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What Will Make You Buy Nintendo’s NX?

We know very little about it at this point, but what are your requirements when it comes to Nintendo's mysterious "NX" system?

As I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the SNES, I doubt the company can deliver anything I'll want, but I'm not about to give up hope.

If the NX is a bit more powerful than PlayStation 4, that won't convince me of anything. I don't care much about that kind of thing; I never really did. And it certainly isn't sweetening the deal if you tell me Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy VII Remake might be better on the NX …as both games will basically blow hardcore (from my perspective, mind you), I couldn't possibly care less. A niftier gimmick won't do anything for me, either. No, if Nintendo wants me to buy their console, they're probably going to have to do a few things I know they won't do.

Making a new mascot for the first time in three decades would be a start. Yeah, Mario, Samus, and Link were a part of my childhood, too, but you'd think they could give us a new face at some point. And yes, you can improve on formulas by retaining their original charm and style, as many other developers have proved. Zelda could be a great open-world action/adventure, if done correctly, and the possibilities for Metroid are freakin' endless if Nintendo would just remember the word "innovation." But beyond all that, I'd like a normal system . Stop with the gimmicks; just give me a regular ol' console that is an obvious step up from the Wii U, that gives me experiences I really can't have on any other system (despite the aging mascots, Ninty's first-party mascots are still a draw, as is the gameplay associated with them), and I'll consider it.

I've already passed on Xbox One this generation and I could use another console. Wii U was just a really bad joke, as far as I was concerned, and I will never again be a PC gamer. Nintendo NX looks like the last opportunity to be a multi-console owner this generation, and it really isn't out of the realm of possibility. It would make for a decent complement to the PS4, provided Nintendo gives me something I actually want. If not, well, I've still got the SNES.

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8 years ago

What was the last Zelda game you finished Ben? Curious.

Also, forgive me if you've answered this before, did you like the Metroid Prime Series?

I can understand if you're board of their decades old IP's but I personally feel like they have kept the gameplay fresh over the years. Which is kinda their staple. Mechanics.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

Never finished a Zelda. Got to the end of A Link to the Past when I was a kid but I never completed it. I want to go back and do that.

Metroid Prime…meh. Nothing about Mario is "fresh," that's for sure, and nothing about Zelda appears to be fresh. It has basically been the same action/adventure concept in terms of gameplay since Ocarina of Time. Metroid Prime was indeed different but it wasn't that great, and that was 15 years ago. What have they done since with that series?

8 years ago

I actually was going to get a WiiU for the exclusives (like I did with the Wii), but I read Nintendo announced this so I decided to wait, I'm susprised they are going to release another console this fast, but whatever I would get it for the exclusives.

8 years ago

@Ben Dutka
great article Ben! I'm glad you made this article and used my article yesterday as a reference! ^_^

I never owned 2 consoles in each generation, I'm satisfied with just 1 console every generation. My last Nintendo console is the NES and I never bought SNES. I just used an emulator to play SNES games. Since the first PlayStation came out, I've been in love with the brand and I don't want to own another console brand other than PlayStation. To put it simply, I'll never buy a Nintendo NX even if their games are superior to PS4 versions. ^_^

8 years ago

Being Nintendo, they don't need to do anything to get me to buy. They have always put out a system that is good wholesome family fun. Something I look for in a console these days for the kids. I also enjoy the staples such as Mario and Zelda. A new Metroid is the only thing I hold my breath for. Sold.

8 years ago

I probably won't buy it. I'm more interested in the VR right now.

8 years ago

New ips,decent specs and a real controller,doubt any of them will happen although weider stuff has happened.

mk ultra
mk ultra
8 years ago

Not getting it unless it's ground breaking somehow and I just have to have it. Since last gen I stopped buying multiple consoles although I did eventually get a Wii pretty much for Skyward Sword. With the cost of everything I can't get it all and I'd rather maximize my experience with one console than split the resources between two or three. This has allowed me to get a very large library, my driving/flight simulator and soon VR.

8 years ago

Nintendo'll need something new. Not just a quick gimmick, but something totally new and revolutionary. A variation of Ps4/XB1 just won't cut it. I doubt they'll have anything like that. Yeah, they'll probably let you play mobile games on it, but big deal. The Wii/WiiU hurt a lot. and with today's prices (and the fact NX is apparently a 2 part system), it'll take a lot to justify buying them.

In other words, i doubt I'll be buying. Sure, I'll enter to win one, but that's about it.

8 years ago

Nothing, i'm happy with my ps4 and xbox one.

8 years ago

Nintendo lost me years ago. Only reason I might consider it is for my kids.

8 years ago

I'm not at all excited about what I'm hearing which is unfortunate. A handheld and home console? And you need both to make it more powerful? Meh that's a mess.

I considered a WiiU for the exclusives then the announced the NX. I'm waiting until I hear a price and more details but I'll probably end up passing on both in the end.

8 years ago

Perhaps if Nintendo acquired a third-party developer to bolster their exclusives (while also negating said franchises from other platforms), that might work: like Take 2 to get Rockstar, Bethesda, Ubisoft, even Sega would be cool. Or go even bigger and merge with EA, Activison, Valve. I haven't looked at any financials, so have no idea which of these Nintendo could pull off. But IMO, they need a massive transformation, and must make some bold moves… their classic franchises just don't excite me any more, and I think their execs have lost touch with today's gamers.

Besides that, maybe if they gave away the consoles for free, I would definitely buy some software.

8 years ago

Nintendo NX for the Xeno series and PlayStation brand for the rest of my RPGs. simple as that. Monolith soft dispanded from Square and Namco. It seems that nintendos the one really investing in them so that they can finally spread their wings.

8 years ago

It would have to be pretty revolutionary.

8 years ago

It'd probably have to be an android that walks and talks and stuff.

Still hoping for the Dreamcast 2 specialty machine Sega is warming up to and/or the other rumored Sega machine.

8 years ago

I haven't really cared about Nintendo since the first playstation came out, but now I'm engaged and there are two young kids in the picture and the wii u they got for Christmas all of a sudden has a much more relevant library of games. What's even better is that they're into what I was into at they're age. So, to answer your question, as long as nintendo puts out stuff the kids like, I'll probably be getting one. I would prefer an architecture that doesn't alienate third party developers. It might be goodbye to Sony for a while at least. We'll see. Little big planet has also been a gigantic hit in the house.

8 years ago

Another really fun game for kids on the PS4 is Rayman Legends. My niece and nephew (2 & 4) love that game!

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