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Is Nintendo NX Partially To Blame For PS4K?

This generation really is screwy.

Not only did a new PlayStation and Xbox console launch at almost exactly the same time (which had never happened before), but they released when another competitor – Nintendo – was already deemed down and out.

The Wii U had been struggling for some time and as expected, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One basically shot out of the gate and left Nintendo even further behind. We've all known that Ninty would have to step up with another console because Wii U already started the race well back of the pack (PS4 overtook Wii U in an embarrassing amount of time), and it couldn't have limped all the way to this new generation's finish. So, it was really no surprise when we started hearing about the still-mysterious Nintendo NX.

However, now that we've heard about the apparently inevitable PS4K , the more powerful console from Sony that will offer better performance and visual fidelity, one has to wonder: Has Nintendo actually played a role in forcing Sony's hand? It's strange that a legitimate contender from one of the Big 3 would release right in the middle of a new generation, and that may have tossed a wrench into the works. We've heard rumors that the NX is supposedly more powerful than the PS4 and if that's true, didn't Sony have to react?

Of course, there's no way the NX is entirely responsible. There are lots of other factors and influences at play here, I'm sure. The rumors of a more powerful Xbox could have impacted decision-making among the Sony bigwigs, and then there's the question of ultra HD and 4K resolution. Even if PS4K can't manage native 4K gaming, it's still an upgrade and let's face it, Ultra HD TVs and even 4K TVs are rapidly becoming commonplace. Lastly, as PS4 was always made more with accessibility in mind as opposed to raw "untapped" power – like previous PlayStation consoles – the trade-off was always evident: Developers would just max out the PS4 that much sooner.

Then there's the argument that Nintendo simply isn't competing on the same field as Sony and Microsoft; it's perfectly viable to say the audiences are now different. Some will say Nintendo isn't a competitor at all, though some analysts would disagree, saying that any dedicated gaming console is a threat to stealing a piece of the market pie. And they're not wrong. If the NX has all the iconic Ninty mascots and third-party support for major franchise installments, and it really is a bit more powerful than PS4, wouldn't this be at least mildly concerning for Sony? And Microsoft? I don't know, I'm just throwing this out there.

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8 years ago

It gonna be very sad if Sony ends killing Nintendo I just can't see them recover if the NX fails.

8 years ago

They have already failed twice in a row in the past. N64 and gamecube back on back, then the wii came along.

Based on that it is safe to say they can fail again especially with the cash in the bank, but the real question is can nintendo fail 3 times?

8 years ago

I can't see Sony running scared before a product that's not even been shown in public yet. Quite apart from anything else PS4 is a juggernaut with nearly twice the lifetime sales as Xbox One. The idea that they would be scared of the Nintendo NX, especially after the flop of the WiiU, seems wrong to me. I can't help thinking that a lot of this speculation about Sony acting because of Nintendo is coming from the same place that demands that Sony respond to Xbox finally being able to talk to 3rd party game servers, even though Sony's always supported that.

Honestly, I don't see Sony dancing to Nintedo's tune.

I do hope Sony hurries up and tells us what this thing is all about so the speculation can calm down. Of course, that means that the media response to a rumor will effectively force their hand in revealing information. But I don't see much alternative at this point since the rumors appear to have the potential to damage PS4 sales.

8 years ago

Lol no. VR is.

8 years ago

Is odd that Sony hasn't come out and denied anything.There could be some vality to the rumors although is probably a slim version of ps4 that can play 4k media, as for your question no.

8 years ago

I don't think it's a fear reaction by Nintendo. I think it's Sony pulling another PSX type blunder, assuming all the info we've got so far is accurate.

8 years ago

I was thinking the same thing. If that's the case, perhaps it too will be limited to Japan?

8 years ago

I think Nintendo is blinded by the success of the Wii, and obsessed in finding a way to replicate that.

Why doesn't Nintendo just become a software company? Perhaps they can keep their portable 3DS niche, but won't they reach a larger audience if they just released their games on all the other platforms?

And instead of wasting money on yet another failed console, why not pool that money into developing the best Nintendo games ever? And then release them on the other consoles?

Oh wait…

8 years ago

Because they don't have too. They still make money on their hardware.

8 years ago

So.. Nintendo's new console is a failure already? Damn, must be nice living in the future. The rest of us don't even know anything about the system yet that's true. They're working on third party support this time around, well they tried last gen too. It won't be just first party this time so who knows what they have on store.

Also, their first party games were always the best with nintendo systems. I doubt they weren't putting money on those. Point that finger to the third parties who crapped up the Wii game space to make a quick buck. They really need to get that nintendo seal of quality back up.

Last edited by johnld on 3/26/2016 5:48:20 AM

8 years ago

Well considering all the options regarding the NX, Nintendo is either going to try and "innovate" like the Wii/U, or they are going to bring in a powerhouse (which I highly doubt).

Even if they do the latter, they will still be surpassed by the next Playstation/Xbox, so that leaves us with whatever "innovation" they are bringing with the NX.

And im willing to bet its not going to be that impressive. Other than more gimmicky motion stuff & VR (which Sony is clearly already doing) what else are they going to do?

I admit, I have a personal grudge against Nintendo and I refuse to purchase their gimmicky consoles just to play a few mario games. However, should Nintendo games be available for Consoles or even the PC, I would purchase them in a heartbeat. And I'm sure many of you would also.

8 years ago

Their hardware is profitable. They're not going to destroy their business model as long as they are making money.

8 years ago


8 years ago

I think if any of the big 3 put all their games on pc everybody would be jumping towards it.

