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PSX Extreme – 18 Years of Gaming

Before I begin this article, I’d like to give a huge thanks to all of our previous editors that worked tirelessly over the past 18 years. I’d like to also give an extra big thanks to Ben Dutka, our former Editor-in-Chief. You were the heart and soul of this community, and everybody here at PSX Extreme wishes you the absolute best with all of your future endeavors. It won’t be the same without you, and we will miss you dearly. Good luck Ben. 😀

Well, I guess this is where I put my introduction. So yeah, hey guys. My name is Tyler Harvey, though some of you may know me as Wiiplay. I’m the newly appointed owner of PSX Extreme, and will be in charge of this site from here on out.

I go by the name of Sidular elsewhere, and am known primarily within the professional Team Fortress 2 eSport scene, both as a competitor, and as a league owner. I created the third largest pro TF2 league in North America, which sounds impressive, until you realize that there are only three leagues in North America… But whatever, I’m proud of it all the same.

Sidular is also the name of a company I own and run. But anyway, enough about me. Time to talk about PSX Extreme!

So in short, PSX Extreme is back. I ended up acquiring this website in the hopes of restoring it to its former glory. I won’t lie, it’s going to be an uphill battle. But you know what? I believe we can do it, guys! You with me? 😀

Let’s face it. This site is a tad outdated. The last major design update we had was in 2007. So, moving forward, we’re going to be creating a brand new responsive design, which means you will soon be able to comment from your mobile device! This new design has no ETA right now, though expect some updates on our forums.

Now that PSX Extreme is a part of the Sidular Network, we’re going to be moving the PSX Extreme Forums to a different platform. Something a little more open source, and easily expandable. Don’t get me wrong, what we’ve got now is awesome! But it’s also old, and a total pain to manage.

We plan to initiate the move within the next couple of days, so stay tuned for that. (all accounts and posts will be transferred to the new platform)

Remember when I mentioned that I run a company? Well, Sidular’s the company, and the Sidular Network is a large network of digital sites and services. It’s really more of a branding thing, and won’t affect PSX Extreme in any significant way.

Now that I own this joint, I intend to expand the crap out of it. I’ve been running a website called Gaming Rant for 7 years, and hope to be able to turn Gaming Rant into an all-purpose website for gaming media, with an indie focus. So if you like and enjoy indie gaming, and if you want to support PSXE and all of those awesome indie developers out there, do consider checking out Gaming Rant when you get the chance.

Our email servers are currently down for both the main site and the forums. We’re working on a fix for this, and should have a solution within the next couple of days. Until then, it won’t be possible to create a new account on our forums, and you also will not be able to request a password reset, or potentially even join our main site, at least until this issue has been resolved.

Remember when we gave away those awesome PS3 consoles way back in the day? Well, we plan to do it again! Expect more news on future PSXE giveaways soon.

The future of PSX Extreme looks bright, and full of hope. We’re going to be swimming through some uncharted waters for a bit, but I’m sure that with the right amount of support and dedication, we can go beyond and into greatness. Again. 

Anyway, that’s about it for now. Expect more updates soon. Also, if you’re interested in writing for us, please be sure to send us a message on
Facebook .

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7 years ago

Still getting used to article formatting on here… sorry if this looks weird. :p

7 years ago

Looks fine too me. And hey im the first reader/non Admin to comment 😀 lol. Anyways cant wait to see the growth. Been a member of Psxextreme since i believe 2010 i think i dont remember. Heres to the future of Psxextreme

7 years ago

When I first published this, I used an image that was about 500 times larger than the site itself. So, uh. Be thankful you weren't online to see that, or you'd be laughing your butt off at me right about now.

7 years ago

Awesome. I've missed this website and look forward to seeing it back up and running at full strength again soon.

7 years ago

You and me both. 😀

7 years ago

So PSXE wasn't dead after all!

This is too cool for words – and it looks like you got all the right ideas (and the competence to make it happen), Tyler. Fantastic.

7 years ago

Dead? Nah. Just sleeping. Also, no matter what anyone says, we were totally NOT snoring!

Anyway, thanks for your kind words, Beamboom. I'm really looking forward to working here, and keeping everything in tip top shape. But phew, I sense several sleepless nights ahead. In fact, I haven't slept yet, and it's 9:30 AM. So, uh.. I should sleep.

