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Ben’s Week In Review: April 10

Only a few more days until Ratchet & Clank is here, and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is exactly one month away!

What will Capcom do with Resident Evil 7?

I still say Resident Evil 6 has the single worst case of identity crisis I've ever seen in any established IP installment.

It really wasn't a bad game but it had no idea what it wanted to be, which of course meant the developers didn't really know, either. The company's utter confusion about what to do with the franchise had been on disappointingly vivid display early that same year, when we had to suffer through Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City . Now, three and a half years removed from RE6, and following a string of very successful remakes and remasters, I wonder what Capcom's thought process is concerning this legendary franchise.

What I find interesting is a recent comment from Resident Evil 2 remake producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, where he said he took RE6 feedback into account when pressing forward with the IP. If he really is working on RE7, this means the fans should be encouraged, right? But I'm not so sure. I never know what a Japanese company means when they say they've "listened to feedback." Hell, Square Enix has been saying that for years concerning Final Fantasy , and I absolutely guarantee the majority of feedback never said anything about "give us more action and less depth," which is precisely what we're getting in FFXV. I think these companies only hear what they want to hear and for the past decade, they have never – repeat: never – been able to ignore that little voice whispering in their ears to make their games more "global" and more mainstream-accessible.

They just can't get past it. They can't stop talking about it. So, when someone says, "yes, we heard what the fans said about RE6," I have just one question: "Exactly what did you hear?" And then I'll go and compare that to the thousands of comments you can easily find online, and see if they're even remotely similar.

Yeah, believe it or not, people still care about single-player experiences

I just had to laugh when I read the statement about "underestimating the popularity" of the single-player elements in Street Fighter V . Forgive me; it seems I'm harping on Japanese developers in this Week in Review but honestly, they just seem more out of touch than ever. I know you're not even allowed to produce a major title these days sans a multiplayer option, and certain devs and publishers believe that the entire planet only cares about multiplayer and never touches single-player campaigns. Thing is, this has been proven grossly inaccurate time and time again, pretty much every time a new, thoroughly wonderful single-player game comes out. Which games tend to win the most awards each year? Let's see, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt kept raking in the awards in 2015 and 2016, and what about Naughty Dog's games? Uncharted and The Last Of Us ? Fallout 4 ? Dishonored ? The Elder Scrolls ? Did anyone really ever buy an Assassin's Creed or a Grand Theft Auto for the multiplayer?

I know fighting games have a big social element. They always have; it's why they dominated the arcades and parties when I was in high school and college. I completely understand the need for an online presence. What boggles the mind is Capcom's surprise at seeing people complain about a lack of standard features, like a freakin' Arcade Mode. How is it possible to "underestimate" this badly? Again, all you had to do was ask the community ahead of time and I'm pretty sure you would've gotten your answer…whether or not you chose to hear it.

Personal gaming update

I've finally put away Assassin's Creed Syndicate , as I've done everything there is to do, with a few very small exceptions. It bugs me that it says 97% complete but I really don't care about the last 3% and Jacob and Evie are the unstoppable assassins I wanted them to be. As for Dark Souls III , it's another great game, of course, but it irks me that From Software didn't take the opportunity to fix any of the longstanding flaws. The frame rate really does seem worse this time around, and by the third installment, the camera and lock-on mechanic should be nigh-on perfect. And if we really are talking about the last Dark Souls , I think it's unforgivable that the technical elements remain unrefined. That being said, I seriously doubt the hardcore fans will care that much, and I still say it shouldn't get an Easy Mode .

Yep, Ratchet & Clank is out on Tuesday and I can't wait for that. Then Uncharted 4 in May and when I saw that comment about the intro , I was reminded of The Last Of Us . That may have had the best, most emotional intro of any game I've ever played, so now I'm really excited to see what Naughty Dog has in store for us on May 10. That first hour better give me chills!

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8 years ago

TLOU intro was emotional but knowing what was going to happen, because it's cliche what they did, took a lot away from it. Uncharted 2 had it all!

The SF not having sp comment made me laugh too. The game became so popular in arcades where single player reigned. It's unbelievable they would say such a thing.

I like RE5 and RE6 so I'm not worried about RE7. However I do hope it sticks to one thing and does that one thing well. We don't need a Mish mash of campaigns and protagonists.

