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Ben’s Week In Review: June 19

First off, Happy Father's Day to all. 🙂 Now about that E3 stuff…

Well, God of War looks appropriately awesome

I figured it was about time for Sony to unveil the next entry and I'm definitely excited.

Like Uncharted 4: A Thief's End , this new entry feels like a proper progression of one of the best video game IPs ever. It's more open (it's a rule that you can't have straight-up linear games anymore, obviously) but it's clearly not a sandbox structure, and the emphasis seems to remain squarely on combat. Though it appears there will be more depth in terms of character advancement, and there might be some interesting puzzle and platforming mechanics.

And I like the new Norse theme, too, and I'm very glad they decided to stick with Kratos. He defines this franchise and it just wouldn't be GoW without him, so I'm pleased to see him there, even if he's been overhauled. Can't wait for this one!

Detroit will be a big-time winner

First of all, I think it's great that we'll be seeing Indigo Prophecy on PS4; it was one of my favorite games from that generation. Secondly, the new Detroit: Becoming Human trailer Quantic Dream showed off at E3 was just incredible . The game has a ridiculous amount of promise, specifically from a storytelling standpoint. Heavy Rain remains one of my all-time favorite titles and I don't care what anyone says, the story and characters, while obviously not on par with great movies or books, is still head-and-shoulders above most other games in existence. I expect nothing but brilliance this time around from QD, so they had best deliver.

The Last Guardian is coming this year! I almost can't believe it

Like many PlayStation fans, I've been waiting on this so-called piece of vaporware for a good six years. It was supposed to be a PS3 exclusive, then the project went all sorts of sideways and for a long time, we didn't hear much of anything. Even after it re-debuted at last year's E3, Sony went silent again in the previous year, which I admit was concerning. But they brought it back to this year's show , gave us a new trailer, and better yet, slapped a true-blue launch date on it. And I don't mind that it's set for October because as I have no interest in either of the big shooters ( Call of Duty or Battlefield ), we're not getting a new Assassin's Creed , and I doubt I'll want to play Watch Dogs 2 , the fall isn't as crazy for me as usual.

I will absolutely have to get Dishonored 2 in November, though.

Resident Evil 7 a return to form…? Looks like Capcom learned something

I've said several times over that Resident Evil 6 suffered from the worst case of identity crisis I'd ever seen and after the abysmal Operation Raccoon City and a few other Capcom failures in recent years, one wondered if good ol' RE would ever experience a return to glory. I know most horror aficionados were doubtful. But after seeing the reveal during E3 , I have to say that it looks very encouraging. Hey, looks like a true horror experience, doesn't it? I think Capcom got away from this "every gamer wants every game to be action" theory that plagued a lot of developers in past years, and they also saw the success of other hardcore horror games, like Outlast .

See? We can all learn. 😉

Personal gaming update

I decided I just couldn't push through to finish Doom , so it's on the back burner for now. It simply became too much of a chore and the fun factor dropped like a stone at about the six-hour mark. I might go back to it but for now, I'm focusing on Mirror's Edge Catalyst . Now, it has its problems. The story is meh and I have some issues with the gameplay; for instance, the Echo you're supposed to follow is nowhere near good enough, and the trial-and-error element is just off the charts. I don't even mind trial-and-error, so for me to say that it's wicked frustrating in Catalyst means there's an issue. That being said, I still really love the free-running mechanic and I just have fun playing it, despite the drawbacks.

Once I finish, it'll be on to the Blood and Wine expansion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and I'm lying in wait for I Am Setsuna .

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8 years ago

This E3 really made it apparent just how different Sony and MS are from each other when it comes to marketing their brands.

For one. Sony still invests heavily into single player driven AAA experiences. Boston, GoW, Spider-man, the zombie game, The Last Guardian, and more showed just how committed they are to story driven play.
In contrast to the competition, nearly every major production coming out of MS was designed with multiplayer in mind, co-op or competively.
Btw. Hey! I feel like I now have an Xbox One by virtue of also having a PC.

Unfortunately, to me, PSVR's Farpoint confirmed the PS4 just isn't up to the FPS processing task of doing VR right on this go around.
Sony fell short of persuading me at e3 that PSVR is anything much more than a gimmick at this point.

PGU: Been playing mostly Metro Last Light. About finished with it I think too. It's been one mostly great ride. A massive improvement over 2033. I hope the series sticks around because we just don't have many FPS series quite like this one.

