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Ben’s Week In Review: March 20

I know the entire world is talking about PlayStation VR but I think we've covered that enough, so I'll go with other news for this week's summary.

Final Fantasy XV on September 30? That might work

Had it not been for the aforementioned PSVR announcements and that business about a more powerful PS4 console , this would've been pretty big news:

Seems the cat is out of the bag concerning the worldwide launch date for Final Fantasy XV and if accurate, I like its positioning. Granted, I have no interest in the game but in terms of potential success, I think summer's end gives the title the best chance of success. I don't believe this franchise has the necessary pull anymore to compete with the current blockbusters during the fall rush; it would be terribly overshadowed by this year's new Call of Duty , for instance, and Watch Dogs 2 (which will likely take the place left vacant by Assassin's Creed in 2016) will be huge as well. We don't even know all the AAA titles scheduled for the fourth quarter yet, but I'm sure FFXV wouldn't fare well if it had to battle those games in October and November. September 30 seems just early enough: The hype is just getting rolling for the fall but nothing is really out yet, and we'll probably be coming off a pretty dry summer.

I don't see too many significant titles slated for July and August and typically, gamers are champing at the bit for hot new games after the mostly empty summer months. Therefore, FFXV could get a lot of attention if it lands in between that middle-year drought and the end-year blitz. And for the record, while I have no interest, I never once said the game will be of poor quality. I don't believe it will be. I just know it barely retains the elements of a role-playing game and I think the action is paramount, where how you press the buttons is just as – if not more – important than your planning and strategy. That's not what I turn to FF for and I never will.

PSN and Xbox Live players together? …well, whatever

Another huge piece of information overshadowed by PSVR was Microsoft's open invitation , as it were. It gave everyone the hope (or fear?) that PlayStation Network and Xbox Live players would some day come together playing online. Sony didn't refuse the offer but, in addition to reminding everyone that they helped champion cross-platform online functionality with Final Fantasy XI on PS2 and PC, they did say they were "happy to have the conversation." Not being a big multiplayer lover, this news doesn't really affect me much but I can see how big of an impact it would have. It's up to developers to make this work, of course, and I wonder where game makers stand on the issue. Is there an obvious benefit to enabling cross-platform play between Live and the PSN? Are there also disadvantages? It could actually hurt hardware sales, as a gamer would no longer have to say, "well damn, all my friends have PS4 and they're playing together, but I can't play because I've only got Xbox One."

Now, that person might go out and get a PS4. The reverse could also be true, regarding a PS4 player with friends who tend to play together on Live. But even so, if we're only talking about a few games here and there, I'm not sure it would matter much. I have heard PSN players scoffing at the idea, saying they have no interest in playing with the "screaming kids" on Xbox Live. I don't doubt for a second that the average age of a Live player is significantly lower than that of a PSN player, and I've heard many of my multiplatform-owning friends say the maturity level on Live is indeed a lot lower. Of course, it's not like the PSN is a bastion of civility and good manners but there is a difference, I believe.

Personal gaming update

I've been plugging away at Tom Clancy's The Division ; expect to see the review later on Monday. It's a fun game and well worth your attention if you're looking for a relatively fresh, in-depth, multiplayer experience with more of a brain than standard online experiences. I do have a few minor reservations but for the most part, I'm happy with Ubisoft's effort. Same goes for the new Hitman , which is absolutely fantastic for stealth fanatics. It's nice to see a developer that understands and acknowledges its fans, and gives them what they deserve: An upgraded, expanded-upon, properly advanced version of the series they love. It's an evolution while remaining loyal to the genre. It's not hard, Square Enix; you just refused to do it with your endless "must cater to the masses!" mantra tainting every move you've made in the last decade.

And of course, I'm understandably excited now that Uncharted 4: A Thief's End has gone gold . I think we all knew the last delay of a couple weeks would be the last, as it was merely a manufacturing hold-up and didn't involve actual development. At any rate, I'm good with May 10; it'll give me time to tackle and finish the Ratchet & Clank remake. Every time they release new media for that game, I come away very impressed. Lastly, one note about PlayStation VR: I obviously won't be pre-ordering the Launch Bundle and I won't be involved in VR entertainment of any kind, but yes, I will try it at some point. Not boarding this particular hype train has little to do with the product itself; it's merely a personal thing, and I do believe it will satisfy a great many.

Oh, and P.S.: Finally got that ultimate outfit – the Aegis – for Evie in Assassin's Creed Syndicate ! 🙂

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8 years ago

Just curious on how this will work, Ben.
If you're not going to do the VR bundle, then how will you be able to review all the upcoming VR game titles?

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

It's a total PSXExtreme mystery. I think he's going to dream up the reviews. Would be completely entertaining if I do say so myself.

8 years ago

Ben works in mysterious ways…

8 years ago

He'll do them the same way he does the reviews for most of the Niche Japanese games that come out :-)~

8 years ago

And since you seem to be in the know, exactly what way would that be?????

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

I'd be interested to know what "way" that is, too.