Next step is for everyone to release on GOG, but that is another story.

8 years ago

I don't get what's wrong with Sony releasing a 4k ps4 really. Ps4 games will play on my ps4 anyway so I'm still fine. Don't have/care about getting a 4k tv. If anything, a 4k tv doesn't matter if your playing psvr. As far as I'm concerned, I can still play ps4 games on my current tv, everything is good. If the games suffer, then that's one thing. But it's just going to be no games would be 4k native, they'll just be upscaled like on ps3. So if there's more options, then that's fine. The people complaining about being forced to buy a new system are just being idiots. You don't have to buy the new one if you already have a ps4.

8 years ago

Choppy 30fps is to blame…

8 years ago

Stable framerate is greater than any 60 > 30 fps bull. Majority of us don't care, take your whining elsewhere or stick to PC gaming.

8 years ago

So do you prefer The Last of Us's frame rate on PS3 vs PS4?

8 years ago

I can&#39t see Sony running scared before a product that&#39s not even been shown in public yet. Quite apart from anything else PS4 is a juggernaut with nearly twice the lifetime sales as Xbox One. The idea that they would be scared of the Nintendo NX, especially after the flop of the WiiU, seems wrong to me. I can&#39t help thinking that a lot of this speculation about Sony acting because of Nintendo is coming from the same place that demands that Sony respond to Xbox finally being able to talk to 3rd party game servers, even though Sony&#39s always supported that.

Honestly, I don&#39t see Sony dancing to Nintedo&#39s tune.

I do hope Sony hurries up and tells us what this thing is all about so the speculation can calm down. Of course, that means that the media response to a rumor will effectively force their hand in revealing information. But I don&#39t see much alternative at this point since the rumors appear to have the potential to damage PS4 sales.

8 years ago

Is odd that Sony hasn&#39t come out and denied anything.There could be some vality to the rumors although is probably a slim version of ps4 that can play 4k media, as for your question no.

8 years ago

They have already failed twice in a row in the past. N64 and gamecube back on back, then the wii came along.

Based on that it is safe to say they can fail again especially with the cash in the bank, but the real question is can nintendo fail 3 times?

8 years ago

Lol no. VR is.

8 years ago

I don&#39t think it&#39s a fear reaction by Nintendo. I think it&#39s Sony pulling another PSX type blunder, assuming all the info we&#39ve got so far is accurate.

8 years ago

It gonna be very sad if Sony ends killing Nintendo I just can&#39t see them recover if the NX fails.

8 years ago

I think Nintendo is blinded by the success of the Wii, and obsessed in finding a way to replicate that.

Why doesn&#39t Nintendo just become a software company? Perhaps they can keep their portable 3DS niche, but won&#39t they reach a larger audience if they just released their games on all the other platforms?

And instead of wasting money on yet another failed console, why not pool that money into developing the best Nintendo games ever? And then release them on the other consoles?

Oh wait…

4 years ago

Choppy 30fps is to blame…

8 years ago

So do you prefer The Last of Us&#39s frame rate on PS3 vs PS4?

8 years ago

I think if any of the big 3 put all their games on pc everybody would be jumping towards it.

Next step is for everyone to release on GOG, but that is another story.

8 years ago

I don&#39t get what&#39s wrong with Sony releasing a 4k ps4 really. Ps4 games will play on my ps4 anyway so I&#39m still fine. Don&#39t have/care about getting a 4k tv. If anything, a 4k tv doesn&#39t matter if your playing psvr. As far as I&#39m concerned, I can still play ps4 games on my current tv, everything is good. If the games suffer, then that&#39s one thing. But it&#39s just going to be no games would be 4k native, they&#39ll just be upscaled like on ps3. So if there&#39s more options, then that&#39s fine. The people complaining about being forced to buy a new system are just being idiots. You don&#39t have to buy the new one if you already have a ps4.

8 years ago

Stable framerate is greater than any 60 > 30 fps bull. Majority of us don&#39t care, take your whining elsewhere or stick to PC gaming.

8 years ago

Well considering all the options regarding the NX, Nintendo is either going to try and "innovate" like the Wii/U, or they are going to bring in a powerhouse (which I highly doubt).

Even if they do the latter, they will still be surpassed by the next Playstation/Xbox, so that leaves us with whatever "innovation" they are bringing with the NX.

And im willing to bet its not going to be that impressive. Other than more gimmicky motion stuff & VR (which Sony is clearly already doing) what else are they going to do?

I admit, I have a personal grudge against Nintendo and I refuse to purchase their gimmicky consoles just to play a few mario games. However, should Nintendo games be available for Consoles or even the PC, I would purchase them in a heartbeat. And I&#39m sure many of you would also.

8 years ago

Because they don&#39t have too. They still make money on their hardware.

8 years ago

So.. Nintendo&#39s new console is a failure already? Damn, must be nice living in the future. The rest of us don&#39t even know anything about the system yet that&#39s true. They&#39re working on third party support this time around, well they tried last gen too. It won&#39t be just first party this time so who knows what they have on store.

Also, their first party games were always the best with nintendo systems. I doubt they weren&#39t putting money on those. Point that finger to the third parties who crapped up the Wii game space to make a quick buck. They really need to get that nintendo seal of quality back up.

Last edited by johnld on 3/26/2016 5:48:20 AM

8 years ago


8 years ago

I was thinking the same thing. If that&#39s the case, perhaps it too will be limited to Japan?

8 years ago

Their hardware is profitable. They&#39re not going to destroy their business model as long as they are making money.

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