I also, grabbed a number of PSN games on sale this week. One of which was AC Syndicate. I couldn't help myself and I already played a couple levels of it. I'm definitely impressed. I'm digging every gameplay change. The sneak/crouch button. The flow of brawling. It looks lovely; though, Uncharted 4 did soften my impression of AC's tech.
I grabbed Shadow of Mordor as well. It received a number of accolades and I never stopped to check it out.

8 years ago

Oh, I was pleased to learn, as an option, FFXV allows you to pause the action and dish out commands.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/18/2016 10:57:56 PM

8 years ago

I hope you go to one of the locations and test the PSVR. It's difficult for me to imagine all of those people including industry types being impressed by something not up to par for at least a good start to at-home VR tech for the next 5 years.

8 years ago

I played both metro games in the Russian voice-over, with english subtitles.

The characters, the atmosphere, the score…just so engrossing all around.

8 years ago

Doom is meant to be played with a level or two at a time of fun, then put away. I just got the BFG and that means I'm nearing the end of the game (historically speaking). And it is cool. Not the next level kind of game that should have resulted from the ten thousand years it took them to make it (Insomniac could have made this Doom in 1 year) but it's so much nostalgic butt kicking I might even try the make your own level levels.

Detroit is a must buy. Even though Beyond: Two Souls wasn't as great as Heavy Rain and they broke the control system, it still had that trademark emotional connection and impressiveness. I think all will come together this time.

God of War, the camera looks too close.

Having no comfortable feeling games to play for awhile I have slipped into the comfortable cracks of some new turn-based JRPGs 🙂 They just SO WELL represent the exact opposite of the horrors of the action takeover and are so calm, thoughtful, plot-laden and fun rather than frenetic and sweaty and tense that I love how I can actually just sit and enjoy an afternoon without activating my primordial nervous system, forcing me to shut it off after an hour.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/18/2016 11:21:29 PM

8 years ago

I played Doom a level maybe level and a half a night. Eventually completing it and I enjoyed it that way too.

8 years ago

I don't understand what Microsoft is up to, apparently now everyone with a half decent pc has access to Xbox One, S and Scorpio catalog of games.

There were a few companies which I was disappointed in not seeing what their next game was. I really wanted to see what Sucker Punch was up to, same with dmc franchise. The Spiderman game looks like it will be a blast but I also want a proper Superman game.

8 years ago

I've been trying to tell folks for awhile now, I think they are phasing out hardware, getting out of the console game.

8 years ago

hell yeh i would love to see a proper superman game.

8 years ago

Microsoft is according to Phil Spencer "But I’ll say our motivation is to do a great job on PC, and a great job on console. As I said, I know a lot of our best customers play games in both places, and I want to be there and support them in both."

Microsoft isnt like Sony. They arent just in console. Their games division isnt just console. So everything they do they "have" to do on 2 platforms. Microsoft is trying to sell both Windows 10 and the Xbox. So going forward to them, it seems better to have both presence on the PC and console. Same reason only a few developers make exclusives. The money is greater the more you can sell across the spectrum.

I'm not a Microsoft guy, I know though a few of my last posts might seem that way, in fact the only Microsoft product I have ever owned is Windows. It's just the information is out there and it annoys me for people to have access to that info and not use it.

Last edited by wackazoa on 6/20/2016 11:08:59 AM

8 years ago

Well yeah, like every presidential candidate says they are going all the way to white house until the day before they drop out.

8 years ago

Detroit intrigues me. If only because of the reception that Beyond got. Ive played Heavy Rain and Beyond, actually finishing Beyond. I enjoy them both. But Beyond got so much crap, and maybe rightfully so, that now to see Detroit get so much hype just confuses me.

8 years ago

People are weird. I think everyone wants to pretend Beyond didn't happen. Or maybe the Kara demo made such a big impact that seeing it as a game is just so insanely awesome we want to believe it will surpass Heavy Rain.

8 years ago

Yep. Although everyone has a right to their own opinion, it just seems odd to me.

Also I just want to say I havent down voted you on either post. I dont ever up/down vote, so just didnt want you to think I might have.

8 years ago

I&#39ve been trying to tell folks for awhile now, I think they are phasing out hardware, getting out of the console game.

8 years ago

This E3 really made it apparent just how different Sony and MS are from each other when it comes to marketing their brands.

For one. Sony still invests heavily into single player driven AAA experiences. Boston, GoW, Spider-man, the zombie game, The Last Guardian, and more showed just how committed they are to story driven play.
In contrast to the competition, nearly every major production coming out of MS was designed with multiplayer in mind, co-op or competively.
Btw. Hey! I feel like I now have an Xbox One by virtue of also having a PC.