8 years ago

"I don't doubt for a second that the average age of a Live player is significantly lower than that of a PSN player, and I've heard many of my multiplatform-owning friends say the maturity level on Live is indeed a lot lower. Of course, it's not like the PSN is a bastion of civility and good manners but there is a difference, I believe."


Back when I played online on both consoles, the only difference I noticed was that more XBL players had headsets because the 360 came with one and the PS3 didn't. When PS3 players did have them, they were just as stupid as anyone else, on average.

The only place I've found people truly being generally civil is on Steam, and then only on VAC servers, because getting VAC banned is a quick ticket to not being able to play a ton of games you own online, not because PC gamers are any more 'mature'.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

So, in other words, this must mean the friends and acquaintances of mine must be just raving PlayStation fanboys (despite the fact that they all own both PS4 and Xbox One and actually tend to play on Live more often) and their feedback on the matter is therefore tainted or irrelevant.

When in fact it has exactly the same weight as yours. Or perhaps it doesn't, as you know more than everyone about everything.

8 years ago

It's just such a silly freaking argument, that I've only ever even seen brought up here. My experience isn't definitive, neither is that of your "friends and acquaintances", neither is TrueAssassin's when he said in the comments here that he thinks kids on PSN are worse. There are tens of millions of people on these services and nothing to suggest that one service is more "mature" than the other. I've just seen you make this argument so many times over the years that laughing about it is merely reflexive. No need to take offense.

8 years ago

Anyway, personal gaming update:

My son bought me God of War Saga for my birthday, which spoiled my plans to buy myself a PS4 (finally, I know, taking my sweet time), but I'm really enjoying going back through God of War III again. I really liked it the first time, but some recent events with people in my own life have put Kratos's mindset in a completely new light and, playing it with that perspective, it's been really fascinating.

8 years ago

Im still kinda meh over PlayStation VR. Im not gonna shell out 400.00 plus dollars for something that might die off a year or two from now no thank you.

You said a pretty dry summer ben? Well your kinda wrong ben between No Man's Sky June 21st and Deus Ex : Mankind Divided August 23rd this is enough to play. Hopefully i get done with both of them before FFXV comes out.

I have no intrest in dealing with "screaming kids" on either xbox live or Psn. Some people say theres more "screaming kids" on XBL then PSN. Well as owner of both consoles I've come across more "screaming kids" on PSN then XBL smh.

Personal Gaming Update. Been cranking away at Batman Arkham Asylum and BioShock on Ps3. Also just got Far Cry Primal and Dying light The Following Enhanced Edition for Ps4. I have to say who needs Rise Of The Tomb Rader on Ps4 when theres Far Cry Primal. Lol

Last edited by TrueAssassin86x on 3/20/2016 7:14:21 AM

8 years ago

I really despise "annoying" kids with mics online. The unnecessary sound effects, yelling, whining, etc. So much attention seeking behavior. Then you have the rude brats, racist pompous idiots, and the delusional b*stards.

But then a lot if this can be said about adult gamers too!!!! Lol

8 years ago

"Aegis" *heavenly music plays* Evie is badass!!! And so is the Division. Level 18 now. The story is very loose, but the overall game is solid. The RPG looting and stat building is pretty genius.

I do hate the bullet sponges though. And coop leveling/balancing needs to be addressed. Frustrating playing a lvl 16 mission with two lvl 14 players (I'm lvl 17 at this point) because those characters don't do as much damage, but the enemies get stronger because "coop". Ubisoft needs to balance that because the boss section becomes impossible. Ineffective partners vs a more capable boss. I literally quit, solo'd the mission and moved on with life compared to that 2 hr underleveled coop fiasco! Lol

Pops gotta Samsung 7 with that VR set up….yea doesn't impress. I know that thing isn't comparable to Sony's VR, but I'm pretty sure the head gear will be just as annoying.

Last edited by FM23 on 3/20/2016 10:58:03 AM

8 years ago

Think you can't get busty fun time fighting baddies on the beach? Senran Kagura Estival Versus escaped the censors.

Great Japanese brawler.

8 years ago

What censors?

8 years ago

The ones that don't like risque Japanese games coming over here intact in the case of some, or at all in the case of DOAX3 (which is what I was alluding to there).

8 years ago

So you're upset at Tecmo 'censoring' their own game by not releasing it here for purely financial reasons?

8 years ago

It's more complex than that.

8 years ago

Nah, if the game would make money here they would sell it here.

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

Literally just two weeks ago I was pretty close to buying a Wii U for Pokken Tournament but held off due to not knowing the forecast, and the haps with NX.

Can an expert Nintedoer advise me on my Pokken future purchase?

8 years ago

Just curious on how this will work, Ben.
If you&#39re not going to do the VR bundle, then how will you be able to review all the upcoming VR game titles?

8 years ago

He&#39ll do them the same way he does the reviews for most of the Niche Japanese games that come out :-)~

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

It&#39s a total PSXExtreme mystery. I think he&#39s going to dream up the reviews. Would be completely entertaining if I do say so myself.