PGU: just The Division here and there. The Dark Zone is pretty fun but now that most people are running out of things to do, it's become a terrible place to try and collect loot. Suddenly going rogue isn't a big deal.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/9/2016 9:43:41 PM

8 years ago

I think what ruined TLOU for me was that the whole thing was cliche, if you'd seen zombie shows and movies your whole life you knew what was coming when at all times from enemy types to who died when. Then the spawning and stuff just killed it for me. Sad too cuz everyone else had such a grand time.

8 years ago

I totally understand. I enjoyed it for what it was though. And the story was fantastic. I just knew exactly what was going to happen at both pivotal points in the story. I think many others did as well.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/10/2016 5:59:50 PM

8 years ago

It's about time that Ratchet and Clank comes out. I'm getting tired of replaying some games on my ps3 just because I don't have any new game to play. And I'm excited because it will be the first time that I'll be playing a Ratchet and Clank game.

@ben dutka

By the way Ben, you haven't accepted my friend request yet on psn. are you not always online when you play your ps4? my psn id is psxtremegamer25. ^_^

Last edited by smileys_007 on 4/9/2016 9:52:30 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

I often use different accounts for when I'm playing or reviewing, and I rarely check things like friend requests. I can accept the request but as I pretty much never play online, I doubt it would do you much good. 🙂

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 4/9/2016 11:50:39 PM

8 years ago

oh, I also rarely play online but I'm always connected online when I open my ps4. I just want to have a lot of friends on my friends list. so just accept my request and that will be ok for me. ^_^

8 years ago

The question is, which account are all your Hannah Montana trophies on, Ben?

8 years ago

Hit level 40 in Destiny today. Feels good, man.

8 years ago

Now what? 😉

8 years ago

Go kill Oryx, then start over again with a different class.

8 years ago

Fair enough.

8 years ago

Tried the FFXV platinum demo…I liked it. There was no evidence of old school jrpg combat, but the mood felt very much jrpg and FF. Not sure whether I will buy it, I'm busy with so many things, but I am at least interested.

Microsoft has succeeded in hiidwinking the tech and gaming media, and a good chunk of gamers that they are altruistic opening XBL to cross connect to PSN and other services. Amazing really since the entire scope of their announcement covers Xbox players cross playing with other Rocket League players. The media wet themselves speculating whether this means Xbox and Playstation together and demanded a response from Sony. To their credit Sony asked why they need to respond since they already allow it. It should be noted that Playstation 4 players already play with PC players, and once Xbox players join the party, they'll join those Playstation gamers who are already there.

More smoke and mirrors from Microsoft.

Tried Dead Star, still not sure about it.

Almost got platinum fir UC1 and UC2 again with the UC COLLECTION.

Gonna have to get back to Eorzea this week. Withdrawal is setting in.

8 years ago

I didn't feel any FF from it, some Kingdom Disney but that's it.

8 years ago

The town area reminded me of FFVIII and the attempt on the Sourceress' life, the town square envrionment.

I don't know, as much as I prefer and lovebturn based systems, JRPGs were alway abount more than the battle system. I do think that the full game needs to be a bit more fluid than the demo, and ai imagine it will actually be populated, unlike the demo.

8 years ago

Got DOAX3 Volleyball. Considering reviewing here if anybody is interested. It's so relaxing it's like a vacation. Need that in VR.

So I put a Terabyte in the PS4 this weekend because it's an early model and I'm almost certain it won't accept 2 Terabytes. It shockingly filled right up. How can they even sell these things without 5 Terabytes minimum? And it shouldn't cost more either. It wasn't our idea to make everything digitally held.

It takes FORever to get back everything plus DLC onto a new hard drive. Hate to say it but I'm just about ready for the PS4K and a new TV to go with it.

Still working on that Nights of Azure review, the HDD swap slowed me down plus not much time to play. Craved Silent Hill 3, played a bit.

8 years ago

Yeah for PS4K and a new tv.

I'm enjoying watching 4k shows from netflix. I really like my tv. What I was surprised about was I used WiFi the first time I tried watching a 4k show on Netflix and in doing so I didn't have a stable connection. When the speeds would drop below 10mbps (that's the min. To stream 4k on Netflix) I kept asking myself why my picture looks like poo. So I hardwired the tv and, amazing! Now while streaming isn't stable anyways, I was always a skeptic at how much difference we could really perceive between 1080 and 4k. I won't lie it's noticeable for sure.

Now I just gotta get the new Star Wars.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/10/2016 6:58:36 PM

8 years ago

The latest firmware allows up to 4TB.

