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Inside Ty’s Mind: Is Sony Gonna Announce The PS5 At E3?

Hey guys, what’s happening? Hope your weekend is going well so far, but if it isn’t, then, uh… sucks to be you.

Anyway, this is a new segment thing that I’m going to probably start doing. This is where I basically just babble on about random stuff, and hope that these words make some sliver of sense to at least one of our readers.

So, E3 is right around the corner, and there’s a rather huge rumor flying around that Sony is planning to announce a PlayStation 5. You know, something that’s super powerful, and capable of competing against Microsoft’s new behemoth of a console, the Scorpio. So let me just share some of my thoughts on this potential announcement for a moment. Cause you know, I’m bored, and babbling is what I do when I’m bored.

First up, I do not believe that Sony is going to announce a brand new console. The PS5 is just not happening any time soon. It’s a super silly thing to even consider at this point, with the PS4 doing so freaking well right now. Announcing a brand new PS5 would kill the momentum of the PS4, which is kinda counterproductive as far as I’m concerned. So no, Sony is not going to announce a PS5.

However, it’s totally possible that Sony could announce a new hardware revision to the PS4. A sort of “PS4 XL ” that could go head to head against the Xbox Scorpio, which itself is really just a beefed up Xbox One.

A PS4 XL actually makes some strategic sense as well. With the Scorpio, Microsoft is going to have three main Xbox One consoles out on the market. The Xbox One, the Xbox One S, and the Xbox One Scorpio. Currently, Sony only has two PS4 consoles, being the original, and the Pro model. So it’s very plausible that Sony is interested in releasing a third hardware revision.

Now, this brings with it a pricing situation. If Sony is to have three main PS4 models on the market, they are going to need to price them accordingly. Here are my predictions.

PS4: $199

PS4 Pro: $299

PS4 XL: $499

This pricing would act as a buffer between the three models. If you were just looking to play some awesome PS4 games, you could get the base $199 model. If you’re looking for a little graphics upgrade, the Pro model is the way to go, without killing your bank. However, if you want the ultimate experience, with the best games and the best graphics, splurge for the XL, allowing you to truly play beyond what was previously imaginable.

So, to conclude this rather pointless article. Do I believe that Sony is going to release a PS5 within the near future? No. Definitely not. However, I do believe that we may see a revision to the PS4 that puts it at the cutting edge of gaming. So if any kind of new hardware is going to be announced at this years E3, it’s going to be a hardware revision and a price drop to go with it, not a brand new console. Because a brand new console at this stage in the PS4’s life would kill the PS4’s momentum, which is not what Sony wants to do. They want to capitalize on this momentum for as long as possible. They want to add more fuel to the fire, and keep the light behind the PS4 going for many more years to come.

So, what do you guys think? Is Sony going to announce a brand new piece of hardware at this years E3? And if so, what are they going to announce? PS5? PS4 XL? Something else entirely? Or perhaps nothing? Let us know in the comments below.

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7 years ago

PlayStation Could pull a Nintendo and say The PlayStation XL will be the only that does backwards compatibility. That Plays PlayStation 3, 2 and original PlayStation Games. Also Put in a 4K Disc Player. And have a 3TB hardrive.

Last edited by TrueAssassin86x on 5/6/2017 3:01:25 PM

7 years ago

I don't really see that happening. The PS3 is just a very different system, and isn't easy to emulate. They'd have to basically include an entire PS3 into the PS4 XL, which I suppose is technically possible. That's what they did with the original PS3 systems, before moving over to software emulation. But I just don't see it being very likely.

Would be nice though. I have two PS3's, and neither one of them works properly anymore. I'd love to be able to play all of my old PS3 games on the PS4, but honestly, I'd probably just end up buying a PS3 Slim or something instead.

slow and smart
slow and smart
7 years ago

Yeah,makes sense 🙂 i mean Microsofts Scorpio will also be more expensive so Sony can easy do the same,add some terraflops[whatever]more than Scorpio so that they have 'the best' console and everybody can decide what they want to spend on a console[3 prices].

Last edited by slow and smart on 5/6/2017 5:07:37 PM

7 years ago

Definitely like this style segment.

As for a PS5 sure their most assuredly working on it right now, but i cannot conceive of any situation in which it would be good to announce it now. I don't even see a good reason to chase the Scorpio, just invest that money into your own software for now. The money train is moving in Sonys favor right now, i would not consider anything drastic on the hardware side "this year", now next year could be a nailbiter after the numbers from this year come in.

7 years ago

PlayStation Could pull a Nintendo and say The PlayStation XL will be the only that does backwards compatibility. That Plays PlayStation 3, 2 and original PlayStation Games. Also Put in a 4K Disc Player. And have a 3TB hardrive.

Last edited by TrueAssassin86x on 5/6/2017 3:01:25 PM

7 years ago

Definitely like this style segment.

As for a PS5 sure their most assuredly working on it right now, but i cannot conceive of any situation in which it would be good to announce it now. I don&#39t even see a good reason to chase the Scorpio, just invest that money into your own software for now. The money train is moving in Sonys favor right now, i would not consider anything drastic on the hardware side "this year", now next year could be a nailbiter after the numbers from this year come in.

7 years ago

PlayStation Could pull a Nintendo and say The PlayStation XL will be the only that does backwards compatibility. That Plays PlayStation 3, 2 and original PlayStation Games. Also Put in a 4K Disc Player. And have a 3TB hardrive.

Last edited by TrueAssassin86x on 5/6/2017 3:01:25 PM

7 years ago

Definitely like this style segment.

As for a PS5 sure their most assuredly working on it right now, but i cannot conceive of any situation in which it would be good to announce it now. I don&#39t even see a good reason to chase the Scorpio, just invest that money into your own software for now. The money train is moving in Sonys favor right now, i would not consider anything drastic on the hardware side "this year", now next year could be a nailbiter after the numbers from this year come in.

slow and smart
slow and smart
7 years ago

Yeah,makes sense 🙂 i mean Microsofts Scorpio will also be more expensive so Sony can easy do the same,add some terraflops[whatever]more than Scorpio so that they have &#39the best&#39 console and everybody can decide what they want to spend on a console[3 prices].

Last edited by slow and smart on 5/6/2017 5:07:37 PM

7 years ago

I don&#39t really see that happening. The PS3 is just a very different system, and isn&#39t easy to emulate. They&#39d have to basically include an entire PS3 into the PS4 XL, which I suppose is technically possible. That&#39s what they did with the original PS3 systems, before moving over to software emulation. But I just don&#39t see it being very likely.

Would be nice though. I have two PS3&#39s, and neither one of them works properly anymore. I&#39d love to be able to play all of my old PS3 games on the PS4, but honestly, I&#39d probably just end up buying a PS3 Slim or something instead.

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