Unfortunately, to me, PSVR&#39s Farpoint confirmed the PS4 just isn&#39t up to the FPS processing task of doing VR right on this go around.
Sony fell short of persuading me at e3 that PSVR is anything much more than a gimmick at this point.

PGU: Been playing mostly Metro Last Light. About finished with it I think too. It&#39s been one mostly great ride. A massive improvement over 2033. I hope the series sticks around because we just don&#39t have many FPS series quite like this one.

I also, grabbed a number of PSN games on sale this week. One of which was AC Syndicate. I couldn&#39t help myself and I already played a couple levels of it. I&#39m definitely impressed. I&#39m digging every gameplay change. The sneak/crouch button. The flow of brawling. It looks lovely; though, Uncharted 4 did soften my impression of AC&#39s tech.
I grabbed Shadow of Mordor as well. It received a number of accolades and I never stopped to check it out.

8 years ago

Oh, I was pleased to learn, as an option, FFXV allows you to pause the action and dish out commands.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/18/2016 10:57:56 PM

8 years ago

I hope you go to one of the locations and test the PSVR. It&#39s difficult for me to imagine all of those people including industry types being impressed by something not up to par for at least a good start to at-home VR tech for the next 5 years.

8 years ago

I played both metro games in the Russian voice-over, with english subtitles.

The characters, the atmosphere, the score…just so engrossing all around.

8 years ago

Detroit intrigues me. If only because of the reception that Beyond got. Ive played Heavy Rain and Beyond, actually finishing Beyond. I enjoy them both. But Beyond got so much crap, and maybe rightfully so, that now to see Detroit get so much hype just confuses me.

8 years ago

Yep. Although everyone has a right to their own opinion, it just seems odd to me.

Also I just want to say I havent down voted you on either post. I dont ever up/down vote, so just didnt want you to think I might have.

8 years ago

Doom is meant to be played with a level or two at a time of fun, then put away. I just got the BFG and that means I&#39m nearing the end of the game (historically speaking). And it is cool. Not the next level kind of game that should have resulted from the ten thousand years it took them to make it (Insomniac could have made this Doom in 1 year) but it&#39s so much nostalgic butt kicking I might even try the make your own level levels.

Detroit is a must buy. Even though Beyond: Two Souls wasn&#39t as great as Heavy Rain and they broke the control system, it still had that trademark emotional connection and impressiveness. I think all will come together this time.

God of War, the camera looks too close.

Having no comfortable feeling games to play for awhile I have slipped into the comfortable cracks of some new turn-based JRPGs 🙂 They just SO WELL represent the exact opposite of the horrors of the action takeover and are so calm, thoughtful, plot-laden and fun rather than frenetic and sweaty and tense that I love how I can actually just sit and enjoy an afternoon without activating my primordial nervous system, forcing me to shut it off after an hour.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/18/2016 11:21:29 PM

8 years ago

I played Doom a level maybe level and a half a night. Eventually completing it and I enjoyed it that way too.

8 years ago

Microsoft is according to Phil Spencer "But Iâ&#128&#153ll say our motivation is to do a great job on PC, and a great job on console. As I said, I know a lot of our best customers play games in both places, and I want to be there and support them in both."

Microsoft isnt like Sony. They arent just in console. Their games division isnt just console. So everything they do they "have" to do on 2 platforms. Microsoft is trying to sell both Windows 10 and the Xbox. So going forward to them, it seems better to have both presence on the PC and console. Same reason only a few developers make exclusives. The money is greater the more you can sell across the spectrum.

I&#39m not a Microsoft guy, I know though a few of my last posts might seem that way, in fact the only Microsoft product I have ever owned is Windows. It&#39s just the information is out there and it annoys me for people to have access to that info and not use it.

Last edited by wackazoa on 6/20/2016 11:08:59 AM

8 years ago

Well yeah, like every presidential candidate says they are going all the way to white house until the day before they drop out.

4 years ago

hell yeh i would love to see a proper superman game.

8 years ago

I don&#39t understand what Microsoft is up to, apparently now everyone with a half decent pc has access to Xbox One, S and Scorpio catalog of games.

There were a few companies which I was disappointed in not seeing what their next game was. I really wanted to see what Sucker Punch was up to, same with dmc franchise. The Spiderman game looks like it will be a blast but I also want a proper Superman game.

8 years ago

People are weird. I think everyone wants to pretend Beyond didn&#39t happen. Or maybe the Kara demo made such a big impact that seeing it as a game is just so insanely awesome we want to believe it will surpass Heavy Rain.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x