not having the finances to own all the platforms, thereby forcing you to make a decision, but brand loyalty – aka, "fanboyism" – is both childish and counterproductive. This much, we all need to admit.

I love games. I don't care if I play them on a microwave or a vacuum cleaner. I don't care what company name is on the damn thing. However, over the past several generations, I've realized I've found myself gravitating towards the PlayStation brand, and this has never really happened before. Sure, I guess you could say I was a Nintendo fan, but who wasn't in those days? And I despised the N64 and GameCube, and don't think too highly of the Wii, although I do applaud Nintendo for that recent effort. I didn't really like the Dreamcast, but then again, I'm not a fan of arcade-style games. And yes, I was – and remain – a big RPG fan, so that's a good reason why the PS1 and PS2 got a lot of play time. But outside of that, I just found myself playing Sony consoles more and more often, and it's happening again even though I have both the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Thing is, I had the Xbox, too, and while I maintain that both Microsoft consoles to date (especially the 360) are the least reliable machines in the history of the industry, I really don't have a problem with the available software. I've played and loved the likes of the Halo s, Ninja Gaiden , Gears of War , Deathrow (remember that one?), and more (I know Mass Effect is fantastic, but I just couldn't get into it). I also opted for the Xbox over the PS2 when it came to multiplatform titles, but that only made sense. But as I sit here and look at my collection, I have more games for PlayStation consoles than for anything else, and while I certainly had more for the 360 before late last year, that has already changed. It just seems as if the library of games on the PlayStation consoles has continued to suit my tastes more, and the PS1, PS2, and now the PS3 have all delivered what I wanted. It's the longest stretch I've ever "preferred" a company since the ol' Nintendo days.

Sony makes a reliable machine, the PS3 boasts a free Network, and with developers starting to gain a firm grasp of its architecture, we're seeing less crappy ports. Furthermore, Metal Gear Solid 4 is only the start of things; other exclusive titles like Gran Turismo 5 , Resistance 2 , Killzone 2 , LittleBigPlanet , and Final Fantasy XIII are on the way. Yeah, the 360 will have Ninja Gaiden II , but at this point, it seems like both Bioshock and Mass Effect are headed to the PS3. Furthermore, I've always preferred the Sony controllers to the Microsoft controllers, although the RPGs are currently lacking on the PS3 this generation. In fact, with Lost Odyssey and Infinite Undiscovery , the 360 actually has the current edge. And yet, I already have more PS3 games than 360 games (I also have and love Warhawk , Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds , Heavenly Sword , Folklore , Uncharted: Drake's Fortune , Unreal Tournament III , Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and Resistance: Fall of Man ).

It was the same way on the PS2. It was the same on the PS1. Every generation for the past 12 years has caused me to lean towards Sony consoles. It's a combination of reliability, controller preference, and software, but it's mostly the latter…as it should be for all gamers. There's no doubt that gaming is a personal hobby and tastes differ, so bear in mind I'm not saying that PlayStation consoles are best for everyone . But I just find it a little ironic that with each successive generation, I end up with a much larger PlayStation library than any other console library I own. And the thing is, I always had/have multiple consoles to play! It's not like I'm limiting myself; I hate doing that. And it's not like I'm about to trash my 360, because I know it will have games I want to play. But I am never surprised to see Sony end up on top, because I end up leaning towards them at the end of each of the past two generations. And yes, I'm doing it again with the PS3, and I was actually very skeptical at first.

Of course, I can't predict the future. I could easily end up with a larger library of 360 games than PS3 games this time around. But…I just don't think it's going to happen, and this is not a self-fulfilling prophecy. I don't walk into a store and say to myself, "gee, I mysteriously prefer the PS3 so I should just get a PS3 game." I buy games I think I might like, and that's the end of it. Don't care what it's played on. Without much doubt, I do believe I'll be playing the PS3 probably twice as much as the 360 over the next few years. It's just something I've been doing with Sony consoles, and it's because they got the games . Guess that's the long and short of it for me.

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16 years ago

I cant stand it when people say that the PS3 has no good games. I list about 20 or so excellent games, but they never have the balls to step up and admit they are wrong. They want so much for Sony to lose this gen, and I really wonder why. I love everything Sony, because of brand loyalty. I am loyal, because I have never, not once, had a Sony product break down on me, unless of course, I was too rough with it (which has never happened!) I just simply trust their products, and they never disappoint. They have a really great customer service for their Vaios too, by the way 😉

16 years ago

Yea, im pretty much in agreement with you Ben. its just always tends to have the games im looking for, once they get the rpgs rolling ont he ps3, its really on.

As far as controller preference, im good with both controllers, but i actually end up prefer the ps3, even for its FPS games, although that type of statement might get me weird looks, its just a preference.

It boggles my mind when someone says the ps3 controller sux for fps games, when it tends to do very well for me.

16 years ago

Well aaronisbla; I feel the PS3 could do with more rpgs, no dount. Currently I am working on a concept, "The Dragon War Chronicles", which I hope to develop into a fully fledged IP with the intention of either making a game out of it, or a film. It is a long shot and a huge amount of work. In the future I will be opening up a forum for development ideas the community can submit… time is the problem when managing a full life …it is always time, but making progress… website address is Should I complete the IP mythology I will look at making it a PS3 exclusive 🙂


16 years ago

Same here Ben, pretty much sums up how I feel. I hate this console war. You have people already talkin' about Bioshock being stolen from them, like if it's coming to the PS3 affected them in anyway, or made the game less enjoyable.

