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Ben’s Week In Review: July 10

Only one more week until I Am Setsuna arrives! I'm actually more excited for that game than I am for most other titles scheduled for 2016.

The Witcher 3 gets a GotY Edition…no surprise, but do I buy?

I wasn't exactly shocked when I heard the confirmation about a special Game of the Year Edition for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt .

With the exception of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End , CD Projekt Red's brilliant action/RPG is my favorite game of the generation. Thing is, I haven't yet had the chance to play Blood and Wine, the second expansion. I'm just about ready now, but…I dunno, I have a hard time getting back into any game after not playing it for a while. I finished the last expansion – the downright stellar Hearts of Stone add-on – late last year and I haven't played the game since. And The Witcher 3 isn't exactly the kind of thing you can just pick up and play after such an extended absence.

I'm going to have to sit down and become reacquainted with the mechanics and everything and it's actually a little daunting. It's almost impossible to pass up, though, as I'm hearing Blood and Wine actually offers 90 new quests and 30 hours of gameplay , which is just totally insane for an expansion. But with this GotY Edition coming, I'm almost tempted to wait…if I don't play Blood and Wine now, I'd have an excuse to get the GotY version later this year, and I'd get all the extra goodies, too. 😉

Missed out on The Warriors game; maybe now's the time…

Ironically, I just recently saw the movie on TV, and it reminded me that I never played The Warriors game when it came out on PS2 all those years ago. Now, it's available on PS4 and it's awfully tempting. I just wonder if it's one of those games that stands the test of time…I don't mind older technology, of course, but when the gameplay is just so wildly outdated, it's difficult to like it. I remember when I was all psyched to download the original Fighting Force and was just appalled at how bad it controlled. Of course, back in the day, it was a blast but these days, it's beyond outdated. I hope The Warriors at least remains entertaining; I heard it was a darn good game when it came out.

Obviously, this isn't the news I wanted from Rockstar. I know Red Dead Redemption came to Xbox but seriously, where's the sequel announcement? We didn't get it at E3 and while we all know it's coming (and I know Rockstar doesn't want to announce games too early), we still have no official confirmation. Come on. Let's unveil that sucker.

Personal gaming update

I finished Mirror's Edge Catalyst . It's a fine game; the mechanics were sound and while a lot of the side missions were outrageously frustrating, it proved oddly addictive. But now that the story is done and Faith is maxed, I see now reason to run around doing all the other stuff, so I'm moving on.

I went on the Store last night and saw that demo for Resident Evil 7 and tried it out, and I was encouraged. It wasn't very long but you do get that good ol' survival/horror sensation when playing it, as if Capcom is telling everyone, " see , we are returning to the franchise's roots!" I think this one has the potential to be the RE that we've all wanted since RE4 (though I liked RE5 just fine and finished it). Speaking of which, I hear RE4 is coming to PS4 as well…man, I loved that game. 🙂

So it's either Blood and Wine right now or I'll wait and play I Am Setsuna first. Oh, and I want to try out Insomniac's new underwater "Metroidvania" game, Song of the Deep . Decisions, decisions…

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8 years ago

I am intrigued by I Am Setsuna. I feel though because I haven't played all of yesterday's great jRPG's it's not quite ready to jump to the front of the line. I suppose maybe it can if the reviews are off the hook. It looks great but I still have Suikoden II, Chrono Trigger and Cross to play.

Someday I may come back to Witcher 3 for some DLC time but with my backlog it's no where in site.

I can't remember if I tried the Warriors or not back in the day. Maybe I'll research it some.

PGU: So I finally finished Ratchet and Clank 2. It was still enjoyable, even if it was old. The strides over the first game was massive though, particularly with controls.

I've also been pounding away at Darksiders II Deathfinitive Edition. It's a real admirable game. It definitely feels like less of a direct mish-mash of God of War meets Zelda as the first game was. Where it feels pretty darn unique in today's gaming climate. It's too bad that when THQ went south and placed their assets on auction this game franchise was left on the table by every big publisher. Which goes to show how there's basically zero interest in such a game and genre in today's AAA market. It eventually got picked up by someone … for like pennies or something. So I suppose there's a shimmer of hope for an eventual third game.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/10/2016 12:03:31 AM

8 years ago

Publisher that picked it up is Nordic Games, and the developer that is working on the 3rd DS is Gunfire Games.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

Darksiders II is one of my favorite games. A true action/RPG designed exceedingly well with a mix of genres. Love it. 🙂

8 years ago

I enjoyed DS2, but I really like DS1 more overall. It felt more polished, and I liked its progression more.

