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Ben’s Week In Review: April 3

Only five weeks away from Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and I'm stoked. 🙂

Still need to learn a lot more about "PS4K"

This past week, we heard a new report that shed more light on the upcoming "PS4K" console, which is supposed to be a more powerful version of Sony's current machine.

I've said before that I don't want to buy another system this early in a generation. I stand by that; if Sony really does produce a new console that launches this year, and there's a visible and significant increase in quality in terms of game performance, I'm not going to be pleased. I'll feel like I'm playing lesser-quality products on the machine that I have, and I'll have to assume that future games will be gimped on my "outdated" system. Again, this feels more and more like a PC culture as opposed to a console culture, and there are reasons I've always despised the latter.

But we do have to acknowledge that we still don't know enough. If, for example, this newly updated machine really only has an impact on PlayStation VR, I won't care in the slightest. If these new "Ultra HD" graphics it can push really aren't visible on my standard 1080p TV, I won't care until I upgrade the TV (makes me wonder if Sony will offer some cool 4K TV/PS4K bundles). They say there's no chance of the new system producing true native 4K visuals for games, so what can we expect in terms of a visual and performance jump? We also don't know how much it would cost, though I don't see how it could cost any less than the current console. I suppose if they offered a big trade-in promotion, gave the system a 1TB hard drive – so I don't have to pay extra to upgrade my current 500GB one – and gave me $200 in trade for my PS4, I might do it.

We still need a lot more info, though.

Sony says they delayed PlayStation VR due to demand issues, but…

Talking about PS4K leads me to this subject and frankly, I smell a rat.

I never really believed Sony's "first half of 2016" estimate for PSVR in the first place; I always thought they'd want another E3 to really push the hell out of the unit, and it would make more sense to release during the holiday period. Now, they talk about this new, more capable PS4, supposedly to be announced before PSVR comes out (and we know it will help PSVR int he power department), and…well, come on. Isn't the handwriting on the wall? Sony says they had to push back PlayStation VR due to higher-than-anticipated demand , but launch bundles sold out almost immediately for the October release. It's not like shelves will be full of units, if this is any indication. And if PSVR is clearly such a rare item after Sony took extra months to supposedly produce more units, what the hell would it have been like before? It would've reminded us of the absurd lack of product at the PS3 launch.

I really think it has more to do with PS4K, because Sony knows current PS4 owners aren't going to be all that thrilled about the idea. You need to give us an incentive to upgrade and PSVR might be a great incentive for some core gamers. And let's face it, would PS4K even exist without Sony's virtual reality endeavor? Even if it was inevitable, I have a feeling we wouldn't have seen it this early. The whole situation shows a company banking big time on the virtual reality revolution.

Personal gaming update

I finally finished Assassin's Creed Syndicate ; just have a couple Queen Victoria missions left to do and everything else is done. I've maxed out loyalty with all the associates with the exception of Topper, and I'm having a bitch of time doing that. It's weird; I did all the bare-knuckle fights and now his loyalty bar doesn't move at all when I do them. And the street races seem broken, as the carriages all seem to go the exact same speed, so I can't catch anyone if I'm behind. I did manage to win a few but even then, the loyalty bar doesn't move much at all. WTF. Well, I don't really care, whatever you unlock at Lv. 5 for him can't be all that amazing; I have the best stuff in the game for both Jacob and Evie, including the Aegis Outfit for Evie.

Yes, I played the Final Fantasy XV demo and it was laughably bad. I really don't care what kind of game it is, whether it's an RPG, action/RPG, or whatever; the gameplay is bad . Can you imagine if these controls were found in the upcoming Dark Souls III ? Jesus, people would be freaking out, and rightfully so. Speaking of which, I've got DSIII now and I plan to dive in this week. Ten-to-one it plays twice as good and has more depth than FFXV would ever hope to have. Oh, and MLB 16: The Show is excellent. I haven't given an entry in this series a 9+ score since 2011 but this one is the complete, rewarding sim package baseball fans will adore.

As for real RPGs, I'll be interested to see how Star Ocean 5 comes out in June , and though I've never been a Persona fan, Persona 5 should be great this summer.

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8 years ago

I'm glad PS4K and PSVR news died down this week.