I also disliked the N64 and Gamecube. I kid you not, I didn't even see an X-Box in person until like a year ago. Everyone I knew owned a PS2, and loved it.

I stopped keeping up/playing games for a good year 1/2, and when I came back, all of a sudden it was cool to say, "Playstation sucks" and cool to defend Microsoft. Who would have guessed it?

I have nothing against 360 owners, but I do have a dislike towards M$. I simply hate their products and what they stand for. Although if I had the money, I would probably own a 360 to play their exclusive games.

To be honest, even if the 360 had double the amount of games the PS3 has, I still wouldn't own one. I just can't imagine not being able to play Metal Gear and Final Fantasy.

The PS3 has good games, and while it might not have as many 9-10 rated games, it has more variety for my tastes.

Sony just keeps pumping out some great franchises.

16 years ago

The first thing i said when i heard about the Wii was "sounds like fun, but won't be worth it if there's not good games to back it up.".
The games are the most important to us gamers. But to developers there are various reasons why they choose to develop for a specific console or consoles. And i think Sony's machines have constantly appealed to developers to make great games for in them.
As for the how the console appeals to me, Sony just always seems to put that much more in to it. First successful CD-ROM based system, first DVD-ROM based (and only one play DVD movies out of the box), first Hi-def disc based system (and first to play hi-def movie discs out of the box).

16 years ago

I also have both consoles. I bought the 360 to play Gears and Bioshock and the latter is coming to the PS3.

I look at the release chedule for both consoles and I think that I only will be getting Gears 2 for the 360 this year, on the other side I'll be getting, at least, MGS4, LBP, RFOM2 and Killzone (next year I know). Maybe I'll get COD5 for both consoles.

The multiplatform games without online gameplay, maybe I'll get them for the 360, just to take the dust out of it

16 years ago

I still have more games for my Ps1 than PS2 and PS3 combined -_-, good thing I got the first 60GB Playstation3, Backwards compat. baby!

I don't think ill ever really own a diffrent console, not because im a fanboy (I am a bit of a fanboy for Sony) but because I just feel more comfortable with PS over any other system, I don't know if you would say im limiting myself, but when I think about it, I really have no use for the X360 or the Wii, other than SuperSmash Bros (Waste of money to buy a console over one game)

16 years ago

And just too add this, I do have A LOT of PS3 games… about 15 games right now.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

Aaronisbla: Yeah, I don't have a problem with the Sony controller for FPSs, either. I do think the 360 controller is a touch better, though (slightly firmer and more stable in the analogs).

Fabi: Yeah, it's only the fanboys complaining about Bioshock being "stolen," and to be honest, I probably won't even play it on the PS3. I already have, and it was great. I might play the SEQUEL on the PS3, though. And I don't particularly like Microsoft, either, primarily because they've ripped off the gaming public for the past six years with their horrendously crappy systems that you have to own four of if you want to always have one that works.

ThePoetRazel: That's the thing with Nintendo. Ever since the N64, they simply haven't had the software to back up the hardware. A handful of "AAA" titles in the entire span of the system's life cycle…? Unacceptable.

Tatsujin: I have about 40 PS1 games (most all of them RPGs), 55 PS2, and 12 PS3. 🙂

16 years ago

I really support that, i mean that most of microsofts products i have bought broke down, I dont trust them at all! I have 8 ps3 games, abut to buy like five or six more. I have 53 ps1 games, and 15 ps2 games.

16 years ago

@Ben – Dude, I just found copies of Legend of Legaia and Lunar Star Story (Complete) in my closet. Did you ever get to play those?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

Man, I don't think you understand how many PS1 RPGs I played. 😉 Of course I've played those and I LOVED those. Two of my favorites, actually, and they're valued parts of my collection. I've played them each through at least twice (Lunar maybe 3 times).

16 years ago

see i never agreed with xbox controller for 1st person shooters, everyone raves about the trigger buttons ( 4 of my best mates only own 360's) but i never got it, there the back buttons, it makes more sense to have them nearer the front ( as in r1 not r2 ) and i have alwayz found the anologs to feel abit cheaper and plasticy, however i didnt like the lightness of the ps3 controller, but as soon as i could i got a dualshcok3 from ebay and there u go the perfect controller!

16 years ago

Agreed, Ben. I have owned nearly all consoles (except for the NeoGeo and TurboGFX16 which I played constantly after "borrowing" them from friends) and I have always ended up playing the PS1, PS2, PS3, and PSP more than the other consoles/Amiga/PC (though the Amiga was a close second).

Reccaman18, the reason why people that love M$ bash Sony is because half of them are children or have the IQ of children, and the other half are directly/indirectly in bed with M$. Yes, Sony

16 years ago

Ben? only 12 ps3 games? im dissapointed… I have 14 (18 if u count the 5 games in the orange box). And i barely have money at all! (of course one of the games is the crappy Enchanted Arms that came free with the system).

16 years ago

Sony = Quality and Playstation Rules Long Live PlayStation 3 and on forever too bad those other junk consoles even exist. All games should be on the best system then they'd be even better. Imagine if Nintendo games were on PS3 they'd actually be worth playing they might even be incredible instead of looking like Snes games. If only Sony could convince Miyamoto his talents are being wasted on a weak kiddie toy give him a few million dollars and PS3 Dev Kit and have him make a real mind blowing super mario universe for PS3

Last edited by NetheRealm on 5/26/2008 6:33:32 PM

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