DS2 the puzzles were lacking, and I just didn't feel there was as much variety.

That being said I still loved the game. I just wish the story told more, I want to know how the narrative unfolds!

8 years ago

Attacked DS and DSII with love and fervor but finished neither, they just peter out, no lasting impression.

8 years ago

Thanks Master Ninja Shams.
That makes sense, seeing that the Deathinitive Edition came out after THQ's collapse.

Ben, it's a well designed game and I hope for another sequel.

Xenris. While it's been sometime since I played the original game, I did also enjoy it a lot. Though, I can't say DS2's puzzles feel weaker to me. Sure the early dungeons weren't much but the game seems to do well at increasing puzzle complexity with each dungeon. The City of the
Dead dungeon was a fairly elaborate design. And the various abilities like cloning yourself create an interesting twist.

World. I can't say the same but I can say I've reached a game breaking bug. Yay for PC's!
It happens while speaking to this Archon guy on top of some tower. Trying to skip through the conversation doesn't help either. I'm guessing there's a work-around somewhere (I hope). I've managed to fix Splinter Cell Blacklist and ME3 bugs just fine so I'm hoping I can get it up and running again. Sucks too because I'm over 16 hours in.

8 years ago

Maybe it's the main character. I have to love who I'm playing while those dungeons drag on for hours and hours. Otherwise the scope and imagination behind the worlds are awe-inspiring.

8 years ago

I got passed the bug.
Basically, speaking to Archon completes a quest and awards you experience points. If those experience points cause you to level up then the game will crash.
So whenever you speak with him, make sure you aren't too close to a new level. So I went and did other stuff, leveled up, then spoke to Archon with a fresh experience bar. That did the trick.

Woo Hoo!

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/14/2016 5:14:23 PM

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
8 years ago

I told my friend that if he buys I Am Setsuna for the Vita I would go half on it and play it later on down the road. For as much as I loved Uncharted 4 and MGSV The Witcher 3 is in the lead for my personal favorite of the current gen. If I had known No Man's Sky was going to be delayed I would have gone for the recent DLC. But I'm having plenty of fun with the core game for now. Maybe it's the rich expansive landscape coupled with the fleshed out side quest.

And I contemplate if I should get the next Deus Ex or No Man's Sky on PS4 or PC. Decisions!

8 years ago

Didn't you leave Ben at the end of April? If so, glad you're back.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

I left. I just do the Week in Review for fun.

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

Ditto here I'm really looking forward to how I Am Setsuna performs.

8 years ago

I'll have to try that demo. I opened up Resident Evil on Sega Saturn and wow does anyone remember it opened with a cheap live action low budget movie shot? That game is HARD! I'll have to get Part 4 on PS4 if it gets the remake treatment. Otherwise RESI7 is a lock for the VR.

I'm playing Star Ocean 5 in bits and pieces an enjoying that, though I wish there were more action options like Star 4 had. I suppose it could still open up somehow, those game tend to open up until the very end.

Otherwise not a ton of gaming motivation this summer. Gonna try my hand at Sherlock Holmes Devil's Daughter for my birthday. Got a pile of unfinished games though. Still monkeying with getting the best visual output from the Saturn and managing a social media network for a gaming product during a gaming drought while the product isn't available due to chinese labor. It's like strangling a dead chicken back to life.

On the fence about I am Setsuna because I like separate screen jrpgs so I'll watch the media.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/11/2016 11:59:37 PM

8 years ago

Didn&#39t you leave Ben at the end of April? If so, glad you&#39re back.

4 years ago

Maybe it&#39s the main character. I have to love who I&#39m playing while those dungeons drag on for hours and hours. Otherwise the scope and imagination behind the worlds are awe-inspiring.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
8 years ago

I told my friend that if he buys I Am Setsuna for the Vita I would go half on it and play it later on down the road. For as much as I loved Uncharted 4 and MGSV The Witcher 3 is in the lead for my personal favorite of the current gen. If I had known No Man&#39s Sky was going to be delayed I would have gone for the recent DLC. But I&#39m having plenty of fun with the core game for now. Maybe it&#39s the rich expansive landscape coupled with the fleshed out side quest.

And I contemplate if I should get the next Deus Ex or No Man&#39s Sky on PS4 or PC. Decisions!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

I left. I just do the Week in Review for fun.