I expect the PS4K to not divide their gaming audience. Apparently Sony is launching a 4K and HDR video streaming service. I expect the new PS4 system will offer this functionality. I expect also a slimmer and lighter design and maybe a HDD boost. And with that the chipset probably underwent a tighter transistor process to reduce heat and maybe see a slightly higher clock speed in the process. I'm pretty sure Sony has done similar things with past consoles.

I just don't see Sony trying to push a new PS4 on us for the sake of PSVR.

It just seems too ridiculous for Sony to launch a new higher priced VR sub-platform only to suggest to those same users that they really ought to buy a new more VR-capable PS4 to go with it. I just don't buy that. It's bad business sense.

FFXV has me concerned now. I was ready to accept the more action-based take on the franchise. And while I wasn't warming up to the motley crew they've had on show it wasn't a deal breaker. The demo though made a bad first impression. Unless they seriously overhaul things before launch this one is going to crash and burn hard. And if it does, don't expect another AAA FF pretty much ever.

PGU: Finished MGSV's main story. There's still a lot left to do in the game. I'll return to it now again to enjoy more missions but as of right now I feel satisfied with the energy I've put into it.

Right now it's all about Killer Instinct 3. That's right. The one game that made me envious of the Xbox One has finally arrived on PC. It's great too. It's like reliving the old days. The teams have done a fine job with it.

I also tried some SFV again to not be too much a stranger while I play other games. I have to say the average competitor is getting better. A have to work a lot harder for a win now. Been having a problem with laggy matches though. It's ruined some matches.

I've also been doing some more artwork. This time I tried my hand at coloring my own work.
All made possible by having a Surface 3 tablet that makes the process like a dream come true.
Sure. I would've preferred Apple hardware but the main software, and best, I use isn't on iOS.

You can check my work out here.

8 years ago

Amazon. miss priced SF5 Friday morning, and it was 10 bucks, I snagged it up for 15 with shipping, and its now back to 49.99.

I had no interest in the game but couldn't let that deal pass.

I think they meant to be 10 dollars off but they goofed 😛

I want Killer instinct, the one on SNES was my favourite fighting game. I just don't want windows 10 🙁

Last edited by xenris on 4/3/2016 12:05:07 PM

8 years ago

Loving Spawn, I want my Spawn movie asap!

8 years ago

Love me some spawn, would love to see a R rated film again. I love me some Micheal jai white too.

8 years ago

Don't let Windows 10 stop you Xenris. I very much like Windows 10 having come straight from Windows 7

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/4/2016 7:02:59 PM

8 years ago

I agree there's something fishy with the new PS4. Hoping it's just VR related, otherwise lol oh dear, Sony. Just when I was getting ready to buy myself a PS4, and now I feel like I need to wait. Speaking of which…

PGU – Despite having a signed PS4 version by the Bungie team since launch, thanks to a friend who works there, I just now got into Destiny over the past week. On PS3. Oh man this game, it gets the combat so, so right, but everything else is varying degrees of "umm wtf". So much fun, though, already level 30. If anyone here is still playing on PS3, feel free to shoot BionicNinjas a PSN request, and we can do some co-op 🙂

8 years ago

Yeah the combat is super tight, easily some of the best in th genre. And I agree while I enjoyed Destiny I'm still scratching my head at some decisions.

You are lucky you are a late adaptor. Being a player from the beginning I feel jipped.

People who havnt played it and want to, ask me if it's good and I tell them all the same thing, it is now.

At this point if I was you I'd wait until I heard more regarding any new console. While the PS4 is fantastic, this rumored version sounds better if not for the upgraded GPU alone.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/2/2016 11:41:50 PM

8 years ago

Yeah, one reason I was never in a hurry is that I new the game would need time to grow and polish. I am an EVE Online veteran, after all 😛

It's hard holding off on a PS4 now that I finally decided to take the plunge. It quite honestly bugs me a bit that Sony is MAYBE releasing a new model.

8 years ago

It bothers me to as an early adapter.

8 years ago

I seen a video regarding the PS4K/PS4.5, and it was claiming it's for real. They quoted prices – $499, power will be significantly higher with a better GPU, but will not be native 4k. That's something we all knew of they wanted to keep prices low. But we all know what they say about the internet.

Yeah its obvious PSVR's delay wasn't to meet demand. While it's an easy thing to say since supply and demand needs for any business are important, there's too many moving parts right now between a rumored new PS4, the holiday rush, and so on.

