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Ben’s Week In Review: June 5

For the first time in a long time, I won't be following E3 news, so I expect a lot of surprises when I go to check. 🙂

A "high-end remake" for Chrono Trigger and Cosmic Star Heroine

When you look back at what Squaresoft accomplished in the '90s, you can't help but be impressed.

I guess the company is looking back with rose-tinged glasses now, too, what with the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Remake , the HD remasters of Final Fantasy X and X-2 , and several other nods to the past. I know we're getting I Am Setsuna in July, which has been described as a spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger , and speaking of the SNES classic, the game's director says he'd love to see a "high end remake" of some kind. Granted, he mentioned a movie so we might never get that remake but even so, it's nice to hear they're still thinking about that iconic IP. Chrono Cross on PS1 remains one of the best RPGs in history as well, and it really sucks that the "Chrono Break" project never came to fruition.

On top of that, we get a new retro RPG for PS4 and Vita called Cosmic Star Heroine , which I just saw. I'm more intrigued by I Am Setsuna but any time I see a traditional RPG, I have to pay attention because that style of gameplay has long since died on the big-budget side of the industry. Anyway, it'll be interesting to see if Square Enix revisits the classic CT at some point…

Hellblade has promise!

Hey, I've always said it had promise because it was made by Ninja Theory ( Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West ), but I still had to see some gameplay. Now that more has become available recently, I'm definitely encouraged. This latest developer diary shows off a lot of combat and it could be extremely engaging and rewarding. Doesn't it look like an intriguing blend of Dark Souls and Devil May Cry ? Maybe a little more of the former as opposed to the latter, but I'm hoping Hellblade won't be as over-the-top challenging as a From Software title. It probably won't be, though, as Ninja Theory's games aren't especially restrictive.

The story and main character has a ton of potential as well; if you're not familiar, check out the preview I did last year.

Personal gaming update

I still have the urge to play through Uncharted 4: A Thief's End again, because it really is by far and away the best game of the generation, and one of the best games ever made. Just astounding. But I'm currently playing Doom , which is really fun. I just…I dunno, I'm not as gung-ho about it as I thought I'd be. Maybe it's because it's so mindless that it starts to feel a little repetitive after a while, and the lack of a decent story doesn't help. I basically just keep playing to get more weapon and suit upgrades. The game is hard, which I don't mind, but sometimes I feel it's a little unbalanced and the loading times are just way too slow, especially for a game where you die so often.

It's like balancing between "challenging awesomeness" and "repetitive boredom" and if it ends up in the latter category, I'm just going to start on the Blood and Wine expansion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt . I'm hearing nothing but great things, as expected. 🙂 Oh, and Mirror's Edge Catalyst is out this week, too, so…

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8 years ago

I hope I Am Setsuna comes to Vita.
I do like what I'm seeing from Hell Blade as well. I like the up close and personal feel the sword play shows.

I'll play Uncharted 4 again but I want to hold off on that for a bit.

PGU: I knew I'd eventually pick up Metro Redux when the price and timing were right. And so I did during this week's PSN sale. I'm around half way through the first game (it's a two-pack) and I can't say it's making too big of an impression. The atmosphere is great and the graphics tech on display is fairly nice. I like the more story focused approach as well. All other aspects are lacking in some way or another, particularly the game's lack of providing cues as to where to go and what to do next when you're lost. This can sometimes be a real frustrating time waster. Had some reviewers not cited Last Light as being a big step up I'd have shelved this already. I'm sticking to it for now in hopes for the sequel that could pay off for my efforts.

I've been enjoying Mario 3D world with my kids as well. It's great fun but the camera really needs to pull itself back more during some boss battles when playing co-op. It's easy to get caught off screen.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/4/2016 9:22:13 PM

8 years ago

Yeah I got Redux hoping the first game would be as good as the second but it's kinda not. Last Light really made an impression on me as to what a dark FPS which doubled as a possible stealth game which tripled as a survival game could be. Bummer that it didn't turn out that way. I'm sure it was better many years ago.

8 years ago

I just figured something out so my number one complaint was a result of my own idiocy.
So that clipboard you carry?
Yea, it has a compass thing on it with a green arrow telling you were to go. Somehow I missed that small but so very important detail. Maybe my enjoyment level will be more consistent now.
Now if I could just figure out how to use my knives.