8 years ago

I got passed the bug.
Basically, speaking to Archon completes a quest and awards you experience points. If those experience points cause you to level up then the game will crash.
So whenever you speak with him, make sure you aren&#39t too close to a new level. So I went and did other stuff, leveled up, then spoke to Archon with a fresh experience bar. That did the trick.

Woo Hoo!

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/14/2016 5:14:23 PM

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

Ditto here I&#39m really looking forward to how I Am Setsuna performs.

8 years ago

I enjoyed DS2, but I really like DS1 more overall. It felt more polished, and I liked its progression more.

DS2 the puzzles were lacking, and I just didn&#39t feel there was as much variety.

That being said I still loved the game. I just wish the story told more, I want to know how the narrative unfolds!

8 years ago

I&#39ll have to try that demo. I opened up Resident Evil on Sega Saturn and wow does anyone remember it opened with a cheap live action low budget movie shot? That game is HARD! I&#39ll have to get Part 4 on PS4 if it gets the remake treatment. Otherwise RESI7 is a lock for the VR.

I&#39m playing Star Ocean 5 in bits and pieces an enjoying that, though I wish there were more action options like Star 4 had. I suppose it could still open up somehow, those game tend to open up until the very end.

Otherwise not a ton of gaming motivation this summer. Gonna try my hand at Sherlock Holmes Devil&#39s Daughter for my birthday. Got a pile of unfinished games though. Still monkeying with getting the best visual output from the Saturn and managing a social media network for a gaming product during a gaming drought while the product isn&#39t available due to chinese labor. It&#39s like strangling a dead chicken back to life.

On the fence about I am Setsuna because I like separate screen jrpgs so I&#39ll watch the media.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/11/2016 11:59:37 PM

8 years ago

Attacked DS and DSII with love and fervor but finished neither, they just peter out, no lasting impression.

8 years ago

I am intrigued by I Am Setsuna. I feel though because I haven&#39t played all of yesterday&#39s great jRPG&#39s it&#39s not quite ready to jump to the front of the line. I suppose maybe it can if the reviews are off the hook. It looks great but I still have Suikoden II, Chrono Trigger and Cross to play.

Someday I may come back to Witcher 3 for some DLC time but with my backlog it&#39s no where in site.

I can&#39t remember if I tried the Warriors or not back in the day. Maybe I&#39ll research it some.

PGU: So I finally finished Ratchet and Clank 2. It was still enjoyable, even if it was old. The strides over the first game was massive though, particularly with controls.

I&#39ve also been pounding away at Darksiders II Deathfinitive Edition. It&#39s a real admirable game. It definitely feels like less of a direct mish-mash of God of War meets Zelda as the first game was. Where it feels pretty darn unique in today&#39s gaming climate. It&#39s too bad that when THQ went south and placed their assets on auction this game franchise was left on the table by every big publisher. Which goes to show how there&#39s basically zero interest in such a game and genre in today&#39s AAA market. It eventually got picked up by someone … for like pennies or something. So I suppose there&#39s a shimmer of hope for an eventual third game.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/10/2016 12:03:31 AM

8 years ago

Publisher that picked it up is Nordic Games, and the developer that is working on the 3rd DS is Gunfire Games.

8 years ago

Thanks Master Ninja Shams.
That makes sense, seeing that the Deathinitive Edition came out after THQ&#39s collapse.

Ben, it&#39s a well designed game and I hope for another sequel.

Xenris. While it&#39s been sometime since I played the original game, I did also enjoy it a lot. Though, I can&#39t say DS2&#39s puzzles feel weaker to me. Sure the early dungeons weren&#39t much but the game seems to do well at increasing puzzle complexity with each dungeon. The City of the
Dead dungeon was a fairly elaborate design. And the various abilities like cloning yourself create an interesting twist.

World. I can&#39t say the same but I can say I&#39ve reached a game breaking bug. Yay for PC&#39s!
It happens while speaking to this Archon guy on top of some tower. Trying to skip through the conversation doesn&#39t help either. I&#39m guessing there&#39s a work-around somewhere (I hope). I&#39ve managed to fix Splinter Cell Blacklist and ME3 bugs just fine so I&#39m hoping I can get it up and running again. Sucks too because I&#39m over 16 hours in.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

Darksiders II is one of my favorite games. A true action/RPG designed exceedingly well with a mix of genres. Love it. 🙂

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