Just started The Division the other night. It's pretty good, the main missions so far feel varied enough. However anything else feels the same – go here, clear it out, defend, done.

My biggest complaint is playing solo. While I like a challenge, you can tell this game was meant to play Co op. Buy it's hard to fault it for that considering they promote that heavily. And playing Co op is pretty satisfying.

I need to finish Fallout 4 but it's not going to happen before Uncharted. Luckily after Uncharted I don't have much I want to play until later in the ywar.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/2/2016 11:43:42 PM

8 years ago

If a PS4 with significantly better GPU and a higher price arrives, and games are still built for the existing PS4, and are not allowed (as per the console platform standard) to make specific use of the GPU, then the new model will not sell well. If it's the same price as the current model, it will reduce Sony's margin and introduce pressure for Devs to make use of the additional resource, creating the split in the userbase that consoles are intended to avoid.

8 years ago

The fact of the matter is that the game play trailer for the FF15 demo6looked a little bit too… Disney-ish and that turned me off.

I will be looking forward to Dark Souls 3 which will be the game I play most this year. I wish I was getting it this week like Ben but I probably wouldn't have much time during the weekdays.

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 4/2/2016 11:51:02 PM

8 years ago

Disney makes killer shit, why would a game looking like Disney be a turnoff when they consistently release some of the best animated stuff ever?

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

It helps that Disney to Japan is like memes to the internet. Good Lord.

Does this mean you hate Disney movies? Your choice though 😀

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

I sort of know what you're saying…Ni No Kuni was just too kiddy-ish for me, despite it obviously being a great game. Is that what's throwing you off?

Me, I love Kingdom Hearts so the atmosphere didn't bother me in the FFXV demo. I thought it was pretty creative and unique for FF, actually. The gameplay just blew.

8 years ago

The problem with this sort of view is that it's essentially saying that you don't like the FF franchise. I mean seriously, the FF franchise has generally been known for it's graphical style and polish, as well as some degree of whimsy. If that translates to too "kiddie" or too "Disney", then I don't know what to tell you.

8 years ago

5weeks of uncharted for me with the Uncharted Collection then Uncharted 4 for me day one cant wait sad to see the best PlayStation series end. I will not cry…I will not cry…

I couldnt careless about the PlayStation 4k if its real or not. The only thing that will make me remotely intrested in it will be if it has a 2TB Harddrive and take 150$ off the price when i trade-up for it. Till then i dont really care.

I tend to believe sony on this delay just look at the issues with HTC Vive and Oculus Rift Pre-orders some people haven't received theres yet or there Pre-orders have been cancelled. Hopefully this doesn't happen to thoses who want PlayStation VR.

PGU: Been playing wide variety of games lately starting with MLB The Show 16 im enjoying it a lot my first baseball game in like two years. Besides The Show im currently playing The Uncharted Collection and Far Cry: Primal on top of thoses 3 im also replaying Alan Wake on Xbox 1 thanks to backwards compatibility. Also seems like Quantum Break is a flop like The Order 1886 was oh well. Oh i played the Final Fanasty XV too and damn it was short dare i say shorter then MGS: Ground Zero oh well at least we didnt have *cough pay for it *cough* *cough*

8 years ago

FFXV is going to be awesome! Preorderds already seling out, including the deluxe edition. Heard nothing but great things from both demos, its a shame these "hardcore FF fans" will make any excuse to hate on the game.

But as I always say to fools like that, have a good time hating while we have fun playing. After FFXIII, Sept 30th cant come soon enough.

8 years ago

A friend of mine who gets hyped for literally every major game recently posted, on a forum we both frequent:

"Currently playing the FF XV demo after drinking a few beers. First impression…This is real dumb."

After he finished it:

"Haha that was so bad. And now my television has decided to stop working. Final Fantasy just crushed my soul, my television, and my hope for this franchise in thirty minutes."

I think I'm going to pass on this one.

8 years ago

Bio's drunken friend is correct sadly, this demo lays bare so many flaws. That doesn't mean it won't be fun, but it sure won't be the game we were promised.

8 years ago

XV demo was pretty bad so I hope that wasn't indicative of the final game. The camera can't tell what's happening. It jiggers the character model every time you move it, collapsing the frame rate. The graphics are mid-level PS3.