7 years ago

WOW can't believe it, thought this site was gone forever lol, so glad i was wrong, keep up the good work tyler.

7 years ago

Can't wait for the old gang to show up and for the new guys to start popping in.
Let's wake up the sleeping giant!

7 years ago

Personally, I can't wait to see BikerSaint, and his demonic demon dog thing.

7 years ago

You and me both!
I was shocked when he went homeless way back when, was happy to see him back on his feet and gaming again 🙂

7 years ago

So sayeth the darkswordsman, I live again!!!

Last edited by Sol on 4/20/2017 9:39:43 AM

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
7 years ago

This is great!! Thanks for doing this!

7 years ago

Hey hey! Good to hear that we aren't dying here. Can't wait to see what is in store.

7 years ago

It lives!
I missed this place so much.
I look forward to what's to come.

7 years ago

Super glad the site is back in action! Now I'll have a great place with the same awesome community to come back to every day, like I've done the past 10 years! Thanks for your dedication, Tyler. Glad to be back!

slow and smart
slow and smart
7 years ago

I liked the reviews and the game-info/the community here,this is my favorite gaming site,great….thanks man!

Last edited by slow and smart on 4/20/2017 1:26:32 PM

7 years ago

Awesome job Tyler! I do hope we get our traditional Ben-esque rants as well. Miss those!

7 years ago

I literally run an entire website designed specifically for 'ranting'.

I tend to sometimes get dark on there, and am trying to turn it into a more serious publication, with an indie focus. But really, you'll find random stuff that's just me complaining about the game industry.
Wrote this rant a last year about Xbox Live.

So anyway, if you're looking for Ben-esque rants, you'll definitely get them!

7 years ago

oo i still auto logged in here.

Well i can see you found the pheonix downs for PSX Extreme a revival.

I guess to start things up again here i will go with this.

PGU: Currently back on a MMO i've played off and on for 12+ years. Called RuneScape. Nothing fancy for a graphic lover but it works for me.

Currently have Horizon: Zero Dawn in my PS4, did not start on it yet as i can only focus on one big game at a time.

Went to buy Persona 5 at GameStop but they were sold out. Maybe a good sign but also they seem to carry really low numbers of copies for new games.

7 years ago

Runescape was great back in the day but now I can't seem to get into it. For some reason 7 days to die reminds me of runescape without the npcs and tons of quests.

7 years ago

Glad to hear that the site will be back up and running. Also looking forward to the modernization. Best of luck getting all this done Tyler!

7 years ago

No way!

Good to see that PSXE had risen like the Phoenix. Well done mate, looking forward to reading here again.

7 years ago

Awesome news. Wishing you total success getting this site back to its former glory. I have to admit it feels nice logging back in.

7 years ago

Nice to read this is coming back. Greatest PS community on the internet

Banky A
Banky A
7 years ago

To be perfectly honestly honest,
PSXE has the best frond-end comment section and system I've ever seen across my 15 years of living on the internet.

Fastest and cleanest thing on the planet.

Excl. any moderation/spam handlers in back-end.

7 years ago

Good to see it back up and running again. Good luck Wiiplay.

7 years ago

Great to see the old site back Tyler. To be honest I have been out of the loop since it went to bed, only looking at the news periodically and being often surprised at game releases lol.

I hope we can get the team of regulars back together and make this place the social hub it once was!

What have I been up to? Well I work for Gamer Gloves, a gaming accessory company that sponsors eSports teams and sells worldwide. I'll be going to graduate school soon to become a teacher, that's my main goal.

Been playing Fallout 4 still, lots of Persona 5, Horizon, and a little of the new Mass Effect (not too impressed there). The backlog is so full it isn't even funny man.

I joined a Star Wars facebook group so I'd have some people to talk to about some hobby. Man those dudes are uptight.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/21/2017 12:57:03 PM

7 years ago

Could you actually hook me up with someone from Gamer Gloves?

Oh, and welcome back! Still hoping for BikerSaint and his demonic dog. I mean, not sure if you've noticed, but I kinda like dogs. My avatar and his avatar were best buds.