8 years ago

Throwing knives? Click R3 I believe, its a little annoying because sometimes you want to melee a person but you're a tad too far away and end up using a throwing knife.

8 years ago

Hey Temjin DOA stuff and Ayane have been added to Senran Kagura Estival Versus

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/6/2016 11:05:01 AM

8 years ago

I'm a sad panda. I broke up with my girl. I don't feel like playing.

Try to, to get my mind off things. Deadpool for jokes. I can't hardly play Uncharted 4 because I don't want Uncharted to end. I've been putting some time into Far Harbor and it is one of the best DLCs of all time. Remember to bring Nick on that journey. Bought Digimon for fun and it is kinda fun, something both different from the usual show feel and also reminds me of my youth. Makes me want to get new goggles.

The Version II of Gamer Gloves is coming!!

Agree with this comment

8 years ago

Sorry to here that dude, might be better to play to help get your mind off it all. I've found gaming helps me to get my mind off my different issues.

8 years ago

Thanks Godslim *Crushes with manhug*

8 years ago

Sorry to hear that, World. That kind of thing is never easy.

Shoot me an invite if you ever want to play multiplayer something.

8 years ago

While doom does look pretty damn fun I think the lack of story puts me off wanting to get it.
As for uncharted yeh its defo so far my fav game of this generation. I look forward to naughty dogs next game.
Would be great to see ng do something new but then again I would love a jak and daxter game not to mention a last of us 2!

8 years ago

I'm glad there wasn't much story to Doom, I just like getting into the action. The slim story is like an Avengers movie. It's enough to make the rest happen 🙂

8 years ago

Wait Doom is like an Avengers movie? Let me cross it off my to get list, I don't wanna fall asleep while I'm playing 🙂

8 years ago

Read for context first.

8 years ago

I have a Doom review incoming shortly. Sorry for the big delay, everyone. I had the combination of crazy, once in a blue moon life stuff going on plus it took me a while to play enough to feel like I could write a review because I kept getting motion sickness from it.

Don't worry, though. I won't let the motion sickness dictate my opinion of the game. 🙂

slow and smart
slow and smart
8 years ago

1 week till Bethesda's E3:
A new Wolfenstein,
new dlc for Fallout 4.
[also some more Dishonored 2 gameplay would be nice].

I would also like a release date for the Resident evil 2 remake/a new The last of us/a release date for The Last Guardian and info about Horizon/Shen Mue/Detroit.

PGU;just started with Blood and Wine [The Witcher 3]

slow and smart
slow and smart
8 years ago

No surprise for the delay,but now we have a new release date for Horizon Zero Dawn:the game is now slated to arrive on February 28, 2017.

And about Bethesda's e3:maybe[according to Shinobi602 industry insider] w'll hear about a PREY game and a remaster[Skyrim?]

Last edited by slow and smart on 6/6/2016 1:16:37 PM

8 years ago

I forgot Ninja Theory existed, not really interested in their new game but am interested in a Heavently Sword 2. Is Mirror's Edge month so all my focus will be on that, hopefully is as good as the first.

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

Currently on a Kingdom Hearts binge phase. Can't wait for 2.8 in ~December. Persona 4 Arena Ultimax cleanup, Tales of Hearts R on the side.

Isn't Hellblade a blend with the 1v1 Prince of Persia game?

8 years ago

Throwing knives? Click R3 I believe, its a little annoying because sometimes you want to melee a person but you&#39re a tad too far away and end up using a throwing knife.

8 years ago

I just figured something out so my number one complaint was a result of my own idiocy.
So that clipboard you carry?
Yea, it has a compass thing on it with a green arrow telling you were to go. Somehow I missed that small but so very important detail. Maybe my enjoyment level will be more consistent now.
Now if I could just figure out how to use my knives.

8 years ago

I hope I Am Setsuna comes to Vita.
I do like what I&#39m seeing from Hell Blade as well. I like the up close and personal feel the sword play shows.

I&#39ll play Uncharted 4 again but I want to hold off on that for a bit.

