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Ben’s Week In Review: March 16

It almost feels like Christmas, what with all the big games looming very large on the horizon, doesn't it? Let's talk about a few of 'em.

Grand Theft Auto and Multiplayer = ???

So we learned all about the 15 online multiplayer modes this past week, and it got me thinking: I, like most gamers, really only started falling in love with the franchise when Grand Theft Auto III dropped on the PS2. Therefore, I've gone through three awesome installments with no multiplayer to speak of, and because of that, I have difficulty envisioning a multiplayer scenario in GTA. Thing is, I'm just used to FPSs and maybe a few sports games online, so when something like this goes online, I have no idea what to expect. Sure, something like Mafia Work, Car Jack City and Mafia Work sounds fun as hell, but how will it function…exactly? I can imagine the host setting up the type of gameplay mode and the rules – like in most online multiplayer games – but what about the world itself? Will we always have access to the entire city? And if so, won't this cause a problem due to its size? I guess the real issue is this- because nobody has ever played a game that's this big and this dynamic online before, I'm not sure anyone knows what to expect.

And no, it's not like a MMO, so I don't need all the EverQuest freaks telling me they "know all about it." No, this is going to be a fresh experience for just about everyone, and while I have questions, I'm also plenty psyched. It's not often we get something this innovative these days, but hey, online multiplayer is still in its infancy stages. Much more can be done, and perhaps a lot of that potential will begin with GTAIV.

Dual Shock 3 already a hot item

As evidenced by its #2 position in sales in Amazon's video game section, the Dual Shock 3 is already burning up the charts. It's not even out yet, and people are already clamoring to get one. Now, the rumble (or force feedback) is a feature that has been around for a while, and for the life of me, I have never been able to figure out the attraction. I didn't like it when it first arrived for the PS1 controller, I didn't like it on the Dual Shock 2, and of course, I have no interest whatsoever in the DS3. What is the point ? Who the hell has ever sat there playing a game, have the controller rumble in their hands and say, "wow, it feels like I'm really there!" A rumbling plastic gamepad doesn't accurately depict getting shot, slamming into a wall at 200 m.p.h. or falling a zillion feet to our death. In fact, in my experience, it has only hindered the gameplay. Nothing about this feature has ever enhanced my gaming experience, and I can't make it any plainer than that.

I do realize that many people like the rumble. They would have to; if it weren't for the major outcry for Sony taking it out of the Sixaxis, we wouldn't even have the Dual Shock 3. But I've been gaming for over 23 years, and this is just one of those things that confuses me no end. Could someone please tell me what the appeal of the rumble is?

Personal gaming update

Well, I'm moving right along in Lost Odyssey . I'm just shy of the 30-hour mark, and it's still tons of fun. Great story! I also take time out to play a bit of Twisted Metal: Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition , just because it really is a lot of fun (as expected). I got Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds last week, but because Arnold is taking care of the review, I don't have to crack it open just yet. Of course, I can't wait to do that, especially considering just how big a fan I am of the series. But I always hate playing several games at once, which is why I'm waiting until I finish Lost Odyssey . I also have to work in Dark Sector at the end of the month (I'll be handling that review), and then it's only four or five weeks until Grand Theft Auto IV on April 29. I'll be doing that review, too, but I would get that game, anyway. Duh. I think the only other game I really want during the first half of the year is Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots , but thankfully, I've got some time. That bad boy doesn't drop until June 12.

But oh, what about Gran Turismo 5: Prologue ? Yeah, can't be forgetting about that one, even if it is only a demo on steroids. That's a definite must-buy, guaranteed. See? Just like the holidays…too many games, not enough time! 🙂

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16 years ago

I here ya Ben. When I first found out that rumble wasn't going to be included in the Sixaxis I was like what!?!? that's crazy, but I understood the whole obstacle with the law suit and the supposed problem implementing it with the tilt function, but when I got my PS3 in christmas I quickly got use to not having rumble I don't even think about it anymore. I guess what I always liked was the feeling it gave of the controller almost responding back to me like aw damn I can believe you just made me do that or aw snap your being shot at type of feelings. I just gives you that extra sensation. Now I understand how it doesn't make you feel like you being somewhat shot, but I always seen it as a warning. When ever someone is shooting me I can feel it in my hands let me know it happening. I could only imagine how awesome it would be if a missile that was locked on me in warhawk and it made control just start having seizures in my hand warning me of its incoming.

16 years ago

Ben, have you never played GTA Multiplayer on the psp between a few mates?

from what you have said it sounds like GTA4's online will be just like that. for eg: in a DM game on the psp you get certain areas to play in then you just go about hunting down your mate. All the traffic and ped humour is still there, its the living city.. only that your mate is hunting you down like the dog that you are.
It does work really really well. after playing this on the psp you strat to wish that it would happen on the big console, and what you would do to improve it.

I just hope they have too.. but one thing I hope they havent touched, and thats the playing in certain sections of the map. ok, if theres 16 of you then sure maybe the whole city should be opened up, but when theres just the two of you, even in a small section of the map.. you can get lost. but im sure they have thought of this.

i never played the other game modes, maybe i will this time around.

but imagine this scene… you are on top of a car park.. the very top, standing on the wall over looking the city streets ..waiting..waiting to see something irregular, waiting to see the person who you are trying to kill.. just then a car skids down the main street.. you can hear the roar of the engine, is it a mad ped gone crazy or is it your mate? suddenly the car sppeds up and someone ejects themselves at speed from the vehicle… the car carrys on and kills a few people, while the your mate is now standing in the street with a rocket launcher aimed at you. But thats ok as you have just shot him with your sniper rifle.. in the head 🙂 🙂 …trust me, its fun.

16 years ago

I cant wait for the GTA4 multiplayer.

16 years ago

I don't /need/ the rumble to enjoy a game. But I do understand the appeal. It's not that it makes the game play any better. But it does do a little to add to the immersive nature of the game, especially if the game already works to suck you in. I like having a little physical 'jolt' when things happen in the game, but it's not like it's a MUST HAVE sort of thing. Regardless, I am holding off on getting a second PS3 controller until the DS3 is available.

16 years ago

I think the thing with DS3 is that you get instant reaction back from the game and in your hands while you play, it is not a "must have" for me either but I understand why people like it.

16 years ago

Im with everyone else, rumble doesn't matter that much. I cant explain why it is so loved, but it's nice to see Sony answering the prayers of those that wanted that little feature.

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