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Ben’s Week In Review: February 7

A big week here as the new contributors will start, so expect to see all sorts of fresh stuff! 🙂

Sooooo can't wait for Mirror's Edge Catalyst

If you didn't already know, I adored the original . Now, while I know the sequel won't have the same puzzle-solving element (a lot of the first game involved figuring out how to progress to the next area), I still think it has tremendous promise.

I was worried it would go completely open-world, and that it would focus more on the action; ala the gunplay. Thankfully, though, I think I got a happy medium and it's the best I can hope for: Firstly, DICE confirmed the game would indeed be more open than the first one, but you unlock more of the world as you progress . That's not sandbox and the focus should remain on the unfolding narrative, so I'm good with that. Then they announced that they'd completely ditched the guns , which was a damn good idea. Yeah, now there will be a heftier emphasis on hand-to-hand combat but I can deal. And based on the footage I've seen so far, I'm stoked.

I'm hoping to get into that closed beta test later, too. I'm not entirely sure what it is they want to test, but I'd love to dive into this one early. Oh, and if you haven't checked out the latest trailer , you really need to; it's well worth your time. Catalyst could very well be one of my favorite games of 2016…

…the only problem is that another of my most anticipated games comes out at almost exactly the same time

And that's the freshly dated Doom , which is now launching on May 13. The new Mirror's Edge lands on May 24 so yeah, those two are gonna take up most of my time that month. I've got no interest in the Collector's Edition for Doom but that new trailer is just bad-ass and I really haven't played a great FPS campaign in a while. Call of Duty: Black Ops III was fine but I think Doom is a very different animal; it's a throwback to the days when shooters were just about over-the-top monster craziness. You know, Doom , Duke Nukem , Heretic , Serious Sam , etc. Like I said, I have my reasons for putting id Software's latest near the top of my most-wanted list for the year. And I'm willing to bet that I'm not the only one.

If a miracle occurred and Insomniac announced Resistance 4 , that would quickly rocket up the list in question, but I'm really not holding my breath.

Personal gaming update

I loved it on Vita and while it's plenty good on PS4, Gravity Rush Remastered is a good example of handheld games that don't quite translate to the bigger screen. While some of the positives are indeed amplified, it seems like all the negatives are enhanced, and this puts a minor damper on the experience. The bottom line is that I think Gravity Rush was always meant to be played on the Vita, and that's that. However, if you don't own Sony's portable and you've always wanted to try this game, you should definitely give it a go on PS4. As for other games, I've been playing Rocket League on and off just 'cuz it's so damn fun, and I'll be restarting Assassin's Creed Syndicate on Monday. I will beat that game.

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8 years ago

I'm torn between Doom and Mirrors edge as well. I wish I didn't have to choose, because they both look so awesome but I can't afford both of them.

Also Dark Souls 3 comes out before Doom and yeah this summer actually has a lot of good games lined up, no drought.


I've been playing a whole lot of split screen rocket league…that game reminds me of the good old days, getting together with friends at a sleepover staying up lat and playing Golden eye or something. It is consistently fun even when you are losing. Sometimes the ball does some really messed up things which cause a little rage but man what a good game.

Steam sale is on right now for anyone who PC games there are a lot of good sales check it out if you want.

Other than that I am not buying any games until Dark souls 3, although Tomb raider was just released on the PC and it is might tempting!

Last edited by xenris on 2/6/2016 11:18:37 PM

8 years ago

What's comin in the summer?

8 years ago

Well I counted Doom and Mirrors edge as summer, but I don't actually think May counts as summer that's my bad.

But we get Deus Ex in August, No Mans Sky in June, Mighty Number 9 and Overwatch sometime in quarter 2 or 3 so Summer time.

Lots of games coming out this year and not enough money or time!!

8 years ago

I never did play through Mirror's Edge, despite the fact having liked the demo. I will say the game series seems perfectly suited for the VR push this year. I have no doubt the devs see it's potential there as well.

Doom looks awesome. I'm glad they seemed to have ditched the hallway scares of DOOM3 and moved back to more open and frantic demonic killing carnage. While I may not buy it right away, I will play it.

Game releases look to get busy again for me in April, with games like Uncharted 4, Dark Souls III, Ratchet and Clank Remake, and Star Fox. Though I will say U4 will be the only day one no-brainer purchase for me of the lot.

PGU: I've stayed true to my goal and devoted my free game time (not a lot) to Witcher 3. I've done some cool quests. The game impresses me most in scale and quality of dialogue and a overlly non-rushed feeling to many of it's quests. That is, quests could end much sooner than they do had they wanted. Instead, things often feel deeply fleshed out. It's nice.

I also read the DF's praising of Witcher 2 some weeks back and snagged it from the current Steam sale for $3, just to check it out. Surprisingly, it seems to hold up quite well. Feeling like something not quite this-gen but not quite last-gen either, at ultra settings anyway. I think PS Witcher 3 fans would do well to voice an enhanced edition PC port of Witcher 2. The small amount I played of it, convinced me it'd be very worthwhile to fans.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/6/2016 11:25:30 PM

8 years ago

Yeah Doom was always part corridor shooter and part open space gunbrawl. I'm glad it isn't enclosed again.

8 years ago

Bummer. I was hoping Gravity Rush would've translated better to PS4. No real reason to pay full price for it again. Hopefully they will have fixed some of the issues you have with it in the sequel.

PGU: Hahaha still playing MGS5. My PS4 is basically a MGS5 dedicated machine. I only take small breaks to play a few USFIV matches and I have been playing Battlefront here and there. Which is pretty fun. Been on kind of a Star Wars kick since I watched Episode VII. Which is strange because I've always sorta liked Star Wars. Would never consider myself a "super fan". Kinda want to pick up the LEGO Force Awakens game too. Looks much improved over the previous LEGO anything game entries.

8 years ago

It really should have, it played well on Vita and the DS4 has all you need. Someone dropped the ball.

8 years ago

Not sure if Ben mentioned it in his review, didn't read it but I seems it runs at 60fps and the motion controls can be turned off. I may pick this up.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
8 years ago

It will great to have some additional writers to the site. I look forward to reading them. I would love to do one, but aside from lack of proper English diction, I'm also cramped for time, not unlike everyone these days. Still, it would be a nice way to further prevent brain atrophy.

PGU: Still working my way through the big three. It's been like this for months now… Far Cry 4 PS4, Chrono Trigger Vita, and Deus Ex:HR director's cut PC. Those catch 22 endings of DE are brutal to choose from.

8 years ago

If you ever change your mind I proofread for free and should mention although I fall into the time trap too that's mostly an issue of being on top of the news.

Other content can be written during on the fly in a free half hour and posted up rather quickly before bed once you know how to use the ass-backwards system which, while nuts, actually gives me less trouble than WordPress.

8 years ago

I am so in for Doom is isn't even funny. Looks like someone understands the original fan base.

Sorry no sunday article today I had company and chose to goof off all day.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/7/2016 12:20:27 PM

mk ultra
mk ultra
8 years ago

Good luck to all the new contributers! I look forward to reading your work.

Both Mirrors Edge and Doom look great. Looking at everything announced already, it looks like it's going to be a pretty stacked year.

PGU: Still just kicking around Rocket League, Black Ops 3, and MKX with my friends. More and more of my time is being used playing co op and multiplayer with friends. I need a good long me only game soon.

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