7 years ago

Sure man I'll email you my boss' contact info.

7 years ago

Thank you for reviving PSXE wiiplay/Tyler. I literally grew up reading this site and was very sad to hear that it could potentially come to an end.

Seeing as how you're the new owner here, I'd like to make a suggestion:

Considering that this is a highly 'community driven' site, I'd love to see the ability for community members to submit/publish articles of their own (with the appropriate mods in place of course). This would not only increase the amount of content on the site, but would also serve as something unique PSXE does that no other gaming site considers.

Many of us including myself would like to write up articles, but can't promise to do so on a regular basis. I think you'd be surprised how many people would be willing to contribute if they were allowed to do so when it suited them (thumbs up if you agree).

Of course, this doesn't take away from the need for requiring regular & consistent writers that keep up with the main gaming news/content. But just think about it, how many gaming sites allow their own community the opportunity to contribute in publishing articles? I don't know of any! And PSXE could be the first to do such a thing!

Just an idea that I'm throwing out there, but please do consider it.

It's great to be back 🙂

7 years ago

Actually, I've been considering that as well. Just not sure on how to properly go about doing it.

Either way, it will almost certainly happen. Can't say as to when though. The backend is sort of… well, limited, to say the least. So a community submission tool would likely need to custom developed. And if that's indeed the case, we'd likely wait until the new responsive design is up and running.

7 years ago

Hanz64, you've read my mind!
I would love to write a piece from time to time.
So excited this site is coming back 🙂
Thanks Wiiplay!!!

7 years ago

Good to hear that I PSXextreme is alive and well again. It makes me think to actually come back and write articles again for this site.. ^_^

7 years ago

Your contributor account is still up and running. So, come back whenever you want. 😀

7 years ago

Cool Beans! I was sad and removed this from the favs. That was a tough 'delete' for me. But Great Odin's Raven it's back!

Look forward to seeing what's coming!

Stay Classy PSX…

7 years ago

It feels like coming home after having been away for a long time, its just comforting, i can even smell the oven fresh cookies in the distance.

Great job! And best of luck to this venture.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
7 years ago

Well, I certainly wish Tyler the best of luck, and it'll be great to see PSXE back up and running again. 🙂

I've already told him that I really can't be involved in the resurrection, as I'll be busy with my other endeavors (none of which involve video games, by the way).

However, I will certainly check in to see how things are going every now and then, and I might find time for the occasional article or review. They will be rare for multiple reasons – one of which being that I'm not involved in the gaming community at all these days – but I won't rule them out.

I hope everything goes well, and I also hope there are people out there willing to help the new endeavor! 🙂

7 years ago

Yo Ben good to see you're still out there in the ether man.

7 years ago

Well Ben if you only ever write ONE other review. Im dying to see your review on Final Fantasy XV now that its actually out and you can play it. With all the stuff youd say regarding the game before its release Im quite interesting in seeing your opinion of the final version ow that its out and free for all to play.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
7 years ago

Sorry, I didn't play it nor will I play it. I saw enough of gameplay to know it's an action game first and an RPG second.

Might be a fine game, but it isn't Final Fantasy and I'm just not interested. If I want that, I'll play Nier: Automata at some point.

7 years ago

It's not good man, stay away.

7 years ago

So then you're implying that Nier:Automata isn't an RPG? Ok I guess Kingdom Hearts isnt one either then right?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
7 years ago


He never implied anything at all and you're creating words from thin air and putting them in his mouth. He said doesn't like the new FF because it looks like an action game and that's that. TBH after a few gameplay videos that's accurate imo.

*Note I don't play FF at all.

7 years ago

Well this is great news! Strangely enough about two days prior to the announcement of PSXExtreme's return I finally broke down and deleted the site from my bookmarked pages. I'm thrilled to return it to where it belongs! Welcome back to the only site needed for Playstation news and a great community!

7 years ago

I hope you bookmarked us again!

7 years ago

snakes happy psxextreme is back lol. changed up my assassin picture to something more playstation lol

7 years ago

Welcome back psxextreme!

7 years ago

Soooo am I considered one the regulars >.>

7 years ago

Glad PSXExtremem is back. Now I can find some real game reviews again and if a game is worth trying without the bias.

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