8 years ago

@ Highlander, somebody told me that firmware allows for these upgrades but not on the very earliest of PS4 models, the first two models made.

I confirmed it somewhere on the net, but hell you can't believe everything you read or hear. I wasn't gonna take a chance on a big purchase like that though (returning an item is like touring the 9 circles of hell for me).

8 years ago

PlayStation Lifestyle did a feature on the hidden features of 3.5, one of them was a 4TB HDD fix…

Here is the link;

Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/10/2016 8:37:23 PM

8 years ago

I'm finding Night Of Azure pretty relaxing to be honest so I might wait a while to get Doax3 which everyone (that has something posite to say) says is a nice game to sit back and relax.

8 years ago

Review DOA Extreme 3 Worlds, I think it's worth it.

In the end, if female gamers wanted a gender flipped version of the game, I wouldn't care. If Tecmo wants to create such a thing, and give separate modes, great, each to their own. I could see women wanting to play the regular mode too, it's not like it's only guys that appreciate the female form. I'm sure some guys would play the guy version.

As far as controversy is concerned, I'm sure that some people of all genders would find something in such an 'equal' game to be offensive. But then, if you try hard enough you can find offense in just about anything.

I honestly can't understand why people get so damned uptight over games with bikini clad women when there are whole beaches of topless women out there, not to mention the incredible tolerance we as a society apparently have for violent video games.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/12/2016 12:43:38 PM

8 years ago

I don't know why they can't just make a firmware update that allows you to more seamlessly transfer data between the PS4 and an external HDD. Then you can get as much storage as you want. A data transfer would be significantly faster than trying to re-download stuff off PSN.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
8 years ago

Can't wait for UC4 to come out. It should be a great experience.

Finished Quantum Break and am going back to collect some things I missed when I first played it.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
8 years ago

Can&#39t wait for UC4 to come out. It should be a great experience.

Finished Quantum Break and am going back to collect some things I missed when I first played it.

8 years ago

Review DOA Extreme 3 Worlds, I think it&#39s worth it.

In the end, if female gamers wanted a gender flipped version of the game, I wouldn&#39t care. If Tecmo wants to create such a thing, and give separate modes, great, each to their own. I could see women wanting to play the regular mode too, it&#39s not like it&#39s only guys that appreciate the female form. I&#39m sure some guys would play the guy version.

As far as controversy is concerned, I&#39m sure that some people of all genders would find something in such an &#39equal&#39 game to be offensive. But then, if you try hard enough you can find offense in just about anything.

I honestly can&#39t understand why people get so damned uptight over games with bikini clad women when there are whole beaches of topless women out there, not to mention the incredible tolerance we as a society apparently have for violent video games.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/12/2016 12:43:38 PM

8 years ago

I don&#39t know why they can&#39t just make a firmware update that allows you to more seamlessly transfer data between the PS4 and an external HDD. Then you can get as much storage as you want. A data transfer would be significantly faster than trying to re-download stuff off PSN.

8 years ago

TLOU intro was emotional but knowing what was going to happen, because it&#39s cliche what they did, took a lot away from it. Uncharted 2 had it all!

The SF not having sp comment made me laugh too. The game became so popular in arcades where single player reigned. It&#39s unbelievable they would say such a thing.

I like RE5 and RE6 so I&#39m not worried about RE7. However I do hope it sticks to one thing and does that one thing well. We don&#39t need a Mish mash of campaigns and protagonists.

PGU: just The Division here and there. The Dark Zone is pretty fun but now that most people are running out of things to do, it&#39s become a terrible place to try and collect loot. Suddenly going rogue isn&#39t a big deal.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/9/2016 9:43:41 PM

8 years ago

I totally understand. I enjoyed it for what it was though. And the story was fantastic. I just knew exactly what was going to happen at both pivotal points in the story. I think many others did as well.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/10/2016 5:59:50 PM

4 years ago

Hit level 40 in Destiny today. Feels good, man.

8 years ago

I think what ruined TLOU for me was that the whole thing was cliche, if you&#39d seen zombie shows and movies your whole life you knew what was coming when at all times from enemy types to who died when. Then the spawning and stuff just killed it for me. Sad too cuz everyone else had such a grand time.

8 years ago

oh, I also rarely play online but I&#39m always connected online when I open my ps4. I just want to have a lot of friends on my friends list. so just accept my request and that will be ok for me. ^_^

8 years ago

It&#39s about time that Ratchet and Clank comes out. I&#39m getting tired of replaying some games on my ps3 just because I don&#39t have any new game to play. And I&#39m excited because it will be the first time that I&#39ll be playing a Ratchet and Clank game.