The gameplay, combined with what we see in Duscae appears to have been picked out of a hat. I don't know who saw emotion in there but there wasn't any other than he feels safe in his dad's car.

The collision detection is PS2 level. For folks who don't know what that is: the player interacts with boundaries. Today the standards is to come up against them and have the hands and feet react to them realistically, or at the very least have the character stop right at the wall.

In Platinum Demo Every world item or obstacle has invisible walls around it that make it less a part of the world and more a set piece. Go ahead and see what happens to your body when you try to jump on the beer bottle.

When you are outside these are insurmountable little hills meant to make the map seem larger. You can only jump where it's okay but otherwise bounce off those invisible walls as the camera gets confused and can't find you. I went into the arms raised superfall several times.

The combat comes closest to itself at the boss battle where we see that the lag does not allow for a fair encounter. I wooped him of course cuz he was easy but while Noctis thinks about responding to your commands, the enemy has already undertaken theirs. The protagonist's attacks must be fast enough to dodge or respond for the battle system to be successful but you're gonna do better button mashing than planning a real attack because of that unfair advantage the enemy has.

Agree with this comment 0 up,

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

All unfortunately true. It's all the more concerning because even though I was pretty sure I'd never play FFXV, I always thought I'd play Kingdom Hearts III. But if it's like this…that's gonna suck.

8 years ago

IIRC SE are using the same game engine that is used for FFXIV, but tuned for single player instead of multiplayer. Perhaps the demo was built using the MMO version of the game engine? It would allow a much quicker dev time for the demo, visually it would look similar to the final game, but wouldn't necessarily use all the engine features that are in the real game for world, physics, models and object interaction.

8 years ago

Yup i gave up on ff along time ago now, hasnt been a good one since 12.

8 years ago

FFXIV isn't bad, but it's MMO(J)RPG, so it might not suit all. FFXIV sure beats the heck out of FFXIII's "kill tubes"…. 😉

8 years ago

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

I still think it's hilarious that MP is used for "dodging, warping and other skills" in Final Fantasy XV and we basically "throw" the freakin' spells like grenades, and it's still supposed to be an RPG.


8 years ago

Amazon. miss priced SF5 Friday morning, and it was 10 bucks, I snagged it up for 15 with shipping, and its now back to 49.99.

I had no interest in the game but couldn&#39t let that deal pass.

I think they meant to be 10 dollars off but they goofed 😛

I want Killer instinct, the one on SNES was my favourite fighting game. I just don&#39t want windows 10 🙁

Last edited by xenris on 4/3/2016 12:05:07 PM

8 years ago

Love me some spawn, would love to see a R rated film again. I love me some Micheal jai white too.

8 years ago

I&#39m glad PS4K and PSVR news died down this week.

I expect the PS4K to not divide their gaming audience. Apparently Sony is launching a 4K and HDR video streaming service. I expect the new PS4 system will offer this functionality. I expect also a slimmer and lighter design and maybe a HDD boost. And with that the chipset probably underwent a tighter transistor process to reduce heat and maybe see a slightly higher clock speed in the process. I&#39m pretty sure Sony has done similar things with past consoles.

I just don&#39t see Sony trying to push a new PS4 on us for the sake of PSVR.

It just seems too ridiculous for Sony to launch a new higher priced VR sub-platform only to suggest to those same users that they really ought to buy a new more VR-capable PS4 to go with it. I just don&#39t buy that. It&#39s bad business sense.

FFXV has me concerned now. I was ready to accept the more action-based take on the franchise. And while I wasn&#39t warming up to the motley crew they&#39ve had on show it wasn&#39t a deal breaker. The demo though made a bad first impression. Unless they seriously overhaul things before launch this one is going to crash and burn hard. And if it does, don&#39t expect another AAA FF pretty much ever.

PGU: Finished MGSV&#39s main story. There&#39s still a lot left to do in the game. I&#39ll return to it now again to enjoy more missions but as of right now I feel satisfied with the energy I&#39ve put into it.

Right now it&#39s all about Killer Instinct 3. That&#39s right. The one game that made me envious of the Xbox One has finally arrived on PC. It&#39s great too. It&#39s like reliving the old days. The teams have done a fine job with it.

I also tried some SFV again to not be too much a stranger while I play other games. I have to say the average competitor is getting better. A have to work a lot harder for a win now. Been having a problem with laggy matches though. It&#39s ruined some matches.

