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I Must Bid You All A Very Fond Farewell

Yes, the time has come.

I have to assume that most of you have seen the handwriting on the wall for some time, though I never stopped working. The bottom line is that due to other obligations, I can no longer continue at PSX Extreme, even in a part-time capacity.

For those of you who don't know, this brings a very long tenure to a close. I've been at PSXE for nearly 10 years and in those years, I have produced news, previews, reviews, features, interviews, newsletters and more. I even did a PSXE show in the short-lived PlayStation Home theater, did some videos for YouTube, and ultimately, there are in fact over 25,000 pieces with my name on them at this site. Obviously, it will feel very weird not putting up articles on a daily basis, especially at night (though in truth, I won't miss it that much). 😉

Budget has been a problem for a long time, which prompted me to look elsewhere some years ago for other opportunities. Even though I found those opportunities, I always found a way to keep PSXE going on a daily basis. But now that I've embarked on a very challenging new full-time venture – I'd rather not go into details at this time, though I will say it is not related to video games – I realize I have no time left to spare. As much as I've enjoyed keeping the PSXE name going, I just don't have the time and frankly, I have to say I don't have the will, either. My interest in the gaming community has waned considerably in recent years, as many of you probably already know.

I still love games and I'll still play them, and I'm willing to bet I'll be more likely to chat about them online when it's no longer a job. And as there are many members still here who have been with us since the start (amazingly enough), I have suggested that someone, perhaps one of our volunteer writers, set up a forum somewhere so the PSXE community can still meet. Speaking of those volunteers, they have free reign to continue to post pieces here, so it's not like the site will be completely dead overnight. However, the owner has made it clear that if there's another chink in the archaic armor that is this site's system, he's just going to shut it down.

I will try to do a Week in Review, or something of that nature, on weekends, just to drop in. And I'd like to see that forum or community off-site, if one should exist. But as of Monday, I'm officially done; this also means the Facebook and Twitter pages will unfortunately languish as well, and there will be no more newsletters. There's really nothing else to say, I guess. I could reminisce and address specific things, from the good to the bad, but the truth is, I just don't care enough anymore. I don't mean I don't care about all the readers who made the site possible over the years; I just mean I've, well…I don't like this term but maybe "burnt out" is indeed accurate.

All I can say is thank you and though I'm moving on, and I have little interest in being involved in anything gaming-related from a business standpoint, I will always remember my time here with melancholy wistfulness. I may feel disconnected and very much removed from it now but PSXE, and this industry, has been a very big part of my adult life. Reminiscing is good every now and then, but let me add that constantly looking back does us little good and in fact, can be downright harmful. With that said, I have my sights firmly fixed on the future and if any of you happen across my path, I'll likely slow to give you a handshake, even if it's only virtual. 😉

Goodbye, goodbye. I have no more words.