@ben dutka

By the way Ben, you haven&#39t accepted my friend request yet on psn. are you not always online when you play your ps4? my psn id is psxtremegamer25. ^_^

Last edited by smileys_007 on 4/9/2016 9:52:30 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

I often use different accounts for when I&#39m playing or reviewing, and I rarely check things like friend requests. I can accept the request but as I pretty much never play online, I doubt it would do you much good. 🙂

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 4/9/2016 11:50:39 PM

8 years ago

Now what? 😉

8 years ago

Fair enough.

8 years ago

The town area reminded me of FFVIII and the attempt on the Sourceress&#39 life, the town square envrionment.

I don&#39t know, as much as I prefer and lovebturn based systems, JRPGs were alway abount more than the battle system. I do think that the full game needs to be a bit more fluid than the demo, and ai imagine it will actually be populated, unlike the demo.

8 years ago

@ Highlander, somebody told me that firmware allows for these upgrades but not on the very earliest of PS4 models, the first two models made.

I confirmed it somewhere on the net, but hell you can&#39t believe everything you read or hear. I wasn&#39t gonna take a chance on a big purchase like that though (returning an item is like touring the 9 circles of hell for me).

8 years ago

I didn&#39t feel any FF from it, some Kingdom Disney but that&#39s it.

8 years ago

Go kill Oryx, then start over again with a different class.

8 years ago

Got DOAX3 Volleyball. Considering reviewing here if anybody is interested. It&#39s so relaxing it&#39s like a vacation. Need that in VR.

So I put a Terabyte in the PS4 this weekend because it&#39s an early model and I&#39m almost certain it won&#39t accept 2 Terabytes. It shockingly filled right up. How can they even sell these things without 5 Terabytes minimum? And it shouldn&#39t cost more either. It wasn&#39t our idea to make everything digitally held.

It takes FORever to get back everything plus DLC onto a new hard drive. Hate to say it but I&#39m just about ready for the PS4K and a new TV to go with it.

Still working on that Nights of Azure review, the HDD swap slowed me down plus not much time to play. Craved Silent Hill 3, played a bit.

8 years ago

The question is, which account are all your Hannah Montana trophies on, Ben?

8 years ago

Yeah for PS4K and a new tv.

I&#39m enjoying watching 4k shows from netflix. I really like my tv. What I was surprised about was I used WiFi the first time I tried watching a 4k show on Netflix and in doing so I didn&#39t have a stable connection. When the speeds would drop below 10mbps (that&#39s the min. To stream 4k on Netflix) I kept asking myself why my picture looks like poo. So I hardwired the tv and, amazing! Now while streaming isn&#39t stable anyways, I was always a skeptic at how much difference we could really perceive between 1080 and 4k. I won&#39t lie it&#39s noticeable for sure.

Now I just gotta get the new Star Wars.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/10/2016 6:58:36 PM

8 years ago

I&#39m finding Night Of Azure pretty relaxing to be honest so I might wait a while to get Doax3 which everyone (that has something posite to say) says is a nice game to sit back and relax.

8 years ago

PlayStation Lifestyle did a feature on the hidden features of 3.5, one of them was a 4TB HDD fix…

Here is the link;

Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/10/2016 8:37:23 PM

8 years ago

The latest firmware allows up to 4TB.

8 years ago

Tried the FFXV platinum demo…I liked it. There was no evidence of old school jrpg combat, but the mood felt very much jrpg and FF. Not sure whether I will buy it, I&#39m busy with so many things, but I am at least interested.

Microsoft has succeeded in hiidwinking the tech and gaming media, and a good chunk of gamers that they are altruistic opening XBL to cross connect to PSN and other services. Amazing really since the entire scope of their announcement covers Xbox players cross playing with other Rocket League players. The media wet themselves speculating whether this means Xbox and Playstation together and demanded a response from Sony. To their credit Sony asked why they need to respond since they already allow it. It should be noted that Playstation 4 players already play with PC players, and once Xbox players join the party, they&#39ll join those Playstation gamers who are already there.

More smoke and mirrors from Microsoft.

Tried Dead Star, still not sure about it.

Almost got platinum fir UC1 and UC2 again with the UC COLLECTION.

Gonna have to get back to Eorzea this week. Withdrawal is setting in.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x