I&#39ve also been doing some more artwork. This time I tried my hand at coloring my own work.
All made possible by having a Surface 3 tablet that makes the process like a dream come true.
Sure. I would&#39ve preferred Apple hardware but the main software, and best, I use isn&#39t on iOS.

You can check my work out here.

8 years ago

Don&#39t let Windows 10 stop you Xenris. I very much like Windows 10 having come straight from Windows 7

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/4/2016 7:02:59 PM

8 years ago

Loving Spawn, I want my Spawn movie asap!

8 years ago

Yeah the combat is super tight, easily some of the best in th genre. And I agree while I enjoyed Destiny I&#39m still scratching my head at some decisions.

You are lucky you are a late adaptor. Being a player from the beginning I feel jipped.

People who havnt played it and want to, ask me if it&#39s good and I tell them all the same thing, it is now.

At this point if I was you I&#39d wait until I heard more regarding any new console. While the PS4 is fantastic, this rumored version sounds better if not for the upgraded GPU alone.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/2/2016 11:41:50 PM

8 years ago

I agree there&#39s something fishy with the new PS4. Hoping it&#39s just VR related, otherwise lol oh dear, Sony. Just when I was getting ready to buy myself a PS4, and now I feel like I need to wait. Speaking of which…

PGU – Despite having a signed PS4 version by the Bungie team since launch, thanks to a friend who works there, I just now got into Destiny over the past week. On PS3. Oh man this game, it gets the combat so, so right, but everything else is varying degrees of "umm wtf". So much fun, though, already level 30. If anyone here is still playing on PS3, feel free to shoot BionicNinjas a PSN request, and we can do some co-op 🙂

8 years ago

Yeah, one reason I was never in a hurry is that I new the game would need time to grow and polish. I am an EVE Online veteran, after all 😛

It&#39s hard holding off on a PS4 now that I finally decided to take the plunge. It quite honestly bugs me a bit that Sony is MAYBE releasing a new model.

8 years ago

It bothers me to as an early adapter.

8 years ago

If a PS4 with significantly better GPU and a higher price arrives, and games are still built for the existing PS4, and are not allowed (as per the console platform standard) to make specific use of the GPU, then the new model will not sell well. If it&#39s the same price as the current model, it will reduce Sony&#39s margin and introduce pressure for Devs to make use of the additional resource, creating the split in the userbase that consoles are intended to avoid.

8 years ago

The fact of the matter is that the game play trailer for the FF15 demo6looked a little bit too… Disney-ish and that turned me off.

I will be looking forward to Dark Souls 3 which will be the game I play most this year. I wish I was getting it this week like Ben but I probably wouldn&#39t have much time during the weekdays.

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 4/2/2016 11:51:02 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

I sort of know what you&#39re saying…Ni No Kuni was just too kiddy-ish for me, despite it obviously being a great game. Is that what&#39s throwing you off?

Me, I love Kingdom Hearts so the atmosphere didn&#39t bother me in the FFXV demo. I thought it was pretty creative and unique for FF, actually. The gameplay just blew.

8 years ago

I seen a video regarding the PS4K/PS4.5, and it was claiming it&#39s for real. They quoted prices – $499, power will be significantly higher with a better GPU, but will not be native 4k. That&#39s something we all knew of they wanted to keep prices low. But we all know what they say about the internet.

Yeah its obvious PSVR&#39s delay wasn&#39t to meet demand. While it&#39s an easy thing to say since supply and demand needs for any business are important, there&#39s too many moving parts right now between a rumored new PS4, the holiday rush, and so on.

Just started The Division the other night. It&#39s pretty good, the main missions so far feel varied enough. However anything else feels the same – go here, clear it out, defend, done.

My biggest complaint is playing solo. While I like a challenge, you can tell this game was meant to play Co op. Buy it&#39s hard to fault it for that considering they promote that heavily. And playing Co op is pretty satisfying.

I need to finish Fallout 4 but it&#39s not going to happen before Uncharted. Luckily after Uncharted I don&#39t have much I want to play until later in the ywar.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/2/2016 11:43:42 PM

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

It helps that Disney to Japan is like memes to the internet. Good Lord.