PGU: I knew I&#39d eventually pick up Metro Redux when the price and timing were right. And so I did during this week&#39s PSN sale. I&#39m around half way through the first game (it&#39s a two-pack) and I can&#39t say it&#39s making too big of an impression. The atmosphere is great and the graphics tech on display is fairly nice. I like the more story focused approach as well. All other aspects are lacking in some way or another, particularly the game&#39s lack of providing cues as to where to go and what to do next when you&#39re lost. This can sometimes be a real frustrating time waster. Had some reviewers not cited Last Light as being a big step up I&#39d have shelved this already. I&#39m sticking to it for now in hopes for the sequel that could pay off for my efforts.

I&#39ve been enjoying Mario 3D world with my kids as well. It&#39s great fun but the camera really needs to pull itself back more during some boss battles when playing co-op. It&#39s easy to get caught off screen.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/4/2016 9:22:13 PM

8 years ago

Sorry to here that dude, might be better to play to help get your mind off it all. I&#39ve found gaming helps me to get my mind off my different issues.

8 years ago

Hey Temjin DOA stuff and Ayane have been added to Senran Kagura Estival Versus

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/6/2016 11:05:01 AM

8 years ago

Yeah I got Redux hoping the first game would be as good as the second but it&#39s kinda not. Last Light really made an impression on me as to what a dark FPS which doubled as a possible stealth game which tripled as a survival game could be. Bummer that it didn&#39t turn out that way. I&#39m sure it was better many years ago.

8 years ago

Thanks Godslim *Crushes with manhug*

8 years ago

I&#39m a sad panda. I broke up with my girl. I don&#39t feel like playing.

Try to, to get my mind off things. Deadpool for jokes. I can&#39t hardly play Uncharted 4 because I don&#39t want Uncharted to end. I&#39ve been putting some time into Far Harbor and it is one of the best DLCs of all time. Remember to bring Nick on that journey. Bought Digimon for fun and it is kinda fun, something both different from the usual show feel and also reminds me of my youth. Makes me want to get new goggles.

The Version II of Gamer Gloves is coming!!

Agree with this comment

8 years ago

Sorry to hear that, World. That kind of thing is never easy.

Shoot me an invite if you ever want to play multiplayer something.

8 years ago

While doom does look pretty damn fun I think the lack of story puts me off wanting to get it.
As for uncharted yeh its defo so far my fav game of this generation. I look forward to naughty dogs next game.
Would be great to see ng do something new but then again I would love a jak and daxter game not to mention a last of us 2!

8 years ago

Wait Doom is like an Avengers movie? Let me cross it off my to get list, I don&#39t wanna fall asleep while I&#39m playing 🙂

4 years ago

I&#39m glad there wasn&#39t much story to Doom, I just like getting into the action. The slim story is like an Avengers movie. It&#39s enough to make the rest happen 🙂

8 years ago

I have a Doom review incoming shortly. Sorry for the big delay, everyone. I had the combination of crazy, once in a blue moon life stuff going on plus it took me a while to play enough to feel like I could write a review because I kept getting motion sickness from it.

Don&#39t worry, though. I won&#39t let the motion sickness dictate my opinion of the game. 🙂

slow and smart
slow and smart
8 years ago

1 week till Bethesda&#39s E3:
A new Wolfenstein,
new dlc for Fallout 4.
[also some more Dishonored 2 gameplay would be nice].

I would also like a release date for the Resident evil 2 remake/a new The last of us/a release date for The Last Guardian and info about Horizon/Shen Mue/Detroit.

PGU;just started with Blood and Wine [The Witcher 3]

slow and smart
slow and smart
8 years ago

No surprise for the delay,but now we have a new release date for Horizon Zero Dawn:the game is now slated to arrive on February 28, 2017.

And about Bethesda&#39s e3:maybe[according to Shinobi602 industry insider] w&#39ll hear about a PREY game and a remaster[Skyrim?]

Last edited by slow and smart on 6/6/2016 1:16:37 PM

8 years ago

Read for context first.

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

Currently on a Kingdom Hearts binge phase. Can&#39t wait for 2.8 in ~December. Persona 4 Arena Ultimax cleanup, Tales of Hearts R on the side.

Isn&#39t Hellblade a blend with the 1v1 Prince of Persia game?

8 years ago

I forgot Ninja Theory existed, not really interested in their new game but am interested in a Heavently Sword 2. Is Mirror&#39s Edge month so all my focus will be on that, hopefully is as good as the first.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x