8 years ago

Ben works in mysterious ways…

8 years ago

What censors?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

So, in other words, this must mean the friends and acquaintances of mine must be just raving PlayStation fanboys (despite the fact that they all own both PS4 and Xbox One and actually tend to play on Live more often) and their feedback on the matter is therefore tainted or irrelevant.

When in fact it has exactly the same weight as yours. Or perhaps it doesn&#39t, as you know more than everyone about everything.

8 years ago

And since you seem to be in the know, exactly what way would that be?????

8 years ago

Im still kinda meh over PlayStation VR. Im not gonna shell out 400.00 plus dollars for something that might die off a year or two from now no thank you.

You said a pretty dry summer ben? Well your kinda wrong ben between No Man&#39s Sky June 21st and Deus Ex : Mankind Divided August 23rd this is enough to play. Hopefully i get done with both of them before FFXV comes out.

I have no intrest in dealing with "screaming kids" on either xbox live or Psn. Some people say theres more "screaming kids" on XBL then PSN. Well as owner of both consoles I&#39ve come across more "screaming kids" on PSN then XBL smh.

Personal Gaming Update. Been cranking away at Batman Arkham Asylum and BioShock on Ps3. Also just got Far Cry Primal and Dying light The Following Enhanced Edition for Ps4. I have to say who needs Rise Of The Tomb Rader on Ps4 when theres Far Cry Primal. Lol

Last edited by TrueAssassin86x on 3/20/2016 7:14:21 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

I&#39d be interested to know what "way" that is, too.

8 years ago

Anyway, personal gaming update:

My son bought me God of War Saga for my birthday, which spoiled my plans to buy myself a PS4 (finally, I know, taking my sweet time), but I&#39m really enjoying going back through God of War III again. I really liked it the first time, but some recent events with people in my own life have put Kratos&#39s mindset in a completely new light and, playing it with that perspective, it&#39s been really fascinating.

8 years ago

"I don&#39t doubt for a second that the average age of a Live player is significantly lower than that of a PSN player, and I&#39ve heard many of my multiplatform-owning friends say the maturity level on Live is indeed a lot lower. Of course, it&#39s not like the PSN is a bastion of civility and good manners but there is a difference, I believe."


Back when I played online on both consoles, the only difference I noticed was that more XBL players had headsets because the 360 came with one and the PS3 didn&#39t. When PS3 players did have them, they were just as stupid as anyone else, on average.

The only place I&#39ve found people truly being generally civil is on Steam, and then only on VAC servers, because getting VAC banned is a quick ticket to not being able to play a ton of games you own online, not because PC gamers are any more &#39mature&#39.

8 years ago

It&#39s just such a silly freaking argument, that I&#39ve only ever even seen brought up here. My experience isn&#39t definitive, neither is that of your "friends and acquaintances", neither is TrueAssassin&#39s when he said in the comments here that he thinks kids on PSN are worse. There are tens of millions of people on these services and nothing to suggest that one service is more "mature" than the other. I&#39ve just seen you make this argument so many times over the years that laughing about it is merely reflexive. No need to take offense.

8 years ago

I really despise "annoying" kids with mics online. The unnecessary sound effects, yelling, whining, etc. So much attention seeking behavior. Then you have the rude brats, racist pompous idiots, and the delusional b*stards.

But then a lot if this can be said about adult gamers too!!!! Lol

8 years ago

Think you can&#39t get busty fun time fighting baddies on the beach? Senran Kagura Estival Versus escaped the censors.

Great Japanese brawler.

8 years ago

"Aegis" *heavenly music plays* Evie is badass!!! And so is the Division. Level 18 now. The story is very loose, but the overall game is solid. The RPG looting and stat building is pretty genius.

I do hate the bullet sponges though. And coop leveling/balancing needs to be addressed. Frustrating playing a lvl 16 mission with two lvl 14 players (I&#39m lvl 17 at this point) because those characters don&#39t do as much damage, but the enemies get stronger because "coop". Ubisoft needs to balance that because the boss section becomes impossible. Ineffective partners vs a more capable boss. I literally quit, solo&#39d the mission and moved on with life compared to that 2 hr underleveled coop fiasco! Lol

Pops gotta Samsung 7 with that VR set up….yea doesn&#39t impress. I know that thing isn&#39t comparable to Sony&#39s VR, but I&#39m pretty sure the head gear will be just as annoying.

Last edited by FM23 on 3/20/2016 10:58:03 AM

8 years ago

So you&#39re upset at Tecmo &#39censoring&#39 their own game by not releasing it here for purely financial reasons?

8 years ago

The ones that don&#39t like risque Japanese games coming over here intact in the case of some, or at all in the case of DOAX3 (which is what I was alluding to there).

8 years ago

It&#39s more complex than that.

Banky A
Banky A
4 years ago

Literally just two weeks ago I was pretty close to buying a Wii U for Pokken Tournament but held off due to not knowing the forecast, and the haps with NX.

Can an expert Nintedoer advise me on my Pokken future purchase?

8 years ago

Nah, if the game would make money here they would sell it here.

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