Does this mean you hate Disney movies? Your choice though 😀

8 years ago

Disney makes killer shit, why would a game looking like Disney be a turnoff when they consistently release some of the best animated stuff ever?

8 years ago

5weeks of uncharted for me with the Uncharted Collection then Uncharted 4 for me day one cant wait sad to see the best PlayStation series end. I will not cry…I will not cry…

I couldnt careless about the PlayStation 4k if its real or not. The only thing that will make me remotely intrested in it will be if it has a 2TB Harddrive and take 150$ off the price when i trade-up for it. Till then i dont really care.

I tend to believe sony on this delay just look at the issues with HTC Vive and Oculus Rift Pre-orders some people haven&#39t received theres yet or there Pre-orders have been cancelled. Hopefully this doesn&#39t happen to thoses who want PlayStation VR.

PGU: Been playing wide variety of games lately starting with MLB The Show 16 im enjoying it a lot my first baseball game in like two years. Besides The Show im currently playing The Uncharted Collection and Far Cry: Primal on top of thoses 3 im also replaying Alan Wake on Xbox 1 thanks to backwards compatibility. Also seems like Quantum Break is a flop like The Order 1886 was oh well. Oh i played the Final Fanasty XV too and damn it was short dare i say shorter then MGS: Ground Zero oh well at least we didnt have *cough pay for it *cough* *cough*

8 years ago

The problem with this sort of view is that it&#39s essentially saying that you don&#39t like the FF franchise. I mean seriously, the FF franchise has generally been known for it&#39s graphical style and polish, as well as some degree of whimsy. If that translates to too "kiddie" or too "Disney", then I don&#39t know what to tell you.

8 years ago

Bio&#39s drunken friend is correct sadly, this demo lays bare so many flaws. That doesn&#39t mean it won&#39t be fun, but it sure won&#39t be the game we were promised.

8 years ago

FFXV is going to be awesome! Preorderds already seling out, including the deluxe edition. Heard nothing but great things from both demos, its a shame these "hardcore FF fans" will make any excuse to hate on the game.

But as I always say to fools like that, have a good time hating while we have fun playing. After FFXIII, Sept 30th cant come soon enough.

8 years ago

FFXIV isn&#39t bad, but it&#39s MMO(J)RPG, so it might not suit all. FFXIV sure beats the heck out of FFXIII&#39s "kill tubes"…. 😉

8 years ago

XV demo was pretty bad so I hope that wasn&#39t indicative of the final game. The camera can&#39t tell what&#39s happening. It jiggers the character model every time you move it, collapsing the frame rate. The graphics are mid-level PS3.

The gameplay, combined with what we see in Duscae appears to have been picked out of a hat. I don&#39t know who saw emotion in there but there wasn&#39t any other than he feels safe in his dad&#39s car.

The collision detection is PS2 level. For folks who don&#39t know what that is: the player interacts with boundaries. Today the standards is to come up against them and have the hands and feet react to them realistically, or at the very least have the character stop right at the wall.

In Platinum Demo Every world item or obstacle has invisible walls around it that make it less a part of the world and more a set piece. Go ahead and see what happens to your body when you try to jump on the beer bottle.

When you are outside these are insurmountable little hills meant to make the map seem larger. You can only jump where it&#39s okay but otherwise bounce off those invisible walls as the camera gets confused and can&#39t find you. I went into the arms raised superfall several times.

The combat comes closest to itself at the boss battle where we see that the lag does not allow for a fair encounter. I wooped him of course cuz he was easy but while Noctis thinks about responding to your commands, the enemy has already undertaken theirs. The protagonist&#39s attacks must be fast enough to dodge or respond for the battle system to be successful but you&#39re gonna do better button mashing than planning a real attack because of that unfair advantage the enemy has.

Agree with this comment 0 up,

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

All unfortunately true. It&#39s all the more concerning because even though I was pretty sure I&#39d never play FFXV, I always thought I&#39d play Kingdom Hearts III. But if it&#39s like this…that&#39s gonna suck.

8 years ago

A friend of mine who gets hyped for literally every major game recently posted, on a forum we both frequent:

"Currently playing the FF XV demo after drinking a few beers. First impression…This is real dumb."

After he finished it:

"Haha that was so bad. And now my television has decided to stop working. Final Fantasy just crushed my soul, my television, and my hope for this franchise in thirty minutes."

I think I&#39m going to pass on this one.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x